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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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Sam Wol received another "slap" again (she never learned) after rushing over to Dong Tak when Dong Tak's mother informed her that Dan Yi call it quits on the relationship.

Dong Tak replied "I will never break-up with Dan Yi."

Sam Wol maneuvered everyone else except the one who never budged since day one.

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1 hour ago, Jackie1048 said:

Sam Wol received another "slap" again (she never learned) after rushing over to Dong Tak when Dong Tak's mother informed her that Dan Yi call it quits on the relationship.

Dong Tak replied "I will never break-up with Dan Yi."

Sam Wol maneuvered everyone else except the one who never budged since day one.

Probably the best news/scene of today?:) Thanks for the update!

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Was reading about this show getting an extension to atleast 150 episodes meaning an addition to 40 more episodes to go and all. Thing is this show may have started out as fun but it isn't all that much anymore. I can understand if they were to go for a 5 or 6 episode extension but not the 40 episodes as planned. It simply isn't justified and if the show was actually any good I wouldn't mind said extension as sometimes that works. Perfect example would be Smile Again (2010 version or Smile Donghae) Infact I might just search for its episodes and rather watch them. It may have started out a bit slow but it really got interesting somewhere near the middle and all. Unfortunately the recent shows that have gotten extenstions seem to be going downhill and all. Perfect examples would have to be the banned show in my book A Tale Of Two Sisters (or also known as Sincerity is The Way To Heaven or other related names) infact I like to poke fun of it rather that rewatch said show or then we had Melody Of Love. Shows that started out well but due to extensions and all turned into a terrible mess or added plots that made no sense at all. If I have offended any fans of said shows my apologies again. I simply didn't like them and if any did like them then good luck to them.

Now I was trying to figure out what needs to be solved and how many episodes we can do so. Thus for starters lets try to do a few of the side stories with side characters because we know that the main characters are totally hopless and all and they can't seem to figure out simple things and all and they seem to just like to take abuse from all ends and all.

So to do that let me start of with the love triangle between the Aunt, The Uncle and The Ex. No animals or furniture were harmed during this comment though perhaps a few witches were hunted along the way. Okay I will admit there is no love triangle involved here since the uncle is clearly over the Ex and all I just meant the drama going on between the three. So for starters the Ex needs to realize that her husband has fully moved on from her and that he has his own life to live. She still thinks that she has some sort of chance or atleast had that impression for a long time. Infact when her Ex told her that she could move into the house she thought that it was under the impression that he might have feelings for her again and that they may have a shot at being together. She needs to realize that her ship sailed a long time ago and that she wasn't on it.
The other thing that she needs to do is prepare her daughter that she isn't going to be a part of her life anymore because she is dying and no more excuses that mother loves you the most but can't be with you because she has to go to the States or something because the kid is going to be on false hope and all which isn't going to be good for a couple of reasons which I just may get into. Other than that since she realizes her on mortality is on the line and all she needs to do a few other things to prepare those around her as well as herself such as recognizing that her husband no loves someone else and to not only support him but at the same time get her own daughter to accept said person as part of the family or as her new stepmother. This would natrually mean that she should sacrifice some of her daughter bonding time and all the Aunt to do so as she will be the one that is going to take care of her daughter in the future and all. Also this will be a good time to get to know the Aunt and what kind of person she really is. Also find out that the Aunt actually cares about her daughter is going to help in the long run. Unfortunately the idea I sort of came up with isn't going to work now.

I had initially suggested that she takes her daughter out to an amusment park for a good time and all and since she doesn't know about her daughters heart condition and all (since no one is bothering to inform her of said fact and it happened after she left and all) so she takes her daughter on one of those rides that makes her daughter faint and all and she then starts to panic as she doesn't know what to do. Fortunately the Aunt who is also in the park for some reason spots them and since she knows what is wrong saves the day. The Ex is not only moved by said action but also realizes that she knows next to nothing about her daughter when this stranger does agrees to finally accept her as the stepmother and a better choice for her replacement and all. Unfortunately I find that hard to see happening any time soon. She is simply to selfish to realize where she was wrong and is instead going to blame the others for not telling said fact to her earlier and all. On top of all that getting the Aunt to an amusment park in her current condition would be unbelievable as I don't think getting a pregnant woman on any of said rides would be wise as it could endanger the child within. Though perhaps I could see her show up if the uncle tells her to show up since he wants to take his daughter out to one and either fails to mention that his Ex is also going to show up (after all who wants to be a third wheel in a relationship and ) or unknown to them all Gong Joo invites her mother to join  them while trying to play Cupid and all not realizing that she is only making things worse for all those involved and all. Still we need a further excuse for the aunt to shine so in that place we can have that the uncle is suddenly called away due to work emergency and all leaving the 3 ladies in an akward situation. The aunt being the nice person that she is will let the mother and daughter duo move on their own to have their special time and all and thus won't know that the mother has asked her daughter on a ride thus causing her fainting spell. Fortunately the aunt bumps into them again when the mother is freaking out and thus saves the day. But like I said the mother isn't going to be grateful and is instead going to blame this incident on the aunt and the others. Perhaps they are partially at fault.

Also like I said Gong Joo needs to be prepared of her mothers death because as of now she considers the Aunt as a threat an outsider that is trying to come between her parents and her chance of having a happy family and till that isn't resolved and all she is going to continue to be hostile towards the aunt and hold negative feelings towards her and all.

These issues though can easily be resolved in the next 3-5 episodes. One for the park incident, one for explaining to the kid that the mother isn't going to make it and the next few can be shown of the kid bonding with the aunt and all.

Then we have the Juran-Dong Tak's Dad-Sunae relationship nightmare. Glad that is atleast exposed now we just need to see them get together and all. Also we just need the Bonjour connection revealed over here. Fortunately Sunae has already hinted there to be a way for that to happen. Such as she ran into Juran the first time when she went to the company to try and meet with the show host Lee Sera because she had her suspicions that she might have really been her daughter and all. But she was rightfully denied by the security in doing so. But when Juran and company came across her they thought that she was someone trying to sell them items and all so they had kicked her out. Now all that Sunae needs to do is remember that moment. How that can be triggered is what we need to look for. Perhaps having Juran constantly meet her in regards to her husband might jog her memory or something that she says. Then again we can have Sunae head over to the company for some reason to meet either her daugter or Dani and thus she bumps into Juran once again and finally realizes who she really is. Juran might mistakenly think that she is here to see her (if we want a reveal of her connection to either Dani or March to still remain hidden for a few more episodes) over all no real issue here.

I would say that March's identity should also be exposed but that comes under major reveals. I have already suggested that since Koreans don't know about locks that go on doors we can easily have Juran enter Sunae's house and all to confront her and she barges into her room and over there she spots the pictures of Sunae and March together. Unfortunately we don't really have much of a story then to continue with. The story is only going so far because March has her identity secure without others really being the wiser about it. She has close ties to Dong Tak and his family and thus easy access to his place and all. But once they discover her identity she won't be allowed to interact with them and all. Someone mentioned that Hyeri and March could still remain friends since Hyeri needs some. The thing is that Hyeri already has friends. Remember the episode when she came home drunk and when asked where she was she told them that she had gone clubbing with her friends. Clearly indicating that she has a few still in Korea. Plus who would want to be friends with someone that has been constantly lying to her face about said facts as well as making things worse for her marriage. Granted there may have been a grain of truth to what March has been telling her but to figure out what is real and what isn't is going to be an issue and then she is going to wonder what if March tells her in the future is real or false. Frankly it is going to be to much of a headache to keep up such a friendship with March and far to risky. What is to stop her to go after her man next. Juran is going to want to fire March right of the bat. It might not be so easy but you can be sure that she wouldn't hesitate to do so. It won't be easy because she is going to need a good reason to do so. The best is that she is firing her because she lied about her identity (she should also fire the people at HR for not doing a through job and all) but other than that she can't fire her since it appears that March is actually quite good at her job and all. They should really bring back the old show host with evidence to back up her claims that March is upto no good and constantly endangers the company with her stunts and all.

That brings me up to another point the criminals of this show need to learn that Crime Does Not Pay thus their crimes need to get exposed soon as well. Such as the March Identity unfortunately I have mentioned a few reasons why that won't work since we won't have a better story to move forward with. I don't think I have ever seen the leads ever get married before the last episode and all. (there was one show that I once saw can't remember the name it had Yoona the Singer in it) so I don't think that D & D (no not Dungeons and Dragons but Dani and Dong Tak) will be able to get married anytime soon (namely the last episode). So while we can have a family drama in that house what can we continue to make the story progress. The books that Young Jae is apparently cooking. How long can that plot line go on. He needs to either frame Juran ASAP and try and take the throne with D & D trying ways to stop him. We can then have March further deciding which side to choose. The current or former king. Actually that plot line that someone once suggested is much better plus it will also reveal her true colours to all involved.

It was brought up that the uncle should simply move to his own place and all with the aunt. Problem over here is that I doubt that he has enough money of his own saved up for said thing or else he would have done so ages ago. But lets assume that he even does have that but didn't do so for various reasons and all I don't think it is possible for him to do so currently. The problem over here is that the damage has already been done by allowing his Ex to have easy access to his daughter and all. The problem over here is that the daughter clearly won't want to live without her mother now, Dad clearly won't want to leave his daughter alone even if they are living where they currently are. This means that either the birth mother has to leave sort of. Such as even if she stays with her current in-laws and all with her daughter and those two move out (aunt and uncle) the problem will be that she will have doubts that the Aunt can be a good parent to her child and all because she will again start to believe that the Aunt doesn't want to raise her daughter and wants to dump her on her and will forget about her. Also inviting the birth mother to live with them in the new place is going to be even more akward for all parties involved. Then again this is a K-Drama so one should expect crazy things. Best solution for all involved the mother dies and this time they don't try to cover it up.

Some people have mentioned that the uncle and Dong Tak's dad are in the same situation regarding their divorce and all. But I don't agree with that. I think that they are in totally different positions and the dad is infact slightly more to blame. Why do I say that is because the circumstances are slightly different as well. For instance for the uncle the wife left him without a trace. Now he tried to search for her at first this would show that he would still have feelings for her and even when he couldn't find her he would still have hope that she would have returned and all so it would make sense that he wouldn't have applied for a divorce. But as time went on he may have decided to apply for said divorce but lets face it things happen in real life that makes one forget other things that need to be done and all. Such as he may have put it of because Gong Joo may have gotten sick or he may have been called last minute for his job and all thus forgetting to do so and as time went by it simply slipped his mind and all. Thus he sort of gets a pass in that regard. Unfortunately this can't be said about Dong Tak's dad. He knew that he was sort of divorced because he had already signed the papers and all. Now his main fault was that he had left it all on his wife to submit that. What he should have done is that everytime he met his wife or talked with her he should have continued to remind her to submit said papers. I can sort of understand him not wanting to meet up with his wife since they were divorced and all but he should have still finalized his deal regarding the matter. Thus I find him slightly more at fault over here.

People have wondered why Sunae and family were mad at him for not revealing his state where one can't be blamed for what one feels for the other party such as what March may or maynot feel for Dong Tak is totally on her end so it shouldn't be a problem for Dong Tak and Dani etc.. Normally that isn't an issue but over here it is what he didn't imply during his interactions with Sunae and family. The problem over here was that they mistakenly assumed that he was either a single person such as he was either a widdower or a divorcee. The later being more closer to the truth and all. Now the thing is that whenever they talked and talks about his family came by we could tell by his face that he was conflicted and wanted to tell Sunae the truth but she would suddenly change topics or say something else that would divert his attention so he would miss his chance to do so. Thus it would further reinforce Sunae's belief that he was still available. Now I can understand that she would have been someone who could keep a professional relationship with her student had she been further aware that he was already spoken for. Such as when we see her reprimanding her own daughter for going after a man that has not only no feelings for her but also is interested in another woman and all. Also like I said she would also think that he was single because why else would a city man come and live so far from it and that to alone unless he wanted to forget some painful memories such as his wife passing away or to get away from a messy divorce otherwise it wouldn't make all that much sense for a married man to come and live in the village and all alone. He should have brought his wife along. In other words Sunae wouldn't have fallen for a married man and all. But on top of all this to make matters worse both of them openly flirted with each other like young teenagers in love and all. This certainly didn't help. By flirting I meant the open pranks that both of them did on each other such as the looking down trick and only to be revealed that it was the bowing down trick or perhaps trying to scare each other to death such as jumping from behind a corner or pretending that there was a snake in the field behind the other party etc.. If the dad had made it clear that he was a married man Sunae would have stopped right there and the dad shouldn't have gone along with his pranks as well such as the bow trick and all. Pretty much harmless flirtation in normal situation but there condition was anything but normal. No wonder Sunae fell for him. It also didn't help that she was single for such a long time and all. Then on top of all this the grandmother came to him twice and told him that her DiL had feelings for him and that she even approved of his as her mate and all. These were perfect times for him to clear up the air that he was still married. Yes he could have told her that he had signed up for a divorce and was waiting for it to go through and if Sunae could wait until then. Plus like I said he should have continued to look into the matter personally of whether or not his wife had submitted them or not and if not personally gone and done so. Him not doing so is also enough to perhaps give Juran false hope not that it should.

I find Dani's actions absurd to break up with Dong Tak simply because she feels that she owes something to March such as the ghost's passing away. Really what we need over here is the ghost to show up and tell Dani that she is not to blame for this to work otherwise she can just remain sad for all times. I could understand if she was giving up Dong Tak for some noble idiotic reason or so but for something that she can't be held responsible is more that absurd. So for instance if Dong Tak perhaps needed some money for some event and if not he might get into trouble such as being kicked out of said project if he couldn't provide X amount of cash or that he needed money to save the company from the stunts that Young Jae has done to endanger it and all. Thus if Juran agrees to provide said money in return for Dani leaving I can sort of understand Dani agreeing to do so knowing how much the company means to Dong Tak and all. But simply to do so because she feels bad for her niece for something that she can't even be held responsible is simply absurd. In the previous examples that I mentioned I can sort of understand her doing so without giving him a good reason but in this case it simply doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also have to agree with others Dong Tak simply isn't a toy to be shared among the girls and that when one gets bored with him he is handed down to the other one to play with till they get something better to do.

Speaking of March and her identity getting exposed I can dream up a scenario of how the uncle bumps into her on the street for some reason or other and recognizes her from the time that he was chasing her and manages to have her arrested. When asked for identification she simply can't claim the the Lee Sera identity because she has none to do so. Thus she is sitting in jail thinking of a way to get out without exposing herself. Fortunately for her the Aunt (Aerobics teacher) comes to the station to meet up with the uncle and manages to recognizes her over there and asks what Lee Sera is doing over there. So March claims that she was arrested for a mistaken identity or something and that she is inoccent and all. Now with someone to bail her out of this mess due to being identified and all she has to be let go. After all why would a succesful person be selling fake goods and all makes no real sense and all. Thus her identity has been safe for another day. If only the detectives in Korean Drama were smarter. :(

If the episodes are indeed increased am wondering what else they can add and how many episodes they can stretch them out. Fake pregnency or accdentally getting pregnant and blaming it on Dong Tak makes sense. But how are they going to pull it of. The later needs a whole lot of work. First of all she needs to get in a compromising situation the best person to do that just happens to be Chungjae. The problem here is that I find it hard to believe that she would actually call him out to drink her woes out and thus both of them end up getting drunk and all and the next thing we find out is that they are in a motel and all. We then all know what to expect then. But the problem then lies how is she going to get Dong Tak drunk enough to pull the same trick on him and cry foul because otherwise how else can she claim that Dong Tak is the dad. Sure it may get Dani to back out once again and perhaps Dong Tak be willing to take responsiblilty for his actions and all. That is going to be a whole lot of hard work on her end plus is it even safe for her to be drinking if she is actually pregnant. In other words she needs to do so when Chungjae isn't involved thus she can take advantage of the D & D breakup. I do agree with people tha Dong Tak needs to stop seeing March so often. It is more because he knows how she apparently feels for him thus if he applies the rule of Out Of Sight Out Of Mind here she may simply move onto better targets and all. Not likely but one can hope. It actually is funny if Young Jae manages to kick everyone out of that company and so since March will have no need to go after Dong Tak she will now target Young Jae only to realize that no matter what she does all the guys in this show are still crazy about her Aunt. Plus her going after her so called friends husband is going to do wonders for her friendship with Hyeri. They are going to become BFF and tell of how that witch Dani likes to steal married men and all.

Have been saying that Juran and Hyeri both need to eat some humble pie. The only way that I can see that happening is if they are woken up to some interesting truths such as March's identity getting exposed. Okay that won't even be close to enough because they will be mad that someone managed to pull the wool over their eyes for so long and all. What they need to do is to lose what they think is important and precious to them and realize what they really need more than anything when things get bad is to have family you can trust and count to have your back. Also does Young Jae think that Dani is someone that can gt swayed with money and all thus if he takes over Bonjour she is going to come running back to him? He will have better luck in that department if he was instead chasing March instead who would more than readily dump Dong Tak in a heartbeat for the better option. :)

Frankly the problem that I see if Young Jae were to take over the company one can be sure that he is going to have to kick Juran out of her position. This is clearly not going to go well with her kids. Hyeri may still side with him but Dong Tak is going to fight against this injustice. It would be nice if Dani has his back during this rough time and all. But if the break up drama is still going on the poor Dong Tak is going to be all on his own and the person that he considers a friend will now be trying to strike her claws in his BiL. I can also see Juran demand that Hyeri get a divorce from Young Jae for said betrayal but I don't think Hyeri will do that no matter what she may be claiming now and all. She is to far gone in her sinking ship and she isn't ready to admit it yet. Plus I find it hard to believe that the writters will go for a double divorce for her. Perhaps she will try the fake pregnancy card. Oh wait I got an even better one. What if March comes along with the claims that she got pregnant with Young Jae at the same time. Would love to see his face then. He knows that he is going to be in major trouble then. :) Good luck getting out of that one. LoL. If Hyeri agrees to a divorce with Young Jae I can actually see her looking for a job and this time it will be  a real one where she will have to actually work hard and not only come to work when she likes and all. At this point I would say that it would be nice if Dani were to see her having a hard time and try to help her out because well Dani is simply that nice. Unfortunatley I don't think that Hyeri would have had her humble pie as it was still getting baked and all and she would think that Dani was looking down on her because of her current situation and all and that she would turn into a harpy when she got her power back and all. But wait till she runs into her BFF who instead of helping her out will hold her nose high and walk away pretending not to know her and all. That will be where she has had a small taste of said pie. As for Juran I really think that she is a hopless cause and I have no idea what will actually make her humble. Perhaps she will be so shocked at Young Jae's betrayal that she will have nothing to say or do in the show. Better yet she will fall into a comma never to wake up thus allowing D & D to finally get together with Saint Dani actually looking after another sick person as well. In this case her MiL. So by the time if Juran ever recovers she can go back into another comma after receiving this bit of shocking news as well. Poor Dani but that is the price to pay when you want to claim the title of Saint. Perhaps after a few more said actions Dani's Saint like powers will fully awaken where she can now she Ghost Brother and talk with him and thus be told that she wasn't responsible for his death and all. Finally some Closure for her and now she can have her happily ever after. :)

I have been saying that Sunae needs to marry Dong Tak's dad ASAP to throw a monkey wrench in March's plan and all but realisticlly speaking that isn't going to happen because we all know that Sunae is going to invite even March to the wedding and all so before the vows are cast she will show up for the part where it is asked if anyone has any objections or to forever remain silent and all. March only cares about her own happines and not those of others. Though I do wonder if she thinks that she is going to get any of the perks of becoming Dong Tak's sister  and all so will she then become a semi cinderella thus allowing D & D to be finally together and all. I highly doubt it and I doubt that Juran and Hyeri are going to be okay with that. Though it would be nice if March says that she isn't going to show up for the wedding and all but decides to do so at the last minute and due to the delays and all she either finds out who her new dad is when the ceremony is over and they are coming out or after the good old honeymoon. Though with both of them responsible for their crops and all I doubt that they will go anywhere unless D & D decide to look after them. Though more for Dani since I doubt Dong Tak knows how to do so though he may suddenly discover that he has another hidden talent that he never know about aka farming. :)

Now before I go thought that I should leave with a small scene that is likely never to happen and all

March discovers that she is pregnant with Young Jae's child. They both ended up getting drunk due to their various love interests not showing them any interest at all. So alone they drink their sorrows away only to find the next day that they had slept together in a motel and all. Regardless she goes up to Hyeri to break the news to her.

March: Hyeri I have some shocking news so please don't get shocked.
Hyeri: What is it? Did you catch my husband cheating on me with Dani.
March (looking a bit guilty [not really]): Ah no actually I am pregnant with....
Hyeri (in Shock): Wait what did Dong Tak really do that. He is the father and isn't willing to take responsibility and wants to still be with Dani.
March: No it isn't Dong Tak unfortunately and it isn't also Chung Jae my first Love as well sadly.
Hyeri (impatiently): Well spit it out girl I don't have all day and this isn't a drama where we need to wait for a shocking revelation and all.
March(nervously): Well in that case it is Young Jae your husband.
Hyeri (Shocked) What did you say who is the father (add a bit of hair pulling for dramatic effect and all) How could you betray me I thought that we were friends and all (Also add a few explectives for more effect which will be censored not to worry since this is a family drama and all)
March: Wait I didn't do it on purpose we actually got drunk and he mistook me for Dani because we apparently seem to have some familarity and all (meaning she looks like Dani because Dani is her Aunt) and.... Ouch will you stop pulling my hair go and pull Dani's hair after all this is her fault that I look like my Aunt. Also in my defence I thought that he was Dong Tak for some reason after all he was supposed to meet me for drinks and all that night but instead I am sure he was out with Dani.
Hyeri: Oh that makes it alright then lets go and pull Dani's hair and you still can't beat up my husband and stay away from him.
March (thankfully dodging another bullet and also for Hyeri being so in shock that she didn't catch the Dani being March's Aunt reference): sure lets do that.

end of scene.

Have to go now so enjoy said so take care all of you and sorry for spelling errors no time to fix them now will do so later hopefully :(


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6 hours ago, lclarakl said:

I think the writers can go makjang without being overly ridiculous like they are in a lot of daily dramas.  Not only that, they encourage more 'staged' type acting; such as the wide-eyes surprised look on hearing shocking information that they've heard thousand times before in the same drama.  How many times have we seen the In this drama, DY's surprised look at hearing SW liking DT? How many times have we seen SW's surprised look at hearing DT's declaration of love for DY? How many times have we seen DT's mother surprised look of him stating his commitment to DY or MS telling her he wants a divorce?  This drama has too many of these looks because all the characters have them----all of the characters.  They are expected to act in an overly dramatic, not normal way.  

What I've noticed in watching daily dramas is if we see development and growth of the characters and the story moves along and not get stuck in a vicious cycle of repeating the same stupidity or being illogical, it can have makjang, but it doesn't bother us because we see characters that were once weak become stronger, standing up for themselves and the evil people are made to suffer along the way. The plot is also logic and well written overall. If all those elements are missing and you only have makjang with the same weak characters going in around in a vicious cycle, that's the sign of a writer losing their creative ability.

This writer should be revealing some facts and moving the story along---it should have been moving 20 episodes ago.

Star Great observations! Sorry to shorten your post...Perhaps the 'surprised look' is staged to create a 'comedic effect' in this drama?

I agree, this drama is currently going through this roll cycle and it might be a while before it will stop spinning. I wish the writers could inject more originality and creativity into the story (sigh).

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3 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Episode 114's Preview:



Translation of the preview for episode 114.

GJ: Any way I think of this, I don’t think this is right.

KC: You’ve already come here now, so why are you being like this? Why do you keep wanting to make me a sinner? (meaning he would be someone who is wronging GS)

Village Chief: How could you shamelessly come here again?

MS: I’m really sorry. 

SA: Why are you apologizing? How could a woman who tried to seduce a married man have anything to say? 

SW: The president has told me to do well with Director Sul. Even if he tries to hold you again, don’t even think of doing well with him. 

DT: Talk to me. I can’t understand this. Why you’re trying to separate from me.

DY: Stop thinking about such useless things and let me go.


So glad that I stopped watching this already when even the preview is this painful. Also, is DY just dumb as bricks or what? How does she expect SW to do well with DT or with JR? Seriously. Aside from the fact that DT unequivocally keeps rejecting SW and keeps professing his devotion to DY, has DY forgotten that SW is lying about her identity and background? Even without realizing that SW is committing a crime by assuming someone else's identity, if SW does manage to drag DT to an altar somewhere, her background is going to be exposed. SA realized that SW's background was going to be insufficient to please DT's family since they objected to DY's background, why the heck does DY not realize it? How much more useless is it to "let" SW have DT?

I no longer think that DY loves DT at all. Screw it. Just let DY go to YJ. I'm now thinking that the two of them belong together after all. Then both YJ and SW can go to jail while DY lives with YJ's parents being abused by YJ's mom while waiting for YJ to get out of jail. JR and HR both go to Europe to live to try to deal with their respective divorces. DT wakes up from a long nightmare of crazy women to re-stabilize Bon Jour, but then realizes that his work there is done, hires a good management team to take care of the company while he goes and makes the movies that he's always wanted to do. While he's making his movies, he'll meet a beautiful, passionate screenwriter, and they'll fall madly in love and be perfect for each other. The grandfather installs one of his playmate grandmothers in the house where they can be all lovey-dovey. MS and SA get married, but MS has given up his wealth since it was all JR's family's money anyway and they live on subsistence farming, taking care of SA's mother-in-law. JR in Europe and SW in jail hear about this and scream themselves into apoplectic fit with eyes that bulge out so much, they become that way permanently. Occasionally, DT will visit his father and SA, but never cross paths with DY and have no curiosity about how she's doing at all. 


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OST part 6: Kim Bo Gyeon - Fingertips pain

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원망 없는 너의 모습 
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거짓말처럼 모든 게 
원래 그랬었던 것처럼
너와 행복했던 꿈같았던 
그 기억들이 날 미치게 해
손끝이 아프다 
가슴이 아프다 
나 하루 종일 말 못한 채 
여기 서있다
차라리 아파서 
모두다 끝나버리길 
이젠 모두 지우고 싶다
꿈에라도 다시 만나지 말자

아무 말 없이 너를 보낸다
원망 없는 너의 모습 
두 눈에 담는다
모든 게 변해버렸다 
원래 그랬었던 것처럼
너와 행복했던 꿈같았던 
그 기억들이 날 미치게 해
손끝이 아프다 
가슴이 아프다 
나 하루 종일 말 못한 채 
여기 서있다
차라리 아파서 
모두다 끝나버리길 
이젠 모두 지우고 싶다

술에 취해 잠들어봐도 
달라질 건 없는데
널 보지 않는 게 
너를 찾지 않는 게 
그나마 나 하루를 버틴다

손끝이 아프다 가
슴이 아프다 
나 하루 종일 말 못한 채 
여기 서있다
차라리 아파서 
모두다 끝나버리길 
이젠 모두 지우고 싶다
꿈에라도 다시 만나지 말자



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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 113

# DT and DY are in a restaurant. DT slips an engagement ring on DY's finger and smiles. DY looks stricken. DY slips the ring off and places it on the table. DT is appropriately baffled. DY speaks at length but offers no reasonable explanation. DY has no reasonable explanation. DY flees from the restaurant. DT shouts after her and looks crestfallen. He chases her but she eludes him. DT is baffled and discouraged.

# YJ's parents and CJ are talking in their house. YJ arrives. YJ's parents shout at him. YJ acknowledges the truth of what they are shouting but is impatient and dismissive. His father finishes shouting and storms from the room. YJ's mother has just begun. YJ regards her with resentment. YJ is short with his mother and leaves the house. HR has not helped her cause by involving YJ's family.

# CJ follows YJ out of the house. They have a relatively cordial conversation. CJ says something that bewilders YJ. CJ returns to the house and YJ stands alone looking thoughtful.

# Grandfather, Juran, HR and GJ are talking in their living room. Juran interrogates HR. HR whines about DY. Grandfather speaks firmly to HR, then at length to Juran. Juran squirms uncomfortably. HR whines again, then speaks to GJ. GJ mumbles something and leaves the room.

# YJ enters the living room, followed shortly by DT. Both receive a cool reception. DT, YJ and HR retreat to their bedrooms.

# YJ and HR reach their bedroom. HR starts in. YJ regards her with silent contempt. HR presses on. YJ likely asks about her visit to his parents. HR whines. They argue. HR cries.

# DT is in his bedroom staring wistfully at the feckless engagement ring. Juran walks in and shouts at DT. They argue. She wheedles and pries. He ignores her. Satisfied by the lack of news, she departs.

# SA and DY's mother are talking in their home. DY enters, looking subdued. DY,s mother says something and both DY and SA register brief surprise. DY, then DY's mother, leave the room.

# DY cries in her bedroom. SA joins her. They talk.

# DY is alone in her bedroom talking to The Ghost. The Ghost, who now communicates mostly with the demented, nevertheless appears and offers guidance to his sister. DY cries.

# Morning at Bonjour.

# DY, YJ, and DT arrive in Bonjour's lobby at the same time and regard each other uncomfortably. DT speaks to DY who responds curtly. DT grabs DY's wrist and drags her away, Korean cave-man style. YJ takes this in.

# DT has dragged DY to his office. He speaks earnestly. She says little. She leaves. He is frustrated.

# YJ is sitting in his office. Mr. Choi enters. YJ brightens. They chat amiably.

# Mr. Han barges into YJ's office, Lanky Guy style, interrupting YJ's conversation with Mr. Choi. He has forgotten to bow to either YJ or Mr. Choi. Mr. Han looks upset and out of breath. He speaks urgently. YJ is shocked. Mr. Choi registers consternation. YH barks orders. Mr. Han remembers to bow to YJ, but not Mr. Choi, before he rushes off.

# YJ is standing alone in his office looking grave. He takes a call on his cell phone.

# Juran is sitting at her desk. She seems to be relishing the memory of her encounter with SA and DY's mother. She picks up her landline and barks an order.

# YJ enters Juran's office. They talk. YJ is uncomfortable. He takes a call on his cell phone. Juran is briefly disturbed. YJ leaves.

# Juran remembers her conversation with SW the day before and looks concerned. Juran mumbles something nasty about DY to herself.

# CJ is standing with his father in their store. A strident female voice rasps in his memory (HR? SW? His mother?) He makes a call on his cell phone but there is no answer. His father asks, "What's up." CJ answers, "Nothing." His mother enters and begins ranting about YJ. They speak with KC as he is leaving the house.

# KC and the elder GJ thrash about.

# SA discovers that DY's mother is missing. SA searches for her, with the help of MS and the Village Representative.

# Juran has called DY into her office. Writers, more than enough already . . .

# Juran has gathered that DT and DY are on the outs. Juran's face breaks into a porcine smile. She calls SW.

# Juran and SW plot in a restaurant. Their faces glow with wicked glee.

# SW rushes into DT's office to report for Girl Friend duty. She is not well received.

# The Gossip Duo struggle to secure DY's attention. Finally successful, the three office mates talk.

# DT enters DY's office and drags her to Bonjour's roof, Korean cave-man style. DT is angry and earnest. DY speaks little.   DY says her heart has changed. Perhaps she is repeating something YJ told her when he dumped her.  She cries as she walks away.

# DY, emotionally exhausted, stops to catch her breath in a corridor. YJ appears, like the Serpent tempting Eve with forbidden fruit. DY is not interested, for the time being.  YJ is left standing alone in the corridor, flashing his serpentine eyes.

# SA and MS find DY's mother sitting on a bench across from the school where her dead son taught. DY's mother wonders what all the fuss is about. DY's mother again mistakes MS for Mansu. MS/Mansu eats the lunch she has brought him.

# Juran. everywhere at once today, is peeking around a corner in the village as MS, SA and DY's mother walk home. SA Ha!s and clenches her fist.

# SA and MS talk outside SA's house. MS leaves and of course Juran appears. Writers, you've done this scene to death as well . . . No more Juran berating people unless the berated do something interesting and appropriate to Juran in return.

# Juran has doused SA with water. There is a look of fury in Juran's bugged, porcine eyes as the episode concludes.


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6 minutes ago, valsava said:

I think Dshould slap DY


I would never advocate for violence... however, I think someone female should slap DY for DT. Though not any of the Three Harpies since they've already gotten their licks in and they also need to be slapped around some. Hmm, how about a mysterious woman who comes in and slaps the four women around some while dispensing some sage advice.

For DY: Get your head straight, and figure out who you love and whether you're woman enough to fight for him.

For SW: Get over yourself, you lying liar. Btw, I'm divulging to everyone right now what a lying liar you are so that we can finally finish with this part of the mess. Also, stop stalking DT. 

For HR: Will you please stop whining? What? You don't know that your mommy bought you a husband, and now he's sick of having to be your dog?

For JR: Get over yourself. You're supposed to be the head of a business empire. Will you please pay attention to that before it gets completely stolen from you rather than being a petulant child all the time? Btw, your husband wants nothing to do with you. 

I suppose in order to be fair, the mysterious woman could also give YJ a couple of swift kicks before she heads out of town for being a liar and a thief.

I bet we could find a volunteer or two to go be the mysterious deliverer of common sense.

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@jimb Since I stopped watching from episode 112, do you think CJ is on to something about the SW/'LSR''s connection? That said, I am rather disappointed with SA. She should be the one exposing SW's fabricated lies. Will she change sides and support SW snaring and stealing DT now since DY has ruthlessly dumped DT because of SW's accusations that DY has killed her father?

And I am also not an advocate for violence. But have to agree with @valsava and  @stroppyse that someone needs to slap some sense into DY ASAP. If she keeps this up, I am going to start hating on her. I don't even mind volunteering to be that someone to walk into Bonjour to give her and the three harpies a few slaps as suggested.

I think DY is a habitual quitter. She quits the instant things become troublesome or unbearable. She should quit her job for the third time and mope in a corner of her room and reflect on her relationship with DT. Her presence is upsetting those around her and makes working in Bonjour uncomfortable for her and DT. DT needs to focus on his job since he has been unreasonably dumped by a fool. I think she should also resign on the grounds that she has to help take care of her ailing mother.

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13 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

@stroppyse "Geumji myeonglyeong" (금지 명령)?


Yes. It literally translates into "Stop Order."  Now, you just have to serve one to JR on SA's behalf. :) 


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at best,  this  is a  very  stupid  drama. i  cannot understand  the  rationale  for sam wol  asking  dan yi  and  dong  tak  to  break  up so  she  could  have  a  chance  with  the latter.  love  is  a  feeling that  comes  naturally  not  forced.  can't  they  realize  that..  and  this  dan yi  should  have  resigned  long  ago  instead  of  being  bullied  by  the  sister  ad  mother  of  dong tak.

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In watching the English subbed version of ep. 113, I noticed something interesting.  YJ and Mr. Choi were talking and YJ asked him to find out how much Bonjour stock is owned by its executives.  Mr. Choi initially expresses reluctance (he signed on for the China project, this has nothing to do with the China project) before agreeing to obtain the information because he was committed to "helping" YJ.

Mr. Choi has now "Crossed the Rubicon."  Whether he realizes it or not, he is now on "Team YJ."

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8 minutes ago, jimb said:

In watching the English subbed version of ep. 113, I noticed something interesting.  YJ and Mr. Choi were talking and YJ asked him to find out how much Bonjour stock is owned by its executives.  Mr. Choi initially expresses reluctance (he signed on for the China project, this has nothing to do with the China project) before agreeing to obtain the information because he was committed to "helping" YJ.

Mr. Choi has now "Crossed the Rubicon."  Whether he realizes it or not, he is now on "Team YJ."

I wonder if those secret funds YJ has secured/set aside are meant to purchase the Bonjour's stock. He might start spreading a rumor to make the price of its stock fall so that he can buy all those stock on the cheap. Looks like YJ is after the CEO's position instead of ditching his post as CD and making an escape to China, Macau or somewhere else.

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