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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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17 minutes ago, honeywell said:


What is that dance?  Is it like a farewell dance?  Would YJ have time to practice it?



So a few pages back a fellow soompier mentioned CP most famous dance in Korean court is "Dance of the Nightingale" and according to google

"During the reign of Joseon King Sunjo (1790-1834) , 
Crown prince Hyomyeong composed Chunaengjeon for 
the celebration of the fortieth birthday of his mother, 
Queen Sunwonsuk
.Dhunaegjeon expresses in dance 
form the figure of a singing nightingale on a spring day."

considering the fact it is connected to his mother, and the frequent mentions of her (in ep 8, CP touches a traditional instrument right before referencing his mother, I am hoping it's hinting that the writer will be showing this dance as well. My other hope is that RO is the one performing it. Now YJ, when she practised the other dance could have also at the same time learnt the moves of this one so it isnt like its impossible to learn.


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I know some find it unfair that we talk more about PBG compare to KYJ … (including me) … Yes I think so too … unfortunately until now PBG was given wider range of emotion to ‘play’ with. Unlike KYJ which is quite limited. Once she enters the palace her emotion cut down to 2-3 , fear, more fear, love, fear and lately jealousy .. and dayem she played it all out … totally nailed every emotions .. no doubt that she is one of the best actress I’ve seen. Unlike the first 2 episode we saw a bit wider range of emotion she could ‘play’ with.

And as for PBG he is blessed with Lee Yeong character .. he get to display a full range of emotion from anger, love, sad, devastated, betrayed,hurt, jealousy and even appearing dumb during the first few episode …

It’s hard to portray such character with wide range of emotion – unlike certain king/prince only have to appear cold/hurt … for someone as young as PBG – I say this is quite an achievement. And it only right that now it’s PBG fever outbreak.

Eps 6 – When he saved RO from the envoy – outside the room/garden – he was screaming/shouting – you can see that it was a combination of anger and worry – all mix up and he quite confuse which was more dominating –whether he was angry or worried. Oh he display both emotion perfectly – you see that he (the character) was so confuse of his own feeling … can quite make up his mind whether to remain angry or to be worried .. he switch to and fro between the two emotion – Gahhhh .. I love him

Eps  6 -  Final scene – the Hero walk (flag and the horse backhug) When he gave in to himself – surrendering to his feeling – admit defeat that he can no longer stay away. Come-what-may-I’ll-brave-the-storm. Combination of pure relief that RO is saved, concern, pity (the way he  looked at her bruised hand tore my heart), love and submission – all in just a mere minutes …. (though I am not sure how long they shoot this scene) … You can clearly see the changes is his facial expression/body language and eyes … all at work here – (I love to look out for such micro changes in facial expression and I get total satisfaction watching PBG) … the tiny tweak in cheek muscle .. the frown .. the changes of emotion in his eyes were clearly visible if you concentrate enough.

Eps 7 – RO slapped by the Queen … ohhhh weeeee .. I loveee his display of emotion here .. He played a lot with his facial expression unlike other actors most of the time PD would focus on the hand clenching and unclenching to indicate turmoil inner feeling of an actor .. but surprised surprised you don’t see it with PBG – no hand clenching/unclenching to express his emotion … He use his eyes/facial expression … you can see the hurt in his eyes – the turmoil inside his holding it in as not to lash out … the tears in his eyes witnessing someone he loves so much getting slapped for no valid reason .. getting slapped just to spite him. The rage inside him and that rage slowly turned into a smirk .. like I care smirk … dayemmmm …. He is good … so so good ..

Eps 7 – the confession …. We know he knew .. we know by just looking at the way he smile before the kiss .. that smile convey so many emotion … from the Oh this girl is too much smile to Oh I just have to kiss you to Oh I know you are a girl to I am glad you are a girl … he convey all this message from the start of the smile to fully grin and then turn into a smirk … I got you smirk .. I know your secret …

I can go on and on about his facial expression .. so many scenes etched in my mind … from that timid boy in R1988 … that innocent naïve not so naïve when he kissed heyri – and after that kiss I knew that he is not some normal actor … he is rare .. Just watch him  in R1988 – you will never guess he can be this cocky in moon ..

I should stop or this shall turn into another novel …

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i must say the prince has a manly hand, big enough to make raon feel small in it. im sủre they must feel something when keep looking at each other eyes all that much heheh. anh yoo jung lips are so kissable, her hands are nice as well. thanks for the director focus so much on those details

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Hi I am new here!

I also falling in love deeper and deeper to this drama...

I love everything specially CP & RO interaction because so much feel and emotion... their eyes say it all!!!

One of cinematography I like


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38 minutes ago, dramafansg said:

where can i find the instrumental music that they play throughout as background music? I love everything.. 

check your inbox.


39 minutes ago, wen5471 said:

Talking about characterization, l really am liking how the writer has portrayed the CP. He is clearly very shrewed n has a sense of justice, yet he is not dogmatic about traditions. It is shown in both his approach to politics n love.

i like how he seldom reacts immediately n on impulse but he thinks first, strategizes n then he acts after. So many fine examples in the show..

1) when Queen slaps Raon : he pauses, smiles n goads her back instead

2) when Raon enlightens him about confessing even if its hopeless : he doesnt retort, goes back n then decides to write his letter

3) when he discovers she s a gal : he confesses only the next day but does not expose her identity

4) when Raon chides him for taking her on emo roller-coaster : he doesnt retort but gives her the bracelet the next day

5) when he suspects BY is not what he is : he doesnt ask him.. he asks to be left alone instead

and many more examples..

He will be a brave astute king n lover. What a man. Top that with drop dead good looks. Where to find but in kdramaland?? Sigh.. My heart cant take it.

You described him so well!


@Bambiina Please go on with your long description of Lee Young's expression. Love reading them!!


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Hello Moonlighters!

This is the notice I see when I opened Soompi.  176 comments in one afternoon?  I don't think I've seen that before.  How does one read all of these comments?  One cannot.  But I do love MDBC.  It's just so adorable.  The story, the acting, the scenery, the main leads, the music, all of them make you happy and entertained.  What more can one ask?  Keep up the good work everyone!  No way I can catch up with you!

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QUIZ: Which “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” Character Are You?

QUIZ: Which “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” Character Are You?

For those not in the know, “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” is the hot new drama that’s winning the ratings game! If you haven’t started watching this drama already, you’re one of the few. This drama has basically got something for everyone – comedy, romance, action, and even the classic “girl disguised as a male” story line that audiences can’t get enough of. Best of all, the characters have their unique personality traits that are just so lovable. Curious to see which character you are most like? Take this quiz to find out!


Took the test and I am...

You are Lee Young!
You are Lee Young! You are a perfectionist and always want to do the right thing. Although you can be a little hot-tempered, you are a strong leader. You are very independent and like to get things done on your own. You're sometimes a bit stubborn and hard-headed, but people still want to be your friend because you’re trustworthy and noble.


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Moonlighters, do u think Raon could be a lord's daughter? How could someone berate the king unless he happens to be in the palace too? 

Pm kim could be the one behind the riot n Raon's dad took the rap for it? How nice it would be if Raon is of a noble blood too..haiz if only she becomes the future queen. 

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Guest ireumimolla

@Grace1003 Hahaha thanks for sharing the quiz! Made my lunch break more interesting :D 

My result: 



You are Hong Ra On! You are willing to do anything for those you love and constantly want to help people who are in need. You are selfless and have a big heart. The people around you enjoy being around you because you are sociable and funny. Although you can be mischievous and sneaky sometimes, you have a pure heart with good intentions. You are also intuitive and quite observant.


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Some say he is good looking and that the reason he loved by many (combine with his acting skill ofcourse) but to me PBG is not within my standard of ‘good looking’ actor. Too many teeth (that was what I thought when I first saw him).. just too many teeth .. he has to stop showing too many teeth (that’s my first impression) ..

So it’s not because I find him good looking that I keep on singing praises about him ..

And I'm ‘singing’ another tune –

Well some was quite disappointed with his reaction when he saw RO in hanbok … I am sure for someone like him to appear shock would be a breeze … again we see PD has a different way of displaying LY feeling and PBG again nailed this important/core scene … totally opposite of what we expected (the shock/angry/relief/happy LY) ..

My take on his expression on this particular scene :

At first you can see that he couldn’t believe his eyes – but that was just for a few second then you get to see that somehow he was not that surprised. Because to me he knew this wayyyyyy wayyyy before … he sort of know that Hong is a girl … and seeing RO in hanbok is just a confirmation of what he believes… he was not surprised .. it just – I knew it!!! (that kind of feeling) ..and then that I knew it feeling slowly turn into relief and a one happy prince … and that relief smile finally turn into some cocky grin .. i-am-gonna-get-you grin … payback grin … (I think this is his signature grin/smile) …

The thing with PBG smile is that .. he can give you a naïve smile .. pure and innocent .. with blank innocent eyes .. I-am-pure smile .. and you can be burnt with his I-want-you smile that comes with those piercing eyes (buy-one-free-one)… and he can also kill you with sad smile (he is smiling but conveying his sadness in ironic kind of way) … and he can also make you hate him with –like-I-care-smile … it will irk you (if he pull one at you) … and not to mention – I am dumb-but-not-so-dumb smile ..

He can convey different type of emotion with smiling only … and I have not go into his expression .. wahahah ..

Okay .. you can tell that I am no longer moonstruck .. but I am gumstruck ….

Okokokok .. don’t gag .. don’t vomit .. I stop my fettish with gum .. wahahha… lets talk moon

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Cr. Viki.com

I've screen capped this from the beginning of EP 8.  This is when Yeong finds out Ra On is a girl and and rips up the letter he wrote to her.  He is happy to find out she is a girl but I feel he was going to confess his love for her/him even when he didn't know he/she was a girl.  Forgive me if this was covered within the some hundreds of comments that came before me.  Once again it was just an amazing acting expression on his face where he showed, his determination to express his love to/for Raon.  Then he sees her dressed as a woman and he is relieved.  Not necessarily because he learns she is a woman but it's just an extra bonus for him to know that Ra On is a woman..  As it was, a Crown Prince loving an eunuch poses as much obstacle as a man/Crown Prince loving a man in Joseon period. Two of them together would have been a double wicked love.  He still has to deal with one wicked love but it doesn't matter.  He is ready and fired up!

PS:  @Bambiina I think this is the image of the 'smirk' you were talking about in your post.  I agree with you.  PBG the Gummy's ability to express different emotions on his face is unbelievable.  The great part of the MDBC is that KYJ is able to match him eye for eye. That's why this drama is a pure treat to watch.  Two leads who match in every nth degree.  You don't find that every day in dramaland.  

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wonder how I can pass the next few days till moonlight productively when all I am doing is read forum comments, search for mdbc osts, watch videos of park bo gum and kim yoon jung, see their photos, watch 2day1night, reading dramabeans on mdbc, etc, etc... moonstruck, lovestruck, gumstuck

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Watch: “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” Drops Heartrending OST By Sung Si Kyung

Watch: “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” Drops Heartrending OST By Sung Si Kyung

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” has officially released their latest OST song “Affectionately, Goodbye” by Sung Si Kyung.

The veteran singer actually composed the song himself expressing the love that Lee Young has for Hong Ra On.

“Affectionately, Goodbye” incorporates string instruments and piano to flow with Sung Si Kyung’s calm and sweet voice.

As for the lyrics, they were written by hit songwriter Shim Hyun Bo who sought to express a painful yet affectionate goodbye.


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Kim Yoo Jung Shares How She And Park Bo Gum Got Close On Set

Kim Yoo Jung Shares How She And Park Bo Gum Got Close On Set

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” star Kim Yoo Jung recently shot a pictorial for Elle magazine. In the accompanying interview, she shared her thoughts on her charming co-star, Park Bo Gum.

“Filming is difficult,” she said first. “Not only do I have to wear hanbok, but because I’m playing a man, I had to compress my chest. The first shoot was so hard that I wanted to run away. But now I’m enjoying each day. All the actors and staff are having fun filming.”

She continued, “Park Bo Gum oppa is really good to me. We’re like siblings. Before we started production, we wanted to get close to each other so we did script readings together and went out to eat, but it felt awkward. When filming started, becoming closer happened naturally as we went through the difficulties together. Now not only Bo Gum oppa, but Jinyoung oppa and Kwak Dong Yeon oppa and all the seniors feel like family.”

Kim Yoo Jung 1


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Kim Yoo Jung Shares How She And Park Bo Gum Got Close On Set


Kim Yoo Jung Shares How She And Park Bo Gum Got Close On Set

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” star Kim Yoo Jung recently shot a pictorial for Elle magazine. In the accompanying interview, she shared her thoughts on her charming co-star, Park Bo Gum.

“Filming is difficult,” she said first. “Not only do I have to wear hanbok, but because I’m playing a man, I had to compress my chest. The first shoot was so hard that I wanted to run away. But now I’m enjoying each day. All the actors and staff are having fun filming.”

She continued, “Park Bo Gum oppa is really good to me. We’re like siblings. Before we started production, we wanted to get close to each other so we did script readings together and went out to eat, but it felt awkward. When filming started, becoming closer happened naturally as we went through the difficulties together. Now not only Bo Gum oppa, but Jinyoung oppa and Kwak Dong Yeon oppa and all the seniors feel like family.”


Kim Yoo Jung 1

Kim Yoo Jung also named Jung Woo Sung as the person she wanted to be if she could live one day as a man. “I want to be a cool guy and meet pretty girls,” she joked, before adding more seriously, “I’d like to become a father. Families think they know each other, but they’re also the people you know the least. I’d like to experience being a father, a mother, a sister, and a brother so I could understand what my family thinks and how they see me. I can be a mother some day, but never a father. I want to know what the weight of that would feel like.”

Kim Yoo Jung, born in 1999, will be turning 20 (Korean age) soon. However, she is not looking forward to the day. “I’m sad that there’s not much time left in my teens,” she said. “I wish time could stop right now. People have been watching me grow up ever since I was young, so I worried a lot and I think I lost a lot of happiness. But I’m happy and satisfied right now and I’m working not to lose that happiness while it lasts.”

The interview and pictorial can be found in Elle’s September issue. 




Park Bo Gum talks about his ideal type, sense of fashion, and more in 'Elle'

By yckim124   
'Elle' has released an interview and handsome cuts of trending actor Park Bo Gum!


When asked about his ideal type, Park Bo Gum answered, "I like the friendly style who is also caring like a mother." Next, to compliments about his high sense of fashion, he responded, "I think it's important to dress according to your form. Nowadays I like the dandy and clean style. My stylists and staff members also do a very good job of dressing me." 

More of Park Bo Gum's photos and interview can be found in 'Elle'!














'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' releases MV for Sung Si Kyung's sorrowful OST

By beansss  


'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' has released the MV for Sung Si Kyung's sorrowful OST Part 5, "Fondly, Goodbye"!
The singer's sweet voice sadly expresses the tearful lyrics of a goodbye, calling to the parting lover, "don't be sick"
Recap some of the romantic scenes from 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' in the MV above!


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