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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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3 minutes ago, greenfan said:

EPISODE 11 Full Summary


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Cut 1


Arthit meets with Namtarn (?). Seems like they talked about the past. Flashback to before! I’m sure I’ve seen this guy in another series. Perhaps it’s Namtarn’s current boyfriend. So the three were good friends before and the other guy confesses his love for Namtarn first and so Arthit had to give way (?).


Cut 2


Arthit and Namtavrn continue talking. She was more beautiful on this episode than last week 


Flashback to Namtarn on a date night. Looks like someone did not come and the common friend came to her rescue. So is this how it started between the two? Or were they actually dating? They talk (of course, I don’t understand :()


With this pace, I wonder how much screen time will our precious couple have. But this is good to see where Arthit’s pain and confusion are coming from.


Conversation becomes lighter. Namtarn may be teasing Arthit as he looks shy. And Kongpope came into their conversation. Gosh, this music! Arthit, why are you looking down at the table? Lol. Yes, Namtarn! Continue talking about Kong. Haha! And Arthit said Kong one time. Is he describing him to Namtarn? Can’t wait for the subs  Arthit suddenly becomes engrossed and shy.


They order. Arthit enjoying his pink milk of course. Kong sees them!!!  


Arthit walks Namtarn to her car and they talk. Namtarn leaves. 


Kong in his room looking defeated. He needs our embrace, you guys  He opens the window to smoke (?) but remembers Arthit telling him to quit smoking. And so he did not. 


Arthit comes home, lets out a deep breathe, checks his phone, looks toward the window opposite his own (!), thinking twice if he’ll call Kong but retreats for the bathroom  



Cut 3


Kong at the balcony (I know what’s going to happen now  )


So Arthit actually calls him!!!! Kong answers. Arthit looks worried and tries to hung up but Kong starts talking. His eyes!


Arthit just listens as Kong talks. Kong has not stopped talking but Arthit suddenly hung up! How dare he? Arthit in the dark of his room sitting down. Kong and the river of tears at the balcony 


Kong returns to his table realising how Arthit has gotten so cold. He removes the bracelet that Arthit tied for him.


May in her room looking at the eraser that Kong gave her. Her girl friend calls her. 


Kong dresses up, looking so neat but gloomy.


Aim and their friend with the eyeglasses talk and engage the other classmate in the classroom. Kong arrives. His friends talk to him. Kong massages his forehead. Did he even get to sleep after how Arthit treated him?  


Kong’s class in a lesson. So there are choices from A-H. No idea what this is about! Their girl classmate talks to them after class, probably about what they teacher talked about. Kong pays no attention then leaves. May talks to Aim  



Cut 4


Arthit having lunch with his friends who notice his lack of appetite (?) so his friends got his food. He sees Kong walk by and looks down at the table.


OMG! This music as Kong enters the gymnasium and sits down is making me tear up. He was all alone  This was where he first saw his P’Arthit  He recalls those moments when Arthit yells at him. He checks the messages from M. M calls him and he picks up. Precious M, your good friend needs some cheering up!


Arthit and the group continue talking. Arthit looks at his drink and remembers their phone conversation last night. 


And that was it (?!)


Teaser for next week..


The scene where M and Kong talk about liking someone (?)


May confessing to Kong (?). M overhears and Kong tells May something that disappoints her. Did he tell her he likes someone else? How could M be hurt this bad? Huhuhuhu  


Kong visibly shocked to see Arthit in a store. I guess this the pink milk with tears scene? 




Thanks so much.  I missed out on the first 30 minutes of it.  Now I have a better idea! 

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11 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

My stream did lag at times so sometimes I missed seeing exactly how certain scenes looked, but I liked this episode the way it was from what I could tell. I think Arthit's conversation and those flashbacks with Namtarn served an important part in the story. 

Kong in the empty cheer room :tears: That was actually a really beautiful scene I think. I had kind of forgotten about it (as in it wasn't one of the preview scenes that I was especially looking forward to), but surprisingly I was quite moved by it.


Surprisingly my link worked well with a bit of lag but didn't think I missed important scenes. Was able to summarise it live! :) Missed doing it. 

And yes, I agree how the first 2 cuts could serve an important part of the story. It's where we see where Arthit's worries and confusion are coming from.

I also love the scene in the cheer room! Thought it was my favourite from this episode. Did you notice how good the choice of BG music is? The chills!

Now, the teaser gives me a stronger feeling for next week. Still the cold treatment between the couple PLUS M GETTING HIS HEART BROKEN! Yes, in all caps! Huhuhu :bawling:

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First I forgot the difference in timezone, I've been waiting since 10:45 (Philippine time) and was about to pull my hair when the clock hits 11:54 and still no freaking sign of Sotus' OST and was only reminded when i check the post from here..


Second.. A, B, C, D, E, F-U Arthit.. You Pink Milk Monster did it again.. :bawling: wait 'till it's your turn to 'feel' the 'must avoid him at all cost' act..


Third, I must say.. I think this ep lacks something, or maybe because I expected a 'full-packed' angst since I love those kind that pulls your heart strings the most..

Over all.. I CAN'T WAIT FOR EP 12!!! (must endure another week, must endure!)

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6 minutes ago, deaylie said:

Gahh, so there still another "suffering" week :tears: Also maybe the bridge scene will happen on ep 12?


I really can't see bridge scene happening in ep. 12. I think, if we are real, the earliest it will happen it's ep. 13... but if they continue like this... maybe even ep. 14... GOSH I REALLY WANT IT TO HAPPEN ALREADY. :tears:


IT'S TOO MUCH... already :bawling:

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1 minute ago, fragglerock said:

Okay i have missed this bit can someone point me to the pink milk in tears scene that people are referring to?

I didn't see it either but you can see the post above u.... lol

In this scene, Arthit and Kongpope will met unintentionally in pink milk stand... and (hopefully) this tears scene happened here...

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i kinda doubt it gonna have the wedding scene next week, they gonna have the Aim-Kong-May thingy, maybe some other filler and then probably gonna end the ep with pink milk monster tear (yeah i know some think dirty with that word but idc lol)

so the wedding/bridge would only happen ep 13-14

15-16 should be all for special ep

i have been disappointed with editing since the beach scene they always ruin the scene everyone waited the most now make me fear how they gonna edit the bridge scene and kissing scene etc..ugh i think the person edited the ost and teaser using good scene is totally different from the one editing this drama

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2 minutes ago, Mio- said:


I really can't see bridge scene happening in ep. 12. I think, if we are real, the earliest it will happen it's ep. 13... but if they continue like this... maybe even ep. 14... GOSH I REALLY WANT IT TO HAPPEN ALREADY. :tears:


IT'S TOO MUCH... already :bawling:

Ah yeah, today is Ep 11 :sweatingbullets: 

I just want to immediately skip to the bridge scene so the suffering week ended earlier :lol: 

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