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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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I think the rating drop slightly a bit bcoz of maybe some of the viewer cant prepare their heart to see the CP wedding...:crazy: we just want RN and CP clinging with each other all the time...:lol:

But last night, i really overflowing with emotion...how can I cry that much??? :sweatingbullets:

PDnim, Writernim, you troll us again...such a rollercoster twist...we wait for the kiss scene, i think we got it at first but then, 'merong'...:P later we got what we want then the scene tear my heart...it so sad for me!!! I want to give a big clap for this drama...i love it so much...

the youth love that troll me upside down...:sweatingbullets:

Hahaha...i really wish 'our' rating to raise again...:D

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What a draining episode.  The episode didn't hold back and started the episode with sadness up until the end.  I feel bad for Yeong because he was so clueless in this episode. He was so blinded by love that he couldn't see the sadness and pain in RO's eyes.  We saw it but Yeong was so happy being with her that he wasn't able to see it.  RO giving back the bracelet is like saying that she doesn't want their fates to meet again.

Glad to see RO interact with YS again.  Now I want some RO and Hyung Kim moments too.  Glad to see that Yeong and YS have some peace with each other and he pretty much told Yeong that he was not going to hold back anymore.  But YS is like a melting pot of secrets and I don't think this will be a good thing for his character.  

The Queen, today was the first time I actually saw her scared.  Someone needs to take down Minister Kim.  Minister Jo seems to have made it clear who's side he was taking and Yeong was like in a chess match with PM Kim...so far though the PM has him in check.  Poor HY, I really hope she doesn't end up leaving a sad life.  I hope this wedding doesn't push through. I know today will be the crown princess selection but the marriage doesn't happen right away, right?  

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Morning Chingus.! 

Yesterday's episode still haunting me. Still can't forget those heartbreaking scenes.

When Raon and her mom was talking , telling her that she needs to see the CP, that she still needs to see the CP...., that was heartbreaking... You can see in Raon's eyes the pain. 

When Raon kiss CP, :bawling:.... It was sweet yet heartbreaking...We don't need a goodbye kiss Pd nim, aigoo..!!! 

And when CP finally knows the truth . The real Hong Raon.... OMO.! That scene doesn't need a background music, you can feel the pain in CP's face...:bawling: 

I don't think I can handle anymore heartaches.... 

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6 minutes ago, myicecreamcakexoxo said:

Just my two cents anyways. Something to keep all of us hopeful. It's never wrong to keep on holding to hope right? Pd-nim keeps on trolling us with the previews so who knows, we may get the reunion in the next ep even if they didn't show us any YeongOn moments! 

Believe in our smart CP. Believe in our spunky RO. Believe in moonlight. :wub:




No, it's not wrong to keep on holding hope, Let's keep praying and be hopeful. Thanks for the message tonight and good luck on your exam

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Just finished watching today's episode :tears: 

  • I think we can take comfort in the fact that 1) Master Jung knows it most likely wasn't Baekwoon Group, and 2) the assassins wouldn't have threatened RO before attacking CP if she was the one who let them in. So it shouldn't be so bad for the CP to figure out that RO/Kim Hyung aren't to blame.
  • I also find the comparative rise and fall of CP's relationships with YS and Kim Hyung interesting.


Can't wait to see Episode 14 :)

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