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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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3 hours ago, tsoon0708 said:

But aside from the food, let's get back to topic... I actually had a REALLY wild dream last night, about Singto and Krist... I don't even know if I can share it, I'm blushing already as I type this while remembering...:wub::wub::wub:

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In my dream they were working together again, because Bittersweet had written another SOTUS book and season 2 was being filmed based on that. So Krist and Singto hung out a lot and at some point, during a game with a whole group of castmates, Sing found out that Krist had done some sexual stuff with some random guy in the past. Sing got curious and wanted to know more. So, Krist basically explained that it had merely been a one time occurence and just to let off some steam, but no romantic feelings involved, and that he didn't feel bothered by it, because it didn't change anything, it was just for fun and he still felt straight. And then Singto was intrigued by how carefree Krist was about sexual issues in general and mentioned he couldn't even imagine to find anybody willing to do stuff like that just for fun. So Krist, kinda jokingly offered Singto could always ring him up.

And then Singto couldn't shake the thought and at some point kinda shyly asked Krist about it. And Krist was way surprised, because he'd just said it without giving it much thought, but was also not opposed, because Sing was fit and it was just for fun, right? So they decided to meet up and see.

Krist kinda expected it to be handjobs or something (as that was what he had gotten before with that other random guy) but sensed how nervous Sing was so he told him to start with kissing (because he also knew Sing was good at it, as they'd done that before for the cameras, so it would be easier to get started). And it worked. And then they decided to just let the kissing lead to whatever and they kind of... well, I don't even know if I should write that here, lol...

Let's just say my dream went on after that for quite some time and it was really good.



It felt like I was reading a fanfic there. That's quite the dream :wub:

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1 hour ago, tsoon0708 said:

If anybody would like to write it, feel free to do so!!! :lol:

Throwback ;) 

On 28/09/2016 at 9:05 AM, originalnickname said:

Guys, guys, guys! I just woke up and I have to tell this now because I'm scared I'll forget it, and because I know here is the only place where I won't be judged about it. I dreamt about SOTUS this night.... yep! More precisely, about Arthit and Kong kissing..... I can even describe it : Arthit is the one who initiated the kiss, he leans towards Kong, who looks uncomfortable and leans back [ there I remember thinking (yes, whilst dreaming....) man, you love him, let yourself get kissed ffs!!!!] but they eventually end up kissing..... Man, if it's like in my dream, Arthit is a really good and passionate kisser :wub:

Please, I wanna dream this again :wub:

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39 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

"Sometimes it's not just the Moon and the Star up there (in the sky)." EP5 (Another round of rewatching the show)



It also take me second time rewatching to understand the meaning of the sentence. Kyaaaa!!!

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Guest delightful

Another round of OLD flirting tweets/IG posts... I am taking a little break from translating because my work is a little stressful this week.. so I'm writing a fanfic instead. As usual, I'll try to fit it into the timelines of the special chapters. ^_^

Anyways.. enjoy these for now. There's more ,.,, but lets save those for tomorrow.

*It's my 800th post!!!!!!!!!!!! CELEBRATING ALONE ... ALL BY MYSELF!!! I need vitamin K and vitamin ME. LOL!*











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So according to the latest news published today on the main newspaper we might be able to start watching SOTUS back again on Nov 19 still 17 days to go but al least some official information have been sorted out. I think they have been also counting wrongly because 30 days should have been finishing earlier but never mind, what is good that the country comes to normal. This period will all due respect has completely killed the country under a finance and commercial point of view


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2 hours ago, delightful said:

Another round of OLD flirting tweets/IG posts... I am taking a little break from translating because my work is a little stressful this week.. so I'm writing a fanfic instead. As usual, I'll try to fit it into the timelines of the special chapters. ^_^

Anyways.. enjoy these for now. There's more ,.,, but lets save those for tomorrow.

*It's my 800th post!!!!!!!!!!!! CELEBRATING ALONE ... ALL BY MYSELF!!! I need vitamin K and vitamin ME. LOL!*

Wow thanks for the translations!!! Oh and HAPPY 800!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :phew: :wub: :phew:

We love all your posts :D

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Guest delightful
57 minutes ago, stella han said:

@delightful Congratulations on your 800th post :w00t::w00t::w00t:

And I want to ask...what do they say?:flushed:thank you!!!

...that just seems like a lot!



I have the middle two, but not the first and last one... BUT do you have better quality shots of those two? I can't even read it, the fonts are too small and blurry.

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Guest delightful
5 hours ago, lsmirsjsotus said:


@delightful happy 800th post...

Can anyone help to translate it? ? tqvm

It looks like SOTUS will come back back on the 19th. The post is just explaining that between the 30-100 days of the mourning period the contents of the shows will have to be toned down/edited. No 'fighting' as in slapping and 'cat-fights' and no 'sexual' content. SOTUS should be safe, even if it's rated 18+ we don't have any 'bed' scenes other than them just sleeping next to each other. OMG! I hope the kiss doesn't get cut!!!!

5 hours ago, stella han said:




5 hours ago, stella han said:


*nosebleed* they're talking about eating each other!!!!!!! *faints*

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