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[Taiwanese Drama 2016] The Love Song 大人情歌


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Chinese title: 大人情歌/ Da Ren Qing Ge
English title: The Love Song
Genre: Modern, Romance

Episodes: 70

Broadcast Period: February 

Broadcast Day: Mondays - Fridays

Replacing: Love or Spend 戀愛鄰距離


Sean Lee

Darren Chiu

Vivi Lee

Tracy Chou

Steven Sun


Loneliness sometimes puts strange ideas into your head. Jiang Hsiao Chien (Vivi Lee) is a married woman who is lonely most of the time because her husband (Lan Jun Tian) works in Mainland China. In order to feel less alone, Hsiao Chien establishes her own community apartment so that she can surround herself with people and create a warm sense of home. But Ho Hsiao Chuen (Darren Qiu), Hsiao Chien’s first love and ex-boyfriend, becomes one of her new neighbors. As the two begin to interact with each other again under the same roof, their feelings for each other return. What will Hsiao Chien do when she is faced with the choice of following her heart or staying true to her marriage?

**Please use spoiler tags for those who have not seen the episodes yet**

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Gary Chaw - Mask

Jay Chou - Jasmine Orange

Rene Liu - Ten Years Later

Elvis Tien - Our Valentine's Day


Della Ding - Want To Date


Additional Links:

The Love Song 大人情歌 Viki English Subbed Episodes

The Love Song 大人情歌 Raw Episode

The Love Song 大人情歌 Facebook Page

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/9/2016 at 8:25 PM, angelangie said:

not sure how tempted am i to watch this :/

Could not find time to watch this, but the story line is quite predictable. They are harping on the guy kiss guy video in the first few episode lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am loving this drama you guys. Yes, it does have a lot of the cliche' plot lines that are prevalent in Taiwanese dramas, but so many of my favorite actors are in this drama. Vivi Lee, Steven Sun, Tracy Chou, Darren Chiu, Sean Lee. It is fun and relaxing to watch because it is such a light drama.

Check it out and let's fill up some more pages on this board. :) 

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So, I just watched the episode where Xiao Qian physically saw her husband get into a cab with another woman, after she tried contacting him all night and failed. Oh, and this is also after she spent Valentine's Day by herself no less. Of course, when she confronts him about it, he lies and claims otherwise. *sigh*

I feel bad for her because she is in a situation where she is forced to trust her husband due to the long distance, but come on, it is right in her face. She just isn't ready to accept it yet. And, what a scumbag. He has the most dutiful wife. I can't wait to see how this will unfold.

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