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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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@valsava I am sorry but with 4 episodes remaining and no concrete mention of YJ's dad, other than a fleeting one, I don't see your theory coming true. It would get too weird and messy than it already is. Also, the flashbacks with SJ-UHR and Anna were telling. Sorry but I don't buy it.

@perfectsmilebias LOL your bias is showing and basically dripping with your vitriol for Anna.:lol: You are forgetting that Anna is just emerging from her forced cocoon..no one comes out in the world, street smart and a strategist. Especially not a hostage. YJ was never kept hostage, she watched and learned all the tricks and strategies thanks to her dad and her education. You live and learn. YJ probably made her share of mistakes in the past which made her look and feel pretty stupid. We just never got to see that. But we are seeing Anna turn into a smart cookie in front of our eyes. She has grown leaps and bounds by herself and with JH's help. Just because we dislike a character, doesn't mean we refuse to see their growth or even regression.

And about JH-YJ. JH never trusted her and never will. He knows what a ruthless murderer she is. That's why in Could 9, he was doing research on HER and not Minister Park. And he does not try to keep away Anna from his troubles because he thinks she is weak or unable to understand his pain. He does that because he feels like she has already suffered enough and he wants to give her some happiness before the war. Protecting someone from pain doesnot mean you don't respect that person or think they are stupid.


1 hour ago, anipanch said:

Well I can't help it I see it differently.  For me this is how it goes: JH actually trusts and understands YJ very much for what he is very confused and wants to confirm to himself that she is worth his trust and loyalty, that's why he wants to know everything about YJ, to finally decide what to choose and if it's worth fighting alongside her or not.

It's fine that you see it differently but the way your constructed your sentence, it seemed like you were pointing at some of us for deliberately not seeing the obvious in JH-YJ.

47 minutes ago, ashvaugn said:

This I agree.. I hope the viewers have focused on the scene where JH was in the CLOUD 9 on ep 12, notice the SMIRK he did when he asked the mirror on whether on not it will answer all questions about CYJ. I believe he has got some tricks in his mind. I think in his mind he still is conflicted on his trust with YJ. He is not dumb. 

And geez relax on some peepz here real life is not all about butterflies and rainbows and unicorns.. less we expect on a drama, a kdrama per se. Doubts, and misunderstanding  is inevitable in any relationship. That is what will make their relationship stronger. 

Just because he is not actively helping AN with the murder case, does not mean he does not care, I think the reason why JH went to confront YJ was because he was finding ways on helping AN too, and him having access to the mirror will help AN and help him find tool on his revenge with PKS.Too. That is how I see it, but at the back of my head there is a downside on his sudden access of cloud 9. I sense a trap. I hope he finds  a way out of it aftr he has collected much information.  

He has a lot on his plate, He guards Anna at night, some days he guards YJ atdaytime, investigates on his revenge on PKS, on top of that he just spend half of episode 11 fighting the baddies physically and emotionally, and before I forget , this guy has PTSD.

He is an emotionally and physically tired character in this drama. Him being actively involved on helping with Anna's case is already too much for him to handle. He does what is the best that he can do for Anna. I know Anna does not see it that way.. but that's why it is a drama.. so writers can create misunderstandings for the couple to work on.. and they will overcome, just like how many OTP's are in a kdrama. 

One thing, anna popping pills will surely create a bigger problem in the future episodes. I can sense it. 



THIS! JH deserves a lot more credit than we are giving right now. He is smart as a whip and definitely not dumb enough to take YJ's word about the murder. He will turn everything around and emerge a winner in the end with Anna. Every relationship goes through misunderstandings and angst, why would we expect any less from Jehanna? Why only they have to be perfect? I think both of them have valid reasons to not come forth with their suspicions. JH wants to protect Anna from more pain and Anna is wondering about JH still being with YJ, even after knowing her whole story. Any girl would wonder. Doesnot make their relationship weak and definitely should not be a reason for some people to gloat :P It is still healthier than the mess of the relationship JH and YJ are in.

With Cloud 9, I don't think he is as trusted as he is made to believe. I think YJ is checking his loyalty. The minute he accesses even remotely dangerous to her, Mirror will shut down and maybe shut him after informing YJ about it.

Oooo, about the pills. I foresee Anna getting sick and JH saying "You can't do that to your body. You are mine, remember." :wub:Thus he helping her wean off of them. Bring on the angst and misunderstandings, I am ready for it to make my OTP stronger than ever. THIS is what builds unshakable trust you guys. Don't be sad, watch it strengthen their relationship.

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30 minutes ago, fifie said:

seriously..the devil come true..Yoojin is really bad..whatever the reason still she cannot easily do her things like killing and hurting other people..atleast ANNa appa defend her daughter.. that what hes can atleast finally do as a father..i really love the ost part 5  Park Kwang Sun  as time stops..really give the meaning from JEHA side to Anna..oh My God..i really love that song.. when the lyrics.."since when its start?im following you like a child, im drunk in love,.as the poison is spreading"..give me goosebump!!





Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the video. I have been looking for this song since it aired first. I'll have to look up the English translation. Thank you <3

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18 hours ago, valsava said:

@noona88 It would be something if mirrow will only respond to his voice commands and not hers anymore.. LMAO


LOL I would totally love this plot! :D Jeha face, that eyebeam when mirror told him he has unlimited access... :phew: :D


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5 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

No he doesnot trust YJ, he never has and never will. But he knows how her mind works which is why he is sure that she didnot kill UHR directly. He is yet unaware that the Secretary kills for YJ without her direction. When he does, he will realize how UHR died. Just because YJ didnot give the kill order, it doesnot mean she is not guilty. Aiding, abetting or assisting a murderer is also a crime. Besides she did mess with UHR's case and had it wrongfully closed by having it be called a suicide. JH will be realizing that soon enough.


im with you chingoo! he just knows how her mind works. ( @YourHighness . i really like the way your mind works too. hahah i agree with everything you says) and about uri otp angst i also agree with you, its normal thing every otp in kdrama has those moments. but eventually they will overcome it. and after that we will have uri PASSIONATE KISSUEE!!! squeeeeeeeee!!! hahahahha 

and guys i dont think AN is YJ half sister, its too twisted. naaah.. too much makjang. and i dont think shes trying to protect AN too? like what? she's always  trying to kill her remember?. Song Yoona did a great job potraying YJ and like what you guys saying the character has many layers and interesting but in the end she is the main villain here. i think she will either die or go to prison. same goes for secretary, sjs, pgs and sw.. i trust JH. i trust K2 he will not die. andweeee. nah nah. hahahha every drama has its angst moments/episodes dont be negative guys! i still believe JH and AN will have a happy ending. (after watching taxi and after the rooftop scene where JH asked AN to go to spain well yeah im sure lol) am i the only one who thinks that way? :flushed:

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i dont know if the plot getting bigger or its getting to close to end. really confusing..i just want my OTP together to trust each other...i want to get angry at ANNA for just innocently believing uncle like that. but when thinking twice, she got no choice because JEHA still with CYJ. i really want JEHA to help her other than uncle. i cannot blame JEHA also as i think people surrounding him like Master Song also has something hidden.. really hate ep 12!!alot unnecessary scenes like the head jss with head police..bla..bla..!otttoke..only left with 2 weeks!!











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1 hour ago, YourHighness . said:

LOL your bias is showing and basically dripping with your vitriol for Anna.:lol: You are forgetting that Anna is just emerging from her forced cocoon..no one comes out in the world, street smart and a strategist. Especially not a hostage. YJ was never kept hostage, she watched and learned all the tricks and strategies thanks to her dad and her education. You live and learn. YJ probably made her share of mistakes in the past which made her look and feel pretty stupid. We just never got to see that. But we are seeing Anna turn into a smart cookie in front of our eyes. She has grown leaps and bounds by herself and with JH's help. Just because we dislike a character, doesn't mean we refuse to see their growth or even regression.

And about JH-YJ. JH never trusted her and never will. He knows what a ruthless murderer she is. That's why in Could 9, he was doing research on HER and not Minister Park. And he does not try to keep away Anna from his troubles because he thinks she is weak or unable to understand his pain. He does that because he feels like she has already suffered enough and he wants to give her some happiness before the war. Protecting someone from pain doesnot mean you don't respect that person or think they are stupid.

I said I don't blame the character, she has enough reasons within the drama to still be fully dependent on others. I blame the writer, because in the end it is his choice whether or not to develop Anna, and how quickly the development would be. It is clear, the writer's power, when he dropped Anna's social phobia and just kept the superficial "flashing light triggers panic attack". Why didn't he try to make Anna stand more on her own at a quicker pace?

It is only now that she has stood up to Jeha, and it will be only after YJ's revelation that she will know her uncle has been using her as a pawn. The writer could have made her do this a few episodes ago.. now we only have 4 episodes left, so I don't see how Anna's character will develop enough for her empowerment to be fully complete. Not dying and getting the guy (which she will get) does not count as full empowerment.

Everybody here wants Jeha to play the active role against YooJin, he's going to be the one to outsmart her, he's going to be the one who destroys her, he's going to be the one who kills her. What will Anna do??? She'll just be on the sidelines. Her character as a whole has been sidelined from her own story arc.

Your interpretation of JH-YJ is an interpretation. My interpretation is different from yours. JH trusts YJ, he trusts that she will do her part in their alliance, and he feels he understand her.

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1 hour ago, michiusa said:

@perfectsmilebias I like your comparison's between the two queens. I thought this would be fitting for your metaphor. Please excuse the bad quality.


Yes but some how by the end of this drama I think the roles wilol be reversed..

@YourHighness .  I don't think it's to late to reveal Anna is really the Chairmans daughter


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I have a question? How is YooJin revealing Anna is SJ's biological daughter sullying Anna's mom's name?

Yes, she portrayed herself as more benevolent that she is, by saying she treated Anna like her own daughter, but she didn't bad-mouth Anna's mom.

The media and the public already know that Anna was born before YooJin and SJ got married... they already know that Anna wasn't the product of an affair. Of course, there was still an affair, since SJ was playing family with Anna and her mom behind YooJin's back to the point that Anna's mom believed he would run away with them to America. But YooJin didn't talk about that to the press.

Merely revealing Anna is SJ's biological daughter doesn't portray Anna's mom as a homewrecker since everyone already knows Anna was born way before YooJin's marriage. They will put two and two together and conclude that SJ got Anna's mom pregnant before his marriage to YooJin.

In the end, SeJoon could become the ultimate bad guy in the media and public's eyes. He got Anna's mom pregnant and abandoned her to get married to YooJin. That's probably why he was closing his eyes when YooJin revealed that.

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After watching last ep...aigooooooooo...there is not one single totally honest person there...everyone has secrets and plot something against someone...that can't end up well

YJ is not an angel but the way all was going in a way to put her down while Jung stays untouched was awful...the man had a woman, got a child with her, left her and marred another for his political ambition, kept silent over his daughter, neglecting her...and now YJ got all the blame???...what can a nation expect of such a leader?!? I was so glad she said the truth at the end...let them walk together through the fire...they should be punished both

As for Anna and JH...i understand why JH won't tell her why is he with YJ and about PKS...but his very idea to kill that man for killing the girl won't do with me coz will make him the same as PKS is...its not the way i said it before and will repeat...he just need to bring him to justice...so his need to stay with YJ becomes questionable...Anna on the other hand do not trust him coz he's with YJ...i remember some excellent advice from another drama: you love him, did he ever do anything you might be suspicious? If not, you should trust him...i'm so sorry she didn't say the truth by herself...it wouldn't be a win-win situation for her coz she don't want to ruin her father but it would be the right thing to do

I liked the last scene very much...YJ in tears and all of them in shock...seems this game all of them r playing: i want to be f*cked and honest...won't work anymore

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1 hour ago, perfectsmilebias said:

I said I don't blame the character, she has enough reasons within the drama to still be fully dependent on others. I blame the writer, because in the end it is his choice whether or not to develop Anna, and how quickly the development would be. It is clear, the writer's power, when he dropped Anna's social phobia and just kept the superficial "flashing light triggers panic attack". Why didn't he try to make Anna stand more on her own at a quicker pace?

It is only now that she has stood up to Jeha, and it will be only after YJ's revelation that she will know her uncle has been using her as a pawn. The writer could have made her do this a few episodes ago.. now we only have 4 episodes left, so I don't see how Anna's character will develop enough for her empowerment to be fully complete. Not dying and getting the guy (which she will get) does not count as full empowerment.

Everybody here wants Jeha to play the active role against YooJin, he's going to be the one to outsmart her, he's going to be the one who destroys her, he's going to be the one who kills her. What will Anna do??? She'll just be on the sidelines. Her character as a whole has been sidelined from her own story arc.

Your interpretation of JH-YJ is an interpretation. My interpretation is different from yours. JH trusts YJ, he trusts that she will do her part in their alliance, and he feels he understand her.


oh my Gawd I hate Anna. Can we forget she's the reason for the assassination attempt in the first place? What does she do but exist? With her Disney princess self. Ugh. YJ is awesome, evil, but, awsome.

Why is the only female JSS team member so damn. Gawd damn. This drama pisses me off. Why is she here for comedic relief. At least make her badass. WTF.

I can't stop watching this crap. Now I understand why some of you hate a character so much, this is the first time I've experienced it.

I want her to die and let K2 and YJ get together or destroy each other and take that drooling hovering secretary with them. I don't understand it. YJ and her secretary are more exciting to watch than these cotton candy cupcake they keep trying to force down our throats. Hell, let's let Mirror become infatuated with JH and turn on YJ.

What do we get another episode of Anna making trouble and possibly getting people killed, those people that got shot or shot at had family too. So pop some more pills Anna.

Anna's going to become some great strategist in what 3-4 episodes, Ahhhahaha!, that's not going to happen. Anna only 'strategy' is to let others do the thinking for her and wait  for JH. She may accidently spill her tea in a street grate that leads to Mirror's main frame and fry it by mistake.


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Hello ! @perfectsmilebias How have you been? Im not sure if you remember me, but I was one of the few who you had a discussion with JH's character at the start of this drama.. how are you finding his character.? We both are jcw fan, so I am happy to hear about your comment on his neutrality on this whole YJ-AN conflict. 

Now, my comment on the latest eps. I maybe one of the few who likes his neutrality and see it as a depth of his character. I know people find it  alarming that he sides with YJ too much. But I dont see it that way.. he does love Anna, and he will always protect her no matter what.. I already feel he has betrayed YJ when he protected ANNA from the failed assassination on ep 8.  His neutrality on this game is just a MASK to accomplish his goal. 

I see JH a  conflicted man between these two women. Before, I see him just playing sides , using Yoo Jin for his advantage to reach his goal.but Anna is the unexpected variable to the equation, that he himself was not able to calculate , or is not able to derive an answer with the formula he already has in mind.. that chemical "love" is surely marking a great influence on his strategies snd actions. Right now, how I see it, and how I want to believe the writer implies in the story.. Jeha is indeed including Anna in the equation, he thinks of how to a find a way on attacking PKS and hoping with the help of the mirror, also uncovering UHR 's death, why? Because he thinks he can only be satisfied, if he can fufill his revenge with PKS ( And based on YJ's advice on him, he does not have to kill PKS literally to fulfill this) and if Anna can find her peace regarding her mother's death.  . Like what he said to Anna on the rooftop, they can only go to Spain after the WAR is over. People fail to see, he is doing it for Anna too.. this man 's Loyalty lies to HIMSELF. And what does his self tell him.. finish this war and leave for SPAIN with Anna.. it would not matter to him the methods on how to get there, but he surely needs to find the best calculations to arrive to that answer. 

At the same time, as inhumane as it may sound that he could be just using YJ ,( well who has not been evil in this drama, I can only think of Anna.. ) , deep inside JH-YJ share that unexplainable connection, only the two of them understand..(it is not romantic on JH's side I'm sure) and this connection surely they use for their own advantages. That is why at the back of my head, I hope JH saves YJ too from the danger of this games Both of them created.. 

like some of you, I like YJ to have some redemption in the end. And by redemption, I mean face her crimes in prison. I will be very satisfied as a viewer.  And like most of you, I am one heck of a confused viewer too, I am not even sure if I am making sense.. sorry for some, just skip my comments.. ha! This drama is hella unpredictable, YJ and JH are unpredictable characters ! Which I consider a good thing..  in regarde with ANNA, I agree with only 4 episodes left, Im not sure there will still be any room for more developments, but I just want her to be happy, be it with JH or just find peace for herself,  that I will be satisfied.. 

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@YourHighness .  Another person who talks a lot of sense and who understands JH and AN characters well. Thank you! I agree with you about JH, AN and that JH at the moment may appear to "believe" YJ , it is not trust. 



It has been soooo blatantly obvious from the beginning from JH's actions and expressions that the one he loves is Anna. That's it. It is not that he doesn't trust Anna, it is because he is worried about how Anna would react if she knew about his plans. She was already so anxious when he went the first time to kill PKS. He confronted YJ is because thats potentially the fastest way to get information to decide whether he should let Anna go through with revenge or stop her, because Anna will hurt more if she ended up taking revenge on the wrong person. 

Some people tend to forget about where Anna has been and what she has been doing for the last 14 years, while she does seem to communicate and express her feelings well, its unfair to expect that she will not be naive or gullible towards people taking advantage of her. I've said this before, this is not the environment or people she is used to and able to figure out what they are actually planning to do. 

Honestly, we only know soooooo little about JH and AN as compared to YJ. I feel like the drama has provided us with more details of YJ and her connection to all the characters. This is partly why many has been quick to defend and come up with made up theories based on assumptions and what they want to believe in. Because they are able to and chose to understand YJ's character more compared to both JH and AN. 

I am not into the idea that someone so mean and evil yet again win against the powerless and innocent. 

Thank you PD for confirming that there is and will not be any loveline between YJ and JH


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12 minutes ago, ashvaugn said:

At the same time, as inhumane as it may sound that he could be just using YJ ,( well who has not been evil in this drama, I can only think of Anna.. ) , deep inside JH-YJ share that unexplainable connection, only the two of them understand..(it is not romantic on JH's side I'm sure) and this connection surely they use for their own advantages. That is why at the back of my head, I hope JH saves YJ too from the danger of this games Both of them created.. 

like some of you, I like YJ to have some redemption in the end. And by redemption, I mean face her crimes in prison. I will be very satisfied as a viewer.  And like most of you, I am one heck of a confused viewer too, I am not even sure if I am making sense.. sorry for some, just skip my comments.. ha! This drama is hella unpredictable, YJ and JH are unpredictable characters ! Which I consider a good thing..  in regarde with ANNA, I agree with only 4 episodes left, Im not sure there will still be any room for more developments, but I just want her to be happy, be it with JH or just find peace for herself,  that I will be satisfied.. 

Yes I agree with you! He takes into account Anna when he makes his decisions... but sometimes I feel he doesn't talk to her in a way to make her understand the situation better. He hides stuff from her which not only leaves her in the dark, but causes her to not trust him, and I don't blame Anna.

I too want Anna to find happiness, but I think her relationship with Jeha should be secondary to her own development and as you said, her discovery to inner-peace. And Jeha is going to have to step it up in his relationship with Anna, he could potentially be a suffocating force to Anna with his over-protectiveness.

I do want YooJin to have redemption, I always have! I think prison will be a way to do that.. she'll have to truly feel isolated and powerless like her victims. But I don't want her to be in prison forever... hehehe

And I really don't want Jeha to use YooJin... because then he would be no better than SJ in my eyes. I want him to be a sort of savior to her...

But I really don't know where this drama is going, especially not how it is going to end.

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6 hours ago, blindfury said:

I just saw this on twitter and kind of agree with some of the comments online.


a write up on the director's interview today about how he jokingly complaining that SYA's good acting is ruining the drama. There isn't suppose to be a love line between YJ and Jeha but sympathy for her character is resulting in a unforeseen issue in the loveline. What is hilarious though is the HK reporter showed caps of the scenes that made it so obvious that SYA was looking at Jeha lovingly or with admiration.

i guess director is trying to rev up more debate or maybe more damage for the drama. The show and the direction is dependent on him and the writer, if SYA over acted or showed the character differently then intended, then the failure should be him and the writer not reigning her in. It's more likely that they were actual failure of not directing and writing clearly. Sometimes, I think because both writer and director are men, they may not have realized what is portrayed is being seen differently by female audiences. The suave actions seems cool but is also romantic. If he does not intend to have loveline, why let YJ and Jeha do those scenes. Then maybe as men, they think those ramen scenes are cuties for women but some go WTF lol. I guess now they have difficulties I guess with either direction. Both camps will not accept the other and hence not a great result for the drama.

will it affect export? Haven't they already sold some rights? The fact that it is not preproduction meant that it would never fetch big money anyway in China. This Yoona for China thing is quite overuse as an excuse. If China is still intended as official export, they will need to keep the story clean in a certain way to pass censor.

anyway, I had a good laugh reading the article.

Honestly, all the actors are great in this drama. It is the writer and the director who F* up making it fall from a potentially good drama to a almost makjang drama now.



Ha ha...good to hear, so I was right? There are no romantic feelings btw YJ and JH, my human-friend that YJ see in JH theory was right on the money? This is the vibe I was getting from them, nothing more, for me it was always the directing that was "the problem".  I did drop this drama after first couple of episode, mainly bc of this problem, but I came back bc YJ and JH did leave big impression on me so... I went to take a peek after couple more episodes to see if I can take it now...

When I say that directing was "misleading" I mean it like this, let's take the famous umbrella scene for example, on YJ Aunt funeral. That scene was epic for me on so many levels; from acting, directing, dialogue, symbolic and so on...BUT, and yes, with this drama there is always a but, and big one: problem was the very beginning of that scene - when JH first shows up in front of YJ, that slow motion, slowly "show his face" from behind the umbrella...that part was such a "red flag" that had no sense in that situation. Like..wtf... the women was just betrayed by e-v-e-r-y  family member - on the funeral of another family member...if that was not enough to "rain on her parade" ...it really did - rain... from fire sprinklers...and now she is dropping wet...and what? Que music...in comes your prince charming - fall in love!?! Like ...really? Because let's face it ppl, "that kind" of scene is usually used when two main love interest meet for that first time...like...THAT exact scene...frame by frame, it was used time and time again. From the top of my head let's say drama Big, the boy there does the exact same thing, it is just that umbrella is yellow (it usually always is - yellow umbrella) but the scene is the same. So for me THAT scene had no place there, no place what so ever

After awhile I got used to "this kind" of directing bc it was getting more and more obvious where they are going with the plot, especially with last two episodes, so I let it slide under the pretext it was used to amplify the plot line. For me it is kind of obvious that YJ is "setting" JH up. All those scenes are meant to point that out. She made it her business that everyone, including their mother and pet dog, by now gets the message: she likes/favorites JH over ALL other humans that walk this Earth. Yes, he get on express line to cloud9 in such public way that "rumor" gets out and about in no time. Even Park assembly got the memo, when JH goes to kill him, this one say: I wanted to meet you, I heard you are "close" to lady Dragon...hmm hmm?...


And from then on she does not lose one opportunity to make sure everyone gets this message, and I do mean - everyone. Not in some subtle way but more, in-your-face kind of way that even a person with two digit IQ would get it... her little "touch JH and you die" talk with Kim secretary, her "you no longer make my heart flutter - from recently" speech to her hubby after the slap, and let us not forget brother dearest  popping up in her hospital room before the arrest in ep12 and YJ acting like some bashful-14-year-old-virgin that was just caught talking to a boy for the first time, and bashfully looks dawn and to a side, and bashfully "excuses" JH from the room...like... seriously... can you be more obvious? Or are ppl around you so dumb you need to spell it out for them to get the message, and the message is; Old fox just got herself a new boy toy... ha ha

Why is this scenario necessary? It was shown at the end of the episode12 - she gave JH keys to the kingdom and now while the evil witch is away and new king is on throne everyone will be popping one by one, bringing gifts and "making deals" with new boss in town. Her plan is flawless.  I just love how her mind works, that master song said it, she was always really smart, from childhood, so now after all this year she is like fine vine... just get better with years...ha ha... But she just does not know man, so she gets tricked by SJ years ago...and now she will be  "betrayed" by her newest boy toy that she gave not just "key to heart" but "key to her kingdom" as well...poor her... she just can't pick them... ha ha...

She set the table for everyone, and went to "jail" to see how it plays out from this point on. She already calculated every possible scenario that could ever play out btw the players that are invited to the game, so no matter what they do, no matter which route they take...the outcome is only one...she wins...one way ...or the other...this is why she can go to "rest in jail" while the hyenas start killing each other, and all this in her motto to live by: never gets your hand dirty if you can get someone else to get the job for you...from now on, it will be every man for them self survival game to get "king JH" to likes you best and grant you access to the thrown... ha ha...


From the first time I saw that cloud9 "mirror room" I found it hilarious that her table was in a design of the coffin (if you look it up from above) it was just hilarious for me... Like what girl...you plan to be buried here? No humans to trust but you AI mirror...so this will be your tomb? But I was wrong, she does have a sense of humor...that room and that computer WILL be the death of her enemies...and she was so "kind" to prepare the confine for them to walk on their own two feet and lie to be buried... ha ha

When I say she "set JH up" I do not mean that it was all fake, like I said she really cares for him like a human and friend, but, business is business. JH came to her to extract his revenge over Park, and she wants revenge over her huby and "family"... all other things aside, THIS was always first order of business.  She may not tell JH about this part of the plan but that is bc he will "act the part" better if he was not pre-coached. She does trusts him, genially trust him, or should I say what she trust is - his character and his values as a human. I think she got "confirmation" that she was right about him in that little talk they have in the hospital at the end of ep12.

Unlike everyone else, when JH came to see her and question did she kill Anna's mother, he does just that: ASK a question. Even if he knows what "bad" person, she is, even doe he knows she IS more than capable of doing this, he also gives her the benefit of the doubt and ask point blank; in the end... DID you do it? For him, asking this sums up his character the best: He lives and dies by his rules...even if everyone else say one thing, even if rumors are so big that everyone takes them as "the truth" ...he trust what he himself - has confirm, other ppl be damn.

And for me THIS is what YJ needed in order to set the things in motion. Bc I really do think she pretty much did gave him - full access over mirror...it will be needed in the future I say for him to have this access for their plan to work, so she had no choice but to put her life in his hands...and see what happens...


And this brings us back to "misleading" directing I was talking about, I would say this was the problem -  the plot was meant to move in this direction: her "showing" interest in JH for her enemies to see... so from the start it was "over directed" to fit this plot line... bc I guess no one expect such a good on screen chemistry btw YJ and JH...so this just made all those scenes hilarious, bc actors "acted" one thing (in my opinion, like I said...just friends) but director was constantly "forcing" the "lover route scene" with camera angel, que music and so on... SYA and JCW are very good actors, but even more than that, have very strong "on screen present" that only amplify when they are in the same scenes, so they do not really need those "trivial" directing tricks to - make people "get" the message... it could/should have been done in much more subtle and less "ridiculous" way...

but like I said...this is just me... other ppl are free to disagree...

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13 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Here is a text preview for the next episodes that I got from Tumblr.


JH in danger again....nothing new on the west ;)...and some more good action scenes

Politics and coruption...we r going back...why do i have a feeling we won't see much lovely dovely scenes :mellow:

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41 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

I have a question? How is YooJin revealing Anna is SJ's biological daughter sullying Anna's mom's name?

Yes, she portrayed herself as more benevolent that she is, by saying she treated Anna like her own daughter, but she didn't bad-mouth Anna's mom.

The media and the public already know that Anna was born before YooJin and SJ got married... they already know that Anna wasn't the product of an affair. Of course, there was still an affair, since SJ was playing family with Anna and her mom behind YooJin's back to the point that Anna's mom believed he would run away with them to America. But YooJin didn't talk about that to the press.

Merely revealing Anna is SJ's biological daughter doesn't portray Anna's mom as a homewrecker since everyone already knows Anna was born way before YooJin's marriage. They will put two and two together and conclude that SJ got Anna's mom pregnant before his marriage to YooJin.

In the end, SeJoon could become the ultimate bad guy in the media and public's eyes. He got Anna's mom pregnant and abandoned her to get married to YooJin. That's probably why he was closing his eyes when YooJin revealed that.


Remember the media rumors were of YJ being Anna's mother because of her affair with the actresses husband.

YJ just admitted to being the mother with her husband as father. Her 'shortcomings 'may be her fake explanation of why the couple couldn't raise their own daughter.

When the romour scenes were playing out , I thought it would be a good play to say, 'yes she's my daughter and my husband is the father', beecaus a DNA test would prove he's daddy.No one would think to DNA test the "Angel of Mercy' figure that she is because why would her sainted self claim to have an illegitemate child. The public would easily believe her saying that's her child, they already were. So, now it's up to SJ.

I don't think it's a play to sully a dead woman's name but, a bait-and-switch instead. SJ is now going to have to come onto YJ's side again or shot his own foot. he's no longer the victim of his wifes adultry but, a Romeo/Juliet with babe. If he says his wife is not the mother, YJ is protect public opinion wise by looking as though she was protecting her husband. And the election is this week, he doesn't have tiime to throw more bullchips on the fire.

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18 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Yes I agree with you! He takes into account Anna when he makes his decisions... but sometimes I feel he doesn't talk to her in a way to make her understand the situation better. He hides stuff from her which not only leaves her in the dark, but causes him to not trust him, and I don't blame Anna.

I too want Anna to find happiness, but I think her relationship with Jeha should be secondary to her own development and as you said, her discovery to inner-peace. And Jeha is going to have to step it up in his relationship with Anna, he could potentially be a suffocating force to Anna with his over-protectiveness.

I do want YooJin to have redemption, I always have! I think prison will be a way to do that.. she'll have to truly feel isolated and powerless like her victims. But I don't want her to be in prison forever... hehehe

And I really don't want Jeha to use YooJin... because then he would be no better than SJ in my eyes. I really want him to be a sort of savior to he...

But I really don't know where this drama is going, especially not how it is going to end.

 Agree with you on the bold parts.. him not telling Anna all his plans, does leave Anna on the dark, but at the same time he does only think of Anna's welfare.I can forgive the writer on this, this is maybe his take on their ongoing misunderstandings that the two of them need to face and overcome, it's all part of relationship development. 

I would have to politely diasgree on him suffocating Anna of his overprotective quality. I think Jeha does it whenever Anna needs it most ( honestly, almost every episode Anna is always in danger, so we always see him saving her haha! ) a very good example is him trying to tell her to stop with anti anxiety pills. I actually wanted him to confiscate it right at that moment.. that is not overprotection for me, anna does need to be advised on her popping pills, next thing we know she could be overdosed by it. 

me too, I dont want JH to just use YJ.. i hope writer finds a way for him to accomplish his goals without adding too much strain on his connection with YJ. 

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