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18 hours ago, meimei~ said:

Oh and let us not forget Song Joong Ki's admitted dating style before. He said if he is dating someone, he would act normal (without any disguise, act like they were just friends hanging out) so people will not be suspicious. :))) He was actually broadcasting this before, but nowadays, when asked how is his dating style, he is saying he has NO dating style and if ever there will be, it is a secret. :phew:(and not to mention his preferred dating style before is quiteeeeee similar to what goes with him and uri yeosin. COINCIDENCE? HAHAHAHA okay enough speculating)

We should totally crown uri sang namja with the MOST INCONSISTENT STATEMENTS AWARD.

I also remember that when being asked: With your busy schedule, you won't have time to date and see your date, right? and his answer was: there's always ways!!! (Like what he has said in the wine kissing scene).  This is why I believe that their relationship will work if they are dating.  How many couples broke up with the excuse for not being able to see each other often? I truly trust SJK's strong will to keep their relationship strong!  He is not just a regular guy, he is the one and only, SJK!!! These two perfect individuals are a heavenly made couple!

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not sure if this was posted here before. I just love how he keeps staring at the second photo after he explained that it was taken just after they had eaten :wub: It's like he can't help reminiscing the sweet memories (1.06) :)  then and there, I can see how much this man adores his girl- the look of love is undeniable!

when he says "she's very beautiful" in a rather soft tone of voice, I can almost hear him completing the rest of the sentence in his head loud and clear - "AND SHE'S ALL MINE!!!!"  :P 



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Im still a newbee at this posting thread and comments but i wanna say that i do agree with you. SHK is an intelligent woman last thing she would do is to be involved with a co star again. But everyone who has watched DOTS know that it wasnt KMY YSJ story that grew.. it was SHK SJK  love story that evolved. . Im a professor in nsg with psych as 1 subject i discuss and analysing body language is part of what i discuss. Watching them in the bts has proven my theory that they DO LIKE each other. The way she would touch him everytime she laughs.. and the presscon where their feet touched.. fyi it is an involuntary reaction by the body to point towards a person one is attracted to esp the feet. The position of the feet usually is towards the one a person is most attracted to.. and the shipwrecked kissing.. it was not a kiss for a show their body movements esp SJK clearly screams attraction.. just saying.. ☺.

I clicked alot of icons prior to writing i dont even know how to undo it hehe.. newbee me

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Source: HK oncc.tv


HK media report of SJK fan meeting in HK next month.

SJK is the new Asian male idol :)

advanced ticket door sales for HK fan meeting was sold out, arrangements to release more tickets as online sales also caused website to go down.

pictures of SJK filming with LKS , fans comments their bromance is touching and admirable.

as both helping out each other filming their series.

thats the jist of the report...sorry for my poor translation :)


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In my opinion, I just think there is no way SJK will use SHK fame for promoting his fame or whatever it is.. If he do it, then he is complete idiot.. Why?

Firstly, I believed that by posting his private photos with SHK he had to go thru his manager and agency(as it is related with his work), and I think that he had took some time to convince them to allow him to post the photos... To agency and manager point of view is always to play safe.. Why need to create uncessary move to increase his fame when he is already at the peak now.. The fanmeet deal is confirm, cf keeps coming in and he is worth the value of any superstars or more. I believe they disapproved initially but SJK's determination and persistent made them agreed!

To SJK point of view why he post the photos? I think he just can't help wanting to tell the whole world he got goddess as a girlfriend where so many people will envy and also to protect her in another way. And most importantly, he is ready to tell the world about it. I think he may also wanted to 'test' the ground by posting the photos just to see reaction of his fans, and then decide whether he should announce or not.

For SHK, I believed she knew that he was posting the photos, like I said maybe is her who edit to b&w for him since he is not so tech savvy. If they have nothing between them, I just think why should SHK be so close to him knowingly that he is using her?? Just not logical for her to do that, and even if she don't mind I am sure her agency will published official statements to clarify. 

I remembered at the post dots press conference SHK was asked about the dating rumours and she mentioned that it started from NY and the braclets then she continued to thanks YAI and LKS.. I really think she was just trying to thanks YAI for bringing SJK to her closer so that she understand him more and LKS for knowing their relationship status and support and protect them.. Which is also why SJK published the private photos of him, SHK and YAI. 

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@Summer Rize YAY! finally it's out! I can't wait to see what uri puppies has to say about his omma and appa. :D 

Professor @kylefliri ! omg, i mean issit possible if you can analyse the psychology way of body language of uri SS couple? I NEED MORE! :phew:


MORNING COMRADES! Here's songsong to cheers up your day ! :heart:



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19 minutes ago, luvshynsjk said:

In my opinion, I just think there is no way SJK will use SHK fame for promoting his fame or whatever it is.. If he do it, then he is complete idiot.. Why?

Firstly, I believed that by posting his private photos with SHK he had to go thru his manager and agency(as it is related with his work), and I think that he had took some time to convince them to allow him to post the photos... To agency and manager point of view is always to play safe.. Why need to create uncessary move to increase his fame when he is already at the peak now.. The fanmeet deal is confirm, cf keeps coming in and he is worth the value of any superstars or more. I believe they disapproved initially but SJK's determination and persistent made them agreed!

To SJK point of view why he post the photos? I think he just can't help wanting to tell the whole world he got goddess as a girlfriend where so many people will envy and also to protect her in another way. And most importantly, he is ready to tell the world about it. I think he may also wanted to 'test' the ground by posting the photos just to see reaction of his fans, and then decide whether he should announce or not.

For SHK, I believed she knew that he was posting the photos, like I said maybe is her who edit to b&w for him since he is not so tech savvy. If they have nothing between them, I just think why should SHK be so close to him knowingly that he is using her?? Just not logical for her to do that, and even if she don't mind I am sure her agency will published official statements to clarify. 

I remembered at the post dots press conference SHK was asked about the dating rumours and she mentioned that it started from NY and the braclets then she continued to thanks YAI and LKS.. I really think she was just trying to thanks YAI for bringing SJK to her closer so that she understand him more and LKS for knowing their relationship status and support and protect them.. Which is also why SJK published the private photos of him, SHK and YAI. 

Hi @luvshynsjk

Really like your POV here...

I totally can understand ur 1st para..saying  "I believed that by posting his private photos with SHK he had to go thru his manager and agency(as it is related with his work), and I think that he had took some time to convince them to allow him to post the photos..." why..because as an employee...anything that I have to give something (related to my work) to public or any clients, I should go thru 1st with my boss whether it is OK to give such information to them. Because if I dont go thru to my  boss and if something happened, I will be the one who bear all the responsibility...I believe SJK who signed the contract with BE is fully aware those consequences. So for SJK to share his personal photos to public is something wow...at least thats what I think it is.

So yes... we had all the body analysis..(now we have professor on board.. welcome to you chingus...) we had all the facts given by our friends and all the translations...to me I will not have doubt on SS couple. Only time will tell. And whatever the finale between them two is still in  GOD hand..isn't it? :sweatingbullets:

Good day dear shippers!

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Those lurkers who think SJK is using SHK for publicity, for fame absolutely don't have any idea of how K-entertainment works.. maybe you guys are new fans who just started fangirling since DOTS.

But, NO. Admitting relationship status just doesn't work for publicity to fame un SKorea. It may even put their career on a stagnant state. It's pretty ridiculous to even think about it.

I could only agree with those posts above. 

Utterly disrespectful to SJK and SHK. 

Have some respect. And don't spread negativity here. ;)

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Food for thought:

 “Lips and tongues lie. But actions never do. No matter what words are spoken, actions betray the truth of everyone's heart.

 “I never listen to what a person says. I look at what a person does because what they do tells me who they really are.”

 “Words can be said easily, but one can't fake actions.”

 I can definitely see these actions from SJK. My take he is definitely pursuing her and I truly believe he is getting closer to my Goddess. Be patience and help them develop this beautiful love story and avoid speculations and innuendos. Why I love SJK for my Goddess because he makes her smile not a little but a lot.

 But at the end of the day, he is still an actor and she an actress who loves their craft. I have to accept the fact that they will be both paired with others but  I am not one to be swayed easily because I genuinely believe in the bond they have created.

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Okay, i just got to make this one post before i leave for work.

I still have 5 more pages to back read as of this morning. I bet it's gonna be more when i finished my work later this evening.

@Chewy Hoe, @superbigcat, @lovely_skham_stv and other shippers whom their post is so amazingly beautiful, full of positive vibes and at the same time very encouraging, i would like to say thanks so much! It's such a pleasure to read all those post after having a long/bad  day at work.I can also see that both of our SongSong was busy with their own shooting/CF and it's great to see that!

Last but not least, to those trollers/haters/bashers, you guys keep on continue what you want to believe and let us here, the shippers believe what we want to believe. Our ground base is strong and we have full faith in our SS couple no matter what assumption you guys made. If you guys are still in DENIAL, this is not the place to be. This thread is full of positive people and we are spreading LOVE everyday :wub:

Have a good day, Comrades! And, i believe LOVE IS IN THE AIR! :P

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Thank you! Thank you! @ludadeer @songsongdots for sharing your translations with us here :) What a beautiful insights! And @lovely_skham_stvyour insightful posts are never failed to inspire me really thanks for sharing your thoughts with us here ;)

I am actually not good with expressing my feeling for our SS into words, but I AM JUST HAPPY, SO HAPPY that now both SS can get their love and happiness in each other. For SJK, SHK is enough for him to make his life brigther than ever, and vice versa, for SHK, having a real man like SJK to accompany her for the rest of her life is something that makes each of her days more joyful and blessed than ever :wub: I am started to run out of words to express my feelings about SS, but still, the only thing I will keep rmb forever is I FEEL SO BLESSED TO KNOW, LOVE, AND ADORE THIS COUPLE REALLY. :heart:


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Reading the comments on past few pages, I find it rather funny how doubters, other OTP shippers and trolls come here to shake our beliefs but we respond with even more faith and grow even stronger with our beliefs and hopes for SS. Love my fellow shippers! Fighting! 

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31 minutes ago, ysteee said:

@Summer Rize YAY! finally it's out! I can't wait to see what uri puppies has to say about his omma and appa. :D 



kekekekke certainly all of us here also feel the same way .  But I doubt he'll tell us that much about ss .  he does not want to be scolded by uri appa and omma :P but hope he will give us another clue :w00t:

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Still backreading, when I found some Chinese post I was hoping I could understand what others are sharing. I also would love to read all of your insight no matter how lenghty the posts are.

And just now I read @ludadeer post in English, I feel so touched. I love every words in it, you describe it very very well, if you say it only conveys half of the emotion then I don't know how would I feel if I understand what you wrote in Chinese previously. How I wish I could understand it too, I listened to F4 song when I was a teenager, yeah it doesn't count as a way to learn Mandarin, lol.

English is not my mother language, so I can't describe how I really feel with my limited vocab, and crappy grammar. But I continue to post here just to show my love for our couple and to share my excitement with all of you here. I feel so lucky to be part of the ship.

I can't add more to what you have beautifully explained in you post, I love every bits of it. I just want to say, I understand when you say the last thing SHK wanted is to fall in love with her co-star again after her past relationship. And for someone who had a such experience with dating, she could have just put a stop on all the rumors surrounding her and SJK.That's why I believe she also feel the same way towards SJK. SJK is one awesome man who are persistent and will keep moving forward just like YSJ, bcos he knows exactly SHK also feel the same way to him. If not, he wouldn't have done all the things he's done so far, flying all the way to NY, spending time with her despite his crazy schedule, and so brave to call her HK shi in public event. He wouldn't dare to do all that if SHK doesn't agree with him in the first place. I believe their feeling are mutual, maybe it's true it was SJK who start the pursuing and that's normal bcos he is a man, but he did it bcos he knows she also feel the same attraction towards him. SHK said he has good impressiin on him even before they worked together, and by the time they finish the shooting, I'm sure she knows what a greatvman he is. He flood him with her praises in all her intervoews. He is one humorous guy with a soul like a 50 years old man. SHK is in good hands, I have my faith in SJK, he will protect and cherish what he have now. 


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such a breath of fresh air, thank you @ludadeer and @songsongdots! :D Beautiful translations of the timeline of SS that we all know but still very refreshing to read it all over again. And basically it felt like a journey of acceptance from SHK I daresay. it's lovely in English already, can't imagine how it truly is in Mandarin :) I don't think I'll ever be sick reading over and over again their blossoming love story. It'd be a full blown forest even when we're old!  

And you lovely @lovely_skham_stv my thanks to you for your post and everything else :D I feel as tho you've struggled with that entire post cos it's just threatening to burst with feels for SS and with them, such that we struggle to articulate our words to convey our actual feelings sometimes cos of the massive real feelings they give us, knowing what they're having rn is just simply raw and pure and beautiful! :) 

Dissecting your post here if you don't mind, this part "It would be quite naive and unrealistic for anyone to expect the same type of dating style he's used to in the past which was in COMPLETE secrecy." i agree so much and SJK is learning to take one day at a time, seeing/dating SHK and while dating is a normal process in real life to any of us here, it's also something that it's not normal for them considering their level of scrutiny and fame they get. and I'm pretty much convinced that this is his first yet-to-be-but-somehow-high-profile relationship too :P they'd both suffer in some ways if they choose to keep this r/s completely under wraps cos if they were to be found out then the effects would be much worse on their r/s and esp with heightened media interest than before. So before this happens, they'd rather be the ones in control and dictate how their r/s should be portrayed to the public. At the end of the day, they're both public figures as well as humans with real emotions/feelings too hence I'm liking this balance of revealing bits and pieces for fans and media to see (and not being able to deny them) yet keeping it close and real and private between themselves and only for their best friends to see. *internally dies when you mentioned again he always stared at her eyes, lips and mouth during DOTS and THAT GIF AGAIN and don't forget HK press con and basically any chance he gets*

in my opinion,  SJK is a very special man blessed with a high level of rational and logical intelligence as well as emotional awareness. He knows exactly what he's doing and the reasons why he does what he does. Since the day he has decided to commit himself to pursuing a developing relationship with SHK (and this is not without deep thinking of the possible repercussions of this on his life in every aspect and how it can potentially affect the people in his life, esp the ones close to him), cos like what you said, this is SHK we're talking about, and probably his first celebrity dating, an A-lister whose life has been thrown out there for the media to scrutinize every aspect they could get their hands on ever since she first debuted and followed by subsequent high profile r/s. I'm sure SJK had his own initial reservations bout deciding to push forward with his decision to be more than friends with her, and not just cos she's SHK but the fact, does he have that strength and willpower to protect her from ever going thru similar situations she went thru before? Cos SJK is a gentleman like that and he would not be that man to hurt her that way. 

fast forward to present day and we see both of them being happier than ever, with grins literally plastered on their faces whenever in the presence of each other, whether in thoughts or physical presence. Needless to say, that was probably the best decision SJK has ever made and bless his courage for stepping up and daring to be first friends, then more than friends with SHK. And just like how SHK said she's just like her fans with similar personalities, I believe too that deep down SHK is just a normal girl just like any of us who still yearns for love after being hurt and having the beauty of time and friends to heal and be ready to move on. And I sincerely feel she's ready now and hopefully with SJK.  

To those who are adamant in thinking SJK is just friends with SHK just because he wouldn't reveal who he's dating.. WHICH CENTURY ARE YOU LIVING IN GUYS PLS???? it's the 21st century where people have their own ways of having a relationship and even in real life, people are able to secretly date and even within their own groups, why can't this be the same for k-celebs? I agree that it's unrealistic and nearly impossible to conceal a relationship when you're both A-listers but knowing the expert ninjas of covert ops that is our SS themselves and their own personal alpha team of friends, this makes it easier for them to mingle within and then probably slip away for a quiet moment. And having a group of loyal friends is the essence of making such r/s work i think. This is proven true yet again with SJK being there for Hyun Kyoung's birthday party when he's originally not even part of SHK/YAI/SC gang, heh truly ingratiating himself with the gf's non-celeb bffs, and reconnecting with YAI, SHK's only celeb bff imo! (before this was him being featured in SC's wall gallery and then his frequent sightings at SC after his discharge) meanwhile SHK on a professional level is ingratiating herself with LKS and has already worked with JIS before! 

Lastly, agreed so much that it'd be an insult and disrespectful to YAI and SHK if those photos that SJK revealed of them are to show off that they're "dating" when both of them were not even physically there to say anything bout it. Really people!?!?!? do you think SJK is an insensitive prick? and it amazes me that some are even SJK "fans" wow. and time and again, SHK has proudly and affectionately called YAI her dongsaeng, something she doesn't ever call SJK despite both of them being only a year apart. (ok except that one time during the very first press con that SHK called SJK a reliable dongsaeng and he sulked so badly she probably learnt her lesson to stop calling him that hehe and decide to slowly reveal to the public they're hanging out and everyone finding out bout NYC :D)

And YAI, i'm sure he's been an integral part of the development of SS r/s! as well as SJK being the same honest, caring, considerate gentleman we all know and how he's showcasing all these traits (and more) to the one and only SHK. (again, how could SJK be a jerk with the way he treats others with these very same traits?) 

Realise I've rambled on wayyyyyy off course so apologies and thanks to whoever reads this! :) 

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YES!!! Radiostar! But I think Puppy would prepare himself very well so as not to spill the beans (He is new so I hope he will be able to withstand the qns asked. Haha!). The hosts KGR and SJ evil maknae etc. are known to always touch on rumors and controversies, . I'm quite sure SS will be mentioned and they will try to make puppy talk abt it. 

Puppy - please don't reveal too much...just hints for us will do. :)

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9 hours ago, songsongdots said:

Hi everyone, have been a silent reader all this while but today i finally cannot contain my feels to jump onto this everlasting ship. Have always been thankful to @joongkyo  for her wonderful insights so to thank her and as a gift to all the lovely contributors, I have translated the full chinese text by @ludadeer. I have spent a long time translating it so hopefully everyone will appreciate it.


Around 2 to 3 weeks ago, everyone was discussing about what he had done for her but little was talked about what she did for him. After reading so many reports, watching her past dramas and endlessly repeating DOTS and bts, I would like to let out my opinions about this issue. I feel that to her, she is very experienced and being in her 20th year in this industry, what kind of obstacles has she not faced before? In terms of relationships, she should be loving and fearful of it at the same time. She is a very brave woman, but due to the hurt she got from her previous 2 relationships, I believe that she would not allow herself to fall for her costar easily again. At the beginning, she must have positioned herself as a noona to him. From the bts, I can see that she likes him and has a very friendly/comfortable relationship with him. However at this stage, she has not fallen for him yet or should I say, developing a romantic relationship was not on her mind. Hence from the bts, he was the one advancing towards her and eventually broke through her defence line.

Half a year of acting alongside is a very long time and both of them being acquaintances before filming, it did not take long for them to clearly know if the other party was suitable for them. Greece was the catalyst. Seeing the timeline from baidu, other than the wine kiss which we do not know when it was shot, the remaining kisses were all shot in Greece. First week of Oct was practically a kissing week. From the first petrol kiosk kiss, we saw a shy KMY. Ever since I have been wondering why they are still shy with each other when they already had an amazing truck kiss. That’s when I realised that the petrol kiosk kiss was the first and the shyness was between SJK and SHK and not YSJ and KMY. 2nd kiss was the balcony kiss, how many times did they actually kiss, I believe everyone can guess from the various photos/clips and interviews. For two persons who thought highly of each other even before filming, I cannot imagine what they really felt in their hearts. 

Hence for the minefield scene, the various shy and jittery feelings came naturally. At mid of oct, for the shoot at the sunken ship, without analysing we can see that it is a confession between him and her. I even feel guilty when looking at that kiss as it seems as if im infringing on their privacy.

She is a professional actress and like I said earlier, she would not allow herself to fall for her costar easily again. Hence we can still see that she positions herself as a noona despite knowing that he does not want to be a younger bro instead he wants to be regarded as a real man.

At the end of November, his injury, was the biggest turning point. We can see that she is starting to do something for him. His injury must have made her very worried and heartbroken and to relieve the burden on him, she volunteered to film all her heart wrenching crying scenes all at one go. I believe through this incident she must have realised his importance to herself. He was already so much in love with her, looking at the things she did for him must have touched him greatly. Therefore in the epilogue interview we can see how grateful and touched he was by her actions. And for her, she had intentionally used a calm voice to speak so we can see that she was not as emotional as him.

The scenes he filmed after his injury, especially the ones in ep 16, I saw happiness glowing on her face and I don’t believe that this can be acted out. That happiness, is not the sweet teenage type, instead it is the type when an adult finds true love.

After filming, their feelings did not die down. She, always fearful of rumours, actually dined with him a lot and he even chased her to New York. She can no longer deceive herself. To accept one’s love and reciprocate needs a lot of courage. I strongly believe that she knowing that she was already an A list actress, giving all the limelight and leading rights to her man is a very obvious choice.

During Hk’s press conference, everyone was coming for him, be it in the airport or press conference. Many of her fans were indignant for her, feeling that she was neglected. However she was never sad, during the whole pc she just sat quietly, supporting her man, letting him lead and glow. He is also very detailed, always caring for her, fearful that she is neglected. However his worries are redundant, in her position her exposure rate is no longer important. Now she is only a small woman, love can suffice. We need not worry whether it is fair for her, she has passed the time to care for this and what she is chasing for is no longer fame and exposure. I believe she only wants happiness and a more beautiful world at this stage. What we should worry is only whether she is living well? Is she happy?

During her own pc, she is still constantly praising him. She just wants the world to know how good he is and how happy she is. Being the quiet type, she actually answered every question fluently. Her happiness from the bottom of her heart can never be masked.(I believe she never thought of hiding it either) When asked about the NY rumour, she actually said “ how can I not meet someone whom I worked with for six months just because of fears of rumours arising? Is it that we can’t even have a meal together?”

To be honest, I was expecting her to make use of the pc to clear the rumours by giving “we are just good friends and we are not dating” type of answers. I would understand if she said that however I would continue shipping them as this is the model answer to give for celebrities suspected of dating. However she actually answered the same way as he does, not denying it, and even providing more info. Now I think she is really crazy, crazy in love with him.

Everyone should know how much she has to handle when she does not deny these rumours!!

All along, everyone is saying how much she likes to fall for her costars, the previous 2 r/s and the rumours between her and JIS/KDW have hurt her greatly. For her to fall for her costar again must be what she does not want to happen the most. Gossips, his new found fans and jealous old partners. If she did not receive a deep love from him, do you think she will choose to love him?

Her, always afraid of rumours, have uploaded many pics containing him. Despite knowing that the world is scrutinising their actions, be it her fans or her haters, she is never scared. When have we ever seen such a stubborn her? Such a brave her? The only reason can only be the magical power of love.

I believe her courage at the same time come from him. At his own fm, he showed 2 intimate photos of them together despite them being a rumoured couple. This is just suicide man! Just below the stage were many self proclaimed wives of his. By dropping such a bomb on them, not only is he proclaiming his stake on her, he is also telling them that “Yes despite my busy schedules, I would still find time to meet her, as she is very impt to me.”Also it can help to chase away some fans that he thinks does not truly like and appreciate him. This type of man and love is what gives her strength.

Both of you just go and enjoy your love, u all have already accomplished such a difficult task of falling in love and dating each other.

We love songsong!




@songsongdots - I love your analysis!! *hugs* i was having lunch yesterday with a colleague who also is a recent SJK fan convert. She actually marathoned DOTS over a weekend. I'm amazed that she can finish 16 episodes in 2 days! Anyways, I was just telling her about this soompi thread and THAT photo that SJK shared at the beijing fm. and then i told her i'm so shipping sjk and shk, and i so dearly wish that the ship will sail quickly and that these two will come out and tell the world that they are in love, in their own time of cos. Guess what this logical colleague said? She actually tsk tsk me and said "come one, these 2 are in love". I was like ?!?! Then she went "aamak! See the way he looks at her, see the way they kiss, watch the body language...it's 2 person s in love." I'm like hahahahahha! :wub:

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OMG Some peeepel …. No matter what SHK and SJK do .. they will always find fault … I don’t know what they gain by spreading malicious comment … Oh now it’s SJK using SHK for publicity?

OH MY GOD …. Do you think SHK is some niccampook … some stupid bbimbo .. that would allow anyone to take advantage of her? .. Do you think SHK is some naïve stupid newbie celeb that doesn’t know the damage to HER when SJK finally move on and chuck her to the side? …

Do you think SHK agency would keep quiet … and allow their source of income to be used and manipulate? .. Do you think that SJK popularity now depend on SHK??????


So SJK said to SHK .. let meet up .. take selfie … you pretend you look soooooo happy and glowing … so we pretend to attend the party together … help me to promote myself ….

So when SHK shared SJK pic (errr I lost count how many SJK pic appeared in SHK IG) … so do you think SHK is so stupid to share SJK pic in her IG … 


Do you think SHK will want to go through netizen hateful comment about her and another ‘broken’ relationship .. do you think SHK want to be labelled as the actress that always date her co star? (THOUGH SHE HAS EVERY DAMMMEEDDDDD RIGHT TO DATE WHOEVERRR … provided the guy is not taken.

I am so angry with some people that are so jealous of our ship … they fart in our party … rain on every parade .. OMG what kind of life you led? .. Must be one pathetic soul …

You know what .. spy .. troll ..


IT’S LIKE WATCHING AN EPILOG … hahahahahha… kau hado??? Kau non hado (translate as – do your OTP do this? No?? wwahahahhahahhahhahha) … kau non hado …

We have an epilog … and the drama still ongoing … we are enjoying this beautiful ride .. no storm can shake our ship ..



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