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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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10 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Director's Cut! Director's Cut! Director's Cut! Let's all chant now. 

I'm pretty sure with such a popular drama, there will be a director's cut dvd. I don't know if the editing will actually change all that much, but there should be lots of NG's and BTS' provided, right? Though again, given KYJ's youthful age, who knows how much (or how little) was actually filmed, especially after the early broohaha about KYJ's chest binding scene. Which I still think was beautifully shot and not scandalous at all. 

"boohaha" lmaooo i love that word XDDDDD

yes i also think that there will be a director's cut dvd, as u see there have been many scenes that got cut off. They must have kept all the goodies for it lol

btw, YJ is still trending on nate as well as MDBC is still on naver trend atm, so happy!!!!:D

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2 hours ago, luvhollandlop said:

Sigh... I'm so sad to lose  YS...:tears:. But Show sees the need to give credence to the foretelling. But what a life for YS. Never happy with family's evil deeds and ambition, couldn't escape the blood relation, unrequited love and dying for love. Sigh...

I was hoping Show would be kind to us all and use another way to explain away the foretelling. 

YS would have loved the Joseon CP created. He could have contributed to the new era too. :tears:



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Chingus I'm crying right now over Yoon sungs death. please send some emotional support :(

I'm so happy for our otp, they're so beautiful and lovely, but at the same time very sad...

I guess we can't have everything...happy ending, but not for everyone


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4 hours ago, Grace1003 said:


No, not yet....

We still have the fansign....

The wrap-up party

Bogum attending the Screening of Yoojung's movie with Cha Tae Hyun...

The trip to Cebu c/o of those who will stalk the cast and crew

The tons of interviews of the leads....



Yess, not yet over !

3 hours ago, luvhollandlop said:


WHAaatttt?!!! I'm supposed to accept that Premier Kim did all the evil deeds NOT because he was power hungry but because he wanted to fight YS's fate and prevent the foretelling of his death to come true? 

Omo... How to make sense of this.... I'm having difficulty here. I have been seeing him as the epitome of power hunger, it is difficult to make the switch now...


I think it was a little bit of both. He did love his grandson but was as well greedy, otherwise why was he corrupt ? Why did he mistreat his women ? He could have just kill off the royal family, right ? Wasn't that what he wanted so the Kim could take over ?

3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Some thoughts about the final episode.

So, finally watched all of the raw. It was an ending that made me so happy even as it wrapped up the various story lines in satisfying ways with a number of twists.

I know it's been mentioned as a possibility on the thread, but I didn't actually anticipate that Yeong and YS would have changed their headgear to see what it would feel like. The two boys were so cute. YS asking whether putting on Yeong's clothes might mean that YS is the Crown Prince or not. Yeong replying that it probably woudn't, but at least they would get a chance to see what it felt like to be in the other's position. YS asking how it felt. Yeong replying that even YS' clothes (situation) felt heavy as well.

Young Eun's involvement in bringing evidence against Premier Kim was also good. Even though I had believed that Young Eun would help bring down the Premier, I had thought that she would have to make a witness statement of some kind, to the King even if not while facing the Premier. However, that Young Eun saw some physical evidence which is what Yeong was lacking in his effort to take down Premier Kim for killing his mother, amongst other things, hadn't really occurred to me. That YE was able to lead RO to that evidence meant that YE didn't have to get directly involved in the investigation and subsequent proceedings since RO could stand in lieu of her as having found it. This evidence also triggered the King to take the CP seriously in his accusations against Premier Kim, enabling the King's cooperation to uncover the truth about Kim Hun. 

The denouement of Premier Kim was satisfying. A suicide was too quick and painless a death for all that he had put our heroes through, but I'm still okay with that. He was a man who had served his king and country albeit with overt self-pride and twisted morals. He lost the things that were important to him already, his name, his honor, his power, his position, his future, and the future of his bloodline, and he did it directly as a result of his own actions. 

I actually felt sympathy for the Queen in this episode. HY showing the Queen the baby in episode 17 was a key moment for the Queen. The Queen for the first time saw and heard her beautiful child rather than an abstract object to be gotten rid of. The Queen's final conversation with Premier Kim where she said that she did what she did (i.e. replace her baby with a stolen son) as much because she wanted acknowledgement from Premier Kim, her father, as because she was protecting her position, and whether Premier Kim had ever even once thought of her as his child when she also had his blood if not his last name.  Premier Kim's response of "Does a mother who does away with her own child and replaces it with another child have the right to ask such a question?" was cutting. The fact that admission by Premier Kim was witnessed by the King as evidence of his betrayal of the Crown was satisfying as it was heart-rending for the Queen even though she had agreed to be used as bait to get Premier Kim's admission.

HY also came through in the finale. That she realizes that no matter how she tries she can't get Yeong's heart, and that it would be better to live alone forever, righteously, rather than to become someone that would be bothersome to the CP would not have been an easy decision when position of the Crown Princess was hers already. (Btw, as others have pointed out, the Crown Princess had not completed her marriage to Yeong. Mea Culpa.) The King's decision to absent the entire marriage proceedings to free HY to live her own life was also right, so that HY could move away and fashion her own life without the burden of the Court history was also satisfying as was HY's final comment of how good the sun felt on her face as she left to go find her new life.

Myung Eun and Jung Do Ryung's romance also got a cute little finale to their cute little romance. I'm glad that they got their romantic albeit rather modern proposal.

BY's departure with the words that he'll always be back to protect Yeong and his love at the beginning of the episode made me wonder what his future held. The closing scene for him with HGN where BY thinks that Yeong will be a king who cares about his people and works for them was a nice touch as was HGN's smiling response of whether that meant that BY wanted to remain a cloud for the sake of the King (Yeong).

YS. I still tear up thinking about his demise. Having said that, as much as it hurts my heart to have YS die, in some ways, it was a good ending for him, one that YS wanted. It wasn't a pointless death. He died protecting the woman he loved, and passed his final moment in her arms.  He had wanted to be in her arms for so long albeit under happier circumstances, but at least he was there with her in his final moment. I know that others thought Yeong should have been their as well for the sake of their bromance, but I still disagree with that. Having just the two of them, RO and YS, in the scene meant that YS got all of the attention of the woman he loves and was willing to die to protect. Man, the tears are still pouring thinking about him. 

Yeong's coronation as King after the 1 year time jump was nice. I assume that the King had finally abdicated in favor of Yeong, and retired to live with Suk Hee, his consort, and their daughter Young Eun. Yeong's procession into the throne room, and his sitting down on the steps to the throne rather than sitting on the throne to more literally be with the people so that they could talk more on level rather than looking down on them was both funny and so Yeong-like. He's going to be a good king. I'm so happy that the drama decided to blow off history and the novel. I'm sorry for Korea that they never got an actual king like Yeong. Perhaps if Hyomyeong hadn't been assassinated at such an early age, he might have been a ruler such as Yeong was promising to be. 

Finally, Yeong and Ra On. Their time together was short, but I totally loved their two scenes together in this finale. The first time when Yeong is so afraid that the woman's hand that he grabbed onto might not be RO after all tugged at my heart, and his joy at opening his eyes to see RO by his side was beautiful to see. Their interaction was sweet and affirmed their love for each other, and that Yeong got extra proof in RO wearing his broken bracelet put back together was extra sweet. Their final scene was playful and joyful and everything we loved about this couple. With word play even! And, kisses! No matter how brief they might have been, it was enough for me, especially in such a beautiful setting. 

Can't forget Kim Seul Gi's cameo. Loved it. Loved the reference to Splish Splash Love where she played a eunuch who became the confidante and then love interest to the king. Loved her little wink and RO's eunuch friends who had become senior eunuchs wondering why she looked so familiar and that they had seen her in that guise at least once before. I was totally roflol.

In all, I only have one question left for this drama for now, where can I buy the Director's Cut? 




3 hours ago, Phuong Dinh said:


Okay so after finished watching the Special Ep, now I have time to write all my thoughts and feelings down about the Final episode.

Overall I think this is a very well-done finale that not only resolves all the knots in previous eps by connecting all the dots together but also offers audience a very reasonable, meaningful and satisfying ending for many (not all) parties :)


In term of plot, I like how they unwind all the problems by piecing the past events together, from the Little Princess incident, to Young's Mother's death, to PM Kim's recall of the fortuneteller's prediction of CP&YS future.. everything was brought up together. No more mystery, no more unsolved mess. MDBC managed to resolve all those in such short duration of an episode, they really deserve a round of applause!


In term of ending, the only unsatisfactory part is YOON SUNG's death. I know lots of audience, especially Yoon Sung's fans are now outrageous at the writer's decision over his death. I myself hurt terribly to see him die too. However, Yoon Sung's death is not illogical and it was even predicted in the past by the facereader. Recall from EP17, Yoon Sung told CP not to feel sorry regardless of what's gonna happen. He's always aware of his own dilemma and tried his best to confront his own family. He's also aware of the danger and consequences he might face by going against what was planned for him by his grandfather while protecting their preys (Ra On, CP). That's why he didn't look like he regreted his choice to save Ra On, not even a bit of regret and blame was shown on his face as he was dying. He sacrificed his life for her and passed away with a contented smile on his face. Yoon Sung died as a hero, in the arms of the girl he's been in love with. 

Now let's look at the endings of other main characters:

LEE YOUNG: He's got the best ending for sure. Not only he managed to resolve all the palace problems and eliminate the bad guys, discover the real reason of his mother's death but also to have 2 most important things in his life: HIS NATION & HIS WOMAN. Lee Young becoming King was the ideal ending that we audience wished for but wasn't exactly what we had expected before, given the real-life story of CP Hyo Myeong and the webnovel's story. Also, in the historical context with an extremely corrupted Royal Court where Kings were just puppets controlled by powerful officials while the people lived in fear and poverty, the Nation lead by Lee Young and by the people in the drama ending was really idealistic. The last fews scenes really depict that dream nation of Lee Young from many angles:

- Lee Young sat down on the floor instead of his throne to talk to his officials - it symbolizes the equality between the ruler and the ruled. It's from the same principle of "a good King" Young had always dreamt about. 

- Young in commoner clothes happily wandered around the street looking at people enjoying their lives.

- That Ra On could finally live as a woman once again affirmed the concept of an ideal nation by Lee Young "A nation where women can live as women and kids can live like kids"

RA ON:  I know many people wanted to see Ra On enter the palace and become Queen or at least have a wedding with Lee Young. However, I find that Ra On becoming an author/book seller is really perfect for her. It just brings us all the way back to Ep1. Writing love novel was exactly her interest/strength and her job. A free and smiley Ra On is the best Ra On! Lee Young could have totally brought her back to the Palace given that he's a King now he could do whatever he wants. But no, he let her have her freedom living as a lady and doing what she likes, instead of trapping her in the palace with way more restrictions and responsibility. That says a lot about their open relationship. A woman doesn't have to get married to be happy, right? A man doesn't have to keep his woman side by side to show that he loves her right? I like how MDBC ended their lovestory with such modern feel. Love without restriction <3

BYEONG YEON: Although he was shown just a little bit at the end, he's all well and looked happy living outside of the Palace. Many of us had expected him to be promoted to some kind of General and continue to stay by CP. But isn't it better for him to live the life he wants beyond the wall of the palace and still can be a friend to CP? Rmb Byeong Yeon's wish : "I wish to be CP's friend until the end". If he stayed inside the Palace, his relationship with Lee Young would forever be "King vs Servant". But once they met outside of the Palace, when Young undressed his King's attires, they'd all be equal ^ ^ 

HA YEON: Such a nice character who deserved more things in her life. It's quite sad for her that she couldn't find any affection and connection with anyone even until the end that she chose to leave. Among the 5 characters, she's the only one without any romance or friendship. She was mistaken to be a bad character  a lot of time so I feel quite regretful for her. However, I think it's still a good ending when she wasn't blamed for poisoning CP and then gave up her Crown Princess position on her own will to live a free life after, which is very uncommon for such characters in a sageuk drama. She looked delighted as she discovered the world so I'm satisfied.



- Jung Master and Princess: What a proposal! Who taught you that Jung Master?? The one who couldn't even speak a word to the woman he liked could come up with such a romantic event to propose her? :wub:

- Da San teacher: Yep, as I predicted, he filled the gap of PM Kim. Nothing could be better for the Royal Court with Young as King and him as PM ^ ^ They'd together build a nation of the people and for the people as Young wished :)

- Eunuch Jang: became General Eunuch! Of course he deserves that given how loving and loyal he was to our CP. The Eunuch exam is so funny tho. Ra On's friends now became Head eunuchs too :D

- Ra On's father: cleared of the crime and manage to live a normal life with his family - something he could not fulfill in >10 years. 


All and all, we could see an overarching theme of this ending: It's FREEDOM. It's an ideal that everyone, from the King to the commoner, dream of. An ending like that is very mind-opening and meaningful :) 


And of course, last but not least, the final KISS SCENE is always a perfect closure. Sweet enough, Romantic enough, Stimulating enough. Of course we wanted more but that wouldn't be a YOUTH LOVE STORY anymore. MDBC's given us 3 kisses only but each kiss has so much meaning to it: 

- The first kiss when they started falling in love

- The second kiss when they had to break up

- The last kiss when they reunited

Nothing redundant, nothing excessive, it's just perfect for a lovestory like YoungOn's. 

Now I can sleep with a smile on my face. Thank you Moonlight Drawn By Clouds for giving me such a drama to remember :wub:




I like your take on the ending. I pretty much feel the same. .

About YS's death, the bitter part of the ending, i have a mixed feeling or reaction about it. I'm sad and was kinda of angry, disappointed but looking back at it and reading the comments made me come more or less at peace with it, doesn't mean i agree with it. At this point, i have two take on his death.

One being that it is unfortunate and feel unfair that he wasn't being able to escape fate (the foretelling) but that at least he died after being able to live what he draws which is RO as a happy woman and she wouldn't be happy with him. The other part of me kinda want to believe that he didn't actually die and that he faked his death,...especially because of the drawings on her books. Both have been said before by many of you (one part highlighted in the spoiler part above) and for me it is really both that calms me down because his death is really bitter and feels that something was missing there.

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2 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:











(sorry if I miss anyone out who cared about YS)

Dear Chingu Moonlighters and supporters of YSC....  

I took a breather to think through the ending for YS as it has come across to me so COLDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.........CHOOOOOOOO..........like he is supposed to die no matter what and WHO CARES?   I thought the people he saved their nine cat lives should at least care a bit like RO, LY and BY.......

For YS to die is actually ok since he is not the lead of the drama but it is the way that he died probe our thoughts deeper.  I AM BOTH ANNOYED AND BAFFLED by too many whys, whats and hows?   Not sure if there is a second season prepared for this to create such a cold ending for him.

1.  When RO was holding him in her arms and it seemed as if he breathed his last....there was no sudden louder call from her to suggest that a person has died...  I mean RO seemed to take his "death" too calmly.   So I am not sure if it is a case of bad acting or deliberate...i.e. he is not exactly dead.  The only thing right in this scene was dying in RO's arms and no one came by to disturb.

2. After his death, there was no second word from BY, LY about his death.... he seemed to have disappeared into thin air for them after all that he had done... Is that even credible?  Where is the friendship that he had shown them in EP 17 on saving BY and earlier when saving LY?   RO, LY and BY appeared like cold-blooded creatures to me.  

3.  The only plausible indication of deep grief for his death was his grandpa who decided to shoot himself dead with the last bullet but even that was a vague assumption.    Did he kill himself because he caused his grandson's death or he killed himself because he did not want to face up to the charges and the blunder he made about the fortune-teller's prediction?   What exactly caused him to do it?  There was only flashback of his blunder about the prediction but not his memories of his grandson's death before him.  Is that even human???   

4. Lastly, I am not sure if I understood wrongly but IS IT EVEN CREDIBLE THAT THOSE MEN WHO WENT WITH HIM TO ARREST RO WENT WITH HIM AS THE AUTHORITY OVER THEM AND THEY SHOULD KNOW HE WAS PM'S GRANDSON TO FIGHT AND ENDED UP SLASHING HIM TO DEATH WITHOUT BLINKING AN EYE??????????   Even if gangsters are paid to do the job, gangsters have EQ who is the paymaster and who are their precious people.  What audacity and insubordination was that, wasn't it?   He was no ordinary general who was leading them to arrest a girl, he was the ONLY GRANDSON of the PM and he was leading them.   This part failed my logic badly.   Have I mistaken anything?

SO...SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG......A RUSH JOB OR PREPARATION FOR SEASON 2 TO RESURRECT HIM???   but resurrect him just to tell us he is ok?? what role can he play next in the new story....his own love story revolving the moonlight again?    Now I can only give a BIG SIGH for an unsatisfactory ending for YS in this current drama.

Also, I forgot to point out ANOTHER THING right that was done.... MISTY ROAD WAS PLAYED at the scene he died.....that was about it....his own song accompanied him to death....but NOT PEOPLE....the cold-blooded creatures...until we get a good explanation on that one...otherwise it really lacked the human touch in that death of Yoon-Sungie...:scream::scream::skull::skull:

All in all, the story is fine but this excerpt is really executed with too many flaws and made the other 3 main characters looked so cold-blooded.  Just as an example how it would have been better...in the dialogue between CP and RO at the end, it should return to a talk under the moonlight(moonlight typically signifies "missing someone or thinking of someone" because you may not share the same space when thinking of a person...but you share the same moon) about that TOUGH LOVE they have undergone and reminded them of a beloved friend (YS) who had done so much to bring them together and all the more they should value their love.   That would also have been the wish of YS because he wanted happiness for RO.    Did they talk about this and I missed it out?????



I'm here, I'm here, I'm just back from dinner. Dinner wasn't really good today as I kept thinking about Yoon Sung-ie *big sigh*. I said exactly the same thing as point 2 & 4 of yours right after recapping. I couldn't believe those assassins continued to attack him knowing that he is the grandson of PM Kim. Okay, it's fine if they want to kill RO but they shouldn't touch YS just because he was trying to protect the girl :angry:. And there was no proper goodbye for YS from Yeong, RO & BY :tears:

I kind of understand my feelings now that I was not upset with YS's death. It is more like the way the script-writers handled it that I don't like. I've told you earlier that they handled it well regarding BY's fake death~ I got a heart attack from that scene & BY got to shine. But as for YS, his death was done in such a rush that I couldn't really feel the deep pain or sorrow from it. It was really upsetting TT_TT 

I'm not happy with his ending :tears: :tears: The only good thing they've done was that he passed away in RO's embrace :bawling: *crying a bucket*

*Give you a great big hug*

@ricerascal67 Sending my big hug to you :tears: >:D<

Edit: Sigh, maybe it could have been better if they had the extension? TT^TT

Edited by _Nachan07
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1 hour ago, Earth2KatyD said:

That must've been hard to pull off! Kekeke. :lol:

Hehe I agree! I was thinking, when watching that scene, that it must've been hard for PBG to pull off the kiss scene with that hat, haha! 

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i shouldn't have read the comment section in NB about the final ep...they keep comparing MDBC with the other-drama-that-i-don't-want-to-mention-name zzzzzzzzzz:expressionless: they are even criticizing BG's acting there and even bringing up the YJ being a minor :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

well i guess they will continue being bitter until the end bc MDBC impact will last for a very long time haha



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