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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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17 hours ago, CherryS said:

@lovumuchhyekyo yes we should form a fan club but sorry im not good in organizing. Hehe im a fulltime mum of a 2 yrs old boy. But my hubby is so good he will support whatever i want to do he even buy me koreans drama series in the city.hehe

If you can creat a fan club here in Australia i will be the number one member even though your from Melbourne. We can do this one. hope if ever you and your mate come visit here in Sydney let me know :)

Let me know too, when your in Melbourne. I have one too but she is 16 already. I'm an old ahjumma compare to you. Watching Korean drama used to be my hobby but could not watch another drama after DOTS so I just hang around here and wait for the Song/Song news. One day, I will try to get my life back probably after they get married. LOL!!

Okay, I will start thinking about forming a Song/Song OZ OZ fan club. Yeah!!!

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47 minutes ago, lovumuchhyekyo said:

We should form a fan club. My workmate is a song/song fan too but she just reads the forum. One of the winners is from Sydney too. I'm in Melbourne. I wonder where @ouyen is from? They are so lucky to win it!!!! I'm so happy that Song/Song fad is here in Australia too!

:P my sister just told me a few minutes ago that i was a truly crazy Kdrama fan now. I'm so so ready for DOTS fan club in Aus :D. It's really wonderful to see so many Aussie in this thread. I'm from Ballarat Vic.

I dont know about other winners but I have been voting continuously from the first day our shipper shared the guide of installing the Baeksang app. I spent like 4-5 hours playing games, installing apps and uninstalling them every day for the first few days despite being a single mum and working fulltime :rolleyes: After subscribing some games/magazines/..., I had enough points to vote till the last day (thank you our shippers for all your sharing of the precious info). Maybe all the time spent on the app and the games is recorded and it is one of the criteria for the win of Baeksang tickets :sweatingbullets:

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Happy b'day to @joongkyo hope your wish come true and your always amazing in this thread. When I see sjk doing selca with Ms Lee, I just think in my mine what are you trying to make us can't breathing Mr sjk. And yes I even can't breath easily when I see you selca with Ms Lee. Is make me think what your gift this day for us.

For the winner who's get a ticket for baeksang awards Congrats girl hope you can see Mr and Ms song. And don't forget to share your story in this forum eheehehhehhe..

I'm must preparing my laptop this night so I can join with this forum and make some comment because my hp sometime can't cooperative with me hahahaahahah


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I SQUUUEEEAAAALED HARD. What has SJK done to me that I couldn't even type earlier?!! I died 9 times. My brain still hasn't processed what I read and watched. LOL  SJK seemed to have turned into a tech savvy real quick rather than a novice one first! That was one of a h e l l a spazz-tastic selfie video with yuuuuup *Ms. Lee*! I bet he knows everything re SS ship! LMAO!



I would move heaven and earth to make it happen for you! PM me if you need a medical certificate! LOL Anyway congrats!! Seriously, praying and hoping that you could get an approval for a one(?)week off from work.:)

Happy birthday @joongkyo! Such a perfect timing! You really had a glorious-tastic birthday gift from our dear namja SJK today! Truthfully, God bless more to those who bless others.;) Thank you for everything from page 3 of this thread up to---whenever soompi still exists! 

Late reaction on Kyo's interview with Elle too! Hahaha. Thanks much for translating it @khxy:)


huge respect to SHK. The way she approaches life and work, is based on a beautiful philosophy of discipline, absolute passion and dedication. She also has a very strong hold of his inner life. She knows herself very well, and I think that is her main strength. She knows what she needs to do to challenge himself as an actress. Despite all her achievements and tremendous fame, she has remained grounded and wants to further improve her craft. Very inspiring!

And may I quote my favorite bits from the interview:

" My heart still fondly remembers the scenes and shooting locations, i feel that Kang Mo Yeon still lives in me."

"When it's time to date, i date, when it's  time to work, i diligently work."

Other than Jeju, she also loves New York. New York gives her the freedom to walk around freely. She would walk until hunger hits and her legs give out ,she would then  go to nearby cafe to sit or drink a glass of wine.

Don't think I need to comment on these anymore. To me, it's too revealing! And may I borrow this from chewy unnie: "Everything has laid on the table for us by themselves!" Really... They're the captain of this ship! ;)

Good morning!! It's only 5 am where I am. Hooo! Another blessed day to our SS shipper ♡s! 

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Question an answer as usual

First question: Will he get angry when he's hungry. He said yes  ... can't concentrate when he's hungry. He likes it when hes full. Incidentally., sound like the fans sent him some food for support which he enjoyed.

Second Question: does he prefer Summer to Winter. He said No. Summer too hot, sweats a lot; 

He said the truth/lie machine is scary :)

Question: He prefers wearing underwear to clothes at home. He said Yes :D. doesn't like wearing socks.. (did I hear this wrong??)

Question: He's preparing to travel the world? A: No

So far hasn't got zapped

He's really kind of cute trying to learn all the Chinese. Host commented that if hes teaching Chinese word by word he's not sure if 2 hours will be sufficient for the FM


First photo is alpha team having a meal together

The link I'm using focuses only on SJK, doesn't show the screen so it makes it more difficult...

He did say he found the hair tying scene difficult, and had many NGs, cos it's not common for guys to be tying girls' hair for them



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HAHAHA he said bcuz he's too excited so he dint get enough sleep last night (before shooting HC). Next, they prepared a door and gun for him to act into this scene (like hw it is shown in preview) AHHH SO HANDSOMEEEE  :wub:



They have these missions missions thingy, so they have to go through these missions to become the special forces kind of thing. 

Part 1: They have these three games. Popping balloon, cutting the cake and wrapping. Before they begin, SJK does this cute cat pose. And they were divided into two groups. Group 1 consists of Xie Na and Hai tao while the other group consists Wei Jia, Wu Xin and He lao shi. While SJK is free. Meaning that he will join both teams from time to time. 

First is the popping balloon game and if they fail to pop all three balloons within 30secs, they will be hit by the stainless plate. The game starts, the first round is from HT, XN and SJK. They succeed by 29.99secs (WOAH! Just woah! Even SJK cant believe it! He goes near the screen and like very shocked from the results!). Next is the cutting of cake. The cake must be within 48-52 grams, if it exceeds then they need to eat it and they only have 60secs to success this mission. Apparently they failed and SJK needs to eat the cake and he show the good sign with his hand (he's really hungry la, poor kid) and they got hit by the stainless plate since they failed the mission. His expression is so cute after he got hit! Next is the third game, the wrapping. XN, HT and SJK was involved. Eventually they failed and got hit again. Before getting hit, SJK went over to HT and said “看着我的眼睛” (look into my eyes). Next group turn, which is WX,HLS and SJK, they're playing the popping balloon game, unfortunately WX got succeed on her 7 attempts. Before succeed, HLS and SJK was helping her by lifting her up. They were so tired from lifting her since their legs were tied tgt and the height diff.  After WX succeed on popping the balloon, HLS made comment on SJK, saying that he felt so moved by SJK bcuz he doesnt gave up no matter how many attempts they tried to lift WX up. HLS was really moved. They failed so they got punishment and this punishment is diff, it's the 'electric shock punishment'. While he was standing waiting for the 'punishment' he said 妈呀 which means OMG in chinese. HLS went to him and said if he's not okay with it, he can just come down and not joining them but surprisingly, he rejects HLS's offers and said 我们开开心心的玩吧 (Let's play happily tgt) (he's so sweet that he's taking the punishment with them!!) After the 'punishment', HE WAS REALLY SHOCKED and he went over to the table where they previously played the cutting cake game and take some cake to eat to ease himself (HAHAHA) and HLS said that the punishment 把他电饿晕了 (got him hungry after the electric shock). For the first two games (balloon and cake), WJ,WX & SJK didnt succeed (they cut the whole scene) and the third game,the wrapping, SJK choose WJ for his partner. They succeed with 29.99secs (Again 29.99sec, WOAHHH IMPRESSED).

Part 2: Reenacts DOTS romantic scenes. They prepare three scenes, which is the phone flipping,tying shoelace and tying hair scene. They showed lots of SS scenes in DOTS as well and SJK was so shy while watching it. (They edit the wine kiss scene in, i think he's shy watching that? HMMM). So these three ladies were standing by behind these 3 doors and they dressed as KMY. They look at the 3rd person first by looking at her legs and they said her legs really look like SHK then they look at the 1st person and they commented on the shirt that it looks like what KMY wore in DOTS then they move to the 2nd person and they looked at her legs. NO COMMENTS....then someone commented this (i forgot who, I MISSED THIS), he/she said is the real SHK here? Then HLS said, HC actually tried their best to call SHK to come but due to some confidential, they're not able to comment further. Then he asked SJK, if the real SHK really came, what will he say to her? SJK answered 好久不见 (long time no see) (WHAT'S WITH THIS LONG TIME NO SEE AGAIN?!SJK SSHI, YOU REALLY MISS HER HUH? AND I LOVE IT MORE BCUZ HE SAID IT IN CHINESE! REMINDS ME OF THE SONG HE SANG). 

So, the doors opened, the 1st person turned up to be WX and she named herself Wu Hui Qiao; the 3rd person is XN and her name given is Xie Hui Qiao. Before XN came out, SJK was really anticipating bcuz XN looks the most similar to the real SHK (by her legs shown earlier and the outfit she's wearing) and he even take a step forward/closer to make sure what he's seeing is what the audience saw. (it's like, he really anticipate that SHK will come HAHA); last, the 2nd person turned up to be Jia Ling and she named herself Song Hui Qiao (but her Song is 松=loose) and SJK keeps on laughing!! then JL said: Oppa, Otteke, wuli 的心脏扑通扑通的 (my heart is thumping) (she's just so cute lahh!! i cannot!!) 

Part 3: HLS asked SJK, which of the three ladies gave him the biggest impression then SJK looked at JL and JL goes: i know i know, it's okay it's okay and SJK just can't stop laughing about it! (This part is really hilarious!! someone need to post the clips here!!). Then the three ladies bought presents for uri SJK. WX bought some chinese health kits and teaches them some moves. SJK follows and HE WAS REALLY CUTE! While for JL, she gave SJK her scarf she's wearing (just like what KMY wore in DOTS, the grey scarf) and for XN, she presents him SONG HUI QIAO which is the aloe vera (芦荟=lu HUI) and buckwheat noodles (荞面=QIAO mian). (playing with words). 

Next, JL asked SJK question. She asked:" where do he usually see first when seeing a girl." SJK answered, he would see EYES and LIPS first but for JL, he likes her dimples. HAHAHA then next is XN's turn for asking question. She asked if SJK accept noona-dongsaeng relationship and if so, what's the age diff that he can accepts. He answered that he's okay with noona or someone younger than him but if so, 7 to 8 age older than him, he's okay with it. (^^) 

Then they were reenacting the scenes, which i mentioned above. The phone flipping is for WX. SJK was so happy bcuz he succeed on flipping and he said he almost make alot of NGs in DOTS for this scene. For typing shoelace, it was XN. After he tied, he said 'don't get hurt again' in korean. (im not too sure about this line, correct me if it's wrong). Then for JL, it was the tying hair scene. Not to mention, HC showed the DOTS scene for these reenact scene but this hair tie scene, it was the longest that HC showed. He was getting shy infront of JL and asked her if she washed her hair (like hw YSJ asked KMY!!) then JL answered him that she didnt washed it for 2 months (LMAO!!). SJK kept on laughing while tying JL's hair bcuz JL's real hair was shown. Apparently, JL was wearing a wig. SJK keeps leaning on JL's shoulder bcuz HE JUST CNT STOP LAUGHING!! (AND I FOUND IT CUTE). Ofcourse, JL hug him back. (OMO, IF SJK HUGS YOU, WILL YOU JUST STAND STILL?)

Part 4: This mission is to test their courage. So there's this magician and he brought a knife, a real knife and asked SJK to hold the cucumber and the magician will 'test' the sharpness of the knife. The magician asked: 真的吧?(issit real?). SJK ans: 真的真的真的 (it's real, it's real, it's real) (HAHA WHY HE NEEDS TO SAY THREE TIMES? XD). Then they used 7 paper bags to cover the knife and others and the magician switched all the bags position. To double confirmed that it's switched properly, the magician invites HLS to switch it again. Before HLS switch, the magician asked the audiences to focus on this board infront of the table, which wrote 今夜我们都是乔妹 (We are all SHK for tonight) AND SJK SMILES SHYLY (:wub:).

Then there goes the magic. The magician try it out first. He crashed one of the paper bags, nothing happened and it left 6 paper bags. So, the magician decided to use a dice in order to choose which bag to crash for each person. HLS goes first and he got 1; WJ got 6 and before that he went to SJK to ask him to blow his hand as in to give him SJK power (the dice is in his hand), when WJ is ready to crash the paper bag, SJK went to him and comfort him. Next is XN's turn. She got 5 and also before crashing, SJK went to her and pat her shoulder and he said BYE BYE (this is so cute HAHA). The magician was trying to disturb XN and SJK went to hug the magician away from XN (this is really sweet of him). XN then asked SJK for power and SJK went over to hug her. Crashed and nothing happened. WX got 3. Then it's SJK's turn and he got 2. XN said she thinks 2 is the most possible that the knife will be there. SJK went over and asked WJ for this power and SJK cutely pushes the magician away to avoid him disturbing. He was really scared and only the 4th attempt then he pressed the paper bag, nothing happened. He was relieved. The magician then walked over to the 4th paper bag and opened it. The knife was there. Everyone was stunned. Luckily HT didnt attempt it. 

Last game/mission: The height challenge & puzzle solving. They only have 5mins to complete the mission. HT and WJ goes first. For your info, in HC, WJ and WX are both scared of height. Okay so HT and WJ didnt succeed this mission as the board was keep sinking at one end while HT went to take the puzzle. (I will just straight to SJK part). So SJK was paired with XN. Both of them are really really brave. (I was so impressed). He did his signature fist bump with XN before starting. (Joongki ahh, i told you not to do fist bump with other). Bcuz they need to balance the board, so SJK was like doing a moonwalk towards the end of the board to collect the puzzle. He got his first piece and was passed to XN after that. It was really quick and mins later, he got the second piece. But unfortunately, while XN was trying to attach the second piece, the second piece puzzle fell. SJK encourage his teammate and said nevermind in korean, CUTELY. (XD) Ofcourse, they succeed the mission and SJK said GOOD JOB for successing. (I love how he said good job in eng) and they were chanting his name (SJK). 

The show came to the end and HLS praised him for his donation and they took wefies in the end. THE END. 


LOVE ALL :):):):)


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Wow... first of all Congratulations for all the winner @melissala, @angieknows, @alice_dvm, @Livvieee, @cestlavie88, @SarahLovesGh

This is so surreal :D, with 11 winner from Baidu, that makes 17 out 20 is SS shipper... :lol: OMG... so amazing...... 

@SarahLovesGh what an amazing birthday day present so happy for you....

@angieknows i guess this short of a birthday present for you too? :lol: hope you can make it to the ceremony.... :wub:
@joongkyo  Happy Birthday to you... hope you have an amazing day... 

HAPPY CAMP and FM at the same time,i guess i will be camping here, waiting with all of you for the updates. Thank you for all the contributors.

And OMG Mr S make a selfie video with Ms Lee...

Well it's not a new NEWS about her with SJK, she did accompany him to HK and her patting his hair in the airport is CUTE, but the way he acknowledge her in the selfie is so OPEN.... very much like a close colleague and he also say thanks for the POSTER Gift.. :lol:

Mr. S you are ... hahahaha... i don't know what to say... :lol:

Can't wait for tonight

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On 18 May 2016 at 10:42 PM, Chewy Hoe said:

Ai Mei, no actually it's my brother who is dating PSY~ I didn't Want to say it actually but since you just came and you asked I had to tell you. And please don't tell anyone ok? 

LOL, can't stop laughing everytime I read/remember this, Chewy:D

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cutie reenacting the blood type scene 

They're showing fav moments now and the top spot goes to the wine kiss in ep 5. He got shy, walked away! And he cringed a bit because he remembered the fan art where they replaced SHK's face with LKS! 

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