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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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@lclarakl. Sadly I too felt happy relief when DY fell unconscious thus providing (I thought) a delightful period of respite from her usual habit of senseless support of SW with total nonsensical thought processes (which drove me crazy).  But alas, DY's unconsciousness does not last long enough.....as more nonsensical thought processes (and support of SW) are due in the next episode on Monday.

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@desertflower. lol I  had  evil  thoughts  when I   saw  DY  hit  her  head. was  thinking,   hope she loses  her  memory. Then i  thought, hmm  let her be like   halfway damage. then i  thought let her only remember  how she loves  farming, so she  can skip and jump and  run  through a  field of  flowers  laughing with a  basket  of  fruit in her  hand. with  DT looking  from  afar , saying  at  last  DY is happy, I  will now  leave  for  america.lololol

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31 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

Sadly, I didn't bat an eye when DY was knocked unconscious by the thugs. I feel no pity for her at all. They could kill off her character and it wouldn't bother me......maybe because i was still in disbelief that DY had the strength to hold back two men and knocking them down...writer please.  I'm sure the writer will use this to bring some sense into crazy, selfish SW.

:lol: I have to admit I have weak tear ducts and do often get carried away with scenes that play out to my emotions.:sweatingbullets:  That said, I do think the rescue scene was a little too dramatic for a usually meek, feeble and petite DY. But I guess the writers have to over-exaggerate the scene to "bring some sense into crazy, selfish SW". In RL, DY would be kidnapped and taken to the brothels to sell her body to repay SW's unpaid debts since she was the one responsible for SW's escape. Furthermore, it makes little or no sense for DY to keep emphasizing to SA who wants SW to surrender herself, that they should "respect" and try to "honor" SW's wish to stow away even though it is wrong. Why do you give a criminal the right to choose when she is obviously in trouble with the law? SW is not little GJ's mom who is nearing her death and has drawn up a bucket list. If SW refuses to surrender herself to the police, SA or DY should call them to come and get her instead.

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2 hours ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  Wrote that if DT ended up with YJ's thumb drive, he would take it to the police, saving Bonjour and Juran's job.

Do you think so? 

DT won't do anything that significant without consulting Mama.

Recall that Mama Juran was disturbed when the police became involved in SW's fraud case because of the potential embarrassment to herself.  She would have preferred to simply slap SW silly and send her back to the village.

YJ's thumb drive is not only an embarrassment for Juran, it exposes massive incompetence on her part.  No way she could keep her job if the contents of YJ's thumb drive become widely known.

I suspect that Juran would want to keep l'affaire YJ secret and that DT would go along with this because, in the end, he always does what his mother tells him to do.  YJ would be required to very quietly hand over the money in his illicit bank accounts and then would be equally quietly banished to the Gu's vegetable store. 

Or so Juran would do if she can get away with it.

:D I stand corrected. Mommy's boy will take the USB from DY and give it to his mama, without reporting to the police.:P

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26 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

:D I stand corrected. Mommy's boy will take the USB from DY and give it to his mama, without reporting to the police.:P

 but, DT never  told  his   sister  about  YJ  talking to  DY outside   her  home. or on the rooftop  where Yj was  begging  DY to  wait  for  him.   DT always   wanted  YJ to make  his sister  happy. DT knew  YJ  was    with  DY for  5 years , but  DT never disclose  this to   his  mother  or his sister  nor  his  father.  would  DT  hand over the usb  to his mother if it got into his hands.? if DT do  that  he will  hurt  his sister. so, there is  a chance in this  fictitious drama, that  DT  will talk to  YJ  ,so he can  protect his  sister , cause he knows   his sister  loves  YJ. DT  might  try  to get   YJ to put things  back in  order. or face  humiliation and  jail . and HR will be  very   hurt. I  think if this  happens, YJ  will do as  DT  say  and  say he is sorry. and HR  will never  know   about  what  YJ had  plan to do. DT is  about  protecting his  sister, even  if she is a nasty  moo.

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12 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

CJ and Mr. Park are two TUF characters who suffer miserably from unrequited love. Sadly for CJ and Mr. Park, when the women they love approached them for a favor (money), they both fail miserably to comply. :sweatingbullets:

lol Mr. park   had little money in   his  wallet, but   he also added, you know  farming do not make   much  money, so  he  said,  he sort of had no  savings..  lol smart  move from him he avoided giving  money to  SA. the  woman he says he  love, but not  enough to  part  with his  money..

lol so, we  have  CJ.(can't  help  but  laugh   while  typing this) who tried to  steal from his  parents in  front of them. CJ does not  seem to  get a   pay cheque, doubt he have a bank account , though he works for his  parents.  he always have  to  ask them for  money  or steal  it from the  cash  register. like  he  stole it when he took  SW out for  dinner.. the  guy is  broke.lolol

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sometimes  i think   words means something else.. i  was reading this long  post  by this poster. and it was  written, YJ was cooking the books. for a  few sec   i had a  visual  of  YJ  with a  pot on the  stove   putting his  ledger in   it   turning it  with a  spoon.  so kept on reading  and    i got   what the poster  meant. oh    the poster  meant  falsifying the books..

i called  myself many  not so   nice  names  after  reading   and understanding   what  it  meant.   dimwit was one of the  name..  stupid  , stupid   was  another.lolol. was  cooking  dinner,  and i was  like,  stupid  stupid.lolol

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13 hours ago, sk0317 said:

DY put up a courageous fight with the thugs to protect and allow SW to escape. But she was also putting herself in real danger of either getting raped or kidnapped before or after she passed out. It was a very close call and thank God it's a scene from a K-drama. I think the thugs panicked and left an unconscious DY lying there before they took off. Yes DY's attempt to stop the thugs and helped SW escaped was the game changer that made SW realized DY genuinely cares and loves her as an aunt.

I foresee SW giving DY the USB before she makes her escape in the dark. DY will provide the incriminating evidence to DT and he will then take it to the police, thus saving Bonjour and JR's position. As a result, JR reluctantly accepts DY and later agrees to the DT/DY's relationship.

@sk0317  Perfect ending.. And just think if it plays out like this all this stupidity could have ended at episode 95..

@jayakris  No this isn't the worst daily ever made I have seen one worst then this and that was Pricess Aurora, The writer killed off everybody in the drama even the dog.. LMAO Then had dead people coming around as ghosts it was something to see.. I stop watching the drama and just read the thread because it was some hilarious comments in that one oh yea another one was Sencerity moves the heavens AKA Send Mary To Hell..

13 hours ago, stroppyse said:

DT will take DY back at some point in the future. He told his father that he hasn't been able to forget DY yet. MS asked whether DT shouldn't ask DY to date again. DT responded by saying that DY was too busy with SW's issues to hear him out and that she would probably reject him anyway. MS agrees that it would be best to wait until the situation with SW has resolved, but once it has, if DT feels the same, that he should try again with DY.

Not to mention, that in a previous episode, DT seemed to be understanding of the fact that DY broke up with him because of her niece. That doesn't make sense to me, but apparently this is acceptable reasoning to everyone in the drama. 

*sigh* DT will be a gullible fool until the end, it seems. Accepting of every abuse the Kang women are capable of throwing at him. 

Wait @stroppyse  I have to ask do MS still not know of Sa and DY relationship, This also will be and obstacle in the relationship for Jr first the daughter now the mother and add in a SIL.. I'm still not watching and just commenting on the comments thats been made..

13 hours ago, anbud said:

aha, lolol  that  was  funny.lolol     ok i  better  go  watch this  episode.

What in the hell was he thinking @anbud She don't need $20.00 dollars boy I tell you this man needs to sit his scary but down some where..

12 hours ago, sk0317 said:

I agree with @sgfan and @desertflower about the condition for YJ's loan will be to run away together with DY. And also SW will return to find an unconscious DY after making sure the thugs have left for good. Wouldn't it be better for YJ if he retrieves his USB, pays the thugs to clear SW's debts and allows SW to run away instead of reporting her to the police? If she is caught by the police, there is always a danger for her to tell them about YJ's 'project" even if the USB is no longer in her possession.

@sk0317 Sorry to say I don't think it will be SW to go back and check on DY it's going to be YJ that finds DY like that.. I do see him making a deal with with the no blonde dumb and she will agree to it long as it could save her lover Sw.. LMAO

@sgfan Yes I can't stay away from this thread but I hate the drama..

7 hours ago, jimb said:

Ha!  Did you see how DY laid into those loan sharks? 

I thought that DY, a sinewy Korean farm gal, could kick some whoopdoodle if properly inspired. 

Good thing for HR, on the two occasions she attacked DY while DY was employed by Bonjour, that DY wasn't properly inspired.

If HR heads for the village for some heaving bosom Hefty Heifer action, DY, now unconstrained by employment at Bonjour, might well give her the surprise of her life.

Bring it on, writers . . .

@jimb I'm praying that HR get a wild hair in her high and might but to go and confront DY especially with wanting to give her one of her famous slaps.. I also want to see DY lite into her just one good time and call KC and press charges against her but because her going to DY place she's went to start trouble..

7 hours ago, jimb said:

@anbud  In ep. 129, DY explicitly told SA that she planned to help SW "stow away" to escape from Korea.

@jimb how would she survive Sw don't speak any other language remember she wasn't that bright in school she's better off turning herself in because it's no way she'll survive in another country she;ll end up like most girls that runaway from home working as a lady of the night..

7 hours ago, taemoni said:

SW  has been the manipulator throughout this whole drama and continues to do so even after being   caught.DY  is not the innocent  person that she tries to display because  she has done nothing but aid and abet SW in her crime of fraud.

Well said @taemoni  Yes this is why I said they should lock her up to..

4 hours ago, jimb said:

I suspect that Juran would want to keep l'affaire YJ secret and that DT would go along with this because, in the end, he always does what his mother tells him to do.  YJ would be required to very quietly hand over the money in his illicit bank accounts and then would be equally quietly banished to the Gu's vegetable store. 

Or so Juran would do if she can get away with it.

@jimb It's no way JR will banish YJ back to the veggie store that would damage HR having a twice divorced young daughter all she would do is quitely hide what he done and change certain position in his title but no way would she want HR divorced again so YJ do have some bargaining level against JR..

3 hours ago, lclarakl said:


Sadly, I didn't bat an eye when DY was knocked unconscious by the thugs. I feel no pity for her at all. They could kill off her character and it wouldn't bother me......maybe because i was still in disbelief that DY had the strength to hold back two men and knocking them down...writer please.  I'm sure the writer will use this to bring some sense into crazy, selfish SW.

@lclarakl  I always said somebody need to slap DY upside the head with a brain stick maybe this boop should do it.. I still think it's to late for her brain to function..

2 hours ago, anbud said:

@desertflower. lol I  had  evil  thoughts  when I   saw  DY  hit  her  head. was  thinking,   hope she loses  her  memory. Then i  thought, hmm  let her be like   halfway damage. then i  thought let her only remember  how she loves  farming, so she  can skip and jump and  run  through a  field of  flowers  laughing with a  basket  of  fruit in her  hand. with  DT looking  from  afar , saying  at  last  DY is happy, I  will now  leave  for  america.lololol

@anbud  You killing me :lol::lol: Here we go around the mulberry bush the mulberry bush.. LMAO

41 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

CJ and Mr. Park are two TUF characters who suffer miserably from unrequited love. Sadly for CJ and Mr. Park, when the women they love approached them for a favor (money), they both fail miserably to comply. :sweatingbullets:

LMAO:  Now that one really hit the stomach muscles.. One give out $20.00 dollars and the other tries to steal in parents faces boy mother and daughter sure knows how to attract moneyless men..


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@valsava MS don't have a  clue  yet  that  SA is  DY SIL  or SW is her daughter....

was  hoping  SA  went to  him  and ask    to borrow  some  money... well SA  never  liked    the park   guy and she  asked  him.

it was  real  weird    to  see  SA  ask   Park for money and right  after   KC arrived and told  SW is wanted  by the  police.. Park looking  at  SA. think she felt  so  ashamed.

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10 hours ago, anbud said:

 gosh  and the lies  from  SA to  granny. SW didn't do  anything  wrong,it's just  her  friend ran  away  ,so the  police  ask  SW to let  them  know if you  finds out  where  her  friend  is....

granny  --what? SW  friend caused  trouble.lolol


granny  says  to tell  SW  not to hang  out  with  bad  friends.lolol

I couldn't believe what I was hearing when SA told those lies about SW.:blink: SA and DY better pray and hope Ms. Park never gets better and recovers from her illness. They might have to pray for her condition to deteriorate further to the point she forgets SW's existence. Before that happens, the next time Ms. Park asks why her heartless GD is not visiting her, SA will have to come up with more ridiculous lies. Fugitive SW can never visit them freely or if she is caught, will not be going back to JMR to see her GM anytime soon.

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39 minutes ago, valsava said:

@sk0317 Sorry to say I don't think it will be SW to go back and check on DY it's going to be YJ that finds DY like that.. I do see him making a deal with with the no blonde dumb and she will agree to it long as it could save her lover Sw.. LMAO

I just re-watched the thugs' scene and I think SW will have to return to the hideout. In her haste to escape, SW dropped and left her Boston bag there:lol:.

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31 minutes ago, valsava said:


Wait @stroppyse  I have to ask do MS still not know of Sa and DY relationship, This also will be and obstacle in the relationship for Jr first the daughter now the mother and add in a SIL.. I'm still not watching and just commenting on the comments thats been made..



No, MS does not know about SA-DY relationship, therefore he also does not know about SA-SW. So, he can happily be in love with SA for the moment, but it's going to go bad really soon as soon as he finds out. I think. Who knows how this show will treat that information, however. I mean if DT can forgive DY for everything she's done to him, I guess his father can accept that the new love of his life has a sociopathic daughter that she's enabling not to mention aiding and abetting. 

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7 minutes ago, anbud said:

@sk0317 whats up  with  DY  saying  to  SA,  that if SW is a  stow away or in  prison, we  can't see her  anyways.. so  odd. thought   relatives or  whoever  can  visit  people in   prison.. 

Unless SW escapes to another country or continues her fugitive lifestyle in Korea, DY will still be able to visit and see SW if she is serving her sentence in a jail. Yes really odd...it's not like SW will be locked up in a maximum security prison.

# Meant to ask earlier, is that your furkid in your avatar?:)

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33 minutes ago, anbud said:

@valsava MS don't have a  clue  yet  that  SA is  DY SIL  or SW is her daughter....

was  hoping  SA  went to  him  and ask    to borrow  some  money... well SA  never  liked    the park   guy and she  asked  him.

it was  real  weird    to  see  SA  ask   Park for money and right  after   KC arrived and told  SW is wanted  by the  police.. Park looking  at  SA. think she felt  so  ashamed.

Well it's understandable that she would ask Park for the money first @anbud Because she know of him the longest and her not knowing what stage she's in with MS it would be kind of hard to ask him but I say pluck up some nerve like Sw would do and ask she shameless anyway..

Thanks @stroppyse and @anbud fo0r the clarification


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13 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Unless SW escapes to another country or continues her fugitive lifestyle in Korea, DY will still be able to visit and see SW if she is serving her sentence in a jail. Yes really odd...it's not like SW will be locked up in a maximum security prison.

# Meant to ask earlier, is that your furkid in your avatar?:)

yeah  he is   my  grandson. my   youngest  son  says it is his  cat . so i  said  then i am a grandmother..lolol all my  neighbours  have   grandkids.  so i   take  my  cat for a  walk when they  out  walking with  their  grandkids.lolol. bought  him a  little girl  play    baby carriage...  lolol I  put the  cat in it  and  i  sometimes   take  him to the  playground. the kids  love  him..   it is  so  boring  at  times  here. need to  do something to get  everyone active ... told my  son he is a deadbeat  father, cause i  always have to take  care of the  cat    while  he goes  and have  fun  with  his  brother..lolol will add.   my  cat  do have a  girlfriend  that  visits   at  times 4am. and  my   cat   calls me to  give her  food.  by the  way  his  girlfriend is  sterilized,so  I  will not be  a great  grandmother  anytime soon.

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when my  cat see  my  ex   husband he makes  this sound  male  cats make  when they  see another male  cat. sort of like a  war  sound. I  told my  ex many  times not to  touch   the cat. but no he was  going to befriend   the  cat. last year  he tried  that   when the  cat  was  making  that  war  sound my  cat  sank his  teeth into the palm of  my ex hand. he had to go to the  doc. cause his  hand  swell up... ever sense  then    my ex  will talk to the  cat  like a  meter   from  him. got a  great  bodyguard  in  my   cat. i  cheered  my  cat  in silence when he  sank  his  teeth  into  my  ex  palm. when  my  ex  left. I said to   the  cat . ah  good  boy. you   did  well.lololol maybe now he  will stop stalking  me.

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