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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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15 hours ago, valsava said:

Written Preview:

Freaky Family:

Juran cloth is placed on the basis of the wave blasted President crisis in place, Minseok goes to Seoul, trying to grasp the situation. On the other hand, to light rail and despair Yeongsil is out at the end of the heart transplant waiting lot and drove juran yunjae is in urgent Council want to raise new president plans ...


@stroppyse  Help please..

So is this saying that JR is really considering handing over the presidency to YJ thinking after everything calms down she could just walk back into that position like YJ will give it up after having a taste of the CEO power is she nuts but she deserves it after all the underhanded and backstabbing she did to her husband.. I knew MS would have to come to the rescue Yj isn't going to be to thrill seeing him show back up so I expect him to put out there that Ms and Jr is divorced.. MS maybe the very one to find out YJ was behind everything that is wrong with that company and discover YJ has a heft stash some where..  


Translation of the written preview.

Due to the herbal supplement crisis, Ju Ran is about to dismissed from her president’s seat, Min Seok goes to Seoul to look into the situation. Meanwhile, Kyung Chul and Young Shil are in despair at the news that a heart transplant is needed, Yoon Jae plans for an urgent meeting of the Board of Directors to remove Ju Ran and to install a newly arrived president.

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3 hours ago, sk0317 said:

I wish DT could have dug further when his initial suspicions with the CGC case were raised. His personal matters probably got in the way and also YJ putting up a strong front to ask DT to stay out of his projects put his interests to a temporary rest.

I wonder why MS insists that the broken engagement is affecting DT. I think DT was more affected by the fact that SW is DY's niece and that important information has been hidden from him all along. He must be glad he didn't have to go through the whole engagement with SW as he didn't love her one bit romantically. He also must be relieved that he didn't sleep with SW on that fateful night. DT lowered his pride and had been feeling guilty since he thought he had slept with DY's niece but still made a few attempts to "sound DY out" for her feelings . Yes, DY deserves the cold treatment she got from DT. We all know that eventually, YJ's USB in DY's keep is going to be the key to reuniting DT and DY and also saving Bonjour since it's a K-drama.

Thanks :) and wishing you a fun and relaxing weekend too @sgfan!


I find it strange too that the writers had phrased MS's lines as though he thinks DT is affected by the broken engagement per se. In an earlier episode, MS got a "clear answer" from DT in the form of a non-response when asked if he loved SW. Hence I think it's puzzling that MS makes reference to the engagement in this way. I agree with what you've listed as the real reasons bugging DT about the engagement. 

I also think MS is quite a cool Dad. His parenting style  is not all authoritarian, and more of guiding his children and let nature take its course. SA seems to adopt this style too.

Have great weekend ahead too @sk0317:) Do keep warm! 

Edit-thanks for the video!

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3 hours ago, sgfan said:

I find it strange too that the writers had phrased MS's lines as though he thinks DT is affected by the broken engagement per se. In an earlier episode, MS got a "clear answer" from DT in the form of a non-response when asked if he loved SW. Hence I think it's puzzling that MS makes reference to the engagement in this way. I agree with what you've listed as the real reasons bugging DT about the engagement. 

I also think MS is quite a cool Dad. His parenting style  is not all authoritarian, and more of guiding his children and let nature take its course. SA seems to adopt this style too.

Have great weekend ahead too @sk0317:) Do keep warm! 

Edit-thanks for the video!

I agree with you that MS is a cool and unconventional dad:). He does have a very good relationship with his son especially. MS is probably the only character in this drama that doesn't resort to shouting or raising his voice to get his message across:lol:. I must say I like his soothing and calm demeanor.

Off topic, I found this pretty useful site : http://www.koreanfluent.com/cross_cultural/korean_names_corporate_titles/korean_names_corporate_titles.htm

Thank you for your warm thoughts:). It was 4 degrees here this morning; probably the lowest this fall:sweatingbullets:.

I hope you like the Christmas song. I really like Blaise Plant's (lead singer/guitarist) voice. Can't wait to watch tonight's show. I think in a plot twist, Mr. Choi might be named the new CEO of Bonjour.

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not  be   be  rude. I was  thinking,  why  DT  thought  he had  more to do  with  SW  then  maybe  just   sleeping in a  bed?.  DT  knows he was  fully  dressed.  but  even  so  he  would have  known if  he used  his -----  that  night.  Unless   after  the deed he  was  aware  enough to take a  shower and  put  his  clothes  back on. always  wondered  about  this   cause it happens  so  many  times in K drama.  no one seems  to  have  feelings  down  there  to know   that  they  was  active  that  night,  or  stain  sheets or underwear. seems so  strange  DT did not know  ,he did not have --- that  night or  any night, seems he is a   virgin..

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lolol  MS entered as  maybe the  new  president . lolol  all those  sly  smiles  died.  but  wait  what  does  this  mean?. is the  divorce off? from what i know  of  k drama  divorce,  after  you send the papers  inn,  one   got to wait  3  months.

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How cool is MS? What an awesome guy he is:). His talks with DT in person and with GJ over the phone gave him a vague picture of the Bonjour's situation. He made the phone call to Mr. Seo before Mr. Seo's scheduled meeting with Mr. Choi and YJ. MS will not sit back and watch Bonjour being destroyed after he spent over 30 years working and building the company. What a relief! Apart from a few bad eggs, there are honest and hardworking people/staff working in the company whose livelihood depends on the survival of Bonjour. I love how MS conducted himself in a calm and professional way. He executes his plans and strikes when the time is right. MS is certainly one better than YJ and Mr. Choi combined:). Posters here have speculated MS's return maybe after YJ becomes CEO first. But the writers, in a plot twist, introduced MS as the new CEO instead. MS is so cool and If I were JR, I would totally fall in love with him all over again:). But I do think JR doesn't deserve MS though:lol:.

YJ's mom is more concerned for YJ's future as he was the one to launch the CGC product, rather than the company's.:angry:

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7 minutes ago, monalisa said:

In Korean dramas, there's always some relative/in-law out to steal the family business. Dong Tak has every right to be angry with Dan-yi. If I were in his shoes, I would never forgive her.

lol.  in k dramas  land, one  can  hurt  a  dozen people. and   some fool  will   still   wait for  the culprit to get  out of  prison, cause  she or  he   give them a  cup  of   coffee    one time.lolol. 

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now it is  snowing. it  was  raining like an  hour  ago. now it is  snow.  we  are  suppose  to expect  minus degrees  tonight.... it  was  minus  4 this morning. then it turned into  rain.  now it is snowing.  thats  it got to shop    today. tomorrow under the   snow  everything  will be ice  when  freezing tempt   occurs...   wah wah .  winter starts too  early, i am  still washing  down the   walls and  ceiling of the  house, to get   ready  for  christmas.

 thankful i am  not   someone like  JR or YJ out there in the  world..

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A big surprise at the board meeting when MS rode into the the board meeting on his white horse.  The astounded look on YJ's face was priceless.  I guess he was outmaneuvered unknowingly...he should have seen that one as a possibility.

It looks like the BOD's think MS is looking pretty good as a tried and true president of Bonjour to get it back on the right tracks.

DT wavered when he heard from his father that DY has feeling for him.

I'll have to wait for all of your posts and eng. subs to know the rest of what happened today.



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No video preview, so here is the text preview for episode 135.


After becoming confirmed as the Head Representative of Bon Jour, Min Seok tries to resolve the herbal supplement issue, Dan Yi refuses Min Seok’s offer to return to work. At word that a donor for the heart transplant has been located, Kyung Chul and Yeon Shil meet the person arranging the transplant. At Min Seok’s sudden appearance, Yoon Jae is afraid of that the Chinese branch project will be found out…

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5 minutes ago, desertflower said:

A big surprise at the board meeting when MS rode into the the board meeting on his white horse.  The astounded look on YJ's face was priceless.  I guess he was outmaneuvered unknowingly...he should have seen that one as a possibility.

It looks like the BOD's think MS is looking pretty good as a tried and true president of Bonjour to get it back on the right tracks.

DT wavered when he heard from his father that DY has feeling for him.

I'll have to wait for all of your posts and eng. subs to know the rest of what happened today.



very  fitting. MS  rose  above  everyone  else. he was backstabbed  by   his  wife. and laughed  at   by  YJ.  cause YJ  was  working against  him together  with   JR... MS   white amour of  innocence   won the hearts of the BOD

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41 minutes ago, anbud said:

very  fitting. MS  rose  above  everyone  else. he was backstabbed  by   his  wife. and laughed  at   by  YJ.  cause YJ  was  working against  him together  with   JR... MS   white amour of  innocence   won the hearts of the BOD

After suffering at the receiving end of all those backstabbing, MS must have understood already how to "play the game". Therefore out-manoeuvring YJ and gang. Also, JMR's mulberries and fresh air must've given him extra "brain power" when processing news provided by GJ and DT. Lol!

@desertflower yes YJ's face was priceless. JR was so pleasantly surprised that her jaw dropped to the ground. I was laughing at all their faces at this point :D. Except for DT, who looked genuinely happy, relieved, and I think in awe of his dad too. 

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14 minutes ago, sgfan said:

After suffering at the receiving end of all those backstabbing, MS must have understood already how to "play the game". Therefore out-manoeuvring YJ and gang. Also, JMR's mulberries and fresh air must've given him extra "brain power" when processing news provided by GJ and DT. Lol!

@desertflower yes YJ's face was priceless. JR was so pleasantly surprised that her jaw dropped to the ground. I was laughing at all their faces at this point :D. Except for DT, who looked genuinely happy, relieved, and I think in awe of his dad too. 

lolol. MS --  daddy is   here DT.

not like  Jack nicholson  redrum.lolol 

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3 hours ago, sk0317 said:

I agree with you that MS is a cool and unconventional dad:). He does have a very good relationship with his son especially. MS is probably the only character in this drama that doesn't resort to shouting or raising his voice to get his message across:lol:. I must say I like his soothing and calm demeanor.

Off topic, I found this pretty useful site : http://www.koreanfluent.com/cross_cultural/korean_names_corporate_titles/korean_names_corporate_titles.htm

Thank you for your warm thoughts:). It was 4 degrees here this morning; probably the lowest this fall:sweatingbullets:.

I hope you like the Christmas song. I really like Blaise Plant's (lead singer/guitarist) voice. Can't wait to watch tonight's show. I think in a plot twist, Mr. Choi might be named the new CEO of Bonjour.

I think tonight's episode managed to give us a good show to end the week . Welcome back Mr Seol Minsuk!

Thank you for the link! Haha I am surprised and a little embarrassed I hadn't stumbled upon this website when doing my "research" on DT/YJ's job title. I shall refer to this website when I hear job titles while watching other future dramas :)

Just reading that it was 4 degrees over at your side makes me want to break out my coat. Looking forward to nice, cold weather when I visit Japan next year! Yes, the lead singer has a nice quality to his voice :) Happy weekend!

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lolol @sgfan 4 degrees is like having  AC in the  summer.   you need a  coat when it is  minus  16 degrees.  i  had on a  mini skirt  yesterday bare legged.  though it is minus  right now, i am  still wearing a  t-shirt  with  shorts in the   house. but i  am  cleaning  the  house.  so i  am not  standing   still. it is 18 degrees in the  house.    throw  over a  ankel length unisex  coat  when i  go  out   to   check   on the  cat.. when it  gets  minus  30 degrees  then i might  complain, but i never did  when it  was  minus  40.. i  adapt to the   weather.

  you  should  see me  when the   road  here is   just  ice. even taxies  can't   come. i  put a plastic  bag under  my  butt  and i slide   way  down  the  mountain,  and take the  buss to  town.lol

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Actually, DT's mother needs to be dismissed in my opinion. The way she ran the company allowed YJ to defraud the company. If she had been doing a better job and not harassing DY and SA, she would have noticed something wrong with YJ's explanations.  She's just getting a taste of her own medicine. She wonder how these people can be so cruel, she doesn't think of her own cruel behavior. I will say this reminded her of he own actions.  Glad YJ didn't get his way.


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