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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Omg I Super love a jealous man as jealous as this one!! you shove her in just cos Santa is there? And keep wanting to hold her hand to stake your claim because he sits nearby? And question why she didn't want your hand thinking it's because of Santa? Lol you just drove her grandma fan of more than a decade to asthma Attack and the other to higher blood pressure for being the precious jealous Son in law they wish they had earlier for their Daughter!! SJK well done! You made me a proud Noona once again!! Well done! SHK needs a man like you around really!! 

@joongkyo Lol and I thought only Kyo loves Mandu??? SJK likes Mandu now too? I never know that about him! 

Thank you to the ah Ma for wiling to let me in your chat! I am thankful! 

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I scream every time I see their pictures all over my Instagram newsfeed OMG I don't think they are bestfriend anymore! Their body language just shown it all tonight....too bad I couldn't watched live. Is there anyway that you guys can post the whole video if one of you have recorded or something....by watching their pictures I just died and go to KiKyo Heaven, and my mom thought I was a crazy girl while working....OMG what should I do now!?? :,) :sweatingbullets::wub::phew:

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What an amazing night for fans of both SHK and SJK!

First off I know many of you are disappointed with the results of the Best TV actor and actress but please do understand from someone who has watched Signal and YAI's performance in Six flying dragons they did prove worthy of the award. It was no robbery by any means even though I too truly wish they had one but despite SS not winning the major awards I know that awards are not everything. SHK wins the hearts of fans all over the world because of her drive and her willingness to strive for creative and challenging roles. This is the mindset of a true actor, a critics choice is not the end all be all, this is proven after many of her performances that should have won. However I know being the type of actors they are this will only propel them to be better in their future works. So I hope everyone can please be a little bit more mindful in your criticisms even though we ALL really wanted them both to win and also be respectful for the actual winners despite your disappointments. I'm glad they came out with 3 awards and dots with the Daesang award. Let's be happy about that.

I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU! to the members who have been updating and the silent ones who are avid readers! The thread was active as expected.

My apologies for not replying to some of the comments about my last post and thank you to everyone who enjoyed my detailed post. I hope that whomever gets a chance to visit SK that they don't leave with out going to MAPA CHICKEN.

Also the Vanilla latte at SC is my favorite coffee drink, I'm a die hard Starbucks fan but SC your latte killed it! Another reason to visit SK. For some reason when I arrived at SC I didn't notice SJK recent picture but towards the end I noticed him.... Lol honestly I was busy finding KYOs picture......





Here is a pic of my delicious Vanilla Latte, I figure I might as well share it since I wasn't expecting to share my SC pictures.


P.S. I'm alive ......to a certain degree..... Ty for showing your concern @hclover96 @Jalhanda@songsquare @superbigcat

I sent my happiness to the four ladies who were lucky enough to attend one of the most amazing nights this year! Please return to your hotels safely!

Also let me reveal my thoughts for just a brief moment about these too and what really drew my attention with the interactions and just this special aura that many of us sense just by the pictures and videos that were uploaded. 

After the article about his dating style.... Let me just explain my interpretation. Publicized is a term that is indicative of confessing. Confessing to a relationship is not what happened tonight, these two beautiful human beings have displayed a level of protection and a high level of comfort and trust. SJK got out of the vehicle (He looked Impeccable)and in such a natural gesture took her hand as a form of evoking trust between each other. Whilst everyone was busy trying to recapture that moment of pure unexpected feeling btw She was nothing short of breathtaking. He displayed to fans, press and colleagues that this woman he was holding is very close to him, and him to her. She seemed nervous but with SJK by her side I felt that as the night progressed he made her feel like even more special but we already know that. What took me by surprise was I sensed absolutely no shyness and no forced skinship. This was completely natural. It was completed shocking and spellbounding to see SS to be as intimate with each other whilst 100+ cameras are busily clicking away. They will not confess and nor will they speak about their relationship but truth be told they don't have to. I know they will continue to showcase this level of skinship with each other. Live in the moment, they are both in their 30's in the prime of their lives to be in love and get married. They have the right people around them like YAI (Love that man) Today was a breathtaking day to witness the bond they share which is truly limitless, it gives me goosebumps because even though they have not publicly announced anything this was THE MOMENT to put all questions/doubts aside. 

Are they siblings? No, the moments where they grab each other's arm or the way they are smiling at one another should reveal it all. This is a no brainier: SIBLINGS DONT COME OUT OF AN AWAITING CAR HAND IN HAND! .....

Are they hiding their other relationships: Let me repeat SJK AND LET ALONE SHK WOULD NOT COME OUT OF AN AWAITING CAR HAND IN HAND!

Are they just close friends: Let me repeat CLOSE FRIENDS DO NOT COME OUT OF AN AWAITING CAR HAND IN HAND!

To me there is something about seeing this couple from behind..... It gives me a feeling I just can't quite describe 

Lastly I wish you all a Good Night! And Thank you all

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You know, they could always choose to NOT hold hands so as not to fuel the fire (like the previous presscons). For all we care, they could just stand there without the skinship.... but NOOOO, they just had to be that 'close'. 

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What I love about our couple is that we can always expect the unexpected. Like I said, they are the drivers of the ship and they'll come out on their own accord and methods. Nobody ever expected any of this tonight (from arriving together, holding hands, sitting together) but yet they did just that! I don't believe any co stars or best couple nominees have arrived in this same fashion that they have. Who cares about the Baksaeng, I don't think SHK cares much for these silly nil ly award shows, hence rarely making an appearance, but she came out for her fans and for her man.  And that speaks volumes!! I'm so happy to see her so glowing and happy! I have never seen her like this on any red carpet event.  The entire world knows who the real winners are tonight and why so many people are even focusing on the BS---and it surely isn't for the awards but to see Songsong! ❤️❤️❤️

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I wish I could say I have decent red carpet pics, but I was in a battle with other fans there. One person even hitched a ride on the chair I was standing on---she had one foot on mine and another foot on another person's chair. When she left after Yoo Ah In did his red carpet appearance, she was replaced by another shameless fan! LOL. Also, as more fans started popping up in front of my view, it was harder to control my camera---I had to hold it way up high and I zoomed out more to get better focus and less blur. I wish I could say I'm tall, but no ... I was one of the crazy fans who managed to steal an empty chair from one of the check-in tents. Heh. Others are veterans at this fangirling at events thing, so, they brought ladders with them! I wonder if drones are allowed????

@joongkyo You're right about the strict camera policy. Ignore it! LOL. 

This is one of the very few decent pics I have of Song Song on stage. Kyo and ilovesjk have way better ones and a lot! My battery for my camera died (and so did the one for iPhone), so, I couldn't take anymore. I felt so ... out of the loop!



And Puppy!



@lovely_skham_stv I think I may have seen you at Studio Concrete ... I'm assuming it was you taking those pictures just as I did.

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mixed emotion for tonight's happenings,

just finished my lunch at 7pm because i've choose to camp infront of my loptop in my room with closed door not to be burden by anyone while patiently waiting the live streaming of BAA.

DAEBAK...for the Song's couple, they give us beyond our expectations...no words can express my  feelings the moment i saw them on my screen, from SJK opening the car, reaching up his hand to hold and guide Kyosii while steping out of the car, SHK a little bit nervous and shy at the same time trying to get loose on Bigboss attemp to hold her hands while walking together..Happiness overload seeing  both of them smiling, showing confidently how they trust each other, how Joongki protect Kyossii, truly a gentleman, at the same time proud to be together and walking side by side..as i mention on my post earlier, they looked like a couple who just got married and heading to reception venue to enjoy the night with fans, family and friends...(KYO on wedding dress and Joongki on tuxedo)... what a day of dream come true for everyone of us.

@joongkyo im with you 100%...BAA tonight was on  my opinion was have much of  laughing stuffs...

1st they have nomination both for female and male popularity awards right? why only prepared 1 trophy and 1 bouquet for winners instead of 1  for each of the winner, not that they have an intention to give it as a couple awards (which happened to our OTP) hahaha and lucky they won 2 popularity awards so they will have 1 each.. 

2nd the Song's couple lose the Daesang Awards to their Drama itself...omo. ( so dis appointed with this part of BAA  because i never expected the drama itself will be a competitors to the lead actor's/actresses). why not make an extra awards for the Best Drama itself as single entity for award category,   why make  best drama's competing to the best actors and actresses,,what is the point of giving the daesang award to the drama without recognizing the actor/actress who played the roles  right huh? without them drama won't be as popular as it is,actors/actresses give lives to the drama itself, and they are the main reasons on getting high tv rating ..isn' t too much to make another trophy for that and buy another bouquet of flower too..( maybe BAA has some financial difficulties) hahaha

im not dis appointed for Kyo loosing the best actress awards b'coz deep in my heart i know she can win the Daesang..but what happened was really un expected (  i can't stop repeating to myself that's makes more senses) hahaha that the Song's couple (they both lost to Dots itself which is so funny and im sure no one has ever expected..

the Best thing  for tonight was we are all had our winning moments, We saw Bigboss and Beauty walking hand and hand in the red carpet, which makes our hearts skip a bit, scream out loud, and died for a moments and keep our oxygen tanks throughout the awards night, tonight was a BIG SURPRISE for US from the loving couple (a.k.a as bestfriends) hahaha, which granted every shipper's heart's wished.

And  though our couple  didn't get the chance of winning the major awards,,,they went home not empty handed anyways they've got the the best awards that any actor/actress can ever asked for the...The LOVE and SUPPORTs from their fans...2 Most POPULAR Awards,,voted by millions of fans, worldwide/ internationals..the awards that cannot be cheated or bought by anyone...


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I would be fine if SJK and SHK win co-Daesang, but them winning nothing for their excellent acting is not acceptable for me :mellow:

anyone have the same feeling like me, like YAI just came to this Baeksang award to have fun with SS, when he win best actor award (very well deserved), his speech was hilarious as well as his attitude (same for SJK when SS received popularity award):wub: for the whole night, everyone who came up to receive an award deliver their speech in a very "academy" way, only SS and YAI have fun with their speech :blush::heart::blush:

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17 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Omg I Super love a jealous man as jealous as this one!! you shove her in just cos Santa is there? And keep wanting to hold her hand to stake your claim because he sits nearby? And question why she didn't want your hand thinking it's because of Santa? Lol you just drove her grandma fan of more than a decade to asthma Attack and the other to higher blood pressure for being the precious jealous Son in law they wish they had earlier for their Daughter!! SJK well done! You made me a proud Noona once again!! Well done! SHK needs a man like you around really!! 

@joongkyo Lol and I thought only Kyo loves Mandu??? SJK likes Mandu now too? I never know that about him! 

Thank you to the ah Ma for wiling to let me in your chat! I am thankful! 

I notice that too girl...she seems nervous and I think both are aware that Santa is sitting in front and I like how SJK talk during his speech,....he show his masculine side and he talk really well..it seems like he want to show to everyone especially someone that he's willing to risk his life and career just to protect her queen... He was so serious in his speech...I watch his previous speech before but today the way he talk is so different..so manly

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@cristapark @joongkyo My delulu that they ignore photo-ing session and go home early to change prom clothing into casual clothing and join congratulation party with Yoo Ah In and their friends at TMI. Maybe in the next fanmeeting, Song Joong Ki will show the picture  taken today . Sorry for my delulu 

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6 minutes ago, SkyKid said:

I would be fine if SJK and SHK win co-Daesang, but them winning nothing for their excellent acting is not acceptable for me :mellow:

anyone have the same feeling like me, like YAI just came to this Baeksang award to have fun with SS, when he win best actor award (very well deserved), his speech was hilarious as well as his attitude (same for SJK when SS received popularity award):wub: for the whole night, everyone who came up to receive an award deliver their speech in a very "academy" way, only SS and YAI have fun with their speech :blush::heart::blush:

Saw the movie of Santa... I think yoo ah in deserve the award..not to be bias but the winner..that man had same expression and acting with his previous movies...YAI even almost lost his consciousness when filming his movie when he realistically hit his hea

d on the ground many times during the take..well welcome to Korea where sunbae are given more priorities

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Love Wins


Thank you all for your posts.

Like many of you, I am deeply disappointed that Baeksang Awards (IS Plus Corp as the organizer) failed to recognize Song Hye Kyo's excellent acting in "Descendants of the Sun."

Having watched all dramas nominated for the best actress category this year, including "Descendants of the Sun", "Signal", "I have a lover" and "She was Pretty", I was confident that, if being judged objectively, the best actress award would go to Song Hye Kyo (knowing Baeksang, I did not expect at all that they would award her the Grand Prize that she also deserves, I just thought that they had to acknowledge her acting because it was just so outstanding and striking).

More than merely performing well, Song Hye Kyo lived in her character. She brought to it much more depth and raised it to a different level of emotion, liveliness, relatableness and nuance that was not seen in other competing dramas (please note that I do respect all other nominated actresses). Yes it was so real but so nuanced. It was so deep but so natural. It was so multi-layered, understandable and connected. It won not only the heart of the audience, but the praises from the writers, producers, directors and co-actors of the drama, as well as many colleagues and critics in the industry.

It is, therefore, a disappointment, but not a complete surprise, that Baeksang again decided not to give Song Hye Kyo the credit that she truly deserves  (they most recently did the same in 2013 by failing to appreciate her performance in "That Winter the Wind Blows).

On the bright side, as we all saw, both Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki were overwhelmingly acknowledged by the audience, locally and all over the world, with the award for the most popular actress and actor and the IQiyi Global Star Award. And no, viewers voted for them not simply because of their beauty, but more importantly, it was their excellent acting, their undeniable chemistry, their hard work, their kind heart, their well known ethics and professionalism and their utmost important contribution to the success of the drama, including the Daesang that the drama got tonight. 

Last but not least, as clearly shown from the beginning to the end of the ceremony, Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki were always with each other. They came together hand in hand. They sat next to each other. They supported each other.  They shared smiles and moments of happiness. They offered each other comfort. And they were surrounded by many good and close friends and the most dedicated fans, including several members of this thread who traveled the whole world just because of their love for Song Song.

Baeksang awards season comes and goes. What remains is love. It is love that won the night: the love that they have for each other, the love from their close friends, the love that fans have for them, their loves for their fans (one of the main reasons for their decision to appear at this ceremony was to show their appreciation to fans), and the love that brought us all together and makes this thread such a warm, hearted and familylike place.

Love wins.

Pics: credit to owners

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