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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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1 hour ago, delightful said:

Yes, usually the 'P' and 'N' is used between people that are close, siblings, work place, and school settings. It's used between people on friendly terms. What Kongpope said to Arthit was so cute, but I prefer how Arthit uses 'Pom' and 'Khun' between them. It gives it a different feel, because Arthit treats Kongpope differently from the rest. It's special in my opinion.

It's okay to call our friends without the 'Ai' in front of it. You just say their names. Usually girls will just use the name and not add 'Ai' to their guy friend's names, I guess girls are supposed to be more proper? The female equivalent of 'Ai' for a girl is 'E', which girls do use between close friends. It can also be used as an insult too, just like 'Ai'.

If it's someone whom you just met then it's more proper to use 'Khun' which is an equivalent of 'Mr.' or 'Miss', I use 'Khun' with my friend's friends who I am not close with.. since we are older now. If you're still young then you can just use their first names.

Sorry if it seems confusing. I swear it's not confusing. It's the same concept as 'hyung' and 'noona'. :sweatingbullets:



Oooooo... :o
Hihi.. ur xplanation is clear enough 4 me to understand ^u^
Thank u...
n i like it when Arthit use Khun Pom tooo :wub:
Cant wait to see Ep 11 with ur translation ^u^

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@Amiythanks for sharing the vid

lol what with that romantic vid from litlebigdreamproject it like romantic first meeting in the rain hahaha

oh finally the interview vid is out haha as usual Krist so cute talkative while Singto happily just listening and nodding to him talk :P

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9 minutes ago, delightful said:

I know that Nom Yen literally translates to cold milk, the question I was asking is if it had another meaning other than what I was using it for. I do know that it's usually considered a 'girl's drink', but the way @tsoon0708 worded it, it sounded like there was a perverted/sexual meaning to it. Which I think could be possible since I've kind of seen a couple of posts by our members here laugh about it. 


My mind is totally perverted (LOL) but I don't see anything perverted or sexual with PINK MILK MONSTER name. What's going on with peeps here?

Here's my take on Pink Milk Monster: P'@delightful come up with this name and we all connect it (okay, I do) with that already famous scene that's to come next week, Arthit crying while drinking pink milk. I like the name. I do. I don't see anything perverted there... where did this conversation go anywhere? How did 'PMM' go to being perverted? 

I think, from my POV, we are using this name a lot these days because that scene still didn't happen, so it's fun. Also, someone said that, that's how some of us here use it because we don't want to call him bad names. That's a good point there too.

Arthit is teddy bear for me FOREVER.  :lol: So, excuse me, if I call him like that until January 14th. LOL *laugh guys... I don't like seeing comments with drama. We shouldn't go into angst mood... too... it's more than enough seeing Arthit and Kong there, that my heart hurts. :tears:*

*sneakily runs* #goestowatchGOBLIN

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Guest delightful
4 minutes ago, Mio- said:


My mind is totally perverted (LOL) but I don't see anything perverted or sexual with PINK MILK MONSTER name. What's going on with peeps here?

Here's my take on Pink Milk Monster: P'@delightful come up with this name and we all connect it (okay, I do) with that already famous scene that's to come next week, Arthit crying while drinking pink milk. I like the name. I do. I don't see anything perverted there... where did this conversation go anywhere? How did 'PMM' go to being perverted? 

I think, from my POV, we are using this name a lot these days because that scene still didn't happen, so it's fun. Also, someone said that, that's how some of us here use it because we don't want to call him bad names. That's a good point there too.

Arthit is teddy bear for me FOREVER.  :lol: So, excuse me, if I call him like that until January 14th. LOL *laugh guys... I don't like seeing comments with drama. We shouldn't go into angst mood... too... it's more than enough seeing Arthit and Kong there, that my heart hurts. :tears:*

*sneakily runs* #goestowatchGOBLIN

I think the angst from EP.11 is spreading, it's contagious! What should I do? I'll just keep on repeating that cute little clip of Krist holding the umbrella and moving it over to shield Singto from the rain. I love it! Even though it's literally like 15seconds, it's still so cute!!!!!!!!!

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11 hours ago, tsoon0708 said:

Alright, I've finally watche dthe episode, and I actually really liked it. I mean, it was waaaay to short (felt like it at least, but maybe that was because I wasn't watching it live first), but I loved a lot of what was in there...

Okay, so I'm gonna write my review nad mix it up with screencaps. (most of it all under the spoiler to save space).

But first, let me thank P'@delightful for her wonderful translation and also the amazing speed. Also thanks so much to @baw for the encoding. You guys are amazing!

Alright, let me start with a picture of the episode's hero:01%20nott_zpszzna2mjo.jpg

Nott was such a delight to watch and listen to in this one. Look at him observing Arthit and, while always respecting his boundaries, still managing to point out what's important and what Arthit refuses to see. What a great friend he is. Arthit is very, very lucky to have him. Wow.

More under the spoiler tag

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Alright so we get Arthit and Namtarn meeting up and what follows is the flashback to the day Jay confessed his crush on Namtarn to his best friend.

I really liked the way they shot this whole scene. Yeah, I get that some of you are upset about how much time Namtarn got in this episode, but all of her scenes were important. This one truly established how close she, Arthit and Jay were back in the days. And seeing the flashbacks also really helped up grasp how Jay's confession hurt Arthit, and how, still, he was being too good of a guy to do anything about it. He's always been there for his freinds, and in that respect he is actually a lot like Kongpop...

And then we got Namtarn talking about what happened during her date. I saw people on here commenting that it could have been done shorter, without the flashback footage of the restaurant scene and just her telling the story instead. But, honestly, I prefer the way it was done on the episode. For one, it much better conveyed the emotions. For example: we could actually see how much effort Namtarn put into being positive about it all. She literally never stops smiling, although she has a hard time at it. You can even see her lips shake at some point. I thought that was very lovely and made her very relatable as a character.

And the other reason is, we actually get to see Jay and his facial expressions. And, yes, while everything he says is basically him putting his foot in his mouth again and again and again, his expressions show that he genuinely didn't mean to hurt Namtarn and, even more importantly that he's sorry and he's hurting because he knows how much she is hurting. Look at his sorry expression here...

I think the most beautiful thing about this scene is, that it's a parallel to later when Arthit will be working and too busy to spend a lot of time with Kongpop. Maybe he will learn from Namtarns story...

Anyway, on to Arthit describing Kongpop. That scene really had me grin. It's such an ironic moment, not just because of Krist's facial expressions:05%20arthit%20talking%20about%20kong_zpsBut mostly because he's sooooooooooo detailed in all of the things he says, and literally EVERYTHING he lists points out how insanely close him and Kong must be. And Namtarn totally gets it too, just look at her face:06%20namtarn%20confused%20about%20the%20That face is bascially saying, "So, you're telling me you hate him, by letting me know you've spent your breakfasts, lunches and dinners together and you know all his dietary habits, and you've seen him wake up and get dressed. How exactly did that happen?!"   [Yasss thats wht i wanted to sayy!!! Artihit u sneaky custard)

Also: Namtarn picking up on the pink milk and how it contradicts Arthit’s harsh image and then Kongpope seeing them together in JUST that moment, laughing and talking… that was so perfect too: Because remember how Kong doesn’t want anyone to know that Arthit likes pink milk and prefers to be the only one teasing him about it? ( I mean, I don’t think he could hear the two speak, but the milk was there!). I love that little detail.

I kind of wonder if Namtarn is having second thoughts about choosing Jay back then. Not sure though. Maybe she really just wants Arthit back as her friend and nothing more. But… there were many small things in their conversation that could have been used as an in by Arthit, if he had chosen to go there. Of course he wouldn’t, because he’s always been a good guy and a really good friend to Jay, but at the same time he’s already lost his heart, just needs to grasp it.


She's also the second of Arthit's friends who points out that, obviously, something is wrong and he needs to do something about it. And, while Arthit seems kind of unwilling when he hears her suggestion (much like with Nott), he definitely takes it all to heart and does think about it!

Which is why he later calls Kong, even though he's really really dreading the conversation.

To be honest, I’m surprised Kong even still has cigarettes at all. But I guess it’s a good sign that we see him still go by what Arthit asked him to do, even if they’re not talking.

The fact that the two of them sit down at their desks as the same time, both frustrated with the situation is such a beautiful nod to their connection, and also a nice symbolic image in comparison to May later.

But anyway, on to the balcony scene:

Kongpop is ALL in the open, facing Arthit’s room, illuminated,  ready to be free but also easy to be hurt. Arthit on the other hand is, facing away from Kong, and hiding behind his curtain and kind of in the darkness too – just like his feelings. Not to mention, Kong already had his phone in his hand when Arthit called, as if he was desperately waiting for the call. Even when apart they’re so in tune with each other.

Also, the way Singto’s voice breaks during the call, gets me every time. It’s such beautiful and perfect acting. Just look at Singto’s fist, how his hand is first open and just a tiny bit shaky, and then he has to make a fist in order to brace himself for the confession. That is so superb…

And Krist too. He’s so subtle in his mimics and gestures, but it’s all raw emotion. Just look at how, when Arthit hangs up quickly, Krist’s face is a bit shaky and he’s breathing real quick. I can’t believe how good they are.

I know a lot of people here were disappointed that some of Singto’s balcony clips were cut, but… honestly, I didn’t mind that at all. I think the true beauty and intimacy lies in the close up that we got of Arthit and his mouth grimacing (honestly, I pretty much got from that that he was either going to cry as well, or at least close to tears but not allowing himself to let them flow.)

And of course of Kongpop crying, only shot from behind (but we still see the tears).

I also love that they added in the bit about Kongpop taking off the bracelet and mixed it with really powerful rejection moment flashbacks. I thought it was a wonderful way of showing Kongpop’s utter devastation, pain and, at the same time, decision to stop running after Arthit. The scene basically screamed, “I wanted to believe that I have a chance, but I get it now. You’ve never wanted me all along.”


May at the desk: It's such a strong parallel to Kongpop at the desk, but in contrast to Kong and Arthit, Kong and May are completely disconnected, because he’s suffering and giving up while she’s smiling and hoping. What better way to cineastically show how they’re really, really NOT made for each other? This is the durian talk all over again, just much more subtle and much more grown up.

Also, the next day in class! While everybody notices that Kong doesn’t look too good (all his friends comment on it, Prae notices too and asks him about it), May just stands there. And when Kong leaves, she tells Em to invite Kong to the library later… which, is nice on one hand, because it’s considerate and inclusive, but at the same time, she wanted him to be there so much that instead of giving him the time out that he needs, she asked for him to join them. I mean, there’s no mal intent or anything, just… once again a disconnect and no genuine understanding. (Again, in comparison to Arthit, who really dreaded the phone call, but made it anyway because he knew it was necessary, mostly for Kongpop’s sake, and who only hung up when he couldn’t take it anymore.)

The school scene, by the way, was the only one that bothered me a little bit (much more than the balcony scene), because I felt the whole teacher thing was unnecessary. Why did we need to know that each of the students is getting their own assignment? Why did we have to hear Tiw’s question about whether they would get to choose a topic? What importance does that have to the storyline? The scene wasn’t all thaaaaat long, but still, those couple seconds could have been used much better. Maybe they could have had the teacher talk in the background, but the cameras could have been focusing on Kong and how down he is, or maybe on his friends watching him and observing his state, and then May could have still asked to meet up in the library. But… then again, maybe they put that scene in to show how Kong is trying really hard to move on from being so invested in Arthit. I don’t know.

Next was the cafeteria scene

 Off was awesome as always. And see? They ALL know that something’s up. As soon as Nott mentions, “someone’s quiet”, they all play along and Bright goes What? Who? Where? – all overly dramatic, only to then look at Arthit and nonchalantly say,”Oh, it’s you.” Like that was a given. THEY ALL KNOW, I tell you. And then Nott with the stomach ache suggestion and a grin that made it clear he’s known all along it has never been the food, haha.


Anyway, what I really meant to say about this scene. I love Tuta. Isn’t Tuta just perfect. I could watch him all day long.And, finally,

Kong in the cheering hall:

That scene was soooooooo beautifully shot. My favorite scene of the episode. Look at how tiny Kong looks in the empty hall. What a beautiful camera shot.

And then we’re focusing on Kong up close. And it’s so symbolic, too. Kong is trying to distance himself from everything, and he does by going right to the place where it all started. So, once again, he’s full on connected to Arthit yet completely isolated in the vast and empty building. And then he gets that message, and I bet we were all hoping against better judgement that it was going to be Arthit. And of course it’s not, and Kong doesn’t react twice before Em actually calls him so he feels obliged to be there for his friends. And, once again, isn’t it awesome how, right in that moment, right at that place, his friends call out to him (They sent their spirits, huh?). Sotus system in a nutshell. Man, everything in this story is connected and fits like a perfect puzzle.


@tsoon0708 yasss that was a good review! I was totally yelling "yes! yes!  yup that thats wht it meant! That is wht i wanted to say" at every paragraph......u just literally mentioned all the stuff which i couldn't explain (due to lack of writing skills and bad vocab) i loved ur review.. Keep it coming♥♥

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48 minutes ago, Mio- said:


My mind is totally perverted (LOL) but I don't see anything perverted or sexual with PINK MILK MONSTER name. What's going on with peeps here?

Here's my take on Pink Milk Monster: P'@delightful come up with this name and we all connect it (okay, I do) with that already famous scene that's to come next week, Arthit crying while drinking pink milk. I like the name. I do. I don't see anything perverted there... where did this conversation go anywhere? How did 'PMM' go to being perverted? 

I think, from my POV, we are using this name a lot these days because that scene still didn't happen, so it's fun. Also, someone said that, that's how some of us here use it because we don't want to call him bad names. That's a good point there too.

Arthit is teddy bear for me FOREVER.  :lol: So, excuse me, if I call him like that until January 14th. LOL *laugh guys... I don't like seeing comments with drama. We shouldn't go into angst mood... too... it's more than enough seeing Arthit and Kong there, that my heart hurts. :tears:*

*sneakily runs* #goestowatchGOBLIN

yeah it just normal for me lol nothing funny nothing perverted it just my way following P'delightful calling him monster while adding Arthit favorite thing without being too rude since when im angry i can call him much worse lol so Delightful saving the day with PMM :P hahaha i guess some people think it just as a joke because some member joke about it among themselves to relieve stress so when they see the word here they laugh but some of us just using it normally without any hidden meaning so maybe that the reason of confusion it is some kind of joke around here when it actually not lol



anyway Goblin is in my next list to watch since i love both main actors actually im currently dl it but i need to ask is the drama good?i don't wanna anticipated to high but end up disappointed when watch


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4 hours ago, delightful said:

Is there another meaning to 'pink milk' that I don't know about? :blink: When I write Pink Milk Monster, I am literally referring to the drink that Arthit drinks. I didn't know there was another meaning to it. Someone enlighten me, if it's rated R then use a spoiler box. Why do I have a feeling that it's rated R? :sweatingbullets:


Am I the only one enjoy teasing Arthit with the name you @delightfulintroduce us, "Pink Milk Monster"? :w00t: I don't even think about how we use it, too much or even lacking :lol: I just use it when I feel it. At least, I use it when Arthit does something foolishly :D

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1 hour ago, salz said:

yeah it just normal for me lol nothing funny nothing perverted it just my way following P'delightful calling him monster while adding Arthit favorite thing without being too rude since when im angry i can call him much worse lol so Delightful saving the day with PMM :P hahaha i guess some people think it just as a joke because some member joke about it among themselves to relieve stress so when they see the word here they laugh but some of us just using it normally without any hidden meaning so maybe that the reason of confusion it is some kind of joke around here when it actually not lol


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anyway Goblin is in my next list to watch since i love both main actors actually im currently dl it but i need to ask is the drama good?i don't wanna anticipated to high but end up disappointed when watch





I've just seen 1st episode and I had a feeling I was watching a movie, not a drama. Really good opening! Later will move on to ep. 2. :D


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40 minutes ago, rainiroo said:

Okay. Guys. This isn't really sotus related. But I was stalking all of the guys' Instagrams right now and came across Captains. CAPTAIN LOOKS SO GOOD NOW. I'm not used to him having longer hair.:wub:;)

I'm not stalking at nobody, however, i recently saw a lot of Captain's pics, and as you i was a lot surprised. I always liked Captain's short hair into LS series and noticed if my sympathy capital for him was so big, i thinked it was not the face of an Appolon! Now Captain wear as almost all his actors colleagues a forehead fringes, and OMG, on some of the photos, he is so beautiful. I admit that his actual look in LS was perfect and suit so well with the story, for now his face is (to me) similar to an angel's face!!! As he is less younger than in the serie, he looks so mature and attractive! And as Kongpope, the best is his "magic" smile! Finally, something related! :)

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12 hours ago, deedeebr said:

Ô mundo pequeno meu Deus! A pessoa entra num fórum sobre k-pop, pra falar e acompanhar uma série BL que passa na Tailândia e encontra duas pessoas desconhecidas que saíram do mesmo buraco! Super Chokito!! kkkk

Small world OMG!! A person enters a forum about k-pop, to follow a Thai BL series and finds two other people that emerged from teh same hole!! LOL

@ArthurA and @Rafael Silva SOTUS is the first Thai series that you guys watched?

I think it's the right formula to use and satisfy everybody. As "frog eater" member of the baguette club, i never use my own language since i talk there (except for an exceptionnal and short delightful's compliment which was internationally understandable). One part into original language and a fair second one in english. But to use economically!  ha ha ha

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Guys i need to rewatch when i get home i watch it mute hahaha im here with my friends a sneek to download and watch, it not they hate bl per se but not also a fan and  they dont also  like me watching or using tablet when we are together

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5 hours ago, dbsjkyuhyuksu said:

Kyaaawng.. i really love Krist in this hair style.. n i LOOOVE his cheeek!! pinch him moooore >u<



5 hours ago, dbsjkyuhyuksu said:



Have you notice each time Kongpope hit Artit's chhek, he touch his nose before? Is it a secret message between them?

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