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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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Are those new stills?  So intense. YJ and JSJ looks like they trust each other in some way. JH is in the room too. Whoa. What will happen?  And again please more kisses and happy ending.


Thank you for those gifs. So lovely JeNa are. Awwww :wub:


You can wait on ep 15 if you want. But i watched it because i don't want to miss any details. And so i get some OTP moments. All my heart tells me is to please have a happy ending.

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i think everything's end with cloud 9 

we were ready since we know that the leads was acting in cloud 9

so the brother going to us ANNA to force YH or JH to gave him the control over cloud 9 ( the quiestion who going to gave that first to save ANNA)

SJ there he will have honest talking with YJ for the first maybe after what happen 14 years ago

the bomb going to destroy JSS in the end , the quiestion who going to die there with it 

JH speech to YJ to gave up on cloud 9 power and to choice to happy going to be meaningful in YJ end   the quiestion how ?

  • is YJ  going to gave on cloud 9 to save ANNA , SJ and JH anyone of them or for all of them and if she do that she will walk free with them and the uncle stay and die
  • is YJ going to get gun shoot for ANNA or SJ, JH and if that happen she will die ?or survive ?
  • is YJ going to  refuse to leave cloud 9 and die with it
  • is SJ for once going to be a good man and father and for once save YJ and ANNA who still suffering from his choices in life???
  • are we going to have YJ and SJ  lose everything  with could 9 but they decide to start over together and maybe have ANNA accept that family  if YJ didn't kill her mother and they can be family again ( and the write want us tog forgave all the crazy and evil things YJ and SJ did in the past )

so many i can go on more but i will wait to see the only road the writer will choice , and he can choice anything it his game and he made sure to keep hidden cards and hidden feeling between the four leads till now so he can choice whatever he want 


@julie721 eooni sure our club still on , we just were trying to be nice and we tried to hate him less since he really had little air time ( we nice people we said we cant gave him more hated then his air time , he suffering enough getting less air time :joy:)

but look like the writer going to gave him and YJ chance to be free from us  :expressionless:


i just hope we get more happy ending scenes with our OTP after all what going to happen i cloud 9 no matter what going to happen 


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32 minutes ago, blindfury said:

BTS of the BTS. JCW's doggy is cute.

The real political happenings in Seoul. 1 million people from all over KR in SEOUl protesting against the president.

yes it crazy over there  now

it hard time there people really  lose their faith on that man

it start with the other half of the drama that why drama stopped go up with rating

 KOREAN even write on so many sites that when they  saw SJS scene playing and having fun in the police station that make them  think of how that really  politician not having  a really  investigation , and when SJ and YJ make that fake story and made themselves looking like victim and gain pity from people . there was so many article's in naver and other Korean blog that people making fun of that man ( in really life) and that what he said  to the  reporters week before was acting and full of lies

the writer  making fun of the what going there with his way , he voicing the angry voice of the people who angry  from the politicians lies  by using his  drama

for a not hit drama as they said , sure THE k2  having so much interesting from people in Korea , there were people saying they cant watch it since it hard with what going there and cause it show the really dirty of the politic world , more even there people who said they watching it for the same reason but both side using the THE k2 GIF TO make fun of what happening with the really politicians life 


p.s. i understand the Korean people feeling i am so sick of the crazy and evil people in this drama since i know that in really life there people like them but how i was going to feel if i watched it and in my country right now having a really life politics lies and untruest problems ( even more hard if it was  a drama from my country not Korea drama ) that hard i feel them i am sick from really life politician too

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Watching the engsub right now...  I just finished the part where YJ and JH said goodbye to each other,  that scene is moving. Am I weird that despite of the betrayals and harsh words they exchange last episode I can still sense that these two are BFFs in there own cold war.???  Clearly,  YJ is concern with JH condition,  if he is able to make and JH is also concern to YJ,  making sure Mirror will close the door immediately when he leave. And the advice he gave to YJ to just give up cloud 9.. These 2 , that's what BFFs does to each other even they fight.  (sorry for the YJ JH shippers for the BFFs connection,  I like there interaction but i still don't ship them)

The villains interaction on this drama is also funny and interesting.. So much mind games. But YJ is the best! 

I'll continue watching.. Now.. 

PS: so JH really change his hairstyle haha, how handsome..  Hahaha

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59 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:



You can wait on ep 15 if you want. But i watched it because i don't want to miss any details. And so i get some OTP moments. All my heart tells me is to please have a happy ending.

I'll be courageous and see the 15 ep, i wouldnt stand another sad ending 

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Wow. Wow. Wow. Ep 15 was daebak! Love the way the story has headed especially in relation to how JH treats YJ. I like that he wants her happy and safe. Some people have commented that this show should be renamed CYJ because she dominates the story but I see this as a story where an evil woman whose heart has grown cold due to the constant betrayal by the men in her life and how her heart is now warm again by a bodyguard codename K2. I was so happy that JH considered her safety...I think even if she dies, she can die happy knowing someone like JH who doesn't worship her or is her slave cared for her. They would have been best of friends if they'd met under better circumstances.

Two scenes I like in this ep: the one where ajumma bade Anna goodbye...made me tear up. The other was how Samchon tried to con his noona into believing that he also has a sad love story...the way he threw his tantrum was hilarious. He is truly the clown in this story. :lol:

I think K2 will remain alive...the part in the preview where he said "I swear"? I think that might be him standing as a witness at the International Crime Court. Believing the show would end on a happy note or at least satisfactorily. Just hope the treatment will be heartwarming and not cheesy. Pleaase pleaase pleaase! Chebai!

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7 minutes ago, notohaterfans said:

This siblings... SW is trolled.. Like I believe his story that he had a woman he loved..  Hahaha 


dear i said even in the live streaming that i hope their father from hell  happy and proud watching his blood like this to each other ( i was so sick of both of them even to write about while doing the live streaming , what a mess family they have )

and when JH point that they go so far when it come to each other and money and the uncle answer " that  is in our family " and YJ smile i was like " oh really like we needed to hear from them to know that that whole family is a big crazy and mess one "

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28 minutes ago, notohaterfans said:

This siblings... SW is trolled.. Like I believe his story that he had a woman he loved..  Hahaha 

yes she living in monster world she wouldn't be still the one who winning over all of them is she wasn't more crazy and evil then them , she should choice to let go so many years ago, but she now gave her evil little brother a lesson of " when you try to do evil things do it right brother just like i do i dont gave another chance and i can kill even children to save myself "

she should take JSS and money and power and leave SJ and start her life and have happiness she should did and not waste her life want more and wanted JB and stay in that family ( i feel pity for her grown in that crazy family really pity , but as JH said to her " no one run your life for you" she the one who choice to stay in that game since she really wanted the family heir , even as victim she still have the same evil and  the not mercy  feeling or understand to other pain and life , it as the brother said it how they grow up in that family , they have that crazy blood and thinking ) the brother the same he have JB, he have so many but want cloud 9 too

the father should know better he had grow monster not children and he teach them to want everything or losing everything's in life 

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6 minutes ago, notohaterfans said:

Done!  Aish!!!!!!  Villains here... 

JH is definitely an Android...  

Can somebody PM me a link for live stream??  

I stand in my theory that it was YJ father who is behind UHR's killing.  


on this twitter page they going to post more then one links for the live streaming ( they usually  post it hour before the airing )

so you can check it and choice what link will work for you ( wait till they post it or see the one they post yesterday if it still working )



and that what they post yesterday 


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Yesterday's rating was the best Friday rating ever. However, for today I will not be surprised if we fall before previous weeks. The ,arch against the president has attracted over 1 million people. It will definitely impact Seoul ratings and hence overall rating.

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1 hour ago, notohaterfans said:

This siblings... SW is trolled.. Like I believe his story that he had a woman he loved..  Hahaha 

yepp, Choi siblings makes me cringe. they are willing to kill each other over money and pride. and JSJ makes me sick. he's a total jerk with no excuse. such a crazy world but it's totally exist in real world. those politicians. JehAnna better run, away from those ppl. 

how many hours we got left? 

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12 minutes ago, blindfury said:

Yesterday's rating was the best Friday rating ever. However, for today I will not be surprised if we fall before previous weeks. The ,arch against the president has attracted over 1 million people. It will definitely impact Seoul ratings and hence overall rating.


yes me too  agree that why i dont care what the rating today 

and sure TVN and the company know and aware of that more and better then us since they living there and know more how it important and big what happening now 

sadly some other fans from other country may not get that and blame the ep and the ending herself for that :joy:

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