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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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BACKREADING... And i'm screaming and squealing my heart out in so much delightment with all the giddy posts, updates, and news about the Songs. I think i'll be suffering from a heart attack anytime soon and will be needing a CPR anytime soon too. LOL! :)

Today's been so busy so i can't keep my whole focus in voting. I've only done some backreads. But anyway i'll make it up tonight when i get home and give my full blast of support before this day ends.


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I'm on LIVE now. But it's just one of the staff walking ard backstage and now he is outside video-ing the fans that are queueing up to enter into the venue..

He hasn't arrive yet but the staff said like sooon.....I see lots of security stand-by thou. Hahaha.

He's waiting outside for him to arrive also. :)


I'm gonna turn it off..will be on LIVE closer to the time..Need to run errands first. :)

Those who want to sign in to "一直播"...create and sign in thru Weibo account too.

It's fast to create a weibo account. :)


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Few announcements

1. A Korean fan has asked me to clarify that SJK referred to SHK only as SHK-sshi and not as noona. There were two references to her when he used her name during his interview in Beijing. The third time he did not use her name but only referred to his co-star and while this reference definitely meant SHK, he did not use her name the third time.

Korean fans have been gracious enough to offer us the hangul transcript of the interview IF the readers on this thread want the said transcript so that all doubts can be removed. 


2. I am not sure how this ridiculous rumour came about, but it has been brought to my attention that a certain IG is claiming that a certain actress that SJK has worked with in the past was present at the April 1st party - Now, all of you know that there were more than a 100 journalists at the venue of the party. It would have been impossible for any actress to walk into that venue without being spotted....furthermore, I saw the "video clip" and that woman looks nothing like the said actress.

I sincerely hope that people will not fuel such rumours. 



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Hard at work.

I've privately told off 6 songsongcouple shippers on IG for copying (screenshots!)  the content of our forum .

Everyone, as @joongkyo has reminded us again and again, we should be responsible for the content we post here and especially on IG. 

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Saw a post on weibo from the director of HAPPY CAMP (or one of the directors) 's post and i thought i shall do some translation of it.




#Song Joong Ki’s first Happy Camp show#postscript


After the recording of HC, I’ve always wanted to write something, the most important reason is that, because it’s been a while that there’s an artist that can make me feel touched(moved).


Honestly speaking, before the recording of HC, my understanding towards Song Joong Ki is perhaps limit to his name, (Meaning that she only knows SJK by name) and the feeling he gave her (before) was indifferent.

被《太阳的后裔》刷屏的时候,我还一直跟我同事说,yoo si jin 这个角色太好了!

After the continuously updates of DOTS , I keep telling my colleague that, the character of Yoo Si Jin is really great!


A lot people must have like the (YSJ) character instead of SJK.


Until he was certain that he will come for the show, until then only we started to look back all his dramas, variety shows, Interviews, writing materials…then we started to discuss..demolish and repeat again.


While discussing, there is also some communication difficulties in between and the pressure created under his long-awaited debuts, making our team felt anxiety..and during that time, all of our OS was: Please finish recording.



On 10th May, SJK arrived Chang-sha and during that night, according to our pre-scheduled with him, we went to meet him in his Hotel for the discussing of the script. Once we enter the meeting room, all we saw is that there’s book and pen prepared and arranged properly on the table. While discussing, we’re the one who keep the talking and he’s there recording (noting) down everything (words) that we discussed, and from time to time, he will also asked for details (As a director for many years, the last time such serious meeting were held was with the artist, Ling Zhi Lin (Taiwan artist), she was very serious during that time and also even think about how she can express herself during the show. Ling Zhi Lin, I Love You) (Bet she’s a fan of her ! HAHA)


After the discussion, I told the translator eonnie that she needs to record down every word that I just said so she can remind him later. The translator eonnie said: I was so busy on translating so I did not record anything that you said but SJK’s script was already full of writings.


During the recording, the schedule was really tight and rush, rehearsal+ VCR record for advertisement+ makeup + 4hours of actual recording, and also need to catch the latest flight to Beijing.  


During the entire journey, he maintained all smily and enthusiastic, it is impossible to not be tired for such tight schedules, you can say that’s what an artist should do (because it’s his job), but I think he’s really a professional on it.


While rehearsal, he will take off his hat and bow and greet every host, after a while he was happily chatting with them. In between of the rehearsal and make-up time, he keeps telling me that the HC family is really cute and he can feels that they’re really close! The little kid just now was really cute! (Not sure who is he talking about, have to watch the show to know about it XD) Jia Ling is really funny! The show is really fun and I shall come next time! The muttering kind of looks he gave look like he is someone who can easily be happy while playing.


Heard an interview on media yesterday that he said the recording for China’s variety shows were really fun, so please come again if you have time!


Lastly, to make an small ad here, not making any shortcuts, next Saturday night 8.20pm HC, your ‘Song Husband’ is waiting for you! Oh right, we have trailer tonight! Remember to watch!


cr to weibo owner. 

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"一直播" is very laggy and the screen either hangs or turn black. Too many people trying to watch the live streaming.


Hopefully when the fan meet starts..it wont be like that. Everyone is complaining cos its just a black screen now. If its gonna be like that we will have to wait for updates from Chinese fans.


Apparently "一直播" was suppose to interview him before the fan meet at 7pm but I don't know why it didn't happen. 


I'm so sorry guys. I can't get anything..I only heard his voice for afew seconds and it hanged again..



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More announcements

1. Despite repeated requests not to badger SHK's friends, just today she deleted all the comments on that picture - THREE TIMES!. Please realise what she's conveying to fans without her having to resort to anything drastic like making her IG private or having to make a post about fans DMing her (*which she has done already and then deleted her post). It isn't cute to irritate people via SNS....It is equally disheartening to see that fansites on IG have disregarded fans asking the admins to remove posts but the admins have responded by saying "If (insert name of SHK's friend) asks me to delete the picture then I will otherwise I won't".

I assure you  that no friends of SHK will make direct contact with any of you if that is what you're thinking. 


2. Fansites in Korea are extremely careful about what and when they post news regarding their biases, because it is common knowledge that print and tv journalists go through the content in fansites to get information about biases - Fans are after all the best source of information and many a time - the biggest scandals come out from fans disclosing information which should never have been disclosed. Which is why Korean fans have repeatedly asked for international admins to be more responsible for the content they are posting on IG and twitter. You may not realise it but your posts are being monitored.


3.About SJK's SNS rumours - please take notice that Blossoms has made repeated announcements that he doesn't have SNS and also SJK has time and again "tried to" express his inability to make sense of smart phones. As fans we should therefore realise that if SJK does have SNS then it's been made amply clear by his own actions and his agency's actions that he doesn't want his SNS to be made public. Scrutinising this issue endlessly will only mean there will be added stress to a relationship (*if there is one*) which is already facing a lot of attention both from media and fans. Let's turn a blind eye?. Can't we do that?.

I know several fans are extremely smart and have pieced together many clues in the past few weeks, without any negative intentions they have disclosed certain sensitive information that older SS fans have been trying to keep under wraps. This is not done to alienate the larger body of SS fans but to protect OTP's privacy, so please I will request that no such new disclosures or intrusions surface in the mean time..at least not till Baeksang!. 


4. About the said actress and SJK, I really wished that the IG poster would make things more clear but seeing that she hasn't then I have to take it upon myself to do so. That picture posted is from the after party of Mama 2012. SJK and the actress took that picture with some idol group during the after party...however the actress was seen in the company of another actor during that party. There is even a video of her dancing with that other actor (*Not SJK).

That being said, I will repeat myself again for the benefit of new shippers/fans. If SJK was in a relationship with anyone - be it celebrity or non-celebrity since 2012, then it would not have been a secret. Paparazzi and media portals aren't that kind that they would help shield him for so long...so please don't spread false information about SJK or SHK given how hard the majority of the fans are working at securing awards.

5. Finally, the behaviour of fans in the past few weeks has been extremely problematic and excessive shipping/speculation right now will only mean that SJK or SHK might pull out of the Baeksang Awards. If that is what we are preparing ourselves for, then please go ahead with all the wild speculation. We will all suffer in the end, including the OTP.

Please wait until June, it's less than 20 days away at this point. Can't we all just wait for 20 more days!?


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Actually i don't want to comment or anything, sigh :cry: i just love to be silent reader, silent fans or whatever you call it, i just like to do it in silent.


But i can't agree more with @joongkyo SNS particularly IG where i'm active about now full of wild delusional fans, and what bother me the most they were commenting in someone's else IG like no manner and keep on mentioning SHK for simple things. Can we be  mature enough with our OTP. Could you guys watch your manner on social media. Manner is not only in real life, but you should watch your manner in socmed. Would you like someone keep on knocking on your door 24hours, seriously:angry:

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I had a fight with those kind of people too...if u tell them to delete and stop commenting on her friends ig they become violent and started cursing me...I don't know what kind of fans are they...too immature...they just want to feed their info to gain more followers...so immatured people...it really pissed me off

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I'm too busy with earning points, getting authentication for new accounts for Baeksang voting that I don't have anytime left to check IG or other SNS, hardly keep up with DOTS thread and this thread too, and now plus Iqiyi, :D 

anyone watching the FM live, I can't T.T hope there will be full vid later :wub:

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I also notice that dear @joongkyo and @mummyof2 many IG or comment sometime mention shk private IG and public IG also their friends sometime people comment tag also. 

So please be smart shipper friend. We are also mature enough right being shipper 


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Update from SJK fm:

Never before seen pictures are being shown

-A picture of SHK, SJK, and YAI was shown with all of them posing very closely. YAI invited both of them together for a meetup. He said that this was a few days before he came to beijing. While talking about the photo, he said that SHK-ssi is very petite so her face always looks small in photos

Best 3 scenes:

- (3)Blood type scene, (2) apologize or confess, (1) "then save him"

Regarding the wine kiss scene, he said he was really nervous and had a few NGs. The MC asked him if he did NG on purpose. Seeing the fans reaction, he jokingly said, "Yes, it was on purpose!"



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Exclusive photo SJK shared at his fanmeet! He revealed they had dinner 2 days prior to him flying out to China! So rest assured, it wasn't long since they met. We can safely conclude that for them, even 2 days is a long time since SJK said so himself on Happy Camp. Well technically 1 day since he recorded Happy Camp the other day. :) 

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