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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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we still have many hours to go till the 16th ep aired. Cant wait to see what the creative writternim has prepared for us

RO papa's slayin wow, somehow im grateful bcs of him the wedding cancelled, however m just curious what will RO papa's do tonight loll

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1 minute ago, stroppyse said:

Maybe RO can accept that her and Yeong's fates are so intertwined that events keep leading them to each other, and/or creating reasons why they need to see each other. So, no matter how much she tries to run away for both of their sakes, they keep going to each other anyway.

I don't disagree with what RO did. I think she had to be try it, it was a logical assessment on her part and brave of her to attempt it. However, since fate keeps throwing them back together anyways, in order for Yeong and RO to stay together, RO is the one who has to be convinced that being together regardless of obstacles is better and is fated to be. Yeong has already been shown to risk himself and his position for RO, so I think if she acknowledges her desire to be with him, I think he will keep her chained to his side so that she won't change her mind again. :) 

I don't feel as much tension as I did before episode 15. Perhaps because it's the episode before finale week? I do expect tensions to ratchet up. So, even if RO and Young decide to be together, either one, the other, or maybe even both may end up in prison or something. Then it may be up to BY and YS to bust them out. This is wild speculation now, but only a few more hours until episode 16.

Hohoho...you reminded me of another scene...


And I found this lovely quote:



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Hello! Silent Moonlighter here :wub:

(Well, not anymore.)

These past 3 episodes made me have  second thoughts if I wanna stay up late to read all your real-time updates.

But I guess, I have that masochistic side that even if my heart breaks into pieces, I still find myself crying while holding my cellphone and lurking on this thread on Monday and Tuesday nights.

I love it that there's a story for every tear I shed and anxiety I felt for the various twist and turns and cliffhangers. I wouldn't buy in if you give me a story that is so smooth sailing for I know that even in fairy tales, they have their villains too.


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27 minutes ago, chengzz said:

Saving my last cry for tonight but please for the last two episode give  me the rao-na and lee young full of happy moments and romance( please include another bed scene):glasses:


bed scene? RO under 17 yr ... can't!!!! hahahha

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3 hours ago, Aizah Mahmood said:

Quite honestly I think ratings fell below 18% because Everyone is tired of seeing KYJ in man's clothing, no one really cares about the Kim clan nor the Baekwoon rebels, AND the fans in Korea are dying to see their beloved Crown Prince smile again.

oh dear....

When I was watching ep15, I was so sucked into their acting and storyline .....I didn't even see what Raon was wearing. But I think she was wearing something that is comfortable and fits for someone who is hiding ? 

2 hours ago, poppysmic said:


For my side it is not for pleasing the viewers but they have established that Raon wants to live as a girl be a girl and act as a girl but she was not given a chance to do so. 

It is frustating for me since she is now outside the palace, have reconciliated with her mom and knows the her true identity. 

It might be hard for her since she does not know how. But how many times have I seen the look at Raon's eyes when she wish to wear a hanbok. even comparing herself to HY. 

That's just my 2 cents. 

If I were her, I wouldn't be in the mood to be wearing a hanbok at this point ..no matter how much I want to wear one and how much I wan to look like a girl.

Since she reconciled with her mom, even more so, her mother would not allow her to wear a hanbok. 

Just my 2 cents too. ;) 

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The newest episode had me constantly scream "NOOOOOOOO....!!" the whole time. I expected the dark turn of the story from all the previews, but still..."NOOOOOOO...!!"

CP x RaOn really won't happen, it seems... well, at least not in marriage, right? Right? How painful it is for RaOn to spout nonsense things that she thought would make CP hate and forget her, but since CP's love is already too big for her, he would go as far as to say he would believe everything she said, even though he knows none of them are really her feelings...gosh these two are so cute as a pair, but also tragic at the same time...they, plus Yun Seong would be the death of me!!

Also, THAT "WHITE CLOUD" FREAKIN' TWIST THO...I really didn't expect that one leader (didn't catch his name though, sorry!) to be the traitor; betrays whomever gave him the most money...I was suspecting the Chief Eunuch to be the traitor...but this one twist caught me off guard...I truly thought he was one of the nicer ones since he's nice to Byung Yeon and seemed pretty respectful when he interacts with "White Cloud" members...speaking of Byung Yeon, I hope nothing bad happens to him after the guards catch that traitor. He must be in a confused state too right now, which one he should follow, the organization that raised him, or his friendship with CP. It's nice to see that he still would protect RaOn though, I think he would choose his friendship with CP in the end...well, I really hope so! 

I started this drama because of the romance, but nowadays the palace politics kept me glued. It's pretty intriguing! CP though...it's sad to see that he's turning colder without RaOn, but I commend him for keeping his cool head when it comes to palace politics; his state of emotion didn't affect his overall judgement. Ah, that reminds me, Premier Kim's move of 'resigning' in front of CP is kinda reckless in my opinion. He knows he's being suspected by CP about the treason, won't resigning increases/confirms CP's suspicions that he really IS the culprit all along? Premier Kim's reasoning also doesn't make sense to me,"I can not be in here while being disgracefully appointed as a criminal...", what a cocky reasoning, what does his pride has to do with the treason suspicions?? No matter how much older, how much seniority that you have over CP, if you're guilty, you're guilty. At this point, it looks like he's trying to run away faaaar, faaaar from the palace so he wouldn't be checked or caught by CP to me. I'm glad that CP didn't want to back down and challenged him back. I'm also glad that he caught the catfish-face minister and friends red-handed in jail, now I'm really hoping they would be punsihed, they freakin' deserved it!!

I've been pitying Yun Seong since episode 6, I think? But now I feel a bigger pity for him since it's revealed that he didn't want to lead a life like his grandfather; using women all he wants and then threw them away when he didn't feel they're needed, so Yun Seong seems to vow that he would respect women. It's evident from how he treated the gisaengs, and they seem fond of him enough, they would do anything for him, like when Yun Seong asked one of the gisaengs to take care of the baby Princess. Also, I assume from his conversation with Premier Kim, Yun Seong also vowed to himself that would only love one woman in his life. How unfortunate that it has to be RaOn...and he did everything for her, but she would never know how far he had gone to save her...oooh...Yun Seong, let me hug you!! *hug*hug*

Ha Yeon's scene with her father strikes a chord in me, it had me bawling like crazy. A female friend of mine recently got married and before her marriage vow, I saw her father behave and saying things exactly like Ha Yeon's father; he talked as if he lost a piece of his soul. I was crying a lot back then, and this scene brought up that memory again, ahahaha...it was a beautiful scene. :tears:

AND THAT CLIFFHANGER!! So Hong Gyeong Nae is alive, ALL THIS TIME!? Daaaaaamn...I'm kinda expecting this, but still surprises me too.


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6 minutes ago, moodypie said:


oh dear....

When I was watching ep15, I was so sucked into their acting and

5 minutes ago, ditta13 said:

It sad how people keep saying its turn to be boring drama and how they prefer *insert other drama name*. Frankly speaking, we still have the highest rating among other dramas that aired at the same time slot. If they don't enjoy this drama, they don't need to be a butthurt.

As someone who never fancy watching historical dramas, I finds it very interesting. I somehow end up 'researching' about the real life CP and others.

And, omg Park Bogum seriously nailed it.

If I were her, I wouldn't be in the mood to be wearing a hanbok at this point ..no matter how much I want to wear one and how much I wan to look like a girl.

Since she reconciled with her mom, even more so, her mother would not allow her to wear a hanbok. 

Just my 2 cents too. ;) 


after spending some time here at the office. I've also had a thought of that "the not in the mood for some hanbok because of too much happenings" hahaha

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On 10/10/2016 at 6:42 AM, denarvie said:


I think Ra On is more realistic, 

there's nothing she can do, so rather than keep stay together and make the pain deeper, just cut it all, 

it's CP imo that quite stubborn, 

she already branded as criminal and already legalised with her picture everywhere so it makes sense for her to run before they get any other solution, 

it kinda complicated but that's how it happen before and I think that's the best decision even it broke people hearts, 

reality is hard and I think if he wants her to stay, he needs to find some solution cause her solution is to leaves, 

how can you face the man that gonna marry with someone else even if they said they loved you, 

the knife is because she wants LY to stop trying, stop hoping without knowing what to do and accept the condition, 

kinda the same when she doesn't instantly accept his confession, the point is not about being a couple since the nation and life of people is way important, 

having her beside him will just make him and her have a rougher path, 

that;s how I understand Ra-on, 

I just hope we get more view on her life regarding the situation than LY cause imo she did the right things, 

they just young and need more assurance, like making 5 years promised 

you said it right...:blush: been depressed reading some comments regarding RO decision but it's for the best..for both of them..wanting some teasing action scene from our charming crown prince with his precious lady in episode 16..that would be amazing & hopefully increase their rating..

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26 minutes ago, ditta13 said:

It sad how people keep saying its turn to be boring drama and how they prefer *insert other drama name*. Frankly speaking, we still have the highest rating among other dramas that aired at the same time slot. If they don't enjoy this drama, they don't need to be a butthurt.

As someone who never fancy watching historical dramas, I finds it very interesting. I somehow end up 'researching' about the real life CP and others.

And, omg Park Bogum seriously nailed it.

Bravo you speak out what in my mind, they whom want to promo their drama here in considerate way, i will respect them. but yesterday i find one post is annoy me..but i forgot which page.  I just want to say to them, mind your drama business on your tread,don't bother this tread  with your spiteful comment.please !!                                                                           less than 4 hours to episode 16, are you ready to another swinging mood moonlighters....???

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