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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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@sk0317 no  problems i   will type how i see it  before  subs ,  so i will be your SW  bothering  you    like a  devil...

lolol   gonna make  you watch.lolol  no  giving up.  we hang out for so many  hours. speculating and analizing.  you   not getting  away that easy. words of SW that the  writers  make smarter then DY

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Thank you for your comments on today's episode @anbud. DY is simply a 24 y.o. woman with the mind of a 13 y.o. I am not amused with her mentality and the sacrificial stance she is taking any more. And yes SW has been outright rude to her mom by cutting her calls short and providing her with curt replies. Respect? she has none...as long as she thinks she is unstoppable and has nothing to lose by continuing to scheme and lie.

1 hour ago, lclarakl said:

According to Koreandrama.org and DramaWiki, it's being extended to 150; both sights originally reflected on 120 episodes.

Now we will probably have SW and DT getting engaged--just so stupid. It would be find if this drama would change up the story, but it's the same, constant circle. I can't count the number of times SW has hid while spying on DT and DY---at work, at home, in a restaurant, everywhere all the time. I can't believe how many times DT has seen SW's true character and he continues to call this woman his friend. He sounds like an ignorant child. DY seemed stronger in earlier episodes, but she's just a crying, let me be the punching bag, unappealing lead character in this drama. She's such a turn off.  I won't even talk about KC and his ex wife and his family.....Jerry Springer future guests. 

I can't believe this drama is in first place. There truly can't be anything else on TV at this time.

:blink: I am speechless and dumbfounded. And I am boiling mad at the turn of events in this disappointing drama. Talk about lack of originality and ideas...I bet the writers need a daily dose of 'soju' to keep their creativity numb so that they can follow the conventional route in most k-dramas. The plot is so pathetic and unbelievably crazy to the point of no return; now I might even refuse to watch the short clips on this stupid drama. CJ, be prepared to work overtime to make your specialty signature sesame porridge and do add a bowl of 'bean sprout soup' to your hangover menu for the scriptwriters.  As for DY, to her I say 'You asked for it!' it's all I can manage at this moment. Although the bed scene was probably staged, there is no use crying over 'spilled milk'. Now SW has invented a reason to pin a vulnerable DT down with a promise to marriage. So, what's next?

I hope to read a headline "TUF's ratings plummet to an all time low..." after today's shenanigan.

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

:lol: I have stopped watching the raw or English subbed version of this drama since last week. I can't stand the sight and sound of that ghastly woman in SW!! If the writers are not going to take her off this drama sometime this week, I am going to do everyone here a service by performing the inevitable task myself:angry:. And DT should stop interacting with SW since he knows how she 'feels' for him. Although he has told her straight in her face he has NO feelings whatsoever for her, his message has been taken lightly and clearly SW has refused to register it in her numbskull. He should have stopped reporting for work and run for the hills. Has it been officially confirmed this drama is going to be extended to a tormenting and aimless 150 episodes after all:blink:? Can we expect to finally see SA do something to stop her delusional and out of control daughter?

DT must stop interacting with SW for sure! After this episode he should be able to sense her ill intentions or else he's kind of dense as well. I expect him to question SW for bringing him to her home when she clearly knows where he lives. Major facepalm for all of us if he accepts whatever lame excuse she gives.:angry:

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27 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Thank you for your comments on today's episode @anbud. DY is simply a 24 y.o. woman with the mind of a 13 y.o. I am not amused with her mentality and the sacrificial stance she is taking any more. And yes SW has been outright rude to her mom by cutting her calls short and providing her with curt replies. Respect? she has none...as long as she thinks she is unstoppable and has nothing to lose by continuing to scheme and lie.

:blink: I am speechless and dumbfounded. And I am boiling mad at the turn of events in this disappointing drama. Talk about lack of originality and ideas...I bet the writers need a daily dose of 'soju' to keep their creativity numb so that they can follow the conventional route in most k-dramas. The plot is so pathetic and unbelievably crazy to the point of no return; now I might even refuse to watch the short clips on this stupid drama. CJ, be prepared to work overtime to make your specialty signature sesame porridge and do add a bowl of 'bean sprout soup' to your hangover menu for the scriptwriters.  As for DY, to her I say 'You asked for it!' it's all I can manage at this moment. Although the bed scene was probably staged, there is no use crying over 'spilled milk'. Now SW has invented a reason to pin a vulnerable DT down with a promise to marriage. So, what's next?

aww.. @sk0317 every  month a  van with  frossen fish , pass by here. on sunday  my door  bell rang,and the  guy  ask if i want to  buy  fish. I  ask   , what  sort of  fish. he named a  few , and i  said ok,  wait a   min, got  my  wallet  and went out to the  van, all the fish he named  , he did not have, opps sold out. ok   I said, since  I   am here. what  do you   have? end up with  swordfish,which i  knew i  ate before,but can't remember the taste.. so , i  bought  swordfish  cause i  was  curious. (paid a heavy  price for  that) paid like  70 dollars, took  it  home,   made dinner, lolol and   my son and I was  like    ,no way.lolol we did not like the taste.. what  you  may  like as a  child  , you  might  not like as  an  adult... so as  this drama,  I  am   giving  away  swordfish  to  anyone who  wants to eat  it. so  far  only  my  ex mil said ok, but she only  want  1 piece. and she  will   cook it herself., then   I have 14 more pieces ..  as this drama it is  going to be a long  month. but I  will do as  SW,  guilt all  my   friends  to  taking  1 piece of   fish.  cause  that is  how it is...

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1 hour ago, sgfan said:

DT must stop interacting with SW for sure! After this episode he should be able to sense her ill intentions or else he's kind of dense as well. I expect him to question SW for bringing him to her home when she clearly knows where he lives. Major facepalm for all of us if he accepts whatever lame excuse she gives.:angry:

DT and DY should be known as 'Dense and Denser' if they fail to register SW's 'ill intentions' and unscrupulous deeds after today's episode. Time again we have been warning DT about the danger of getting too close to SW...he should have stayed clear of her and not put himself in a vulnerable position. And great observation about SW bringing DT home instead of the 'manor of doom'. I wonder what JR will think or feel should she find out the real reason behind SW's setting up a trap for DT to fall into. I mean she is always touting her as the best thing since sliced bread and being supportive and all. And DT and DY have to question why DY was called to the scene to witness DT in SW's bed with temptress SW in her night lingerie/gown. I will be completely lost if DY chooses to believe and go with SW's story she had slept with a drunken DTCrap.

# I am so mad I might not be able to sleep tonight @sgfan:tears:.

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1 hour ago, sgfan said:

DT must stop interacting with SW for sure! After this episode he should be able to sense her ill intentions or else he's kind of dense as well. I expect him to question SW for bringing him to her home when she clearly knows where he lives. Major facepalm for all of us if he accepts whatever lame excuse she gives.:angry:

lol  sensing  what.... there is  high   failer in  DT  asking  SW  to  explain  to  DY why  he is in her bed?  100% SW  will  lie to  DY...  then tells  DT she  explained   but  DY does not  believe her.lolol @valsava prediction  might just  come  true, fake  pregnancy on the map of betrayal....

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lucky  me, my  neighbour   took  6 pieces. her  sons  are  coming  over for  dinner this weekend.. i  said to   her, I can  bbq it for you. lol..  and no i  am  not  charging anyone for  fish,  I  am  giving it away..... well going   back on the  phone, need to cal a few  other  people.  can't  call  after  22hh. 

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Preview ep 116:

Really DY has disappointed me.  She's just a puppet, She goes immediately where they (SW/YJ/JR) call her. She doen's have dignity and just allows they treated her like cockrach. Her self-esteem in on the floor and doesn't have the courage to fight for the man who loves. She doesn't deserve DT. Now SW will say she is pregnant, DT and DY will belevie that. It's a shame this drama out the way so trite :dissapointed::flushed:

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3 hours ago, sgfan said:

;) we're still watching despite "vowing" not to lol. I really want SW out ASAP! I agree with you that the writers have made her omnipresent and too powerful. Hope that DY comes back to her senses by the end of the week. I've already cut down a lot of viewing time eg. Not watching the KBS world broadcast and skipping non-DT DY parts

@sgfan  It's not that she's powerful it's just she has gotten away with running over DY all her life and DY just accepts it because thats what she was taught to do..

3 hours ago, anbud said:

lol DT drinking.  and  passed out..lolol SW  shows up and took him to   some bed. omg he  hugs  SW thinking it is  DY. sw with her  scornful  look.   how dare  you  say   DY  name...

@anbud Thanks for the recap I saw this coming 10 miles away it was only a matter of time SW will be preggo..It's going to serve JR right when she finds out who SW is and who her mom is..



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57 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

DT and DY should be known as 'Dense and Denser' if they fail to register SW's 'ill intentions' and unscrupulous deeds after today's episode. Time again we have been warning DT about the danger of getting too close to SW...he should have stayed clear of her and not put himself in a vulnerable position. And great observation about SW bringing DT home instead of the 'manor of doom'. I wonder what JR will think or feel should she find out the real reason behind SW's setting up a trap for DT to fall into. I mean she is always touting her as the best thing since sliced bread and being supportive and all. And DT and DY have to question why DY was called to the scene to witness DT in SW's bed with temptress SW in her night lingerie/gown. I will be completely lost if DY chooses to believe and go with SW's story she had slept with a drunken DTCrap.

# I am so mad I might not be able to sleep tonight @sgfan:tears:.

Based on the preview, I think DY believes SW's story since she's shown crying her eyes out. I feel so bad for her, but also can't help but think she asked for it since she "gave" DT away. 

This is the first time I've ever cursed a show so much and wished it would wrap up like immediately. 

The next 4 episodes may really cause some sleepless nights for us, as the writers will milk this situation for all its worth for the entire week :tears: 

Inhale *reminds self for the umpteenth time this is just a show* exhale 

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11 minutes ago, anbud said:

lucky  me, my  neighbour   took  6 pieces. her  sons  are  coming  over for  dinner this weekend.. i  said to   her, I can  bbq it for you. lol..  and no i  am  not  charging anyone for  fish,  I  am  giving it away..... well going   back on the  phone, need to cal a few  other  people.  can't  call  after  22hh. 

That's very kind of you to share and give away your swordfish @anbud :). Do you like Japanese food? If you have the right ingredients, may I recommend you to try Teriyaki Swordfish or Grilled Swordfish with Miso Sauce? Swordfish is meaty and bland tasting on its own and great care should be exercised not to overcook it.



You can also try to deep fry it (like deep-fried fritters) or marinate it with crushed garlic, olive (grape seed) oil, salt, black pepper, sliced onion, your choice of mushrooms and your favorite herbs. I use an aluminum foil or baking sheet/parchment to wrap the fish, etc up before grilling to prevent the fish from becoming too dry. All this talk about fish is making me hungry:).

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6 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Based on the preview, I think DY believes SW's story since she's shown crying her eyes out. I feel so bad for her, but also can't help but think she asked for it since she "gave" DT away. 

This is the first time I've ever cursed a show so much m and wished it would end like immediately. 

The next 4 episodes may really cause some sleepless nights for us, as the writers will milk this situation for all its worth for the entire week :tears: 

Inhale *reminds self for the umpteenth time this is just a show* exhale 

aww  hugs. when   one eats  fish  one  sleep  with no  problems.lol.... 

but seriously   this  drama, it is very  difficult to  feel anything for  DY. I did have an understanding for  her  situation. because of all  she was  going through  with her  mother,  then  YJ,and the insults she had  to put  up with,but not  now, she made her  life  choice, and that is to  protect  SW,, when she  knows  how heartless  SW is..  DY choose this  for  her   life.. there is no   angel  dropping  from the sky to  save a  person  who is in denial  about her  choices.. the writers  are  putting  DY in some  sort  of  submissive  role.    jump DY and she  ask  ,how  high. instead of  questioning  why do you want me to jump,is something  wrong  with you?.lolol

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5 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Based on the preview, I think DY believes SW's story since she's shown crying her eyes out. I feel so bad for her, but also can't help but think she asked for it since she "gave" DT away. 

This is the first time I've ever cursed a show so much and wished it would wrap up like immediately. 

The next 4 episodes may really cause some sleepless nights for us, as the writers will milk this situation for all its worth for the entire week :tears: 

Inhale *reminds self for the umpteenth time this is just a show* exhale 

DY dumped DT and rejected his proposal so that means he is officially free on the market. Theoretically, DT has no obligation to answer to DY regarding his 'actions'.  It's absurd how DY can't see this coming. SW has already warned her to stop dreaming and that she will steal DT from her. Despite this, DY fails to take the necessary precautions and chose to play along with SW's plans and game and to believe in her explanation:(. Will she continue to be as blind as a bat after this or will she wake up and realize what SW has been doing to her and DT all this while and learn to fight back?

Tsk tsk...shame on the writers for putting SJH (DT) in such a toxic mess. I too wish the writers will have some decency and spare us the agony and drama by wrapping up the show ASAP.

After 'watching' and reading about how the tragic events have unfolded in this drama, my chant to keep myself calm has turned into a curse:sweatingbullets:.

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44 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

That's very kind of you to share and give away your swordfish @anbud :). Do you like Japanese food? If you have the right ingredients, may I recommend you to try Teriyaki Swordfish or Grilled Swordfish with Miso Sauce? Swordfish is meaty and bland tasting on its own and great care should be exercised not to overcook it.



You can also try to deep fry it (like deep-fried fritters) or marinate it with crushed garlic, olive (grape seed) oil, salt, black pepper, sliced onion, your choice of mushrooms and your favorite herbs. I use an aluminum foil or baking sheet/parchment to wrap the fish, etc up before grilling to prevent the fish from becoming too dry. All this talk about fish is making me hungry:).

oh, this looks good. thanks. i do have  japanese, thai, korean, and chinese   ingredients. . the slices was  thick, so i  cut them in  2 then  use olive oil, butter ,garlic, chile pepper,pepper corns. had it   with potatoes and carrots and peas...it was  moist  ,not   dry. but cooked. but did not like the  taste of it..can't believe i   ate it as a  kid. my  father as  some of these dramas  are,  was a  fisherman born with rich  parents ( my  father is  chinese mix )...my   grandmother  died  giving  birth to my  mother .my  mother   was a  midwife and a  farmer. she inherited  from her  father.,so, fish i  ate a  lot off , small sharks  and so on. fish and  veges  never  ate  meat,like  beef / pork/ goat/sheep.can't eat  chicken, cause   my  mother  also had 1000s of those .    never  ate  duck  cause  we  had  those, they was  like  kids  pets. we  hug and kiss them. but the  adults  sold  them.

going to check out   the  recipes  and try again  to  make it . going to make only 1 piece.

love mushrooms. fry a  lot of   that . fry  mushrooms  with  onions,  chive in butter  then  put it on  a  slice of bread. yum yum.

 to  stick to the  topic  of this  thread, at  least  I  am willing to   give it my best  shot  before  I  give   up. so thanks  for the  recipe. when i  make it i    will post it on my food blog....



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4 hours ago, anbud said:

@sk0317 no  problems i   will type how i see it  before  subs ,  so i will be your SW  bothering  you    like a  devil...

lolol   gonna make  you watch.lolol  no  giving up.  we hang out for so many  hours. speculating and analizing.  you   not getting  away that easy. words of SW that the  writers  make smarter then DY

:tears::lol: SW is beginning to haunt me like a ghost...I am only staying around as I enjoy the company of the posters here on this forum:). DY might be book smart, but she is not 'street smart' like SW...I must say I am really disappointed and disgusted at the writers for turning this drama into a farce.

Your recipe sounds yummy too. I would actually recommend you to try making Teriyaki with Yellowtail. It's strange but I think our taste buds do change when we become older:). Given a choice, I would like to eat fish everyday but my family seems to like meat so...as we speak, I am making a pot of beef stew as the weather has become ideal for stews and simmered dishes.

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11 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

:tears::lol: SW is beginning to haunt me like a ghost...I am only staying around as I enjoy the company of the posters here on this forum:). DY might be book smart, but she is not 'street smart' like SW...I must say I am really disappointed and disgusted at the writers for turning this drama into a farce.

Your recipe sounds yummy too. I would actually recommend you to try making Teriyaki with Yellowtail. It's strange but I think our taste buds do change when we become older:). Given a choice, I would like to eat fish everyday but my family seems to like meat so...as we speak, I am making a pot of beef stew as the weather has become ideal for stews and simmered dishes.

oh. i   eat  fish nearly every other day. but i  add  veges  to  it at times. call it a  hot pot, with  spinach or anything green i  add to  it.  but i do   also  cook meat.  have like 7 different  dishes  for  christmas. I bbq every  weekend. meat for my  sons, and  shrimps and other  sea food for me. with rice or  garlic bread. . got  hot teriyaki  mix . i used that when i  make noodles  with chicken bites  for my  sons....

aha  stew. i   make that a  lot  during the  winter  time.  but i  slow  cook it for like  7  hours  ,so the meat   falls  apart..i  mostly make that   for  granny ,who is  my x mil.. who got  zero  hole  in her  teeth. I  have 2. her teeth is  perfect and white. grr  jealous of a  96 yr old  woman.lolol

DY should eat  more  fish, and  try to have some  friends, other then her sister in  law...  i  mean  have  a way  out of misery.. DY goes to work,  get yelled and  insulted  by  her  boss and ex boyfriend. then have  DT all over  everything she do. no  peace. then  at  home   DY mother   is yelling  at her, and her  niece SW is giving her  hell..  common sense  says  DY  should have no   guilt, be a  strong  woman after  all that hell you been through  before you even  met  DT... but  weak is  weak. 

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 Ah @stroppyse you must mean Mr. Choi who was formerly Juran's Yes Man and currently in Young Jae's pocket. Don't know if he was a board member or not but either way he was quite influential in the sense that he had access to not only all the other members but he knew exactly which camp they were currently in. I don't think he was against the former president I just think that he was mostly against it because Juran herself was against said projects and like I said he was her Yes Man. Whatever she wanted he got for her. Some Board member was against her husband she asked him to find out and arrange said meeting with said person and her husband. He pretty much knew the mood of the other directors and thus told Juran what it was and she thus responded accordingly. All she wanted was to see her husband seated in his place till there son was ready to take over the company and all. So Mr. Choi tried to keep her happy and told her what to do. Though I do think that for him to have so much access to other members and know exactly what they were thinking and all must seem to indicate that he himself was a member as well as I doubt that the others would have listened to him or reported to him. Infact only recently Young Jae himself asked Mr. Choi to get the board members on their side when he was going to call a meeting and all. Unfortunately Young Jae didn't think this plan through and never bothered telling the others his agenda so they had no idea what side to take thus the meeting never took place.


@sgfan if you really want to curse a show my recommendation to not watch one would have to be A Tale Of Two Sisters. The ending was a utter and total disaster though to be honest due to an extensions and all it just got plain dumb and I even ask myself how I ended up watching all of that even now. :):tears:


@jimb thankyou for your compliments once again and I am glad that you are back with your wife once again. Hope that she enjoyed her trip and hopefully next time you can join her as well. Also glad that she has something to enjoy with you. Perhaps you should just cut and paste all your recaps and let her read them perhaps in the hopes that she can join you over here and add her thoughts as well. Though to be honest I doubt that she has really missed anything much as most of the story has been repeating itself over and over.


Here is my attempt at said summary.

Farm Girl leaves for the big city to fight for the injustice against her village.
Big Company had terminated contract at the last moment.
Farm Girl causes strike infront of big company. Is sent to jail for a day but as a consolation prize is offered a job at said company.
Farm Girl is happy because she can accomplish her dream and be with her J--K Boyfriend who also works there.
Unfortunately JK Boyfriend dumps her for Bosses Daughter.
She decides to quit company but by this time Bosses Son falls for her and persuades her to return back to work.
Eventually Bosses Son and Farm Girl fall in love and thus decide to be in a relationship.
Unfortunately everything isn't peaches and cream since they have to face stiff opposition from his mother and other family members.
Doesn't help that JK Boyfriend is also against said relationship and tells Farm Girl that he still has feelings for her.
Eventually pressure to much Farm Girl decides to break up with Bosses Son.
Get back together only to break up again. Repeats a few times.
Also doesn't help that other people are out to sabotage their relationship and all.
Finally evil lady takes advantage of Boses son in a vulnerable position and makes it as if she slept with him leaving Farm Girl more heart broken.
Most likely fake pregnancy will be brought up for some time and Farm Girl will be in the dumps for quite some time due to this misunderstanding.
Farm Girl also faces other problems at home such as her mother suddenly developing Alzheimer and all.


Bosses Son-
Interested in making movies but forced to join company.
At first not interested in company or Farm Girl but eventually falls in love with both.
Later discovers the identity of JK Boyfriend but so in love with Farm Girl doesn't care.
Still wants to be with Farm Girl even though family object (apart from father who has left home to farm in Farm Girl's town and grandfather)
Finally after being dumped for X amount of time ends up drinking alone where evil lady finds him and takes him home and pretends to have slept with him and all
Even calls Farm Girl over to cause misunderstanding and all.
Be sure that she is going to pull the take responsibility for your actions now (or fake pregnancy)


JK Boyfriend-
Works hard at company and is considered a gold mine. Every thing he touches turns to gold.
Unfortunately he assaults a citizen of Korea to land himself in jail.
Over there thanks to the other criminals around him he discovers that making a quick buck is far more better than hard work as his father keeps trying to tell him (hard work is the key to success)
He takes the lessons he learned to heart while serving two days or so over there.
Once returned he eventually dumps his Girl Friend (aka Farm Girl) of 5 years to marry Bosses daughter.
Not a happy marriage but he works on his plan to commit crimes.
First he persuades Mr. Choi (His MiL Yes/Right Hand Man) to join the Dark Side. :)
Then he starts to gain access to company money due to various projects of his and use it to cook the company books.
Thus taking money by saying he signed deals or bought/sold land at higher prices instead of their actual price (Which were lower) and kept the differences for himself
Perhaps plans to frame Juran for terrible management or use money to purchase company stocks and kick her out or both.


Evil Lady (Farm Girl's Niece)-
Is a habitual criminal who has realized that crime pays well.
She thus lies and steals at every opportunity that she can get.
Has been stealing from her Aunt without her knowledge (takes shoes without permission must be the same for clothes as well)
Wants to entire Beauty Competition but no money so steals a watch from her Aunt (Belongs to Bosses Son that Farm Girl was holding as collateral)
Ends up losing due to her having to take a toilet break (doubt that she would have won though)
In her anger she decides to leave home but not before committing another act of crime.
Her mother had saved up for Farm Girl's marriage and all and given that money to Farm Girl. Niece ends up stealing said money and running of to the big city.
Over there she ends up getting conned by a con artist.
Only to later on discover that her current house mates are all a bunch of thieves themselves.
Ones true nature is revealed by the company that they keep. Since Birds of a Feather Flock Together
She becomes a part of this criminal group where the make/sell fake designer goods and all.
Unfortunately the police get wise and try to capture them. She survives but her friend his captured
The ring leader manages to flee town.
Deciding that she enjoys committing crimes and all now. Perhaps it has become an addiction for her.
Either way she decides to take her criminal ways to the next level.
She assumes the ring leaders identity and joins the same big company as her Aunt.
Since No one over there seems to be doing there job properly no one discovers her deception (Doesn't help that her Aunt also decides to stay quiet) and thus she rises in the ranks of the company.
Though she does harm to it whenever she can such as sabotaging projects (spiking another employee's drink or throwing away company product that they need for a show due to jealousy)
Discovers that the Owners Son also works there so she decides to seduce him and rise in the social ladder as well.
Unfortunately the first person she meets is the wrong person (he just so happens to be JK Boyfriends brother but she doesn't know that yet)
When she discovers her mistake she dumps him. Though by the time she discovers her true target it is to late as he has fallen for her Aunt.
She then tries multiple tricks to break them up but nothing seems to be working as those two are deeply in love with each other.
Finally she comes across a family secret that she tries to use to break her Aunt up so that she would get a shot.
Aunt isn't the smartest person in town (strange since she went to a good university and all. Perhaps she lied about having to leave due to her niece and was actually kicked out from there for not being up to their standard).
Either way she believes the story that her niece told her and decides to break up with her boyfriend (I lost count how many times she has tried to leave things in the middle and all whether work or relationships)
Niece then finds Aunt's Boyfriend drunk due to being depressed and all and thus takes him to her place and pretends that they slept together and all and thus has to take responsibility for his actions.
Plus to further ensure that Farm Girl and Boyfriend don't get back together called her over to find them in said awkward position.
Score for Team Evil. D & D lose major points :)


Other side stories not really that interesting but just to add
JK Boyfriends uncle falls in love with his daughter Aerobic Teacher and wants to be in a relationship.
Unfortunately for him his Ex pops back into his life and wants to be a family once again.
Another shock for him to only discover that he still isn't divorced with his Ex. Good Going Young Man :)
To make matters worse he ends up getting the teacher pregnant after a night out of drinking and all.
Daughter wants to become a family once again (her parents to get together again)
Discover that Ex is about to die in about 3 months but no one seems to bother to tell the girl that.
Poor girl is going to get scarred for life.


Former Company Boss (Dad of Dong Tak)
leaves for the countryside.
Signs divorce papers but wife conveniently forgets to submit them.
Starts to show attraction towards his teacher (no nothing happens and they are all adults so ....)
Wife finds out and likes to cause commotions now days between her husband and his teacher.
Turns out his teacher is evil girls mother and SiL to Farm Girl. Not that anyone knows these connections yet.


Well there goes my attempt at a summary for said show. Doubt that it will help anyone since we all know what is going on and all but one can consider it as a mini mini recap.


Now here goes my attempt at a future scene regarding the current misunderstanding that March has ended up causing between D & D

Dani: March we need to talk.
March: We have nothing to talk about.
Dani: What are you talking about how could you even do that with the man I love. You know how we feel about each other.
March: Oh that. It's not my fault that he doesn't feel the same way about you anymore.
Dani: What do you mean by that?
March: After you broke up with him he realized that he just didn't have the same feelings for you anymore. Infact he was the one who came over to my place and told me that we should be in a relationship as he was done with you.
Dani: Why didn't you try and stop him.
March: Why should I. You know how I have feelings for him. But because you are my Aunt I felt bad for you and told him that he shouldn't be doing this with me as it would hurt you and we are all friends and it would affect us. But he didn't care about any of that. Do you even know what he said to me?
Dani: No. What did he say?
March: He said that he couldn't be with anyone who he didn't love anymore. Someone who always broke his heart and and that he couldn't leave his family for a woman and all. Family was important to him and all. He also said that he finally realized that he had feelings for me all along and wanted to be with me. There is nothing you can do Aunt about this. Forget him and let him go. Let him be happy. You want the man you love to be happy don't you.
Dani (realizing that her niece is actually making sense because she simply is so gullible):{Sigh} guess you are right I must break up with him even though I won't be happy about this for the rest of my life and since I owe you one for your fathers death, Live a good and happy life March,
March: Ofcourse Aunt I intend to do so. Thankyou for your blessing it means so much to me. :)


Now on the good news that we are going to not only get an extension of 5-10 episodes but 40 more here is the YamiYugi special scenes.

After the sudden discovery of March's true identity Dong Tak decides to confront her. Lets make the scene happening at a cafe for a change. :) He may think that he has the upper hand in this conversation but one has to remember that March seems to be everywhere that she needs to be to know all the details of conversations and all so she has overheard the conversation between D & D. Has she got a suitable response to get out of this fine mess lets read and find out.


Dong Tak: So Lee Sera do you have anything to tell me about yourself?
March: Only that I have feelings for you but you already knew that.
Dong Tak (Getting impatient): No other than that. Some secret that perhaps you are hiding from me.
March (pretends to think about it for a moment while sipping her drink): No nothing comes to mind.
Dong Tak: I know who you really are. You are ....(Wait for dramatic moment before revealing) March who happens to be Kang Dani's niece.
March (fake shock): I don't know what you are talking about I don't know any March.
Dong Tak: Really you will continue to lie to me about this. (Raising his voice) I already told you that I know who you really are.
March: Oh you must mean that girl that looks a lot like me. I think that you called her Poo Girl. I really want to meet her as well.
Dong Tak: Do you think that makes any sense. Do you have cabbage for brains (a pun since she lived in a farming village and all). You have been lying to my face all this time. I won't ever forgive you. You tried to come between me and your Aunt who love each other.
March (Quickly thinking up a response which she has suddenly become good at): [Pretends to sob] This is the reason why I didn't tell you. {sob, sob} are first meeting didn't go so well {few more sobs} you just remembered me as Poo Girl but that isn't even important how did you even find this out.
Dong Tak: That isn't important what excuse are you going to give me now.
March (angrily): It was Kang Dani wasn't it and you believed her lies. She has been lying to you all along but we are connected we met each other first. She was the one that came between us. If it wasn't for her you would be with me. Like you said I was your Poo Girl.
Dong Tak: Don't you dare speak ill of Dani. Also for your information I met her before you. Our relationship started because I ruined some of her Perilla leaves and she took my watch as collateral to pay back. Unfortunately she lost it.
March (suddenly realizing that the watch she sold for that dress belonged to Dong Tak decides to use this information against them): Lost you say, Was Kang Dani the one who told you that she lost it and you believed her.
Dong Tak (Puzzled by this response simply nods his head): Yes but what do you mean by that.
March: I will now tell you about the real Kang Dani that you have no idea about. She never lost that watch but instead she sold it to purchase a Hanbok for a beauty pageant.
Dong Tak: Lies I don't believe a word that you are saying.
March: You can ask the shop that she sold it to for proof. She herself told me that she found a rich person and she took his watch so that she could sell it for money that she needed for the dress. Also if you think that was bad wait till you hear what she did next. She and I reached the finals in that competition but she knew that she couldn't beat me fair and square offered me a drink which was spiked. I didn't know that and drank it thankful that my Aunt was looking out for me. But I ended up rushing for the toilet but Dani had made sure that I couldn't even go there so I was forced to rush out into the fields from where I couldn't make it back in time and well you found me in that awkward situation and all. By the time I had returned the judges had come to a decision and since I wasn't there Dani won it, She is that kind of a person. Who will lie, cheat and steal to get what she wants/
Dong Tak: I don't believe you. No I can't believe that Dani is that kind of person. Where is this shop that you told me about where she sold my watch.
March (tells him the exact address. Since I don't know it myself I can't tell any of you.)

Dong Tak then rushes of to Jangmiri to find out for himself what is the truth but unfortunately in his rush he accidentally drops his phone which March picks up.
What is going to happen next will he Dong Tak discover the truth, Will March use his phone without his knowledge and send a false message to someone or anything else. Be sure to join in next time for another YamiYugi special scene. :)


Okay going to go now. So take care all of you. Can only hope that this show is going to get better but at this time I have my doubts and all. Still don't get the point of an extension and while I suspected that we might get a few more episodes due to it being popular I really don't see it going as far as 150 episodes. I thought that if they pushed it we might get a total of 130-135 episodes. Oh well atleast we still have @jimb recaps to go on which we can all agree are far better than the drama itself.


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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 115:

# DY and YJ are on Bonjour's rooftop He professes renewed love and a Plan. She is resistant. YJ grabs her wrist and speaks urgently. DY protests and struggles to escape. SW surveils them from her customary position around a corner.

# DT, whom SW has summoned to the rooftop for a Talk, arrives and promptly decks YJ. YJ regards DT from a sprawling position on the rooftop. SW melts away.

# DT yells at YJ. YJ responds with a punch that sends DT sprawling. DY restrains YJ from further attacking DT. YJ yells defiantly while DT listens from a reclining position. DY runs off. DT gets back on his feet. DT and YJ shout at each other. DT, who appears to have gotten the rhetorical upper hand, leaves YJ alone on the rooftop staring in disbelief.

# DY is sitting at her desk. DT enters, grabs her wrist and drags her away Korean cave man style. Her coworkers observe with disbelief. Is this scene on endless loop?

# DT drags DY into his office. He shouts. Her response is cold and resigned. Is this scene on endless loop?

# Grandfather, Juran, HR and GJ are in their living room eating fruit, and not for the first time. HR is cheerful. GJ explains her new living arrangement. MS walks in.

# He summons Juran to their bedroom for a Talk. They yell at each other. Is this scene also on endless loop?

# MS leaves the house. Juran yells at Grandfather and GJ. Grandfather is dumbstruck. HR emotes. We've also viewed this scene a few times before.

@ GJ is upset by something HR has said. This is new.

# Juran, Grandfather, HR and GJ are milling about in the living room as DT returns home. HR is alarmed at DT's appearance.

# YJ returns home looking somewhat sheepish. HR is also alarmed at YJ's appearance. Grandfather, no fool, deduces that they have fought each other. YJ says something and goes upstairs.

# HR enters their bedroom with a first aid kit. They talk.

# Juran enters DT's bedroom. She is carrying no first aid kit. She verbally abuses DT. DY's name is heard. Juran says several things which appear to surprise DT.

# SA and DY's mother are in their house. DY's mother starts to leave the house and SA shouts at her. DY's mother cries. SA cries.

# DY returns home. DY's mother shouts angrily at her. SA restrains DY's mother, who attempts to physically attack DY. DY cries and retreats to her bedroom. DY's mother screams after her.

# DY is crying in her bedroom. SA enters the room and comforts her. Pretty sure I've also seen this before.

# SW is sitting in her apartment. SA telephones SW and they shout at each other. Are the writers mailing it in today?

# SA hangs up and talks to herself about DY. Yes, the writers are mailing it in today.

# DT arrives at his office. SW enters and they have a Talk about DY. We've also been here before.

# I notice for the first time that they've put a little lipstick under DT's lower lip to simulate a wound. I had wondered what HR was fussing about.

# DY is walking down a corridor. Who should appear -- why it's YJ. They've aalso put a little lipstick under YJ's lower lip to simulate a wound. They argue. This scene is also a cliche.

# YJ enters his office. Mr. Choi is waiting for him. They chat amiably.

# Juran sits in her office looking depressed. This is new and refreshing.

# Juran remembers something her husband said and snorts. YJ enters and hands her a folder. They talk. Juran looks suprised. YJ's explanation is fluent. Juran assents wearily. She questions him about the lipstick below his lower lip. Likely he says he ran into a door. SW enters and YJ is dismissed.

# SW and Juran talk about DY. SW affects discouragement. Juran sympathizes and strategizes.

# DT joins Juran for lunch. Surprise! SW is also there. Surprise! Juran leaves them alone. SW wheedles. DT is firm. There is less lipstick on DT's lower lip than before. DT departs and SW is alone.

# There is more thrashing about on the KC Birth Mother Big and Little GJ front.

# SA brings a tray of food to her mother in law, who is sleeping peacefully. She talks to her but her mother in law remains asleep.

# Juran appears and summons SA for a Talk. Naturally SA follows her out of the house for a Talk. Writers! What real existing human being would respond to Juran's request with anything more than a sentence using "richard simmons" as a noun and/or a verb?

# Juran seems to be pleading with SA at one point. This is new and refreshing. SA hands Juran her "richard simmons" and returns home. This is also new and refreshing.

# DY is in her office. SW flounces in. They talk. SW is nasty and DY endures it. A surprise this is not.

# DT encounters DT in Bonjour's lobby. They converse uncomfortably. SW observes from around a corner. DT claims DY's wrist and speaks passionately. DY reclaims her wrist and stalks off.

# Where is DT going? To a bar, of course. DT talks drunkenly to himself. This attracts no notice. Who should appear after DT passes out? SW, of course.

# SW is in her apartment putting DT to bed. In her own bed. DT utters DY's name and SW is inspired.

# DY is sitting in her bedroom looking depressed. She is remembering something DT said. She seeks guidance from The Ghost but The Ghost is absent. DY cries.

# DY is sitting in her bedroom the next morning preparing for work. SW calls. She speaks to DY, with a background accompaniment of heavy breathing. The source of the heavy breathing is unclear. She summons DY to her apartment. DY goes to SW's apartment because such visits always end well.

# DY arrives as DT awakens with a headache. DT, SW and DY stare at each other. SW looks satisfied. This scenario is too many kinds of stupid to require further comment.  The episode concludes.


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Translation of the preview.

SA: Your wife came and found me. You should now stop being mad at her and return to her. 

MS: Do you expect me to return to that person?

GJ: I’ve run out of lotion, may I borrow some?

Little Brat: That’s my mom’s. Don’t use it.

JR: Last night, apparently, you were at Se Ra’s house?

DT: Don’t misunderstand. I was drunk so apparently I fell asleep there. 

SR: I spent an entire night with him. Accept reality.

DY: Don’t you think you’re being cruel?

DY: I have to forget the Director, but why does my heart hurt so much?


My commentary about the preview and the drama under the spoiler since it's pretty negative. 


So, no more excuses for DY or DT any more. I think someone called them Dumb and Dumber, and all I could think was how appropriate. They should not get married, ever, regardless of whether their families have wholesale changes of heart because their children will be complete idiots also.  Is it wrong that I started laughing at them as I watched and translated the preview? Given the turns that this drama has taken, I think it's likely that the ending will be one where everyone will magically be happy and no one will have to pay for their crimes. That's about as likely and as entertaining and as satisfying as anything else in this mess of a drama seems to be now. 


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Thank you everyone for posting the show updates because I don't have the heart to watch it right now.  When I read that the writer has cleaned up SW's act then I will begin watching again.  

Since the writer has formulated the DY/SW characters to manipulate us in a grotesque way I choose not to play right now.  I hope the writer will stop taking such cheap avenues.

DY is college educated and she cannot really have the emotional and intellectual IQ of a box of rocks.  Some family member has to love SW enough to teach her right from wrong by exposing her lies.  There are too many holes in the writer's story.  

Since the show has been extended then most likely the painful situation will drag on.   Now the only comic relief will be when YJ socks it to Bonjour visa vie JR and the embezzlement setup.  JR will be brought to her knees along with HR at the fall of Bonjour and possible jail time.  Since both JR and HR are both arrogant directly due to their wealth and status what will happen when it's gone.  

At the end of the day the writers will put DT back together with DY (although at this point not many of us are feeling it for DY).  DY is the heroine who none of us feel bad for.  We all know that the Cinderella myth is so over.....girls/women don't wait to be saved by a prince.....they save themselves.  We need to see DY save herself and get her life back via Clint Eastwood style and only then will we develop some respect and admiration for this strong, brave, and powerful person.   Don't let SA save her by telling on SW but rather let DY find out the duplicitous nature of her niece and then let her go off all Clint Eastwood to set her life back on track.


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