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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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3 minutes ago, khxy said:

I hope i get this right

When the host asked whether he mind his girlfriend gets drunk.

He said he doesn't mind if she drinks but mind if she gets drunk because he will worry.He will go and look for her if she gets drunk,if he can't find her,he will track her using phone gps


I need the cut for this!. I thought he said he doesn't know how to use apps on phones?. But he knows how to use the phone tracker?... interesting..lol

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19 minutes ago, khxy said:

I hope i get this right

When the host asked whether he mind his girlfriend gets drunk.

He said he doesn't mind if she drinks but mind if she gets drunk because he will worry.He will go and look for her if she gets drunk,if he can't find her,he will track her using phone gps

You are right. He said this in shenzhen FM. When i watching this part, the first thing i thought was he knew how to use phone GPS tracking. :P

He seem likes got this experience before. :D


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well...well...well @khxy, we know how SHE was when drunk (as shown in DoTs)...and witnessed by DoTs stars and crew in real life kekekeke...one alpha team even commented that she's cuter when drunk...so his worry is justifiable:)  

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11 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


I need the cut for this!. I thought he said he doesn't know how to use apps on phones?. But he knows how to use the phone tracker?... interesting..lol

Exactly! Bahahaha! iPhone has this Find My Friends app where you can track the location of another iPhone user. He probably added someone we know on his Find My Friends list. :phew: Lalalala. Excuse my delulu mind. Lol

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Now I really look forward to his Shanghai fan meet because he will be bringing chingus there and it's just after baeksang so he will be in a great mood! And he might just say a name...

Since he is permitted from mentioning SHK ssi in China, then in HK and Taipei he can start spamming her name! 

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From 00:20 (MC was asking if the wine kiss has many NGs)




SJK - Yes there were many NGs

SJK - But it's not like I intentionally made NGs.

(Asking if he remembers how many NGs)

SJK - I think it was around ...... 20 times.

(*don't miss super serious expression after saying that..lol)

SJK - I didn't do it intentionally!.

(I think the MC asked for the reason for NGs)


SJK - Because the lips were dry...the mouth was dry.


SJK  - Why do you think it was dry?/What do you think was the reason for it to be dry (* oh em gee....okie..Oppa, I get it)

(MC does a lot of talking...don't know what's being said, probably Mandarin speakers will fill us in)

2:11 ( I think the MC is asking if the kissing action is real or mostly camera angling for Korean dramas - Not for DOTS in particular. So his answer is a general answer for Korean dramas)

SJK - Uhhhhhhhhh (long dragging sound).... They're not done in real...what do you mean by saying "Ehh"? (*because crowd didn't believe him). I'm telling the truth. They're not done in real.






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1 minute ago, munyeng said:

@joongkyo can i copy your translations into the video there? or maybe i can put subtitle at the video there?


No problem :) , but if someone can give Mandarin translations for the questions then I can arrange the translations a bit better. Unless you know Mandarin and you can do that?. If that's the case then please use the translations.

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One of ss baidu members wrote that she was seated among pure SJK fans during tonight FM and when he finished answering his ideal type,all his fans started saying that it seems that he is talking about Hye Kyo.

Credit :baidu (roseillusion)

An article was just published by Hong Kong media (Sing Tao daily),they mentioned about SJK's ideal type during today FM and said that they match his rumoured girlfriend Song Hye Kyo.

Apple daily also published the same news with a question " Is he talking about Song Hye Kyo?"


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27 minutes ago, lovemetruly said:



I don't think he was talking about DOTS kisses in particular because the MCs questions was asking about Korean drama kisses - so he was basically talking about the standard procedure followed on most dramas. Usually kissing in Korean dramas is very chaste and just lip touching, so I think he was just talking about Korean drama kissing and not DOTS kissing. :) 

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Ooooh. I didn't get that part so he was talking in general keke ;). Lol thank you for clarifying @joongkyo will edit my post to avoid confusion. Oh and please edit the qoute too if it's not troublesome. It might mislead others. Thank you!!  


Btw, just a few days left. The voting period will end. Let's continue and work for the ultimate goal everyone!! Fighting for popularity award and for iqiyi as well!!! We can do this!!!

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Yes @joongkyo is absolutely right. The host expressed his curiosity and the question was targetted at kissing/french kiss for korean dramas in general. 

For the missing bits, after he said it wasnt intentional on the wine kiss ngs, the host remarked that joongki is a talented/professional actor how could he made such a 20 cut ng scene :D

Joongki said he was nervous and ended with dry lips. He then ask the host why do you think it will be dry. Host continue to add that probably when a person is in a nervous state, the bodily fuctions kinda (tense up) and end up getting dry ---> i don know how best to explain this portion coz the host said something like he didnt know how else to explain after that (my own interpretation is that the content may be too 'explicit' for the audience :p) 

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:wub: hahaha. Thanks so much for the updates chingus!

Im dying dying from reading the parts about his ideal woman (aiyoh... sounds like a description of shk!), & the blue signs! Amazing.

I cant wait to watch the entire shenzhen fm! ;) 

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The wine kiss video based on the Chinese translation by interpreter


MC: when filming the wine kiss, were there NGs, or filmed in one sequence ? Or repeatedly having to start again?

SJK: Of course there were NGs.. But I really didn't NG on purpose! (Gesticulating vigorously here!)
MC: it's ok, no need .. No need... No need... to explain, I didn't think you had done it on purpose !
SJK: Ah... Sorry (in Chinese) ( with a sheepish smile)
MC: so do you remember how many times you NG'd in this scene? 100 times?
SJK: 10 times..? 20..? About 20 times probably
MC: (voice going up in disbelief) so.. One wine kiss was shot 20 times?!
SJK: (waving his right hand in denial) I didn't do it on purpose!
MC: but I don't think this is something that can happen to such an excellent actor! You are in our hearts an actor of such skill... How can a wine kiss need 20 takes??
SJK: (pointing to lips) I was a little nervous so my lips kept going dry
MC: so your lips became dry?
SJK: why is it like this?
MC: so it was because you were overly nervous, so all the body functions became dried up.. So... That's to say.. Ah, don't know how to put it...
Ok, so I have another question of my own to ask you ...
There are many Korean dramas with romantic scenes, kisses locked in an embrace, passionate kiss scenes... These sorts of passionate kisses, are they using camera angles, or are they really kissing
Fans start to shout
MC : (to fans) don't answer, you all sound like you're the female leads !
SJK: ahhhh.....not real kiss.. What are you all saying "Eh"..?!
Edit: @Chewy Hoe is right ... The word used is 借位 which is literally borrowing position, I guess people use to to mean the actors are positioned in such a way as to make it look like a kiss. Since there isn't really an English word I could think of either, and since it does require the use of camera angles in addition to achieve the desired effect I ended up using camera angles...
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So you all interpret 借位 as camera angles? 

I still cannot find a perfect word for it except for posture positioning or angles but I don't think it's got to do with cameras because camera angles in Chinese is 相機角度 

and yes that question was clearly asked for general Korean dramas not referring to DOTS. I don't know how the translator put across to SJK though 

And also during ideal type question, the MC is the one who said he changed his ideal type according to his mood while SJK answer through his translator is: it seems according to my different body conditions, my answers keep changing. Lol SJK what kind of body condition are you in most of the time then? 

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Thank you for all those people sharing translations and updates! *3*♡ i love his answers on recent fanmeet, it's crystal clear his ideal type is SHK!!! I love those KiKyo fans and banners! Keep increasing in the crowd! And how SJK took selfie with them, i'm sure he shows those pics to her♡ to his rumored girlfriend♡

It's 2am here and i'm about to sleep. These past few days, i usually watch YSJ and KMY moments before i go to sleep. To have my sweet dreams. And i noticed these!!!




I will rest peacefully. Goodnight SongSong KiKyo♡

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17 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:


And also during ideal type question, the MC is the one who said he changed his ideal type according to his mood while SJK answer through his translator is that he answered accordingly to body condition. Lol SJK what body condition is that really? 

Sorry to cut your post

Is it possible that he was talking about the body condition of GF? Long/short hair whatever that match her well something like this? 

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