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On 12/6/2019 at 9:25 PM, Ddongddong said:


I think him and mamamoo are still on very good terms - wheein and hwasa pushed solar to sit next to him after all lol. As for whether they are dating/had something in the past - my opinion changes all the time based on the new info we get. Idk what to think anymore. They were definitely being extremely cautious during this interview, hence why they seemed so awkward. Although eric and solar have alot of support from international (english-speaking) fans, the story is different with kfans. The tension between the kfandoms is still there even after all these years. Moos still throw him hate for being anywhere near solar - that's probably why they are so cautious. That, and alot of people had their eyes on them - they must have been stressed about starting up any rumors/angering fans. Eric is definitely avoiding talking about mamamoo. He only talks about them when prompted. We'll see if he mentions HIP on his kpop podcast but he hasnt done an ep covering the latest kpop releases since HIP was released - instead he's been doing these "special episodes" and interviews.


You can see how they're exerting a lot of effort into not reacting to simple gestures and minor conversational cues. I mean, even when reacting to reading the random comments on the message board they don't even look at each other - something so unnatural for two people who should already be comfortable on shows like this to exchange pleasantries with other guests that appear with them. It's really quite sad that there's still this looming undercurrent of dislike between some MooMoos and their pairing after all these years. I had hoped that it would eventually mellow out after a while and maybe we'd get a collab or something. Sometimes I envy some of the more famous ships like the Bbyu couple - shows don't need to tiptoe around the topic of their WGM pairing because it's not met with as much vitriol as this ship *sigh*

The only consolation I got was from that brief interlude during the break where they actually talked and exchanged pleasantries, Even 30 secs or so of civility is enough. 


On 12/6/2019 at 9:52 PM, Sunbin said:

At least they talked a little bit throughout the radio show and tried to act normal when the radio show was going on while people were talking and they were on air. It honestly could have been 100 times more awkward,  so I’d take what I can get.

 Amen to that. :D

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On 7/24/2019 at 8:36 AM, Ddongddong said:

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone:). I'm the owner of the Eric Nam and Solar update account on Twitter (@Ddongie2). I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining a twitter gc for us to post up theories/updates on eric and solar? The gc will just be for fun - there arent many places where we can joke about coincidences between this pair without starting up rumours/ angering fans. Additionally, it is difficult to interact on this thread since posting up pictures and such is very confusing. If you are interested in joining, you can dm me on twitter or post your twitter account handle here:D

I know I'm too late, but can I join?

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  • 3 weeks later...

hello there.


I am a bit sad because this thread is being quiet for a few months now. :( but I understand. 


I am here to share my feelings towards Ddongi and it is actually my second time to post here. I actually miss Ddongi couple so much. I hope you are, too.


ISTG, Ddongi is the only couple I still hardly ship. I ship Yoo In Na and Lee Dong Wook, SongSong, and AhnKoo, but me, shipping Ddongi, is on a different level. 


[just to be clear, I just ship them quietly. I don't force them to be a couple. them, being at least friends, is okay with me. but if it's the universe's will for them to be together, then let them be. ;) just kidding, though.]


like, I still watch their clips from WGM over and over again. seeing them together makes me happy. so, can anyone make a thread of them interacting outside WGM?


honestly, I still believe they had this feelings for each other. it's just that... you know, one of them is scared to continue. I don't know, it's just for me. I could feel it...


I have these theories inside my head and I'm scared to share it, since I'm afraid I might get hated. Idek why I think like this when this thread is about Ddongi.


I'll share it to y'all when I'm ready. I just want to post because this thread is getting quiet. Ddongi shippers, RISE! Hahaha.

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On 1/25/2020 at 6:34 PM, nds said:

hello there.


I am a bit sad because this thread is being quiet for a few months now. :( but I understand. 


I am here to share my feelings towards Ddongi and it is actually my second time to post here. I actually miss Ddongi couple so much. I hope you are, too.


ISTG, Ddongi is the only couple I still hardly ship. I ship Yoo In Na and Lee Dong Wook, SongSong, and AhnKoo, but me, shipping Ddongi, is on a different level. 


[just to be clear, I just ship them quietly. I don't force them to be a couple. them, being at least friends, is okay with me. but if it's the universe's will for them to be together, then let them be. ;) just kidding, though.]


like, I still watch their clips from WGM over and over again. seeing them together makes me happy. so, can anyone make a thread of them interacting outside WGM?


honestly, I still believe they had this feelings for each other. it's just that... you know, one of them is scared to continue. I don't know, it's just for me. I could feel it...


I have these theories inside my head and I'm scared to share it, since I'm afraid I might get hated. Idek why I think like this when this thread is about Ddongi.


I'll share it to y'all when I'm ready. I just want to post because this thread is getting quiet. Ddongi shippers, RISE! Hahaha.



Yes this thread has been a bit inactive :( There haven't been many updates from ddongie recently.


I have made a twitter thread with all the ddongie moments in 2019! Please check it out:






I'm hoping to get a thread done of all their moments after wgm but I've been bit busy :(. Please do share your theories here when you're ready to - here is a safe space for us ddongie fans :)

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If the fandoms were more civil to one another, I truly believe that solar and eric would mention eachother more often (especially eric). As an avid listener of his podcast, I can tell that he very obviously avoids mentioning mamamoo unless prompted to. 


He spoke about them for the first time in this episode (at about 22:50) - his podcast listeners voted mamamoo as the most anticipated girl group for 2020.



You can tell that he really admires the girls and has kept up with their activities. But his commentary about them seems kind of... impersonal. He gushes about their talents ofcourse (eric we know you're a moomoo lol), but keeps his commentary professional. This wouldn't be strange if he kept that attitude for all the artists he mentions. If he knows an artist he always speaks about his personal relationship with them and what he thinks of them (since he has a perspective of them that fans don't have). But for mamamoo - he didn't do that. He gives away nothing about their current relationship.


BUT! Solar is planning her solo debut for this year (yay yay yay). I really hope eric will feature it in his podcast. But I'm doubtful that he will. Either way, I'm super super excited for all of the girls solo work.


Lastly, eric is on his world tour! Have any of seen him or are planning to see him? I feel kind of bittersweet that he plans to move back to the states and away from kpop + korea at some point in his career, but I wish him all the best! 

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It's as my suspicions confirm - eric has been avoiding talking about mamamoo because of the backlash he's been getting. I'm so so happy and proud of him for speaking out about this. It's not right and it's not fair. I hope to see them mention eachother more often now. They are friends and shouldn't have to hide anything or be forced to act like strangers.


I love him so much for saying this. 


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7 hours ago, Ddongddong said:

It's as my suspicions confirm - eric has been avoiding talking about mamamoo because of the backlash he's been getting. I'm so so happy and proud of him for speaking out about this. It's not right and it's not fair. I hope to see them mention eachother more often now. They are friends and shouldn't have to hide anything or be forced to act like strangers.


I love him so much for saying this. 


will there be a collab in the near future.........eric on solarsido maybe........or solar on ITYD............this is the most excitement this thread has gotten since the end of WGM lol

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Hi all, just checking in on uri Ddongie couple since it's been a long time. I'm not new here btw, this is enko20 who used to post here regularly. Silly me was inactive for a long time and lost access to the old account LOL. :w00t:


I see the thread has gone inactive. It's understandable though since Eric has only broken radio silence only recently. Rest assure that this ship is still sailing strong, judging by the overwhelming support from the YT comments as well as other places. I'm glad Eric finally had the courage to discuss this publicly. You can tell he's been wanting to talk about Solar/WGM for so long but the opportunity didn't come till now that he has his own podcast.


I've got a lot more to discuss, but will save it for another time. For all you chingus that's still around here, feel free to talk about WGM or anything Ddongie related. Hope I'll see the old faces again from time to time too. 

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5 hours ago, emikoa20 said:

Hi all, just checking in on uri Ddongie couple since it's been a long time. I'm not new here btw, this is enko20 who used to post here regularly. Silly me was inactive for a long time and lost access to the old account LOL. :w00t:


I see the thread has gone inactive. It's understandable though since Eric has only broken radio silence only recently. Rest assure that this ship is still sailing strong, judging by the overwhelming support from the YT comments as well as other places. I'm glad Eric finally had the courage to discuss this publicly. You can tell he's been wanting to talk about Solar/WGM for so long but the opportunity didn't come till now that he has his own podcast.


I've got a lot more to discuss, but will save it for another time. For all you chingus that's still around here, feel free to talk about WGM or anything Ddongie related. Hope I'll see the old faces again from time to time too. 

Omgg,I'm glad that u have come back again! I only knew the solric couple not until Dec 2018 but I really love your analysis of this two cuties:) Hope that you could share what you've got from the new updates of the ddgonie couple!

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On 2/8/2020 at 4:16 AM, Vwan said:

Omgg,I'm glad that u have come back again! I only knew the solric couple not until Dec 2018 but I really love your analysis of this two cuties:) Hope that you could share what you've got from the new updates of the ddgonie couple!


I'm glad you like it. Always happy to see more and more people discovering Ddongie couple by the day. Wished I could've been around to share the joy with everyone the past couple of years but life happened.


Anyway, there are just so many things that happened in the past year up until Eric's recent KPDB that I want to talk about. As I pretty much expected, Eric had gone quiet for the longest time because he had been thinking long and hard about the right way to open up the floodgate on Solar/WGM again.


I still remember the mess that happened in 2018 when he mentioned about Solar changing her phone number. The antis had a field day with that statement and ran away with the narrative that she did it to avoid him. That was probably when he realized how much anything he said can be taken out of context in a ridiculous way. I'm glad Solar quickly killed that with her VLive that lasted long enough to get the point across.


Then in the past year, Eric probably discussed about WGM more than the previous years combined. I noticed that, with each podcast, he's trying to reveal more about how he feels about everything and how things has been behind the scene between him and Solar/Mamamoo, but very slowly. Even that little amount has been enough fuel for shippers war lol. Imagine talking any more details than that.  :blink:


Honestly? I'm pretty happy with what's going on so far. Nothing I've heard has been different than what I believe about how Eric/Solar should be like post-WGM. Let's see what we know:

  • Eric told us he still contact Solar once in a while (from the "Sooo Many White Guys" podcast) and that he meets other members more often than her. The girls still see him as their bro-in-law and this is pretty much proven when they met up at Cultwo radio back in November. They were still playing cupid for the two and were really casual around him haha.
  • In the same podcast, he mentioned how, as he started doing WGM, he thought "this could work". As if we need more proofs that he was serious about having a genuine relationship.
  • He basically hinted at the fact that he follows Solarsido's channel when Zach Sang mentioned about being on her "vlog thing".

And yeah, he talked about them being cautious during the radio show, which was normal. They weren't uncomfortable with each other, but rather about how they will come off on camera. You can pretty much bet Eric and Solar already talked about how they should appear in public once they realized their schedule match. It's really sad it has to be like that, and for Eric to address this directly means he has finally had enough. 


I'm proud of Eric for doing this. I really am. He has a much better platform and power to speak up than Solar does. I know many of us wonder why Solar is still quiet, but her platform is domestic and being a group leader, it's just 100x more difficult for her to approach this. Until she has more international connection, any thing she does will probably be extremely lowkey like her VLive.



God that was a rant haha. I've missed doing this so much. If any of you guys happen to read this and have other places where you discuss Ddongie, sign me up. Ya bet I can and will talk about them all day long. ^_^

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Hello, im just a newbie fans of ddongie couple after eric mentioning wgm on his podcast and interview. I just wanna asked, is it true that they got negative comment after wgm? I hardly see it, probably becouse its a long time ago. Well I never imagine myself watching wgm, its all becouse my curriosity of eric. AND THEY ARE HELLA CUTE. Im not ussually shipping any real human in real live, until I saw them. And it breaks my heart when I hear him again that they become awkward and it hurting him  when he mention wgm again

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On 2/13/2020 at 10:03 AM, Answeredbox3 said:

Hello, im just a newbie fans of ddongie couple after eric mentioning wgm on his podcast and interview. I just wanna asked, is it true that they got negative comment after wgm? I hardly see it, probably becouse its a long time ago. Well I never imagine myself watching wgm, its all becouse my curriosity of eric. AND THEY ARE HELLA CUTE. Im not ussually shipping any real human in real live, until I saw them. And it breaks my heart when I hear him again that they become awkward and it hurting him  when he mention wgm again


It wasn't just after. The hate comments already started before and during WGM. Solar hinted about this very early when they were sitting on the bus (cherry blossom episode) and she talked about someone calling her and asked her "How dare you marry my oppa?" :sweatingbullets:. Basically the antis can be broken down into three groups:


1) Nampyeons who wouldn't stop harassing Solar, and in turn richard simmons off a lot of Moomoos.

2) Moomoos who dislike seeing Solar on WGM for various reasons (shippers, her music career etc.) that sadly decide to take it out on Eric himself.

3) Neutral WGM viewers who just dislike Eric-Solar from an entertainment point of view because they are generally perceived as less romantic than desired.


It feels like the amount of Ddongie shippers has grown so much and I'm so happy that a lot more people can see what was so special about Eric and Solar. They weren't just a couple on that WGM show, their relationship transcended the program. It was genuinely two people who had a blast being around each other. Unfortunately many aren't willing to view them objectively because of the WGM label and its concepts being attached. :unsure:


A little thought about Solar recently:





I actually didn't see these until now. I watched and well...I just cried. I remember years back, when I wrote a post here about Solar, with what little I knew of her, I could tell that she always has so many deep insecurities and burdens of being an unnie that she couldn't display. And back then, Solar would.not.stop mentioning about how when she's with Eric, she always felt like she's being taken care of and she has someone to rely on.


Words can't express how much I hate seeing this being true. I see people argue on SNS all the time about Solar's time on WGM and I'm just like... why? It wasn't even about selling a romance plot or skinship. It was literally just Solar expressing the inner side of her that's rarely seen. Those were the time she could let herself go and have fun with a guy that understood her pains and sufferings.


When I saw her reaction to Hwasa. I will never ever forget how similar that look on her face when Eric told her "Unfortunately, it's time for us to go back to daily life".



Tell me more about how she did and said it all for entertainment please.


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On 2/17/2020 at 1:09 PM, emikoa20 said:


It wasn't just after. The hate comments already started before and during WGM. Solar hinted about this very early when they were sitting on the bus (cherry blossom episode) and she talked about someone calling her and asked her "How dare you marry my oppa?" :sweatingbullets:. Basically the antis can be broken down into three groups:


1) Nampyeons who wouldn't stop harassing Solar, and in turn richard simmons off a lot of Moomoos.

2) Moomoos who dislike seeing Solar on WGM for various reasons (shippers, her music career etc.) that sadly decide to take it out on Eric himself.

3) Neutral WGM viewers who just dislike Eric-Solar from an entertainment point of view because they are generally perceived as less romantic than desired.


It feels like the amount of Ddongie shippers has grown so much and I'm so happy that a lot more people can see what was so special about Eric and Solar. They weren't just a couple on that WGM show, their relationship transcended the program. It was genuinely two people who had a blast being around each other. Unfortunately many aren't willing to view them objectively because of the WGM label and its concepts being attached. :unsure:


A little thought about Solar recently:


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I actually didn't see these until now. I watched and well...I just cried. I remember years back, when I wrote a post here about Solar, with what little I knew of her, I could tell that she always has so many deep insecurities and burdens of being an unnie that she couldn't display. And back then, Solar would.not.stop mentioning about how when she's with Eric, she always felt like she's being taken care of and she has someone to rely on.


Words can't express how much I hate seeing this being true. I see people argue on SNS all the time about Solar's time on WGM and I'm just like... why? It wasn't even about selling a romance plot or skinship. It was literally just Solar expressing the inner side of her that's rarely seen. Those were the time she could let herself go and have fun with a guy that understood her pains and sufferings.


When I saw her reaction to Hwasa. I will never ever forget how similar that look on her face when Eric told her "Unfortunately, it's time for us to go back to daily life".



Tell me more about how she did and said it all for entertainment please.


at the last picture, i remembered an episode from we got married where solar and eric are in a swimming pool at jeju, i think? solar requested eric to sing a song for her and eric chose to sing i won't give up. while eric was singing, solar was teary-eyed. just sharing, i just remembered.

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On 2/22/2020 at 11:13 PM, nds said:

at the last picture, i remembered an episode from we got married where solar and eric are in a swimming pool at jeju, i think? solar requested eric to sing a song for her and eric chose to sing i won't give up. while eric was singing, solar was teary-eyed. just sharing, i just remembered.


I remember that as well ^_^. Solar isn't very expressive about her inner feelings, so whenever she has a rare reaction that is visible it has to be something very impactful for her.


On 1/25/2020 at 11:34 AM, nds said:

I have these theories inside my head and I'm scared to share it, since I'm afraid I might get hated. Idek why I think like this when this thread is about Ddongi.


I'll share it to y'all when I'm ready. I just want to post because this thread is getting quiet. Ddongi shippers, RISE! Hahaha.


I understand why you feel like this, but... don't be :). This space is the very place where all of us can share thoughts and love and all that for Ddongi. I want to tell you and Eric and everyone the same thing: Don't let haters make you feel down or nervous about this. I felt very strongly about Eric and Solar during their WGM days. Even now, after all these years, none of that has changed, and that's saying something. If Eddie and Mamamoo girls can still tease the two to this day, it means their relationship, whatever it is, is very healthy.

It's always been implied that there are more to them than meets the eyes. Unfortunately, they still have to lay low because they don't want to repeat what happened in 2018 again. 


I'd love to hear about your theories whenever you can. I too have my own idea of what's happened between them since the end of WGM, I still have notes of songs, interviews, podcasts etc. they did that I took over the years to kinda put bits and pieces together. I'll post mine one day too, but god knows if this girl will stop writing once she's in the mood, so... I'll hold on to it for now :sweatingbullets:.


@Ddongddong Oh you're the actual owner of the Ddongie2 Twitter. Hiiiii ! :w00t: A bit late but I want to say thank you for all the updates you've done for our couple. I love the way you promote the two since it's more about helping people recognize our two wonderful people instead of it being them vs us shipping war mentality. I'd love to talk with you about Ddongi but uhhh...I already promised to not let Twitter distract my personal life too much. 

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@emikoa20 Hey! So glad to have you back here - I love reading all of your analysis.


On 2/27/2020 at 6:08 PM, emikoa20 said:

@Ddongddong Oh you're the actual owner of the Ddongie2 Twitter. Hiiiii ! :w00t: A bit late but I want to say thank you for all the updates you've done for our couple. I love the way you promote the two since it's more about helping people recognize our two wonderful people instead of it being them vs us shipping war mentality. I'd love to talk with you about Ddongi but uhhh...I already promised to not let Twitter distract my personal life too much. 

Yes that's me! There's no need to thank me I'm just trying to do what I can to hopefully make the fandoms less hostile towards one another (at least on the international front - there's not much I can do about the korean side:(). Eric and the dive studios team used to interact with my twitter account quite a bit - that made me think that eric was happy seeing someone online openly supporting them as people. However, the interactions have pretty much stopped since around when eric announced the release of his before we begin album. I'm very sure that was because of the hate he received at the time. I unfortunately haven't been as active on twitter recently because, well... life:tears: But I've seen so many come forward in support of eric and solar over the past year. Yes I'd love to chat with you as well! But I understand twitter is a huge distraction. My dms are always open though:) 


On 2/27/2020 at 6:08 PM, emikoa20 said:

I'd love to hear about your theories whenever you can. I too have my own idea of what's happened between them since the end of WGM, I still have notes of songs, interviews, podcasts etc. they did that I took over the years to kinda put bits and pieces together. I'll post mine one day too, but god knows if this girl will stop writing once she's in the mood, so... I'll hold on to it for now :sweatingbullets:.

Ooh I'd love to hear your theories. I have so many of my own  but I've never truly settled on one. I need to collate my thoughts as well and will post it one here someday lol


I also wanted to add a few more of my thoughts about this: 



I found it interesting how when eddie was talking about wgm - he only focused on comments linking eric and solar as a couple. He was like " I've seen many comments saying we love the ddongie couple but I've also seen some saying F this couple, they are fake." Eddie seems like a straightforward kind of guy so I thought he would have simply just said "chill guys they are friends what's the big deal". Then again, I don't know if eddie knows the exact context of the hate both eric and solar have been receiving since he did say that eric hasn't told him much about it (I honestly find this hard to believe but I'll take eddie's word for it). Anyways, eric, solar and mamamoo are on good terms and we can confirm that they speak every now and then which is honestly more than I could ever ask for. So many wgm couples become estranged so we are lucky. 



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hahahahaha it's been a longgg while


hey y'all. back after @emikoa20 reached out to me on twitter. don't know how much i have to add to the discussion, but i really am glad that after all these years stuff's cooled down a bit and we're getting all these moments. like it's a real vindication of all the stuff we felt after the finale about how there was a real friendship there and a real trust and all that. crazy to see how much they've both grown in the meantime and ABSOLUTELY WILD THAT THEY'RE BOTH STILL WEARING THEIR COUPLE STUFF FROM THE SHOW.


anyway, i'd be down to be in a twitter gc or something that y'all mentioned earlier, since idk how often i'm gonna check this page. but definitely still into hanging out and keeping up w them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, some of you in the twitter gc know Emi ( @emikoa20) and I have been writing something for a bit. A new theory/analysis that we'd like to share with you all. ... A quick disclaimer...


We chose to remove these posts due to concerns about protecting the image of both Eric and Solar after the newly revealed k-nampyeon anti-Solar hate mobs have caused both fandoms to become much more protective and start doing their own investigating. While theories are fun, they're definitely not worth stirring up more controversy. If you want to read it, please reach out to the twitter gc.

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