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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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The preview stills that i posted here before is not reposted just like MOD said. I posted the preview stills first because i've checked that no one posted it before but then the person above me edited her post by posting the preview stills later on.


I DELETED my post. 

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Already written this comment in dramabeans. So, I will just paste it-


First of all hands off to LJS for giving us those damn gud expressions. Now, I am sure, he can easily play the role of psycho serial killer in VIP.

For reference-

Coming to the episode- I find it good. A few scenes that stand out for me were

1. The scene b/w KC & Daddy OH. Daddy Oh is one annoying and coward person and it was gud to see the contrast b/w them. Many feel that what KC said to Dad indicates that he doesn't love YJ. But, what I got from that scene that KC was not just happy that YJ is his real family and she was real person, which makes him as real. But, what he was happy was that a guy who was created to just feel despair and unloved or once, went against his creator and fell for a woman, which was not even in his character. His feeling for YJ were not manipulative. His love was for her real, coz even when Webtoon wanted to separate them, they still get back together somehow. How can people say, KC was still logical that he doesn't love YJ? How can one say that his saving her and putting his life in danger was all to show gratitude and care? Why people need a loud 'I love You' to feel love. He can actually feel for a girl coz of his own will is a great deal to him, if not to others. We feel his feelings are useless because we also have choice to make a choice. He never did and still he made a choice to live, love and have family with YJ. He always says, his happy ending includes YJ and still people doesn't feel his love is beyond me..

2. SB and crazy dog scene was epic. LOL loved the way SB lost his patience and shouted at crazy dog with all his might.. LOL epic scene and crzy dog monologue was gud too :P

3. KC & Han scene. I felt so bad when Han was torturing KC. And those expressions were spot on.. KC was manipulating KC and he had everything planned, but still his plan could have backfired, if Han had killed him coz of overdose. So,the thrill and danger was still there, but KC made it look so easy.

4. So bong Vs Han and him getting batshit crazy to hear he might enter W world ROFL :P

PS- Still feeling the rush and gush and can't wait for the next episode and hoping for happy ending


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It is my first time writing here, but I’m reading your posts since the beginning and enjoyed every post. Thank you very much. Like everyone here, I really love KC and OYJ. The chemistry between those two is so excellent.

If my friends sad something bad about the drama and that it doesn’t make sence. I was always there to defend W. But I was not really satisfied with yesterday’s episode and that for 2 reassons:

1) When Kang Chul was captured by Han Chul-Ho why didn’t he use variable 3 to disappear. He could come back later to get the tablet. So there was no need to go through all this. When Han Chul-Ho mentioned that his skills don’t work because of the drugs, I thought ok that makes sence. But than a short time later, after he went back to the real world, he used variable 3 to get Han Chul-Ho to the real world without a problem.

2) There was no explanation how they saved Yeon-Joo. In the past there was always an explanation that was really satisfying, like in episode 6/7 when he jumped from the bridge and there was a policeboat to save him. Or when he jumped from the building in episode 8 and it turned out to be a dream for him. But how was it this time. She was shot for sure, there was no remove of time. So did her father just remove her wound and that’s it? I hope at the beginning of the next episode I will have a proper explanation.

But I agree with you there were some sweet and touching scenes to. Like in the hospital when KC is sitting besides OYJ's bed and the sence between KC and his father-in-law.

So I really hope we get some answers today and we will get our happy ending soon. So KC, OYJ and everyone else "fighting"!!!!


Edited by majiko
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Hello, new fan towards the end of the drama here...this drama has multiple plot twist, every episode leaves you wanting more, daaangit, I regret why I didn't watch this sooner, aaargh!

By the way, I have a genuine question about the tablet. In earlier episodes, I remember the webtoonist Oh Sung Moo destroy his tablet completely because he's afraid of Kang Chul's universe would come and get him into the webtoon world, but then he can draw 'W' on another tablet. I don't know if it's a new tablet or another tablet that he already owned long before he destroyed the main tablet though, so I assume it's okay for him to change tablets as long as he's the one who draws 'W'. But then in this episode, Kang Chul said that it couldn't be just any tablets; it should be that tablet inside the killer/criminal's car trunk. Now I'm confused, so the right theory is that Oh Sung Moo can't draw with just any tablet? It has to be the one that ties to the webtoon, real world and the webtoonist himself so the items could be transferred freely?

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“W” Reportedly Airing Special Episode Next Week

“W” Reportedly Airing Special Episode Next Week

W” will be airing a special episode on September 17, according to a report by OSEN.

On September 8, MBC stated that the special episode will be airing at 9:20 a.m. on Saturday, September 17, showing the most memorable scenes from the drama, behind-the-scenes footage from the “W” set, and more. This report comes from OSEN following previous news about a possible special episode on September 15.

The final episode of “W” airs on Wednesday, September 14. Filming will be taking place through September 11, with the ending of the drama kept under tight wraps.


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God I love this drama! I couldn't watch the live stream so I first checked the Soompi Forum in order to see what happend with my beloved couple. Than saw it without subtitles and after a few hours I saw it again with english subtitles.

After yesterday's episode all I can say is DAEBAK! Amazing! I am in love with W! 

Even though it was an episode where my favourite people got hurt it was amazing and it helped define the characters, improve relations, got Kang Chul to work with Sung Moo. That was a dream come true for me. Seeing how nice and concerned was KC about SM, not only because he could save YJ, but because he is his family too. I loved that! He even gave his father in law a piggy back ride! I know that it's a kdrama cliche but this time I loved it (and I was a little bit worried about LJS's back too).

In this episode I got to see that he is willing to do anything and everything in his power to save YJ saying that she is his family because he chose her to be his family and that he will fight for their happy ending. What more can I ask for (besides Option 4 and those 3 words, 8 letters that she needs to hear).

This episode was sad, yes, but I wouldn't change a thing, because YJ lives without having to draw her from scratch so it's still her, because KC has a brilliant mind and the strenght to pull off the tablet task even though he was hurt badly and because SB was there to save the day and steal the tablet away from evil prosecutor.

Plus KC and SM working together and acting normal...Priceless! I have been waiting for this moment to come. I think that there won't be any forced emotions between them since he saw how much KC cares for YJ and the lenght of his sacrifice for her life. And I think that SM is starting to like KC too. His charms are irresistible.

I also found amusing the Crazy Dog scenes. Finally someone gave him a piece of his own medicine. I didn't expect it to come from SB though, I always suspected YJ. Now I wonder, since he reads the manhwa and interacts with some of the main characters how long will it take for him to figure it out? I would love to see that.

Until then, I still have gitters as in a few hours I get to see my beloved people (I choose to call them people now instead of characters) for the last time this week.

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33 minutes ago, majiko said:


It is my first time writing here, but I’m reading your posts since the beginning and enjoyed every post. Thank you very much. Like everyone here, I really love KC and OYJ. The chemistry between those two is so excellent.

If my friends sad something bad about the drama and that it doesn’t make sence. I was always there to defend W. But I was not really satisfied with yesterday’s episode and that for 2 reassons:

1) When Kang Chul was captured by Han Chul-Ho why didn’t he use variable 3 to disappear. He could come back later to get the tablet. So there was no need to go through all this. When Han Chul-Ho mentioned that his skills don’t work because of the drugs, I thought ok that makes sence. But than a short time later, after he went back to the real world, he used variable 3 to get Han Chul-Ho to the real world without a problem.

2) There was no explanation how they saved Yeon-Joo. In the past there was always an explanation that was really satisfying, like in episode 6/7 when he jumped from the bridge and there was a policeboat to save him. Or when he jumped from the building in episode 8 and it turned out to be a dream for him. But how was it this time. She was shot for sure, there was no remove of time. So did her father just remove her wound and that’s it? I hope at the beginning of the next episode I will have a proper explanation.

But I agree with you there were some sweet and touching scenes to. Like in the hospital when KC is sitting besides OYJ's bed and the sence between KC and his father-in-law.

So I really hope we get some answers today and we will get our happy ending soon. So KC, OYJ and everyone else "fighting"!!!!



Hi. Welcome to the club! :)

Would like to share a few thoughts on your points.

1. The drugs could have worn off by the time KC was teleported back to the real world, or as KC have figured that HCH is somewhat aware of the tablet's value, teleporting would not assure that the tablet will still be on the same spot when he return inside the manhwa, especially when time can fly there.

2. I was also asking this tbh, but as far as i remember, there were scenes which were shown with more detail as the story progresses. Maybe they'll use the same strategy to explain what happened here, probably on later's recap or the opening scene.

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i...why ..is this the endga_hoa_mat.gif but i wasn't ready is that the end of manhwa it means we wont be able to see  do yoon ga_cry.gifi have conflict with my mind is it the end of W and the life there continues or it s THE END  arrgh its killing mew14-01528.jpg

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1 hour ago, shiraru said:

Hello, new fan towards the end of the drama here...this drama has multiple plot twist, every episode leaves you wanting more, daaangit, I regret why I didn't watch this sooner, aaargh!

By the way, I have a genuine question about the tablet. In earlier episodes, I remember the webtoonist Oh Sung Moo destroy his tablet completely because he's afraid of Kang Chul's universe would come and get him into the webtoon world, but then he can draw 'W' on another tablet. I don't know if it's a new tablet or another tablet that he already owned long before he destroyed the main tablet though, so I assume it's okay for him to change tablets as long as he's the one who draws 'W'. But then in this episode, Kang Chul said that it couldn't be just any tablets; it should be that tablet inside the killer/criminal's car trunk. Now I'm confused, so the right theory is that Oh Sung Moo can't draw with just any tablet? It has to be the one that ties to the webtoon, real world and the webtoonist himself so the items could be transferred freely?

@shiraru, Good point. In episode 6, we learned that the tablet Dad broke in the motel was returned to him by the police after they had confiscated it while looking into the case of him being shot. Later in the same episode, we learn from Su-bong that that tablet was repaired.

They did not try repair the tablet yet again this time perhaps, because the internal circuitry was damaged, instead of just the screen like the first time...? Or maybe they were worried about leaving the new tablet in Han Cheol Ho's hands, or time was too pressing... I could be wrong.

EDIT: Removed the last section I wrote, because I realized a flaw in my logic.

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I don't get the negetive comments sometimes, i respect the opinions...but still don't get it. Tbh i am enjoying this show a lot.... even the 13th episode felt as the most nerve wrecking episode ever. They did play around established rules right? and it's not that they created new rules as such till 14th epi (we all know tablets are used as a portkey to travel, and that characters can summon people from real life...most of Kang Chul's hypothsis was based on that). So i don't get the criticism where people say everyday the rules change.

I felt 14th episode was a bit slower than previous episodes but not enough to write off the entire series. I mean during the run of a show one or two episodes might be a bit slow which can be granted. Actually the 14th episode left me a little puzzled with it's developments.

Usually i'd be mindblown. Now i am a bit underwhelmed. Creating of a copy of the tablet seemed too convenient of a solution to me. Kang Chul figuring that out with Dad giving inputs about it's whereabouts....it was just a easy route the writers went with. But then could there be more to it revealed in the last set of episodes?

Other than that, after giving it a thought i am quite satisfied with the episode. Kang Chul yet again is its star. Not only because of his quick yet rational thinking but also because of his determination, perseverance and love for Yeon Joo and care for Yeon Joo's loved ones. 

You know in all this Dad is still such a loser. There is no growth whatsoever in his character. He still cannot deal with defeat and loneliness and as usual drinks over it, or worse, contemplates ending his life. Pathetic. With such a weak character i am not surprised that his stronger manhwa counterpart is taking over him.

I loved the bits where Kang Chul before devoting himself in saving Yeon Joo, he first stabilizes dad and calms Soo bong. I loved how he reassures dad by confessing how precious Yeon Joo is to him. She is the only person he has...and she is for real. And by extension even dad is his family - so that dad doesn't consider himself alone and do something stupid yet again. It was touching how he saves Yeon Joo's family and loved ones (i am including Soo bong) from breaking down and gave them strength and hope.

I especially liked when he said Soo bong not to cry. Just awwww. Can we please have Soo bong call him Kang Maehyung anytime soon. Haha.

I also came to appreciate how intricately Chul had planned this scenario. Starting from summoning him and Yeon Joo to his world to save her life he just played the right cards. He knew with a new episode, dad could re-draw Yeon Joo's fate and bring her alive. Hence he started planning how to bring the tablet copy back. Earlier i wondered just how did 'to be continued' appear at the right time as required. Later realized since Chul was writing his story this time...he planned the climax in such a way that the conclusion of the episode was well timed and accurate. Everything just fell into place. Coming back to the real world and summoning Han Chul ho was sheer genius. It's the timing that mattered. It also showed how much and determination he had. Notice how Han Chul Ho disappears shortly after that. Which means once after chul went back he summoned Han Chul ho back too.

Now comes the puzzling bit - Dad and the tablet. This tablet is bothering me too much. Earlier i mentioned the copy of the tablet seemed too convinient...but is it really? Was it a contingency plan by the villian to bring himself back in case he was killed? Now previously we did see it being implied that the villian and dad are one soul. The villian could be an alter ego or split personality of dad which he projects in the manhwa world which is now threatening to take over him since he is not a strong person and gives in - which is why he was controlled so easily and which is essentially why he remembers everything the villian did. 

Now i am just worried about the resolution to our OTP. I thought after today's episode after Yeon Joo is saved, we can have some time for their relationship developing further too. Yes, i am satisfied and convinced about Chul's feelings for Yeon Joo...they go beyond expression since Chul went to crazy ends to save her life! Yet i do want him to convey that to her...it isn't necessary to say i love you, but it's that this is what Yeon Joo wanted..along with a photo. I just need a little bit more time for them. Cause all their happy dates have been dream sequences. But here another complicated test awaits them with Yeon Joo back to Chul's world with him facing a trial and uncertainty regarding her dad. Just how difficult is it to get a happy ending? 

You know Kang Chul planned his own torture to trick Han Chol ho - that's how much he loves Yeon Joo and that's how confident and determined he was for their happy ending...which he reiterated to Yeon Joo's dad as well. I just hope he doesn't waver in the final episode. I have full trust in Kang Chul...but this show is so unpredictable. Yet i am confident of a happy ending. It doesn't make sense to make everything they went through futile.

P.S. Special shoutout Soo bong for yelling at Crazy dog for mentioning Yeon Joo to Dad bwahaha. That makes up for everytime he tortured Yeon joo. But wait...is the crazy dog warming up to uri Yeon Joo when he found that she died? It would be intresting if an anti is converted to a fan...you know what i mean?

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36 minutes ago, Sice said:


Hi. Welcome to the club! :)

Would like to share a few thoughts on your points.

1. The drugs could have worn off by the time KC was teleported back to the real world, or as KC have figured that HCH is somewhat aware of the tablet's value, teleporting would not assure that the tablet will still be on the same spot when he return inside the manhwa, especially when time can fly there.

2. I was also asking this tbh, but as far as i remember, there were scenes which were shown with more detail as the story progresses. Maybe they'll use the same strategy to explain what happened here, probably on later's recap or the opening scene.



Thank you very much. It's nice to be here. Now I really reget to come in touch with you so late. 

1) Ok. I wont let my mood get spoiled because of this. So I will just take it.

2) Yes I hope we will get a fleshback that explaines everything.

And I hope that we will lern why in episiode 6 the sign changed from "The End" to "to be continued. Till now there is no explanation for this. So lets wait and see :)

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Kang Chul; “Yeon-joo is my only family,not a fake family that you made for me, but a real family with a physical entity. Instead of manufactured memories, I have real memories with her. Instead of a predetermined fate, she’s the fate I chose myself, for the first time, by my will alone. So I can’t give up. Yeon-joo is proof that I am a person like you that I am human.” image.gif someone pinch me he is so sweet image.gifor i want to be trapped in manhwa worlds forever  yes please image.gif

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