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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Poor little GJ. Looks like KC and little GJ's mom were approached by an "organ seller". They are likely asked to fork out a hefty sum for a heart transplant for their daughter. Is the sale of organs legal in Korea?

It will be interesting to watch how MS is going to deal with the two usurpers in YJ and Mr. Choi. At least now we know MS has plans to visit the factory in China. I was glad DT told his dad about why he doesn't trust YJ and how Lanky Guy got himself "too involved" with the investigation of the CGC supplement case that eventually led to his transfer to Busan. DT let MS know the full name of president Kim (KDS) and he is sure the man YJ met at the cafe the other day was president Kim. On a different note, JR really needs to be humbled. She has not learned anything from the whole ordeal despite being dismissed by the BODs. And she now says it was not her real intention to sign and agree with the divorce:blink:. She has misunderstood MS's intentions when he decided to return as Head Representative of Bonjour. Nothing is going back to normal, JR.

Hello @sk0317  How are you did you enjoy your weekend.? Don't even ask about mines been stuck with my neice for the pat 3 days and she's has been having me to run her around town for some of the most stupidest crap.. I thought she had something really urgent she needed to get from a certain store last night and come to find out it was a tongue and a lip ring unbelievable..

On to organ selling in Korea.. I know there's a lot of body organs parts are sold in the blackmarket but I don't think it's legal there because they also have organ donor programs..

Also this is exactly what I had feard JR thinking she and MS being back together.. Yes your right she still hasn't come to terms about how she treats people, Her thinking she still can just go back into that company after being fired just because her husband came back to president again it would be only a matter of time before she stabs him in the back again to get back in that company again and start to sabotage everything he tries to do once again.. So I'm hoping he still go throgh with the divorce..


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@valsava, aren't JR and MS already divorced? Didn't she show up at Jang mi ri to tell SA that MS is now divorced, and SA can have him? But now that he's back at the company, she thinks he'll go back to her? She is still as delusional as ever....geez, what's it gonna take for that woman to get a grip, and see the reality that's right in front of her?? 

I don't think DT will get on that plane, that's a pretty cliche' thing. Hopefully the writer doesn't dramatize it anymore than it already is. Let's see whether or not DY/DT get back together or not. 

YJ is starting to look very nervous, let's hope his misdeeds blow up within the next few days. How long can they drag this out? The writer should be wrapping things up, there's only about 14 episodes left!

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1 hour ago, auntyem said:

@valsava, aren't JR and MS already divorced? Didn't she show up at Jang mi ri to tell SA that MS is now divorced, and SA can have him? But now that he's back at the company, she thinks he'll go back to her? She is still as delusional as ever....geez, what's it gonna take for that woman to get a grip, and see the reality that's right in front of her?? 

I don't think DT will get on that plane, that's a pretty cliche' thing. Hopefully the writer doesn't dramatize it anymore than it already is. Let's see whether or not DY/DT get back together or not. 

YJ is starting to look very nervous, let's hope his misdeeds blow up within the next few days. How long can they drag this out? The writer should be wrapping things up, there's only about 14 episodes left!

JR had signed the divorce papers and gone over to MS's to give him the papers for filing. Even if MS has filed the papers, IIRC MS and JR will have to be present at the Family Court for a hearing before their divorce can be finalized. I have to agree with you that JR is as delusional as ever. I think MS needs to move out of the "manor of doom" (and DT's room) even if DT is leaving to study overseas.

Have to also agree that DY will be able to stop DT from leaving in the nick of time (sigh). From the look of things, DT will get back with our "play hard to get" DY (again sigh).

YJ was smart to use Mr. Choi as a "front" by promising to make a greedy Mr. Choi the president of Bonjour after disposing JR. Both YJ and Mr. Choi are walking on eggshells. MS continues to play his game well. When MS finds more evidence after visiting the China office, YJ's connection to Chang Wei, YJ's connection with president Kim and his link with the fake CGC supplement, I think he is going to expose the two rats and hopefully make them pay their dues accordingly. I wonder if we will be given an update on LSR and SW.

@stroppyse Thank you for the translations for previews 135 and 136. :) And also on the clarification on the sale of organs in Korea.

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41 minutes ago, auntyem said:

@valsava, aren't JR and MS already divorced? Didn't she show up at Jang mi ri to tell SA that MS is now divorced, and SA can have him? But now that he's back at the company, she thinks he'll go back to her? She is still as delusional as ever....geez, what's it gonna take for that woman to get a grip, and see the reality that's right in front of her?? 

I don't think DT will get on that plane, that's a pretty cliche' thing. Hopefully the writer doesn't dramatize it anymore than it already is. Let's see whether or not DY/DT get back together or not. 

YJ is starting to look very nervous, let's hope his misdeeds blow up within the next few days. How long can they drag this out? The writer should be wrapping things up, there's only about 14 episodes left!


It's not clear that MS has submitted the papers yet since they haven't shown it to us. Also, once the papers are submitted, there is a waiting period before the divorce finalizes. However, since MS has the completed paperwork rather than JR, I hope that he had submitted the paperwork by now and it's underway. As it is, JR is getting off scot free since the company is back in her family's hands even after all that negligence with which she approved things that was bringing BonJour down. MS even promised to restore her position at the company once things have quieted down again. If she also got her husband back as well, then the point of this drama really is that rich people win, and there is no point trying whether honestly (CJ, DY) or dishonestly (YJ, SW) since only the rich people win.

Yes, perhaps HR will get a divorce, but she's already divorced. I don't think she's really any worse off than at the beginning of this drama. She (or her mother) can always buy herself another husband, since that is probably what it will take if HR wants to be married again. One of the reasons that YJ was acceptable despite his poor background was because HR would not be considered favorably as a daughter-in-law for a rich family. 

As for DT-DY, I've given up on them. I loathe DY as a character, and think she is the type of woman who gives womankind a bad rap. If this is the example of womanly virtue that these writers want to pursue, I have to think that they hate woman as well. Or they could be really being cynical about it, I guess, and maybe this show is supposed to be watched ironically? If that's the case, then DY and DT should part, so that falsely virtuous women aren't shown to be winning everything just by the virtues of being passively deceitful, lying, aiding and abetting criminals, and refusing to be honest with people that they supposedly love. 

If it wasn't for continuing to translate the previews, I would have given up on this drama a long time ago. Though, probably come back and lurk from time to time since the thread is definitely more fun than the drama. 

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You brave people! :w00t:. The show is inching forward to at least whack YJ's behind in 5 more episodes, maybe?

The ex-wife is still alive, good lord. Maybe she just has anaemia because of poor nutrition, that serves those do gooders right.

I read that the DY actress is a singer who switched or double up with acting. She really should stick to singing, at least we do not have to wait for ages to get to the end of her song. I cannot bear those bug eyes.

Many of you seemed happy with MS coming back to save Bonjour from YJ's conspiracy. I am not sure if he has the staying power but I look forward to see what the writer has planned for him and JR.


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2 hours ago, sk0317 said:

I expect the airport scene to be tomorrow's cliffhanger ending to hook us viewers again:sweatingbullets:. After the CGC issue, it looks like MS wants to strengthen the Farm Products' team. MS visited SA to announce his return to Bonjour and later spoke with DY to ask her to return to Bonjour but she declined. SA is trying to talk DY into returning to Bonjour though.

Poor little GJ. Looks like KC and little GJ's mom were approached by an "organ seller". They are likely asked to fork out a hefty sum for a heart transplant for their daughter. Is the sale of organs legal in Korea?

It will be interesting to watch how MS is going to deal with the two usurpers in YJ and Mr. Choi. At least now we know MS has plans to visit the factory in China. I was glad DT told his dad about why he doesn't trust YJ and how Lanky Guy got himself "too involved" with the investigation of the CGC supplement case that eventually led to his transfer to Busan. DT let MS know the full name of president Kim (KDS) and he is sure the man YJ met at the cafe the other day was president Kim. On a different note, JR really needs to be humbled. She has not learned anything from the whole ordeal despite being dismissed by the BODs. And she now says it was not her real intention to sign and agree with the divorce:blink:. She has misunderstood MS's intentions when he decided to return as Head Representative of Bonjour. Nothing is going back to normal, JR.

Sorry to hear you had to work over the weekend @sgfan. Is the year end a busy time for you and your company? I hope you are given at least an off day during the week in order for you to recuperate from the additional hours you have put into your work. Please take care and try and get some rest!

Lol I've actually lost track of the number of times DY has quit her job at BHS. I reckon it will be no surprise to us when she returns to work. Will want to see JR and HR's faces when they get news of this. I think both will resume their "hate DY activities" and things will be back at square one for a while for DT and DY because of family opposition. Now we will have to wait for DY to use YJ's USB to expose his crimes...

Poor little GJ. I hope KC realises the nature of the transaction and how risky the illegal surgery is.

I am also glad that DT told MS about his suspicions and findings. MS did not brush anything off, unlike JR. I think JR will be truly humbled when YJ finally pulls the carpet from beneath the  Suls' . I wonder what will be YJ's next course of action. From the preview, it looks like MS found out there is no branch office in China.

Yes, year-end means peak period for my company. I work for a retail chain so my colleagues and I do expect to be busy around this time of the year. I am feeling so  tired now but I can't seem to fall asleep :tears: im looking forward to Thursday when I get to clear a day of paid annual leave. 



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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Have to also agree that DY will be able to stop DT from leaving in the nick of time (sigh). From the look of things, DT will get back with our "play hard to get" DY (again sigh).

I would like DT don't leave, but I don't think DY arrives on time and DT will leave and maybe we will  have a jump on timeline. DY is a fool, she didn't tell anything to DT, although he went to JRM only for her with the hope she beg him to stay. If DT don't appear in future episodes It doesn't have many sense see the drama. I'm here only for DT and YJ :heart:. I'm afraid we won't have more romantic scenes between DT/DY, maybe until last episode; until he returns from overseas and he will be in front of DY smiling one to another, and end of the story and the drama (this is the ugliest end for dramas; this is the worst way to end a love story). I don't want that. I refuse to believe that will happen. :crazy::sweatingbullets:

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55 minutes ago, 0ly40 said:

I would like DT don't leave, but I don't think DY arrives on time and DT will leave and maybe we will  have a jump on timeline. DY is a fool, she didn't tell anything to DT, although he went to JRM only for her with the hope she beg him to stay. If DT don't appear in future episodes It doesn't have many sense see the drama. I'm here only for DT and YJ :heart:. I'm afraid we won't have more romantic scenes between DT/DY, maybe until last episode; until he returns from overseas and he will be in front of DY smiling one to another, and end of the story and the drama (this is the ugliest end for dramas; this is the worst way to end a love story). I don't want that. I refuse to believe that will happen. :crazy::sweatingbullets:


If it ends with DT and DY standing in front of each other as the end to their relationship, then it will not make sense, as so much of this drama doesn't. DT will have left thinking that DY doesn't feel anything for him anymore. It would be strange if they ignore that and have DT and DY standing in front of each other and smiling as a way of saying that now they would resume their relationship since nothing will have changed technically, i.e. DT will still think DY doesn't feel anything for him any more. Not to mention that DY will still face opposition from JR and HR, I would think.

Then again, why am I still trying to make some sense out of these plot points anyway?


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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 135:

# The Board Meeting occurs. Juran is dismissed. The vote for President is announced and the new president is ------ MS. MS enters the room. DT beams. YJ and Mr. Choi do not. MS smiles at the terrified YJ.

# YJ and Mr. Choi retire to YJ's office and speak in frightened tones.

# MS, Juran and DT retire to what is now MS's once and future office. They converse cheerfully.

# YJ joins the group and begins sucking up to MS. MS says something that stifles YJ.

# MS and YJ speak privately. MS speaks. YJ stammers. MS eyes YJ with reproach and suspicion. YJ dips his head.

# DY's mother and SA talk in their house.

# DY's mother leaves. MS, dressed for the Board meeting, arrives and talks with SA. SA reacts with mixed emotions to what MS has to say.

# DY enters and she and MS retire to another room for a private conversation. She is at first delighted by what he has to say. Then she is subdued.

# Big GJ receives the news of MS's return to Bonjour as the Gu family is eating dinner.

# KC returns home. He has had no success in locating a heart donor.

# The Sul family talks in their living room. MS is the center of attention. YJ stirs nervously.

# MS and Juran retire to Juran's bedroom. Their conversation is less cheerful.

# YJ and HR are in their bedroom. HR chatters on happily. YJ is unhappy.

# MS enters DT's bedroom. They discuss DY.

# SA enters DY's bedroom. They discuss DT.

# Sunrise over Bonjour.

# The Gossip Duo happily discuss MS's return to Bonjour. Mr. Han rebukes them. YJ enters and barks orders at Mr. Han, then departs. As DT enters, Short Guy with Glasses says the wrong thing.  Or the right thing, from DT's point of view. DT looks like he has just been shown the missing link to something. DT barks orders at Short Guy With Glasses and departs.

# Mr. Choi enters MS's office, his shoulders hunched forward as if anticipating a hail storm. He affects very tentative good cheer. They sit and talk for a few moments. MS is tentatively cordial. DT enters and Mr. Choi beats a hasty retreat. Mr. Choi greets DT warmly on his way out but DT's response is cold.

# DT discusses YJ with MS.

# YJ is in his office talking somberly on his cell phone. MS enters to YJ's shock and dismay. They sit down. MS drills questions at YJ. YJ fakes a smile but his eyes alternate between discomfort and terror.

# YJ is back on the cell phone again. He is approaching wit's end.

# YJ meets Mr. Kim at a restaurant. They are both terrified.

# KC receives a call assuring him that a heart donor is guaranteed. KC does not realize that he has been called by an organ broker.

# YJ's mother receives a call on her cell phone, apparently from an acquaintance mocking YJ's problems. She rings off.

# KC and Birth Mother meet with the organ broker. They do not immediately recognize the difference between a donor and a broker. KC and Birth Mother are shocked to see a/the price. Where will we find these bucks?

# SA and DY converse somberly in their house.

# DY is surprised to encounter DT on her way to the field. DT is shocked that DY will not beg him to stay in Korea after snapping her head off, the day before, for attempting to discuss his plans to study abroad. Mama taught him everything he knows about romantic strategy.


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First Juran asks MS for a divorce and is angry when he says, bring it on.

Second, HR asks YJ for a divorce and is shocked when he thinks it's not such a bad idea.

Third, DT meets DY for coffee and churlishly rebuffs her attempt to discuss his plans to study abroad.  Then DT waylays DY the next day and announces that he plans to study abroad.  She receives the news politely and DT is miffed. 

Ep. 136 is likely to repeat the scene in Beautiful Gong Shim where Gong Shim arrived at the airport after the male romantic lead's plane took off.  Hopefully DY will not emulate Gong Shim by waiting around a year for DT to return, but will choose a life partner from among the many men who are financially and emotionally independent and are not trailed by DT's mother in law and sister in law baggage.


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11 hours ago, sgfan said:

Lol I've actually lost track of the number of times DY has quit her job at BHS. I reckon it will be no surprise to us when she returns to work. Will want to see JR and HR's faces when they get news of this. I think both will resume their "hate DY activities" and things will be back at square one for a while for DT and DY because of family opposition. Now we will have to wait for DY to use YJ's USB to expose his crimes...

Poor little GJ. I hope KC realises the nature of the transaction and how risky the illegal surgery is.

I am also glad that DT told MS about his suspicions and findings. MS did not brush anything off, unlike JR. I think JR will be truly humbled when YJ finally pulls the carpet from beneath the  Suls' . I wonder what will be YJ's next course of action. From the preview, it looks like MS found out there is no branch office in China.

Yes, year-end means peak period for my company. I work for a retail chain so my colleagues and I do expect to be busy around this time of the year. I am feeling so  tired now but I can't seem to fall asleep :tears: im looking forward to Thursday when I get to clear a day of paid annual leave.

:lol: DY has resigned thrice from her job at BHS. I think after much consideration and at SA's prompting, DY will return to the company to help boast the Farm Products' Team. Let's see if she has enough time (only 14 episodes left!) to come up with another PB's bestseller. If DY does return to Bonjour, it will save JR and HR a trip to JMR should they want to continue with their "hate DY activities":lol:. I hope DY gives the USB to MS directly to implicate YJ and his crimes.

# I have also lost track on how many times SA has quit her mentor/mentee program:lol:.

I am not liking the way MS's return to Bonjour is playing out. The Jung/Sul's household and even the Gus seem to think everything is back to normal since MS has resumed his old position as president. It was JR's greed and poor judgement that got the CGC project started without MS's backing and approval. Her unquestionable trust in her SIL she bought has backfired and caused the mess Bonjour is in right now. I think MS should go ahead and rent a place near BHS's office and live there alone, not to lift false hopes among those wishing his divorce with JR will be called off.  I hope JR will also stop calling MS her 여보 (yo-bo):(. MS has made it clear why he has chosen to return to the company. He has no plans to rekindle his relationship with JR.

I hope KC will not fall prey to the unscrupulous organ broker. As a police officer, I hope he knows the dangers and risks involved and deals with the broker of the transaction accordingly. They do have another alternative that is to start a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money for little GJ to go to the US or Germany for a heart transplant. In RL, a check with Google says often children are too small to accept adult or teen organs. If the child is large for his/her age and the donor is small, it is possible.

YJ looks like a rat who made a mess while the cat (MS) is out. Yes I do wonder what his next sneaky move is going to be. I wonder why YJ insists on meeting his partner in crime, president Kim at the cafe near Bonjour if he doesn't want to be found out:phew:. He doesn't have to meet president Kim during his working hours...

Are you required to work on shifts and on weekends too @sgfan? Are you on your feet a lot while at work? I am sorry to hear your fatigue is causing you problems getting to sleep.:tears: You could try doing some light stretching or drinking a glass of warm milk before bedtime. Taking a bath helps too and you should try to massage our calves, legs and feet too. Please take good care of yourself @sgfan. I used to work in a bakery and the shop was so shorthanded I was required to put in two shifts just to sustain the normal operation of the bakery.:sweatingbullets: Can't wait for Thursday to come sooner so that you can have a well deserved rest!:)  加油 !

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My favorite moments:

-  I have to say that I'm loving seeing YJ panicking.  

- I loved it when MS told JR when she asked about dropping the divorce that she shouldn't confuse business with personal matters. I hope he doesn't go back to that miserable woman. He and SA should just tie the knot.

- Well I wouldn't say this was my favorite moment, but can the writer please give DY a little bit of life? I truly do not see what DT finds interesting about DY. If I'm to be truthful, when I compare SW vs DY, one seems lively and the other one seems like a mopey mop....I don't even have to explain which person is which.  The DY from earlier episodes was much more interesting; but that was a long time ago.

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3 hours ago, jimb said:

36 is likely to repeat the scene in Beautiful Gong Shim where Gong Shim arrived at the airport after the male romantic lead's plane took off.  Hopefully DY will not emulate Gong Shim by waiting around a year for DT to return, but will choose a life partner from among the many men who are financially and emotionally independent and are not trailed by DT's mother in law and sister in law baggage.


I hope after skipping a couple of weeks of episodes DY won't be in the show anymore.  Who knows this KD will be a gamechanger?  They downgrade the male lead to become a crook, why not change a wishy washy country lass female lead to be the President's advisor on kimchi or the likes? I am being as nonsensical as the drama.

Really, I am quite sure that DT will not get on the plane and the running around calling DT's name at the airport by DY ( that all of us dread) has a 90% possibility. How else could they fill in the other 14 episodes? MS kicking YJ's rear end and saying no to JR every night? :rolleyes:  No, we are also going to have DT/DY angst filled, hair pulling scenes ( the viewers).

I wish we could get a sweet couple I could root for, even for a few episodes. Wishing and wishing.

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13 hours ago, valsava said:

First off morning all late coming to todays party but I must read the lstest from all my chingu's here.. @anbud Thanks for the videos @jimb your contribution to the recap and last but far from the least @stroppyse your preview translations..

@auntyem WHY WHY WHY WHY.. Is a good question.. When DT ask MS would he be staying at the house he said yes thats enough to give DT G/pa HR and including YJ the wrong message.. It also will prompt DT and everyone there except YJ to talk with MS about staying with JR.. Even though none seems to understand the reasons why MS got divorce in the first place but JR needs to be brought down off her high horse and a peg or two..

Now when it comes to YJ, I think MS may discover all his crimes but due to him being married to HR and DT is still in love with DY he mkay just quitely clean up YJ mess without HR knowing to try and keep that marriage together.. I don't think MS would want his over the top and out of line daughter divorce again.. I'm wondering was he aware of JR dangling that company in YJ face if not it would be funny if YJ told him and after MS cleans up the aftermath of all YJ mess it would be funny to see if he gives DT or YJ the president position and leave again.. Now that would also be a priceless look on JR face.. But having DT in that position is just like her still be there because she will demand from him a daily report and bark orders for him to do what she wants she would be no different then HR running there every chance she could get to slap people around.. Which is why I said she should be barrowed from the company unless it's a boardmeeting or a shareholders meeting..

Are the writers trying to show us the Sul's are putting up a united front in times of trouble/crisis? MS bailing JR out after she messes up and GP/HR/DT are all full of praises for MS and a happy JR beaming at the prospects of returning to Bonjour after taking a break from having created a scandal...:(

In the past, MS is known to respect and put his kids' welfare/feelings before making a decision. I hope that's not the case with YJ this time. YJ needs to be held accountable for each and every crime he has committed in his quest to conquer Bonjour. Mr. Choi who foolishly jumped ship must also be implicated for his part in helping YJ. MS should not show them any compassion or empathy and should proceed to punish/seek punishment for their crimes.

13 hours ago, valsava said:

Hello @sk0317  How are you did you enjoy your weekend.? Don't even ask about mines been stuck with my neice for the pat 3 days and she's has been having me to run her around town for some of the most stupidest crap.. I thought she had something really urgent she needed to get from a certain store last night and come to find out it was a tongue and a lip ring unbelievable..

On to organ selling in Korea.. I know there's a lot of body organs parts are sold in the blackmarket but I don't think it's legal there because they also have organ donor programs..

Also this is exactly what I had feard JR thinking she and MS being back together.. Yes your right she still hasn't come to terms about how she treats people, Her thinking she still can just go back into that company after being fired just because her husband came back to president again it would be only a matter of time before she stabs him in the back again to get back in that company again and start to sabotage everything he tries to do once again.. So I'm hoping he still go throgh with the divorce..

 I am sorry to hear your niece is giving a challenging time during her stay with you:sweatingbullets:. Thank you for asking @valsava, apart from some swollen calves, I am doing alright I guess:lol:. I hope you get to take a break after your niece returns home.

I hate how these organ brokers prey on the needy and desperate people who are waiting for a donor. As with any organ donation, you need a donor who is declared brain dead before his/her organs can be removed for donations/transplants. A heartbreaking and tragic end for the donor's family that will bring about a ray of hope to the recipient of the appropriate organ.

Does JR (and the rest of her family) think her life can be reset with the push of a button? With MS resuming his duties as the president of Bonjour and assuring JR she will be called back to the company after taking a break/rest just because she is the founder's daughter, we will see a complacent JR again. She has to reflect on herself and all her wrongdoings before even being considered a post in BHS again.

I hope MS stays away from JR and moves out of the "manor of doom" ASAP.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:


I hope after skipping a couple of weeks of episodes DY won't be in the show anymore.  Who knows this KD will be a gamechanger?  They downgrade the male lead to become a crook, why not change a wishy washy country lass female lead to be the President's advisor on kimchi or the likes? I am being as nonsensical as the drama.

Really, I am quite sure that DT will not get on the plane and the running around calling DT's name at the airport by DY ( that all of us dread) has a 90% possibility. How else could they fill in the other 14 episodes? MS kicking YJ's rear end and saying no to JR every night? :rolleyes:  No, we are also going to have DT/DY angst filled, hair pulling scenes ( the viewers).

I wish we could get a sweet couple I could root for, even for a few episodes. Wishing and wishing.

In my opinion, SA will make a better consultant to MS on "kimchi and the likes".:) SA is a better cook and is more consistent than DY I think. SA is a determined and capable woman who should have no problem learning how to use a computer (if she doesn't know how to operate one yet). I think SA's innovative recipes (she brewed mulberry tea for DY to try and MS has always praised her cooking skills) on future PB bestsellers and MS's management will make Bonjour a hit again.

Will we see a "Samwolraaaaaaaaaa" DY calling "Chief Directorrrrrrr Sul" frantically at the departure hall of Incheon International Airport:lol: at the end of today's episode before DY turns all weepy again? Or the writers could surprise us by putting DY on that plane with DT to an unknown destination...

At this point, MS and SA are the only likely couple I could root for:sweatingbullets:.

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6 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

In my opinion, SA will make a better consultant to MS on "kimchi and the likes".:) SA is a better cook and is more consistent than DY I think. SA is a determined and capable woman who should have no problem learning how to use a computer (if she doesn't know how to operate one yet). I think SA's innovative recipes (she brewed mulberry tea for DY to try and MS has always praised her cooking skills) on future PB bestsellers and MS's management will make Bonjour a hit again.


Hullo sk0317, you are still the most active poster. Great thing for someone like me who drops out often. I do agree SA is a stronger, more capable and much more likeable character than DY, but if it means that I do not have to watch the aggravating DY, whatever happens will be wonderful.

Given some strange endings in KDs, I shall not be surprised if MS gets hitched to SA, CJ is visiting the new model SW who is just delighted to see Oppa, KC gets a new baby and is at big GJ's bedside and DT/DY somewhere in the picture. The baddies JR, HR, YJ? Living in a two bedroom, rooftop house. Bickering.

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9 hours ago, jimb said:

Ep. 136 is likely to repeat the scene in Beautiful Gong Shim where Gong Shim arrived at the airport after the male romantic lead's plane took off.  Hopefully DY will not emulate Gong Shim by waiting around a year for DT to return, but will choose a life partner from among the many men who are financially and emotionally independent and are not trailed by DT's mother in law and sister in law baggage.

If DY remains in JMR to continue with her "therapeutic farming", I don't see much prospects for her meeting her future life partner in a village filled with elderly people. And I doubt the Village Representative will be eager to introduce her or set her up with an arranged meeting with a potential single man having witnessed her two failed relationships.

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4 hours ago, jimb said:

@sk0317 @maribella  I love the idea of SA for Bonjour's agricultural team.  Not only is SA superbly qualified, but her mere presence at Bonjour would drive Juran crazy.

LOL. May I also suggest that JR should be made a show host for a change and asked to promote the line of products SA comes up with:).

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