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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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1 hour ago, CirchelJorice said:


Am I the only one thinks that KC went to her world based on this scene? look that's his resident doctor sunbae right? and her expression say it all... right? right? right?


you got the point. i also noticed that this scene belong to Yeon Joo's world, saying he can go out of the webtoon, and find her. 

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4 hours ago, juju84 said:

Hmm, you could be right. But it just feels to me that Sung Moo was in such a disparate hurry to kill off KC this time that he dropped off all the little details like number plates and the driver. Just like SM said, he is the God in W and can control and dictate the rules (at least he was at first) so even without the driver the truck would be still speeding on the road because that's what the author wants. And KC was able to see it this time because he starts to suspect. It funny that Sung Moo keeps telling he will kill KC in the last chapter because normally if the main character dies there are still up to 1-2 chapters to tie up all loose ends in the story but SM doesn't care about that his only gaol is to kill KC and prevent collision of two worlds.

Yes, it's early to be sure in anything but I believe at some point Soo Bong will have to take drawing matters in his hands. I'm not telling he would draw characters but the background things to help the characters in the story, maybe ;)


Is it really you, chingu?!  I'm very happy to see more familiar faces from KMHM times. Feeling nostalgic now.
Yup, the first two times YJ was transfered to W when KC was in danger but I remember SB telling her in the preview that there should be some other rules/conditions for her to travel to W. And I think we will find out new ways in the upcoming episodes. In KC's case it's more tricky. The first time he travels is when he jumps off the bridge i believe. So maybe if his life is in danger he also would be able to travel worlds? (like in the fist episode he caught YJ's jacket and pulled her into W). Anyway that suicide bridge is sure very significant, everything started there. 


yes, you can bet right Yeon Joo's father is that despirat (and erragant for that) it's just that I couldn't see the wheel or the driver's empty seet that's why I said that Kang Cheol was suspecious of such a truck with blacked glass and no number plates!! plus even when Yeon Joo's father tried to kill him the 1st time he used the hooded man, a misterious man that left no trace behind him and in the car accident with black glass and no number plate there is dead end for any investigation and it will end cleanly with the case remaining unsolved for the lack of any witnesses (no one could see any thing) or traces!!

hhhhhhhhhhhh he wants to just kill him and then by the end of the chapter he'll write "For the lack of any evidence or trace behind the muderer Kang Cheo's murder case remained a mystery!!" agh!! I had shivers only by imagining that!! no death for Kang Cheol writer-nim!! 

that would be cool!! :D

me too!! I feel happy whenever I see a new familiar name from KMHM thread in any other drama thread that I'm part of (I was away from soompi thread for a long time now and I made this new account because I couldn't stay a silent lurker here!! :D)

it was Bong Soo, her father's apprentice, who told her that!! and yes there must be a trigger for her transportation other than Kang Cheol being in danger or I'll end up with a breakdown by the end of the drama!! (my heart won't be able to take all that!! :crazy: ) 

yes Kang Cheol's trigger to transport to the real world and to come back to his world would be different and trickier!! we can end the chapter in a webtoo with a cliffhanger but we can in the real world!! :D and I believe that yes he can trasport to the real world if his life is in danger after all he reached the real world when he was in life threatening situation and pulled Yeon Joo (and her father ) to his world!!

yes the suicide bridge incident mut have many answers for us but I think we will have the start of all when we will learn more of Yeon Joo's father's divorce periode!! it all started then, the creation of W webtoon and his secret that he wants to keep it a secret by killing Kang Cheol before reveiling it!!


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4 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

well it's not impossible... But I kinda dont like the idea of two Kang Chul...kekekeke... Doppelganger is a no no for me... I think the hoodie guy is a different person... 


I think it would work in onother story but not in W!! W's have enough thrilling and suspence force in the secret behind the crack of the wall between the two worlds and the link between Kang Cheol, Yeon Joo and her father so they don't need to give us an evil doppleganger of Kang Cheol to be the reason for Kang Cheo's father's creepiness and obsession to kill Kang Cheol!!

4 hours ago, juju84 said:

An interesting detail, when YJ traveled to W the first time after she returned there was nothing out of ordinary in her appearance. All the blood stains were gone as well. She remained as if nothing happened. But when she returned the second time the clothes and cell phone were with her. Could this mean the more YJ affects W world the more W can affect her in return? What I'm leading to if she is hurt in manhwa would her injuries remain in the real world? 
The same goes for her Dad.


great obsevation!! I remember that in the preview Yeon Joo's father had blood on him (stabed?) in the rooftop where he was pulled by Kang Cheol I think, but I'm sure it's not Kang Cheol who harmed him, and when he was back there was no woond!! that's me believing that we're still to see a flashback from the rooftop incident since we sill didn't see the scenes we saw in the preview where Kang Cheol was stabbed and left to bleed to death for real and not in the webtoon drawings!!


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Wow, another solid drama this year...Of course it's too early to say that it's solid as a whole but I kind of trust the team that is working on W.

Anyway, the first two episodes got me hooked. Found what I will be watching when Beautiful Mind (unfortunately) finishes in two weeks.

Han Hyojoo is so pretty! I always liked her but I think it's my first time watching a drama with her as a lead. Though Shining Inheritance has been on my to-do list for quite some time. Her acting is good too, woah.

I have no ideas or theories so far but I think they'll surely appear after next week episodes B)

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4 hours ago, suissou said:

It's been awhile since I've delurked myself on Soompi. The last drama I was so heavily invested in was KMHM, and since then there hasn't been much that caught my interest. Watched W last Thursday, and like many of you, it totally blew me away. I can rarely keep up with comments considering how fast this thread is moving already, but I hope I'll be more active now that this possible gem is in my radar. I've been watching and rewatching episode 2 and the long trailer for the past 30 minutes now, hoping for some more clues as to suss out what is going on. Looking forward to chatting with you all :)

Hi, there chingu! It's good to see our lively KMHM company comming back to hang up again. 
Yeah, I also fell out of soompi for a while since there was not so many dramas to hold my interest long enough to make an active comeback. I think W can be just what I needed all this time. The amount of comments piling up each day and difficulties in catching up with everyone is also reminiscent of our days in KMHM ne?;)
I just love W even more for it. :heart:

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4 hours ago, suissou said:

I laughed when I imagined Ivan as the antagonist of this entire drama.That would be a pretty plot twist XD

I think the gun is supposed to frame KC and mislead viewers into thinking it's him. Afterall, KC's gun was used by the hooded guy to kill his family. Unless KC really is the culprit  that killed his own family (which I hope not, because that would be a terrible revelation and I think many of us would be crushed). From what I can tell from the scenes, all bullets seemed to have been shot point blank. You shouldn't need any particular skill for that and anyone should be able to do it. 


the gun was used to frame him that's all!! unless Kang Cheol have a multiple personality desorder he can't be the culprit and this drama has nothing to do with those illnesses :) plus Yeon Joo' father mast have new from the start about it!! 

right!! there is no need to be a (golden midal) sharp shooter to make those shots, they are from neer distance!!


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4 hours ago, shin.u said:

My 2cent abt YJ is KC's key, or YJ impact KC's world 


Q: Why KC said OYJ is “key” of his life.
Theory: Is a person who has created Kang Cheol not a person who created Kang Cheol. In another word, is Oh Sung Moo not Kang Cheol’s father? Who is the real Kang Cheol’s creator?  


In the character description, we all knew OYJ’s drawing skill was discovered by her mom. Her mother was afraid that her daughter would walk the same path as her husband - a comic artist who hasn’t have a penny for living. My question is, how did a mother find out her drawing skill? What did she draw at that time? Was it a little boy that later turned out to be Kang Cheol? Was Kang Cheol character was really created by OYJ? Was her draw so lively to the point her mother freaked out and forced her into Med school?

Since OYJ live separately with mom, I believe a sketch of Kang Cheol was still in her old house (which is her father studio later on). Her father accidentally saw her sketch and right away became an inspiration for his successful manhwa W. He himself literally created and controlled a whole Kang Cheol world, even a lil thing. Their bonding seems so close for past years. However there is a hidden slack btw them. Why? Bcause OSM is not a real “biological” but a “foster” father. He created everything in W (Kang Cheol’s world) but not initially created Kang Cheol character himself. Bcus they are not true father-son relationship, the more time they spend time tgther, the huge hidden gap formed. It is too loose to the level that Kang Cheol started to realize several of strange events have happened to him and shockingly, he even got to know he could change/control his fate. 

If OYJ is really his key, ofc their connection slowly got stronger. In my POV, his key = OYJ = bcus she is the one who created Kang Cheol = she is the one who “opened” Kang Cheol’s world = the door btw 2 worlds. It could be an answer why Yeon Ju’s capability to save KC every time her father wanted to kill him. It could answer the reason why either KC could teleport OYJ or OYJ could go back n forth different dimensions. And since KC knows OYJ is his key, their connection combine as one, as a result of later he allows to travels to OYJ world.  

Im really looking fw to see what ll happen in eps next week. Whether my theory is true, I still remember in the teaser which both KC and OYJ standing face-2-face, KC alone cant go to OYJ side, but with OYJ help together they can break through the wall.


@shin.u I really love reading your theory concerning YJ being the real creator of KC character. Considering her drawing talent and that small children invent their own imaginary 'best friend' it could be absolutely true that the young KC was the friend she created with the help of her imagination and creativity. But if she really is the creator of KC, could that be one reason her mother left her dad, and not just because he was a penniless artist at that time? That made me think of something else concerning YJ's family situation...

Some of us already speculated that YJ could be a child of both worlds and that SM as her dad could actually be from the fictional world and somehow he managed to cross over to this world and fell in love with YJ's mother. But what if it's actually the other way around? What if SM just was an aspiring artist from our world who somehow found a gate to another world (maybe though his own teacher) and that's where he met YJ's mother (maybe in a dangerous situation and he actually rescued her - in typical Kdrama cliché fashion) and to keep her indefinitely safe her took her to our world. They married and YJ was born and she actually inherited the two most striking abilities running/characteristics running in her parents genes. She inherited her father's talent and her mother's other-worldly genes (making her a half-blood). Maybe her mother was in real trouble in the other world and she did not want to be reminded of where she was coming from and she feared of being pulled back into her own world at one point of her life the longer she stayed with SM who could not completely let go of the other world, even if just through recreating it in form of a web-toon.
And when YJ's mother discovered her daughter's talent in drawings and maybe even her talent in to 'lively or close-to-life' drawings and that her daughter’s imaginary friend was a bit to close to her roots from the other world she wanted to leave behind forever and that her own husband actually used YJ's imaginary friend as an inspiration for a new web-toon she freaked and left him to secure her daughter. Maybe they never wanted YJ to learn the truth of being a half-blood and, therefore, being able to cross between the worlds as they both wanted to keep her away from the other world to keep her safe from whatever bad/evil was awaiting at the other side. Maybe YJ's mother thought the only way to keep YJ from discovering her inherited abilities was by putting a distance between herself and her husband's place where she could have learned about the reality of the second world accidently. 
So maybe YJ's mother made a deal with SM, who could have been addicted to travel between the worlds as it provided him with ideas for his drawings and stories. She's taking YJ with her and trying to prevent her from discovering her abilities by pressuring her into another educational direction and SM is allowed to keep KC's web-toon running but away from YJ. Maybe she also made the deal that he can keep it running as long as it's not endangering YJ to be pulled into her own world. But the older YJ turned and the closer we come to present time something changed - maybe he realized that KC is trying to realize the most important part of his life is missing (his creator aka YJ and he realized the only way to keep him and the other world from YJ is by killing him off and hoping the gates between the worlds would be sealed with that). That would also explain his desperation to kill KC off since quite a while now, as he really feared for his own daughter as well, cause he knows to well about the dangers of crossing between the worlds as it may affect mental health (aka at one point you may have difficulties to keep track off which one is the real world and in which one you are moving right now - which made him the alcohol-addict he currently seems to be).
So he started to realize he has to get rid of his 'creation' (aka YJ's real imaginary friend from childhood to keep her safe in the long run). Maybe their is a certain age-limit attached to the ability to cross between the world. So maybe the older YJ got and the closer she got the age that would make her ability kick in the more desperate he grew to get rid of KC before that actually happened. He started to plan for this situation since quite a while back. But he wasn't fast enough - he or they (him and YJ's mother) underestimated when YJ's ability would kick in or that actually trying to kill of her imaginary friend could also trigger her ability ahead of time. That could be one explanation why he accused her of doing something stupid when she first saved him without realizing first that he's giving away the truth with that statement. He was blown away by the fact that she could cross between the worlds before they predicted and he knew her abilities to influence the other world would be stronger than his as she got his creative talent plus half of her blood relates her to this world.

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3 hours ago, chasingdaisy said:


I have a theory that she will be transported to manhwa's world when chul is in danger and she knows abt it.

first time - she saw the drawing on her father's tablet

second time - soo bong told her that chul will be killed using potassium injected to his IV 

third time - during chul's almost accident with that truck. seems from the preview yeon joo is on a call and she's fainted. I'm guessing someone call her to tell her what her father going to do (killing chul again, probably call from soo bong). it seems that she's being transported back to that boutique dressing room but she's unconscious this time.


other than that, do we know the ending song title? it's by jung joon young, isn't it? I think I heard his voice :sweatingbullets:

Um, only Soo Bong doesn't know about the truck scene, no one does. This time YJ would travel back without knowing why I guess. Maybe it's like she could just sense it or the story sucks her in whenever  KC needs help since he gains more power and freedom. 

For sure this week we would find out new ways/conditions for traveling between the worlds. 

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4 hours ago, shin.u said:

My 2cent abt YJ is KC's key, or YJ impact KC's world 


Q: Why KC said OYJ is “key” of his life.
Theory: Is a person who has created Kang Cheol not a person who created Kang Cheol. In another word, is Oh Sung Moo not Kang Cheol’s father? Who is the real Kang Cheol’s creator?  





I loved your theory but I don't think Yeon Joo is the real creator of Kang Cheol's character!! if she draw it while she was too young to remember it then why didn't her father used her drawing since then and why wait maaaaany years to use it, Yeon Joo was around 26 years old when her father started the webtoon W!!

4 hours ago, suissou said:

The pictures that mabelialong made me think something random. There are a lot of dramas in which the female characters just can't seem to put on their own seat belts and the male characters would always lean over to help them clip it on. Although heck if I had Lee Jong Suk in the driver seat I'd leave my seat belt off too just so that he can lean over and clip it on for me XD. 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes!! who would say no to that? we will plan for it our selves if it's needed!! :lol:

but yes here I think they wanted to show us some clichés in Korean drama since this is a webtoon and can have those clichés too, like the seat belt, the female main lead makeover, the idea of episodes/chapters clifhangers!! :lol:

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28 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:


  Reveal hidden contents

that's PSH in the photo from her drama set not HHJ  heheeheh 



haha thank's for the tip...I posted it without checking... I already changed it... I'm off for now...be back tomorrow... so many questions and yet we have to wait every wed. For answers... 

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4 hours ago, adeleyam said:

I try my best to translate... ^_^

But rough translation though...


Episode 3

I am that kind of person.

Although Soo Bong is starting to believe what Yeon Joo has said about her going into the webtoon world, she fainted and returned to the webtoon world at that moment! Kang Chul brought Yeon Joo back into his penthouse but could not get any answer he wanted from her...


thank you for the translation :D

4 hours ago, moomooz said:

Spotted Woman flasher!!!!

cr to owner. 



hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love Kang Cheol's reaction!! crossed arms and a "a new crazy act from the craziest woman in the area!!" look!! :lol:

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3 hours ago, irenetan said:


:blink: Does that pink bra in the drawer (?) belong to Yeon-Joo??

Lol, you have eagle's eyes, chingu! Like a true gentleman KC bought her a whole set from shoes to underwear. Picking up according to his manly taste ofc ;):D

@chyantrils25, thank you for the article!

I have a question, though what does Han means? Why Oh Yeon Joo character also referred to as Han? I'm a bit confused.:blink:

2 hours ago, irenetan said:


Ooooooooh ! :w00t: But when Yeon-Joo flash herself to Kang Chul, she's wearing something inside. Ahaaa... @JackieOnTheRocks so maybe he brought branded underwear for her to thank her for saving his life! :D

Lol, at least now we know YJ is not flashing him but showing off his present. After all he needs to know that he's chosen the right size, ne? :D:D:D

Suddenly this scene doesn't look all this tough anymore with all the pink underwear lying around.:joy:


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