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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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DT will take DY back at some point in the future. He told his father that he hasn't been able to forget DY yet. MS asked whether DT shouldn't ask DY to date again. DT responded by saying that DY was too busy with SW's issues to hear him out and that she would probably reject him anyway. MS agrees that it would be best to wait until the situation with SW has resolved, but once it has, if DT feels the same, that he should try again with DY.

Not to mention, that in a previous episode, DT seemed to be understanding of the fact that DY broke up with him because of her niece. That doesn't make sense to me, but apparently this is acceptable reasoning to everyone in the drama. 

*sigh* DT will be a gullible fool until the end, it seems. Accepting of every abuse the Kang women are capable of throwing at him. 

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@sgfan. Oh, I like your idea that YJ will have a condition for DY in order to loan the money and that being she has to be his.

I think it's possible that SW will wait to see if the loan sharks leave and then she'll check on her aunt and, you're right, this would be a huge leap of growth for the selfish SW.

Monday's episode should be enlightening or if not then by the end of next week.

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7 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Mr. Park was quite funny when SA asks if she could borrow money from him. He has always been shown as a man who is careful with his money:). He didn't realize SA was asking for a big amount when he offered her 20,000 won from his pockets:lol:.

aha, lolol  that  was  funny.lolol     ok i  better  go  watch this  episode.

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18 minutes ago, sgfan said:

@valsava happy to see that you've checked in :) we have very good company on this forum thread which is why we all keep coming back, although the drama isn't that good.

@sk0317 @desertflower do you think SW will return to save passed out DY? That will be a first step for SW in trying to make up.

I guess YJ will agree to lend the money to DY. On a condition which he will not say for now and DY will just agree out of desperation. DY will soon find out when YJ's "project" is complete and that the 'condition' is to run away together. 

I agree with @sgfan and @desertflower about the condition for YJ's loan will be to run away together with DY. And also SW will return to find an unconscious DY after making sure the thugs have left for good. Wouldn't it be better for YJ if he retrieves his USB, pays the thugs to clear SW's debts and allows SW to run away instead of reporting her to the police? If she is caught by the police, there is always a danger for her to tell them about YJ's 'project" even if the USB is no longer in her possession.

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OST part 8: Park Hoon - If I want to cry


그대 슬픈 눈빛 
그대 아픈 얼굴
내 맘은 찢어지네요 
그 누가 당신을 
아프게 했나요

그 사람 당신 데려갈 때
나는 불안했어요

내가 지켰어야 했네요
당신 행복하기만 
바보같이 빌었었죠

울고 싶은 날이면
내게 기대어 울어도 돼요

허나 너무 아파서 
견딜 수 없게 된다면
내가 그 빈 자리에 
들어가 줄게요

울고 싶어 질때면
그대 내 어깨에 기대요

허나 너무 아파서 
견딜 수 없게 된다면
내가 그 빈 자리에 
들어갈 수 있게 해주세요

그대 맑은 눈빛 
그대 예쁜 얼굴
내가 지켰어야 했네요
당신 행복하기만 
바보같이 기다렸죠

울고 싶은 날이면 
내게 기대어 울어도 돼요

허나 너무 아파서 
견딜 수 없게 된다면
내가 그 빈 자리에 
들어가 줄게요

나 이제 그대 놓지 않을게요
내가 잡은 그 손 놓지마요

울고 싶은 날이면
내게 기대어 울어도 돼요

허나 너무 아파서 
견딜 수 없게 된다면
서로 기대어 
그 땐 함께 웃어요

Preview E130:


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 gosh  and the lies  from  SA to  granny. SW didn't do  anything  wrong,it's just  her  friend ran  away  ,so the  police  ask  SW to let  them  know if you  finds out  where  her  friend  is....

granny   --what? SW  friend caused  trouble.lolol


granny  says  to tell  SW  not to hang  out  with  bad  friends.lolol


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oh . look a  secret  small  door  that  leads  from DY  room to  another  room, where  SW is sitting in the  dark.

SW did not  even  notice  DY open the   small door,  well, SW noticed  nothing  till DY  turn the  lights on.

DY  says  wait, i  will go  get  you some  water,  then off  DY  went to  tell SA.lolol

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good  god. what  sort of  advice is this.. how  i  wish  KC  arrest   DY/SA for helping a wanted  person..grrrr

SA---- what   should  we  do   about  SW? If  I  don't  do  anything, she'll get  caught . But  I can't  help her  hide.

I  should  talk to her , I 'll  persuade her to  turn  herself inn.

DY----- Just  leave  her  alone. It'll be  best  if  she decides  to  turn herself  in. but she is  saying  she  absolutely can't. We  can't  force her . I  think we  should  just  let  her  do as  she  wants.

SA---Are you  saying we  should  let  her  stow  away?

DY--- whether she  stows away  or gets locked  up, we  won't be able to see her  anyway. If stowing  away  give her a  peace of mind ,I want to let  her  do it. I  think  you should   just  let  her  have her  way  ,please  Soon Ae?


SW phone  ringing  while she is  hiding out in a  secret  place .lolol

DY phone  ringing while she visits    the hiding sw .lol

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 129:

# KC and his partner get into their car and leave. SW emerges from the shadows.

# DY's mother is holding forth in her house. SA and DY stare dejectedly at the floor.

# DY's mother storms off. SA and DY talk sadly.

# DY retires to her bedroom and heaves a sigh of relief. She then hears a noise in SW's old bedroom. She goes into SW's bedroom and turns on the light. SW is cowering against the wall.

# DY and SW converse urgently. SW has been taken down several pegs and seems more frightened than arrogant. DY leaves the room. SW whines to herself.

# SA is sitting in her bedroom. DY enters and informs her of SW's presence.

# SA rushes into SW's bedroom and chastises her daughter. SW at first has little to say. Then she starts lashing out. Then she pleads. Then SW and SA begin shouting at each other.

# The Gu family sits around a table. YJ's mother lambastes CJ. CJ studies the table cloth. CJ has enough and storms out of the room. KC arrives. He is delegated to talk to CJ.

# CJ is sitting in his bedroom. KC enters. CJ confesses his love for SW. KC is like, How can this be? KC receives a call on his cell phone from YJ.

# YJ is in his bedroom and speaks briefly with KC. HR enters as the call concludes. YJ conveys some news to HR

# HR and YJ march down to the living room and update Grandfather, Juran and DT. Juran seems subdued. Grandfather seems to be approaching the limits of his endurance. HR whines for some reason. Juran leaves the room.

# YJ and DT talk in the upstairs hallway. They both seem to be weary and more or less on the same wavelength for a change.

# SA and DY emote in their house. SW emerges from her bedroom. DY leads her to a hiding place. SW surveys what appears to be a tool shed with disgust. Yogi?!

# SW sits alone in the dark shed and weeps.

# The sun rises over Bonjour.

# YJ paces in his office. Mr. Han enters and they discuss the SW situation. Mr. Han has dived deep in the Crime Stoppers Textbook and advises YJ that SW may be hiding out near her home. YJ appreciates this insight. YJ dashes off.

# DT enters Juran's office. She looks like she has another headache. They discuss DY. Juran does her Ha! No Eye-Roll.

# DT leaves. Juran snorts, then stares at her divorce papers.

# MS is in his house. DT enters. They talk. DT makes an unsuccessful stab at "Don't divorce Omma." Then they discuss DY.

# SA sits in her house. She recalls something DY said. She walks outside and talks with DY. DY is holding a bag. The Village Representative arrives and asks DY what is in the bag. Nothing, DY explains before leaving.

# SA and the Village Representative converse awkwardly. KC arrives. All three converse even more awkwardly. The Village Representative sputters.

# KC and his partner wander the village but can't find a clue. YJ arrives in the village and within minutes follows DY to SW's hiding place. Crooks 1, Seoul PD, 0.

# SW is alone in the shed. She receives a text from the loan sharks and is distressed.

# DY enters the shed. SW's nastiness approaches normal levels. DY whines. DY receives a call on her cell phone and departs.

# DY, outside the shed, talks on her cell phone and hurries off.

# YJ enters the shed, surprising SW. He's like, Gimme thumb drive. SW recovers her arrogance, No Will Do. YJ is angry when he leaves the shed.

# DY joins DT on a hilltop. They talk. A lugubrious melody can be heard in the background. She turns to leave. He makes a fervent vow.

# YJ's father, in his store, yells at CJ, who is oblivious. CJ leaves to make a delivery. Something's up with that boy, his parents fume. Birth Mother and Big and Little GJ walk through the store on their way out.

# Birth Mother and Big and Little GJ shop happily.

# SA and DY talk in the darkness outside their house. DY's mother joins them. Aigoo!

# The two loan sharks track DY to the shed. Have they been tipped off by YJ? Now the score is Crooks, 2, Seoul PD, 0.

# SW is nasty and DY whines for a brief period. Then the loan sharks burst in and make their demand. SW's arrogance is once again in remission. SW is like, whaddya mean? They explain. DY attacks the loan sharks. SW escapes. DY's head hits the floor and she loses consciousness.


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Ha!  Did you see how DY laid into those loan sharks? 

I thought that DY, a sinewy Korean farm gal, could kick some whoopdoodle if properly inspired. 

Good thing for HR, on the two occasions she attacked DY while DY was employed by Bonjour, that DY wasn't properly inspired.

If HR heads for the village for some heaving bosom Hefty Heifer action, DY, now unconstrained by employment at Bonjour, might well give her the surprise of her life.

Bring it on, writers . . .

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SW  has been the manipulator throughout this whole drama and continues to do so even after being   caught.DY  is not the innocent  person that she tries to display because  she has done nothing but aid and abet SW in her crime of fraud.

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Well as many of you predicted the plot is going downhill fast. Today MS joined the "richard simmons Club", "Dumb and Dummer" was to tame a tittle to describe the club that these characters belong to. MS tells DT to wait awhile before telling DY about his love for her. Any sane father would be telling him to get as far away from that family as possible. He should be emphasizing that DY's actions show that she does not have nearly the same amount of devotion towards him as he does for her and that such a relationship is doomed. MS should tell him that his initial opinion of DY was wrong and that he was fooled by her too. Emphasize that good people do not aide in criminal activities and to judge people by their actions not their appearance.

Someone pointed out the ridiculousness of DY's conversation with SA regarding letting SW do what she wants and run away. This shows a total lack of respect for the law and lowers my respect for her character to a depth I didn't think possible. Knowing what I know now about DY's character. When I think back to the hardships she endured earlier I don't feel as bad for her as I did initially. Like when JR slapped her now that I know that I and the rest of the audience was actually being fooled by her as to her true nature I don't feel the same level of sympathy towards her as I did when it actually happened. DY is actually a very stupid and callous character, pretty yes but that's about it on the positive side. Some might say it's just the situation that is making her this way. I say pressure brings out a person's true nature. DT  should realize that if he married DY she would not hesitate to lie to him if she saw the slightest need to in the future.

Watching DY and SA lie to the police so thoughtlessly  I really would like to see them do some jail time with SW. 

Someone wondered if KC's partner, Bong had seen SW in connection with the counterfeiting case as KC had. If you watch the last few minutes of ep 12 you will see that he clearly does both outside and inside the shop. He also was right next to Soon Shim when she was screaming SW's full name out at the top of her lungs. So unless he has as crazy a home life as KC and is also distracted at work, he's just as incompetent as KC for failing to recognize her outside of Bonjour or her name which was screamed into his ear to. Keystone cops!

In ep 18 (33:20) at the end of a shoot SW asks Attractive Gossip Girl how much the Veteran show host makes after watching the staff fawn over her. AGG tells her that it must be in the "six figures" and that she also appears in many ads. This actually is what makes SW decide to become a Host instead of a model. SW became a popular Show Host . There are indications that she had better sales figures for her shows than did the Veteran Host. Now even if she made less than the other Host because of seniority reasons I would think her salary would still be close and thus quite substantial. Remember is sales what really matters is how much product you move. Now this is a girl who didn't have to pay rent. It's not like she took HR to expensive lunches every day or bought spa passes every week for JR. My point is that SW really should not have had any money problems short of being a complete idiot with money  she should have been quite well off. You might ask what about clothes?  Yes she could have spent a lot on clothing. But it was hinted at that the Show Hosts were provided with a wardrobe by Bonjour. Ep 26 (8:14) When SW first took the Veteran Hosts place in an emergency she was wearing a  Demo Model outfit I think Glasses Gossip Guy or some producer told her to go change. At that point SW was still poor she would not have had a nice expensive outfit of her own to change into. It would not be to far fetched to think that the hosts would be allowed to borrow the outfits for their own use. Remember Bonjure would want their Hosts to appear at their best even when in public since this would reflect positively on them. The bottom line is that SW should have had substantial financial resources. She got overdue credit card notices long before she took out the loan. She could have cut back on her spending and her pay checks would have taken care of her debt in no time. Of course poking holes in Kdrama plot lines is not exactly the hardest thing in the world.


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@sk0317  Wrote that if DT ended up with YJ's thumb drive, he would take it to the police, saving Bonjour and Juran's job.

Do you think so? 

DT won't do anything that significant without consulting Mama.

Recall that Mama Juran was disturbed when the police became involved in SW's fraud case because of the potential embarrassment to herself.  She would have preferred to simply slap SW silly and send her back to the village.

YJ's thumb drive is not only an embarrassment for Juran, it exposes massive incompetence on her part.  No way she could keep her job if the contents of YJ's thumb drive become widely known.

I suspect that Juran would want to keep l'affaire YJ secret and that DT would go along with this because, in the end, he always does what his mother tells him to do.  YJ would be required to very quietly hand over the money in his illicit bank accounts and then would be equally quietly banished to the Gu's vegetable store. 

Or so Juran would do if she can get away with it.




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@lclarakl and @sgfan  discussed why DT went along with the "accept your responsibility" argument" for a forced marriage to SW rather than simply say (as he did to SW during his final meeting with her) that he would accept responsibility for whatever happened but that didn't include a forced marriage:

@sgfan suggested that DT's change of position after it was discovered that SW was not rich reflected dubious ethics on DT's part:

Actually I think It was Juran who decreed that DT had to be "responsible" when SW was thought to be rich and completely forgot this "obligation" when SW was discovered to be poor. While Juran was pushing this line DT allowed himself to be bullied into accepting it and when Juran abandoned it, DT was happy to be free again.

This episode demonstrates weakness on DT's part but his ethics were ok. It was Juran who was greedy and hypocritical.

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10 hours ago, sk0317 said:

DY put up a courageous fight with the thugs to protect and allow SW to escape. But she was also putting herself in real danger of either getting raped or kidnapped before or after she passed out. It was a very close call and thank God it's a scene from a K-drama. I think the thugs panicked and left an unconscious DY lying there before they took off. Yes DY's attempt to stop the thugs and helped SW escaped was the game changer that made SW realized DY genuinely cares and loves her as an aunt.

I foresee SW giving DY the USB before she makes her escape in the dark. DY will provide the incriminating evidence to DT and he will then take it to the police, thus saving Bonjour and JR's position. As a result, JR reluctantly accepts DY and later agrees to the DT/DY's relationship.


Sadly, I didn't bat an eye when DY was knocked unconscious by the thugs. I feel no pity for her at all. They could kill off her character and it wouldn't bother me......maybe because i was still in disbelief that DY had the strength to hold back two men and knocking them down...writer please.  I'm sure the writer will use this to bring some sense into crazy, selfish SW.

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1 hour ago, taemoni said:

SW  has been the manipulator throughout this whole drama and continues to do so even after being   caught.DY  is not the innocent  person that she tries to display because  she has done nothing but aid and abet SW in her crime of fraud.

The writers manipulated the viewers' feelings of compassion and empathy in episode 129. They were trying to show us how the Kang girls resolve their 'differences' by bonding in unity in times of "turmoil". I have to confess I got carried away by my emotions but SW will eventually be caught when she attempts to escape to another country. The harboring and concealing of a fugitive is a crime and the accomplice should also be held accountable and needs to face the consequences. I hope the writers don't gloss over the whole 'stowing away' incident and send out a distorted message that it's OK if you are doing it out of love for a family member. "Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it"- William Penn

I find it interesting SW cried out, "Daddy.." instead of "Mommy..." when she was all alone and had to spend the night in the shed. That said, SA and DY especially have to face the consequences of lying to the police when questioned and also for their part in harboring SW knowing there is a warrant out for her arrest.

I do wonder if YJ's mom will do the same for him when he is on the run like SW.

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18 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


Sadly, I didn't bat an eye when DY was knocked unconscious by the thugs. I feel no pity for her at all. They could kill off her character and it wouldn't bother me......maybe because i was still in disbelief that DY had the strength to hold back two men and knocking them down...writer please.  I'm sure the writer will use this to bring some sense into crazy, selfish SW.

 agree. that  scene was  so  stupid ,i just  smh.   I  mean  after all the   slaps, and mistreatment from SW, YJ,HR,JR.Granny , DY now  decides to stand up  and  fight for a   crime ridden  niece.

 this  drama is heading  down  like the  rest, all happy at the   end..  wonder if YJ will also all of a  sudden when he is  caught  as a  con  man, he  will  declare  ,he now  knows  how  much he loves  HR.

Guessing  I  will never  see  Yj  mother  begging   not to  send  YJ  to  prison.. 

lol when  one might be heading to  jail and  the  person or persons you  emotionally  abuse  becomes  the  person you always  love  ,to  save yourself  .. all this undying  love   they  always  felt, but just now pop up in their heads..lolol.

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