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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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hmm ok  I  must have  missed  something. when did  MS and SA became a  couple? MS knows he is  still married to  his  wife. I don't remember seeing MS  making  any  romantic  advances towards SA.

I  seen  SA  trying to  dress better  and  such  ,smiles a lot  when she sees  MS. teaching  him to  farm, took  him to the market  place . SA cooked  for  him and  she cleaned his room when he was not even at  home.SA  is the  one  who  was getting  all giddy  when she  sees  MS.

so, why is  SA and her  MIL  saying   MS  tricked  them  or lie to  them? MS was  not  dating  SA. MS and  SA  was  working together they were friendly  with each  other,he was there for   SA/MIL   when they needed  him. cause  he is  grateful for all the good  things  SA/MIL was doing for  him.

 most of  us   said,  we  wish he gets together  with  SA  after he divorce .  after   he  moved to the  country side  ,he was  a more happy  man, laughing  a  lot, his  serious  face he   left it  back   in seoul..

but  he was never  dating  SA ,nor did he ask her to cook or clean his  room. SA did it cause she was falling for  him.

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36 minutes ago, jimb said:

@sgfan @stroppyse @sk0317 

Sorry,  I still don't think DT has a clue.  Had DT wished to rebuke SW he could have done much more directly..  This is, after all, not the first time that he has asked SW to speak to his mother in support of his relationship with DY.  Those past instances weren't rebukes either. SA's slap was a slap in the face.  DT's request was a request.

The whole scenario makes no sense.  DT knows that SW has wormed her way into his mother's confidence, hence the request for help.  DT knows that SW is his mother's confidante, but still hasn't figured out who his mother's little spy is?

By the way, if DY is culpable for spending a few moments to blow YJ off when he accosted her on her way home,  how is DT a prince when he submitted to an extended conversation with this known jezebel in a far?  If DY should have kept on walking, DT should have walked out the instant she arrived (after paying his tab, of course.)




We can agree to disagree. :) I think DT was clueless until the trick she pulled in order to get him into her apartment where she threw herself at him. I think that has made DT wary, though he still doesn't know how underhanded and manipulative SR is being. Then again, no one in that entire drama knows that as yet. Anyway, this time around when DT was asking SR to talk to his mother, it had a different feel than previously, and when SR asked him how he could ask that of her knowing how she feels, he turned very serious, and told her that's why she shouldn't like him. Also, when SR showed up, he did get up to go, but manners and the fact that they are colleagues caused him to sit back down temporarily. 

I don't disparage DY for going in to talk to YJ at work actually since he is still her supervisor, though it's clear from her reaction that she knows that YJ does not want to talk about work. If I were going to quibble about it, though, I think the difference for me would be in that DY seems to go to the people who want to abuse her so that she can be abused. Not just YJ, but also YJ's mother. There really wasn't any reason that she shouldn't have politely put her off. Since she and YJ are not in a relationship, and since she and YJ's mother did not have a close relationship previously even, she didn't need to go meet her. And, since she suspected, if not clearly knew, that YJ didn't want to talk about work, she didn't have to respond to his phone call to go to his office. Of course, that probably means that YJ would have fabricated some excuse to get DY into his office during the day any way, which is why I don't fault DY necessarily for going to speak with YJ. 

While it's true that DT doesn't have people who are trying to abuse him, he also doesn't go looking to meet people who are going to be trouble. So, he has never been the one to seek SR out, even in a friendly fashion. SR has always been the one to initiate and create situations for the two of them to meet. While previously when he thought they were friends, he wasn't resistant to the idea of the two of them meeting, he seems far warier of SR now. And, while it has taken DT far too long to put the pieces together, I think DT now suspects SR of some of the muck raking going on after the conversation with YJ regarding who told his mother as well as SR having the confidences of DY. So, I think he's close to seeing SR as his mother's spy.

That's what I think anyway. I doubt that I've convinced you of anything, but wanted to lay out what I think as much so that I can examine what I think. :) 


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12 hours ago, sk0317 said:

The Korean entertainment industry is known to be very competitive and with so many aspiring actors and actresses in the market, they are some who have no choice but to accept roles as villains as chances to act and appear on screen are quite difficult to come by. Lee Yu-Ri played a very convincing role of a villain in 'Come! Jang Bo-Ri', she was so good that I have been avoiding her other works like 'plague'. She still gives me the nightmare TBH:tears:. LYR and GEH, the actress playing SW in TUF's roles on screen seem to have been stereotyped.


@sk0317. I totally agree that Lee Yu-Ri was so great as a villain in Jang Bo-Ri that I too have been avoiding her in dramas.   She played such a totally despicable character in such a good way.   Although I did watch one recently where she was not the villain and I got over myself.  It's tough to become stereotyped as an actor.... I really feel for them.  Playing the villain is juicy though because it usually comes with more scene time and a memorable role that casting directors notice.

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@stroppyse  I've just watched the English subbed version and I must back off on the rebuke business.  That was probably as strong a rebuke as DT is capable of delivering.  Most of us could probably have done it better.

But am I wrong that DT still thought it credible that DY might have discussed her relationship problems with SW?

@stroppyse  You made an interesting point about Grandfather's discussion with HR re divorce threats.  What will MS do when he finds out that Juran has insulted SA?  Likely he'd head for the Misery Manse for a confrontation with Juran.  They create a disturbance and long suffering Grandfather attempts to mediate.  MS says "Juran said that if I left for the village she would divorce me.  I signed the papers but she has not filed them.  Now she is making trouble."  Grandfather turns to Juran, "Is this true?"  Juran studies the floor.

@stroppyse  I think DT's encounter in the bar with SW pretty much equaled DY's out of work encounters with YJ.  DT clearly wanted to blow her off, but listened for a minute or so out of politeness.

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38 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

And, since she suspected, if not clearly knew, that YJ didn't want to talk about work, she didn't have to respond to his phone call to go to his office. Of course, that probably means that YJ would have fabricated some excuse to get DY into his office during the day any way, which is why I don't fault DY necessarily for going to speak with YJ. 

And if I may add, DY knows that by avoiding YJ's call to meet up in his office will not put him off. The last time when DY completely ignored him, he ended up waiting for her in JMR.

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ok everyone,what is the marriage law , if  MS divorce and marry SA,that  will make SW  DT sister? so, DT will marry  SW aunt DY  an becomes and uncle and a  brother to SW? what  will DY   call MS,since  if he marries  her SIL SA ,is that  DY  FIL/BIL? hmm so, DT father  will become  SW father and  DY FIL?

this is a mess. don't think  I  am writing this  correctly.

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12 hours ago, sk0317 said:

The Korean entertainment industry is known to be very competitive and with so many aspiring actors and actresses in the market, they are some who have no choice but to accept roles as villains as chances to act and appear on screen are quite difficult to come by. Lee Yu-Ri played a very convincing role of a villain in 'Come! Jang Bo-Ri', she was so good that I have been avoiding her other works like 'plague'. She still gives me the nightmare TBH:tears:. LYR and GEH, the actress playing SW in TUF's roles on screen seem to have been stereotyped.

@sk0317  Wow, Yes LYR is one fine actress HCJBR was a very good drama and another piece of her great works but If you missed Heavens Promise, Yellow Boots AKA Ice Adoni, And You Woman.. You miss out on some darn good dramas.. Spend a couple of hours a day if you have it to spare and watch one of them my personal favorite is YB now this is how you get revenge on a person..  Now when it comes to the family daily which I think every station shows atleast one of them daily I'm still trying to figure out how the title fits this drama, Strange Family just who family is strange if they are referring to DY family, Just why is it just her family if you ask me DT family is strange mom stalking Ex husband Daughter asking her husband whats he going to do if her brother marries his Ex girlfriend of five years and Let's not get on the subject of Yj family and the little brat that needs a good paddling on the backside and Ex wife who ran off now wants to die around her husband that she abandon and the list goes on and on with these people.. TBH I think DY family is the only sane ones in this drama with a senile Halmoni.. Besides a niece that might go batshitcrazy if she can't get her way with DT..  

4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Further thoughts on episode 109. Like mother, like daughter. HR threatens YJ with divorce. YJ asks if she's sure she won't regret that. When she says yes, YJ says that he'll seriously consider it then. This hearkens back to JR and MS when JR threatened, and MS decided to get a divorce for real. Wonder if HR will also get papers drawn up, when it was really just a ploy for YJ's attention. I had to laugh when HR was telling the grandfather about threatening YJ with divorce only to be scolded by the grandfather for speaking so lightly about divorce. If only he knew that JR also is in a similar fix made by her own hand. 

And, as always, I like DT's steadfastness. He tells DY that he's willing to cut it off completely with his family in order to be with her. He earlier tells his family that he didn't want to come home, but DY insisted, so they should thank for her for making him come home at all. He tells his grandfather that he can't give up DY, that he wants to run away with her, but realizes that he can't do that to her, then asks for the grandfather's blessing. The grandfather says that if it wasn't for the YJ issue, then he would, but he can't because of it. So, my question, if YJ destroys the family, then will DY as the ex of the guy who destroyed the family be more welcome? I would think that would taint DY further through no fault of her own, but that's just my take. 

@stroppyse  Sorry for cutting your post, But I enjoyed reading it which brings me to comment on these highlighted areas..

First off JR is very stupid and not a people observer anytime a man betrays his fiance of 5 years isn't trust worthy and shouldn't have been put in charge of such big projects and funds unless he's been married in the family more then a year and have establish himself in that family stupid is as stupid does she's going to pay for this dearly her and HR Once YJ dirty dealing comes and JR finds out her trusted Mr whatever his name help throw her under the bus she'll deserve it she'll learn how to treat people with repects instead of barking orders like HR her and JR is running her marriage and I bet HR will have divorce papers drawn up and she will give them to YJ because she thinks that Company can hold him so this is the reason she acts this way but dumb on her move will get those divorce papers sign sealed and deliveried and YJ isn't going to change his mind no matter how many times she run to his mom he's sick of her and that marriage.. The whole family he will want to get away from.. Now when it comes to will they accept DY once YJ have went for the kill I could see HR getting onboard because she knows first hand what YJ feels for DY and scared these two will end up back together so in order for that not to happen DT will need to marry DY yesterday..

@jimb  Thanks for the recap Another great laugh CJ hiding his bottles in the cabbage bin.. I think SW may really go crazy if DY and DY marry I wouldn't be surpised if she hired someone to hurt her own Aunt because she's to far gone in her illusion and delusion..

2 hours ago, anbud said:

lolol this drama is like a  crazy comedy.in episode 109  .YJ said  he  heard DY was  with DT  last night  . lol  then  asked  her    tell me, where  were you 2 and what did  you  do .lolol. YJ said even  if  DT asked  you to  stay with  him,  you should have  stopped  him.lolol  omg this  is  funny.

yeap  Yj  saying he is  going to   put things as  it  was before  and make her happy.lololol. this  part  is  making me  laugh  out  loud.lol  oh  god  .


everything JR is telling  Yj  about  DY. that   DY is  trying to make money   by  being  with  DT and she is  sly. is in fact  who  YJ is. he is  the  one stealing  from JR and  trying to  become rich  by marrying  HR... 

Thanks @anbud  OMG He can't be serious is this a joke DY should just call HR evertime he calls her.. 

Well guy's we are barley scratching the surface on this drama and have about another 10 or 15 episodes of this nonsense before we can see any kind of breakthrough..


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41 minutes ago, desertflower said:

@sk0317. I totally agree that Lee Yu-Ri was so great as a villain in Jang Bo-Ri that I too have been avoiding her in dramas.   She played such a totally despicable character in such a good way.   Although I did watch one recently where she was not the villain and I got over myself.  It's tough to become stereotyped as an actor.... I really feel for them.  Playing the villain is juicy though because it usually comes with more screne time and a memorable role that casting directors notice.

Thank goodness I wasn't the only one:P. LYR played a commendable role in that drama and she was actually more evil than SW because she had attempted to kill her ex-bf just to protect her secrets from being exposed. Yes I agree that the villain's role gets more screen time and the actor in that role gets 'instant' recognition if he puts up a remarkable performance:).

# Unless you can pull it off like Lee Sang Woo as mentioned in a post by @jimb, It's rather difficult to shake off the image of a villain.:sweatingbullets:

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41 minutes ago, anbud said:

ok everyone,what is the marriage law , if  MS divorce and marry SA,that  will make SW  DT sister? so, DT will marry  SW aunt DY  an becomes and uncle and a  brother to SW? what  will DY   call MS,since  if he marries  her SIL SA ,is that  DY  FIL/BIL? hmm so, DT father  will become  SW father and  DY FIL?

this is a mess. don't think  I  am writing this  correctly.


I've been thinking that the potential entangled familial relations was the reason that this drama is called Strange Family or Unusual Family, actually, since normally those kind of entangled relationships are frowned upon in Korea. So, I think the following are the relationship shake outs.

So, if GJ goes ahead and marries KC, then GJ is both paternal aunt as well as aunt-in-law to HR for at least as long as HR is married to YJ. If HR divorces YJ, then GJ just remains the paternal aunt. 

If MS marries SA, then MS becomes new father for SW, and SW and DT become step-siblings (as does SW and HR). However, SA stops being DY's sister-in-law since SA has a new husband. DY is still SW's aunt, but would not be related to DT, HR, or MS.

However, if then DY marries DT, SA becomes her new mother-in-law, since MS would be her father-in-law, as well as JR being the mother-in-law, and HR her sister-in-law. SW becomes her sister-in-law as well as being her niece. So, then DT becomes SW's uncle-in-law as well as her stepbrother. 

I think this is right from a legal/family registry point of view. Hope that makes sense.

edited to include the DT-SW relationship post DT-DY marriage.

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Wow watching ep 109 and realize that YJ is unhinged. We all know he married HR for money but did he always have in his mind to go back to DY? Or Did his plan fo return to DY  occur after DT interest? Does he really think DY would take him back cuz he has money or becomes the prez of BJHSN? What about his omma hate for DY after he has done all his evil does he expect his mom to welcome DY with  open arms and automaticallt like her? 

How about SW she also gone crazy and delulu. She will "steal" DT from DY? Really where does this confidence come from esp when someone has told you to your face he is in love with someone else and no matter your antics has shown any interest in you or your life?  

Really what are these charactors motivation for their behaviors?

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1 hour ago, valsava said:

Well guy's we are barley scratching the surface on this drama and have about another 10 or 15 episodes of this nonsense before we can see any kind of breakthrough..



Posted Thursday at 04:27 PM · Report post

Do you know "Strange Family" will finish on november 25th? Then it will have 150 episodes? Because the next serie (I still love you) will begin on nov-28. I don't want to think how much we have to wait for this mess to be clear. Somebody explains to me please.

Source 1: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Strange_Family

Source 2: http://www.koreandrama.org/strange-family/

In this site has Dec-2 like finish date: https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/별난가족

(별난가족 방영분량이 120부작에서 30회 연장되어 150부작으로 변경.확정되었다)



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@b2stsb2uty  asked whether YJ always planned to go back to DY.

I think YJ's interest in DY was revived a few weeks into his marriage when he began to realize that HR was clearly insufferable.  The comparison between HR and DY was unavoidable.  Remember that, for a long stretch, YJ was pestering her to quit her job and his main interest was keeping DY from exposing their previous relationship.  Then suddenly this stopped and he began to importune her to restart their relationship.

I think that DT's growing relationship with DY exacerbated rather than caused his desire to reunite with DY, but one could make a good argument to the contrary as well.   

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After watching episode 109 with subs. I noticed SW past out drunk with CJ.......they might be the two that will have the one night stand and SW get pregnant....she will prob. then try to set DT up and say its his baby?

JR was smart to go to SA and her MIL to tell that MS is a married man.....because she knows she doesnt have a right to say anything to MS directly they are separated and supposed to be divorcing and MS had said that when he signed those divorce papers and left home all feelings for her left then too.  If SA was starting to become interested in MS she should have asked the man if he was married, divorced or has a girlfriend...she knows the man travels to Seoul to see his family she should have tried to see what the family consisted of, at least now she knows before she gets in any deeper. And MS signed the divorce papers but he has not followed through to see if his divorce was filed, or finalized so either he plans to return to his wife or he is not interested in starting a new relationship right now.

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12 hours ago, sgfan said:

Around the mark 26:38 when SW told DT she was really worried about him. For a split second, I thought he would kiss SW on impulse. Lol, my worry turned to laughter when DT instead asked for her help with his mother, emphasized his love for DY, and told her not to like him. Very suave of him!

@sgfan I think if SW admits defeat and chooses to completely abandon her plan to snare and steal DT away from DY, she might be able to buy some time before her deceitful lies and assumed identity become exposed. I think SW would have continued dating CJ had he not been poor. She seems to like him. The big teddy bear CJ got her when they were going out is still in her apartment and CJ was the man she rang after getting officially dumped by DT. Despite being drunk and probably emotionally hurt, she remembered to thank him for the porridge he made her the other night before he left. Adding that she had failed to thank him properly when they met the last time. And if SW decides to get back with CJ, CJ being CJ, will most likely accept her as she is his first love:).

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3 hours ago, anbud said:

ok everyone,what is the marriage law , if  MS divorce and marry SA,that  will make SW  DT sister? so, DT will marry  SW aunt DY  an becomes and uncle and a  brother to SW? what  will DY   call MS,since  if he marries  her SIL SA ,is that  DY  FIL/BIL? hmm so, DT father  will become  SW father and  DY FIL?

this is a mess. don't think  I  am writing this  correctly.

@anbud If DY marries DT he will become her FIL and a uncle in-law by marriage to SW, If Sa marries MS he would become SW father by marriage step sister to DT and HR DY will be no relation to DT or HR because SA isn't blood related to DY..

9 minutes ago, Brenda Capers said:

After watching episode 109 with subs. I noticed SW past out drunk with CJ.......they might be the two that will have the one night stand and SW get pregnant....she will prob. then try to set DT up and say its his baby?

JR was smart to go to SA and her MIL to tell that MS is a married man.....because she knows she doesnt have a right to say anything to MS directly they are separated and supposed to be divorcing and MS had said that when he signed those divorce papers and left home all feelings for her left then too.  If SA was starting to become interested in MS she should have asked the man if he was married, divorced or has a girlfriend...she knows the man travels to Seoul to see his family she should have tried to see what the family consisted of, at least now she knows before she gets in any deeper. And MS signed the divorce papers but he has not followed through to see if his divorce was filed, or finalized so either he plans to return to his wife or he is not interested in starting a new relationship right now.

@Brenda Capers  This is another reason I think Sw is going to end up preggo by YJ brother but blame it on DT after she gets CJ to help her get him in her bed and his clothes off.. DT still hasn't seen her for the snake she is If we go this route right when her identity is exposed her pregnancy will be exposed.. All this wil come about when DY is force to marry her.. She's going to end up in bed with CJ thinking he's DT..

Also I don't know which one of those sites are accurate.. But if KBS has it ending in Nov then that should be right they must have started filming the next drama late..

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21 hours ago, Brenda Capers said:


Hi @Brenda Capersand how's your day?

Are you planning on making your request in writing or are you taking it to KBS in person? I just found out there is an 'Opinions' section on the KBS World's homepage where you can pen down your request. It's http://kbsworld.kbs.co.kr/about/opinions.html You can submit your comments, opinions or complaints in English as KBS World is a website specially set up to cater to the international audience.

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18 minutes ago, valsava said:


@Brenda Capers  This is another reason I think Sw is going to end up preggo by YJ brother but blame it on DT after she gets CJ to help her get him in her bed and his clothes off.. DT still hasn't seen her for the snake she is If we go this route right when her identity is exposed her pregnancy will be exposed.. All this wil come about when DY is force to marry her.. She's going to end up in bed with CJ thinking he's DT..



I pray to the high heavens that writer-nim does not choose this route!!! I don't care if SW gets pregnant by YJ bro, but I hope to the utmost power that DT doesn't get "stupid" and gets suckered in to think he's the father because SW's scam/manipulations. I hope he's much smarter than that!

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1 minute ago, whome said:


I pray to the high heavens that writer-nim does not choose this route!!! I don't care if SW gets pregnant by YJ bro, but I hope to the utmost power that DT doesn't get "stupid" and gets suckered in to think he's the father because SW's scam/manipulations. I hope he's much smarter than that!

@whome Where headed to 150 episodes and this cliche is likly to happen they got to come up with something to go that length..

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4 hours ago, valsava said:

@sk0317  Wow, Yes LYR is one fine actress HCJBR was a very good drama and another piece of her great works but If you missed Heavens Promise, Yellow Boots AKA Ice Adoni, And You Woman.. You miss out on some darn good dramas.. Spend a couple of hours a day if you have it to spare and watch one of them my personal favorite is YB now this is how you get revenge on a person..  Now when it comes to the family daily which I think every station shows atleast one of them daily I'm still trying to figure out how the title fits this drama, Strange Family just who family is strange if they are referring to DY family, Just why is it just her family if you ask me DT family is strange mom stalking Ex husband Daughter asking her husband whats he going to do if her brother marries his Ex girlfriend of five years and Let's not get on the subject of Yj family and the little brat that needs a good paddling on the backside and Ex wife who ran off now wants to die around her husband that she abandon and the list goes on and on with these people.. TBH I think DY family is the only sane ones in this drama with a senile Halmoni.. Besides a niece that might go batshitcrazy if she can't get her way with DT..  

Thank you for the recommendations @valsava :). I need to pluck up my courage to be able to venture into her other works and projects:lol:. You seem to be very well versed with k-dramas. How long have you been a k-drama fan?

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

@sgfan I think if SW admits defeat and chooses to completely abandon her plan to snare and steal DT away from DY, she might be able to buy some time before her deceitful lies and assumed identity become exposed. I think SW would have continued dating CJ had he not been poor. She seems to like him. The big teddy bear CJ got her when they were going out is still in her apartment and CJ was the man she rang after getting officially dumped by DT. Despite being drunk and probably emotionally hurt, she remembered to thank him for the porridge he made her the other night before he left. Adding that she had failed to thank him properly when they met the last time. And if SW decides to get back with CJ, CJ being CJ, will most likely accept her as she is his first love:).

I think SW was genuinely happy when she was dating CJ, although she was motivated by greed to get close to him. Can you recall if SW has been shown to miss CJ?

The writers were quite witty with their 'yacht' misunderstanding. SW thought CJ's family was rich enough to own one. However it turned out to be a toy yacht. :lol:

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