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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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@sgfan Hope your headache gets better soon.

I don't think SA will tell DT who LSR really is, at least not yet, from what was shown in the preview. 

What leaves me gobsmacked is how delusional SW is. I had previously thought it was some cunning bit on her part to somehow get money from the Sul's via a marriage scandal of some sorts, but I take it all back now. It's not cunning, it's just SW is as fruity as a fruitcake. She's completely batty delusional. During the conversation in episode 106 where SA questions why the Suls would accept SW when DY's background was insufficient, SW's retort was that there is nothing about DY is better than her, and that she was now LSR and would continue to live as LSR. Huh? LSR? Except without the family, the money, or the American education and background? If JR wasn't so stupid and spent all her time being fooled by YJ, she should have picked up on all of SW's inconsistencies by now.  I almost want JR to push for a family wedding meeting, i.e. when the bride's and groom's parents formally meet to discuss the wedding to see how SW tries to wriggle out of that one. She couldn't even pay actors to pretend to be her American parents, since the grandfather is supposed to have met the real LSR's father, I think.

It's so over the top, it's almost entertaining. Or maybe that's just as opposed to the frustration of DY having so little spine. I supposed I should be happy that she did show some spine in episode 104, 105. I just hope that's not the sum of what she demonstrates. DT deserves steadfastness on DY's part.

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13 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

@sgfan Are you feeling alright? Do you have a migraine or have you caught a cold:(? Please take care and rest well tonight. Please take some medication if you have to since tomorrow is a working day for you. Do turn in early tonight.

* Please ignore what I have written below and read it later when you are feeling better:).

It looks like SW went to tell HR about YJ meeting DY in private, probably framing DY as the home wrecker. Or not. Either way, SW was pouring kerosine over a fire and it caused our 'hefty heifer' to charge right up to BHS to attack and assault DY. I think the pulling and yanking of DY's hair in front of the shocked Gossip Trio caused an unkempt DY to reconsider her marriage to DT. I hope the Gossip Trio will become aware of the reason behind HR's blatantly rude, biased and violent treatment of DY.

SW certainly gave the phrase 'stoop so low' a new dimension. SA could have been really pissed by SW's calculative and malicious tactics for her to decide to meet DT. SW telling her mom she will continue to live as LSR might also be a factor for her to start acting now to stop SW from hurting DY and DT. Let's hope SA tells him the truth behind Bonjour's show host, 'LSR'. The delusional SW and her distorted lies have to be stopped, pronto. Time to tell the host her 'show' is over!

Yes I'll have to sleep earlier tonight. The migraine I am having now could be due to lack of sleep the night before :crazy:

Thank you for  the little "warning " note. I couldn't stop myself and went ahead and read your entire post . I actually feel better now :) SA is always saying that she hasn't done anything for DY. Let's hope she takes this chance  and bursts SW's bubble really soon! She also will not allow SW to manipulate DY into thinking that she caused Mansu's death. 

I am so glad that DT told SW off when she tried to do her round of poisoning again. Go DT!

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10 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Yes I'll have to sleep earlier tonight. The migraine I am having now could be due to lack of sleep the night before :crazy:

Thank you for  the little "warning " note. I couldn't stop myself and went ahead and read your entire post . I actually feel better now :) SA is always saying that she hasn't done anything for DY. Let's hope she takes this chance  and bursts SW's bubble really soon! She also will not allow SW to manipulate DY into thinking that she caused Mansu's death. 

I am so glad that DT told SW off when she tried to do her round of poisoning again. Go DT!

Yes I thought you stayed up pretty late on a work day's night and was a little worried about you...Please take an aspirin and turn in early:).

The forum here can be very addictive:sweatingbullets:. Yes I am keeping my fingers crossed SA will 'stand up' and protect our weak and meek DY who could be at the most crucial stage of her life. SA could be DY's pillar of support.

I was also thrilled DT brushed off SW's 'poisoning' but he later caught DY and YJ in that compromising situation at JMR:(. I hope DT got to hear every word exchanged between DY and YJ because SW could overhear DY and YJ's conversation the last time YJ visited her during 'Chuseok'.

Please take care and hope you will feel even better and more refreshed tomorrow!

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Nine princess is a princess look on Wrath light rail and install dajeonghi to date, and Dong Zhuo catches of the collar to see danyi yunjae on the jangmiri. On the other hand, pure love is shocked to know haewateum the meantime, in March this their grip daughter posing .

According from the text preview it seems that DT catches DY and YJ someone catches them..

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5 hours ago, stroppyse said:

What leaves me gobsmacked is how delusional SW is. I had previously thought it was some cunning bit on her part to somehow get money from the Sul's via a marriage scandal of some sorts, but I take it all back now. It's not cunning, it's just SW is as fruity as a fruitcake. She's completely batty delusional. During the conversation in episode 106 where SA questions why the Suls would accept SW when DY's background was insufficient, SW's retort was that there is nothing about DY is better than her, and that she was now LSR and would continue to live as LSR. Huh? LSR? Except without the family, the money, or the American education and background? If JR wasn't so stupid and spent all her time being fooled by YJ, she should have picked up on all of SW's inconsistencies by now.  I almost want JR to push for a family wedding meeting, i.e. when the bride's and groom's parents formally meet to discuss the wedding to see how SW tries to wriggle out of that one. She couldn't even pay actors to pretend to be her American parents, since the grandfather is supposed to have met the real LSR's father, I think.

Is the delusional SW also living in denial? She has created a bubble surrounding her assumed false identity and is so comfortable in it she has completely lost her mind and senses. Even though she has never met her birth father, she is insulting his very existence by refusing to recognize him as her father, her mother's husband and her aunt's brother. Also not forgetting, her GM's son. She has become too full of herself to be able to see reality. SW wants to continue to dream on and to sustain her current lifestyle, SW will dish out more distorted overblown lies and knowingly or unknowingly, continues to hurt those around her.

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 how  will SA protect DY? SA already  tried to  stop SW  but  SW is not listening to her. SA can't tell DT, SR is her  daughter.cause  DT already knows from SR that she  is from boston and knows no one in korea. DT knows from his mother that  that SR father is very  rich. SR herself told  DT  grandfather and  mother and HR her  father is  rich.  will SA send  SW to jail by exposing her to DT? can't see SA doing that after she  finds  out that SW made up a  new  family  by stealing a rich   girl  name to get  her  job as a hostess at  that  company. DY might see this conflict and  just  resign her  job and  go back  home,  then sending her niece to  prison. cause  if SW is  found  out then  DY is in trouble too  with DT/family /company..

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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:


DT: The person who proposed Team Leader Shin for the transfer is Director Gu. 

YJ: Because they said they needed a good person.

DT: Not because he disturbed you?

SA to DT: I have something to ask you. They say that there is a show host at your company who is supposed to be your partner.

SA: He says that he doesn’t have any feelings for you at all.

SW to SA: His family all like me.

SW to HR: Kang Dan Yi, she’s trying to marry Director Sul, but I wonder if she has another purpose. I think she’s trying to get back at Director Gu.

HR to DY: You’re going to die at my hands today.

YJ: Hye Ri!

DY to DT: I don’t want things to continue to be hard for you because of me. Let’s re-think this marriage.


Ugh. I knew things were going too well. DY is proposing to fold yet again. How many times does DT have to show her that his love is true and steadfast for her to be able to be the person that she should be to have his back. Rather than letting him know about SW, she's going to end it with him? Why? So, that he can go to SW as his mother wishes and make his freaking family happy while he himself is miserable? How is that love? 


Thanks @stroppyse for the fast translation. Here is the preview video, if someone couldn't watch it from kbs site:


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Re DY's involvement in SW's deception, its easy to forget that it started out harmlessly, more or less. DY's ne'r do well niece had finally found some success. She was using a pseudonym but, seemingly, no harm, no foul.

It's also easy to forget that until relatively recently SW was backstabbing, not front stabbing, DY and DT. Arguably SW left a lot of bread crumbs along the way and DT and DY should have followed them, but they didn't.

Now that SW has emerged as an avowed relationship wrecker, DY is too implicated in SW's deception to expose it without serious harm to herself.

Like all sociopaths, SW is adept at taking the good nature of others and turning it against them.

@anbud  Welcome back.

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Something has been puzzling me since the real Lee Sa Ra is suppose to come from a rich family then why was she making and selling fake designer handbags?   Why didn't her parents just send her money for living expenses.  Something more is going on with her fishy  family background.  Is it possible the real Lee Sa Ra is also a fake using the real real Lee Sa Ra's identity?  Or maybe JR.will reach out to the parents in the U.S, and find out they don't have a daughter or their daughter is still in the U.S.

Hopefully, DY will never end up with the crook YJ.   DT should weather through the SW/LSR sh_t storm when it hits.  I just want to see JR's face when it happens.


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thank you @jimb



watching the  translated 106.  SW is not going to give up. if she can't have DT,she is  going to make sure  DY will never marry  Dt..


sometime i   feel like  KC wife will not  die. she  will get help. my  brain is also  twisted cause  I  even thought  she is  overdoing it  with her illness  so she  can stay with  KC and maybe  he feels pity for her and will not leave her in her state of  her illness. while she  secretly is getting help to  survive.


lolol  poor SW 2 men is in love with  DY and SW can't even  get a  man.lol


omg  DY eyes nearly  left her  socket in  shock or guilt she got  caught talking to  YJ by DT. Now I think DT will believe what SR told him  about YJ still liking DY and going to meet her.. lol cause he caught them meeting up together.. it does not matter if DY knew  YJ was  waiting  for her or  not. DT saw them together....

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My non-Korean speaking take on the Korean language version of episode 106:

# SW is sitting in her bedrooms talking with SA . SA tells SW that DY and DT appear to be headed for marriage. SW responds urgently and angrily, asserting her own claim to DT. SA cannot believe what she is hearing from her daughter. She slaps her daughter about her shoulders. They argue and SA angrily leaves the room. SW calls after her. SW cries.

# DY arrives home. Before SA can greet DY, SW emerges from her bedroom with her suitcase. DY greets her but SW stomps off angrily. SA likely divulges the name of SW's "mystery boyfriend." DY is shocked. Piano keys tinkle softly in the background, so we know that a Meaningful Conversation follows.

# Grandfather is speaking earnestly to Juran and HR in their living room. YJ and GJ are also present. YJ looks in another direction while HR presses her case. Grandfather looks discouraged. DT arrives home and greets everyone cheerfully. Grandfather bids DT to join the group for a Talk. Grandfather looks like he is on his second to last nerve. Grandfather delivers a lengthy Pronouncement. DT resists politely. Other family members are shocked. HR "oppas!" and "DY's!" Juran rasps. DT answers firmly and calmly. DT leaves the room. Juran's mouth is agape. YJ looks thoughtful.

# YJ accosts DT in the hallway before DT can enter his bedroom. YJ lectures DT. DT steps to YJ and firmly rebukes him. YJ shakes his head in frustration. YJ speaks in a threatening manner. DT is thoughtful as YJ retreats to his own bedroom.

# The sun rises over Bonjour.

# DT sits at his desk deep in thought. DY enters. DT speaks urgently to DY. DY is surprised. DY looks long suffering. DT speaks with determination.

# DY encounters SW in the corridor and makes the mistake of speaking to her. Gil Eun Hye's acting coach has taught her a new gesture: SW looks down her nose at DY. They speak. SW snorts in disbelief. Portentous music swells in the background. SW speaks arrogantly to her disbelieving aunt. SW flounces off.

# Again, DY has addressed SW by her real name several times. Again, sound doesn't seem to travel very far at Bonjour.

# YJ is at his desk speaking on his landline. YJ sounds serious. YJ hears something that alarms him. YJ is uncomprehending. YJ shouts into the phone. YT slams the phone's handset into its cradle. YJ looks cornered.

# A cheerful Mr. Choi intrudes on this unhappy scene. Mr. Choi questions YJ. YJ's answers seem confident but shifty. Mr. Choi looks skeptical. Mr. Choi covers his mouth as he thinks, never a good sign. As we have come to expect, Mr. Choi suppresses his doubts and both men are smiling when the meeting concludes.

# DT enters Juran's office and hands her a folder. Juran is short with him. DT pursues: About those supplement complaints. Juran looks mildly surprised. Juran's face registers irritation.

# YJ enters as DT is leaving. YJ hands her a folder. Juran questions YJ: there is a hint of edge in her voice. YJ cates the hint but recovers. Juran is once again convinced by YJ, but she does not look as convinced as usual. Juran rolls her eyes downward as YJ departs. Suspicious, Juran begins to glance at the folder YJ has just given her. Juran speaks urgently into her cellphone and prepares to leave her office.

# SA is in her house. She remembers Juran's visit. SA knows she has seen Juran before but can't remember the context. SA receives a phone call and is happy. She speaks briefly to her mother in law as she leaves the house. Before she can reach the door the Village Representative arrives. He addresses SA's mother in law. She tells him to get lost. It is unclear whether this is because she has forgotten who he is or because she knows who he is. Mother in law leaves the room and SA and the Village Representative chat amiably.

# SA arrives as MS is loading some produce into a truck. Approaching this scene Juran spots them and slinks into the shadows. Ha! Eye-rolls follow in rapid succession. Juran watches as they drive off. Forgetting that the Village is not Bon Jour, Juran heads for SA's house for a Talk.

# Juran enters the house and calls out. DY's uncomprehending mother emerges from the bedroom. The same acting coach has taught Ban Hyo Jung the same new gesture. Her character stares down her nose at Juran. Juran does not tread carefully. For her part, DY's mother has forgotten that Korean etiquette requires deference to expensively dressed strangers. Alzheimer's and all. Juran commands. Juran notices that her commands aren't registering. Juran commands some more. The Village Representative emerges from the bathroom, to which he had repaired due to stomach pain. Sparing him head pain as well, Juran excuses herself and departs, leaving bewilderment in her wake.

# MS and SA arrive at a warehouse. The receiving clerk could be one of the gossipy village women we encountered in earlier episodes. Probably is, because she addresses MS, evidently with directness and no couth whatsoever. MS's eyes dart heavenward as SA attempts to defuse the situation. He coughs. The receiving clerk smiles and laughs: No harm meant! SA and MS rapidly conclude their business and depart.

# MS and SA are eating lunch in a cafe. SA perhaps apologizes for her bumptious neighbor. MS speaks seriously. The familiar music swells in the background as they talk: another Romantic Milestone has been reached.

# YJ's father, mother and older brother are talking as they pack vegetables in their store.

# MS surprises them by arriving with a large box of produce. They retire to the dining room to talk. They are interrupted by the Birth Mother and the younger GJ. The situation does not need to be explained to MS: After the Birth Mother and her daughter leave the room MS asks: What is she doing here? He is his sister's brother and this is no friendly inquiry. The Gus parry awkwardly. KC joins this no longer cheerful group.

# KC and MS are in a restaurant. KC Explains The Situation. MS still does not entirely accept his development.

# MS is walking down the street. He makes a call on his cell phone. He speaks severely to the elder GJ. GJ responds calmly and MS seems appeased. MS takes a deep breath.

# YJ encounters DY in a corridor. DY moves to depart but YJ speaks passionately. From around a corner, SW observes.

# DT is at his desk speaking urgently into his landline. DT stands to leave but SW arrives bearing a tale. They argue and SW leaves.

# DY is working at her desk as the workday ends. The gossip duo departs. Lanky Guy, although still not Mr. Happy, seems calmer than the day before. Lanky Guy departs. DT enters. They speak cheerfully. DT departs.

# MS and DT are sitting in a restaurant. There is a carafe of something between them. It is nearly empty. Both have had hard days. They have a serious conversation about DY.

# SA is entering SW's apartment. There is some body contact as SA moves through the doorway: This visit is neither anticipated nor welcomed. They sit at SW's kitchen table. They argue.

# DT and MS enter MS's house. They cheerfully bid each other farewell. DT is on his way to DY's house.

# It is dark as DY returns home from work. A car door opens and DY's eyes widen in shock. It is the ever-suave YJ, of course. YJ speaks passionately and DY drills him a "new one." YJ blunders on and DY drills him another "new one." DY turns to leave and YJ grabs her arm. DY drills YJ a third "new one." DT arrives on the scene and can clearly see who has the M&M's and who has the milk chocolate. DT steps to YJ and grabs him by the lapels. Shock and fear vie for space on YJ's face as he realizes that he is Busted.  Angry boyfriend.  Angry brother in law.  Two for the price of one screw-up . . .

# The episode concludes with a Triple Bug-Eye.


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@anbud  Opines that DY looked frightened when DT arrived and "caught her talking" with YJ:

It seemed to me that DT witnessed enough of the encounter to know who was "talking" and who was protesting and trying to leave.  I guess we'll know early in ep. 107 how DT has interpreted it.

Any burrito bets on whether DT tells his sister about her wayward hubby?  He could make DY's life significantly easier if he does.  Just as he could have made her life significantly easier had he told all concerned about SW's antics in her apartment following her "medical emergency."  For DY, fore-warned is fore-armed.  And Juran and HR would at least have some understanding why DT is not comfortable in SW's presence.

I'm a little uneasy about the "caught talking" formulation.  A man or woman of legal age should be able to talk with anyone.  It's what they say that counts.


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@sgfan So glad to hear you started your morning feeling much better:). Please watch out for the PSI and try to stay indoors if you can.

Let's hope the scriptwriters will not surprise us with a DY and SW 'buried the hatchet' ending:( after all the backstabbing and acts of evil SW has committed.

#PM LHL is in Tokyo:).

# Cheer up and have a wonderful day at work @sgfan!

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@jimb when  I  said  wrote  caught  talking,I was  thinking  about all the  other times   Yj needed to talk to his ex gf DY alone about  his private  feelings out of  sight of the other workers. many secret talks on the roof  of their company building,YJ also tried  doing  this in  his office  many times,  and once  called her to meet him outside her  home. DY never told DT about YJ  secret talks with her  . DT knew about 1 time when he  asked  DY  if she went somewhere with  YJ cause DT saw  DY following YJ,the time  DY met  YJ at  the bar.

Nothing wrong with 2 adults  talking, but  DY knows what the talk is about.  it is about YJ feelings for her, plus he is her ex bf of 5 years 

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@anbud  But DY couldn't exactly ignore YJ's demands for meetings in the workplace because he was her boss.  When he showed up at her house she always told him to buzz off in no uncertain terms (as, in fact, she did when YJ summoned her in the workplace.)

Should she have told DT about these advances?  I for one would have hoped that a word (or several words) to the wise would have been sufficient.  It would seem that the character "DY" did as well, and moreover hoped to avoid conflict between DT and YJ and pain for HR and the Sul family as a whole.  Since YJ turned out to be anything other than "wise," fat lot of good it did her (like her early attempts to cover for her niece.)

As I have mentioned before, DT has not told DY and/or other relevant parties all he knows about SW or YJ either.  If he does not tell his sister what he has witnessed, he has no reason to criticize DY.  They are both silent for the same reasons.

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4 hours ago, jimb said:

# It is dark as DY returns home from work. A car door opens and DY's eyes widen in shock. It is the ever-suave YJ, of course. YJ speaks passionately and DY drills him a "new one." YJ blunders on and DY drills him another "new one." DY turns to leave and YJ grabs her arm. DY drills YJ a third "new one." DT arrives on the scene and can clearly see who has the M&M's and who has the milk chocolate. DT steps to YJ and grabs him by the lapels. Shock and fear vie for space on YJ's face as he realizes that he is Busted.  Angry boyfriend.  Angry brother in law.  Two for the price of one screw-up . . .

Laughing Thank for for making me LOL @jimb. OT, I was feeling a little depressed because of the untimely death of Miami Marlins' pitcher, Jose Fernandez in a boating accident off Miami beach on September 25. An emotional home game in honor of the late talented ace #16 was held today.

Considering the ruthless way YJ handled his breakup with DY, has it always been in his plan to reconcile with DY after he gets all the 'goodies'? Or does he have a change of heart seeing how pathetic his clingy wife is that he has decided to 'go back to the good times' with DY? Or is YJ simply jealous of his rival DT and can't stand the sight and thought of them together? I think it is high time for HR to know about her straying and deceitful husband. DT should tell HR about these little visits YJ has been paying DY on her turf. It's about time YJ gets a taste of the raging 'hefty heifer'. That might be fun to watch. Or not.

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