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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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because they just restarted for today @cestlavie88 that is why, but LETS START VOTING AGAIN GUYSSS :) 

SJK 68.48% - (2nd 15.10%, 3rd 8.59%)
SHK 91.86% - (2nd 8.13%) 

The percentage is not steady yet. :)

@khxy thank you for the translation. both of our OTP indeed are loyal to their close circle!

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 i wanted to do a post.. but my mind is at blank right now...basicly its the same as what @yumiko_hitoshi said...:lol:

Many thanks @khxy for the translation. 

This is my favorite part.... :wub:

1 hour ago, khxy said:

SJK believes loyalty is more important than money.You can say he is nostalgic or loyal ,but in this industry these qualities are very valuable.


@hyukgu  SHK's glance is :wub:

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26 minutes ago, cestlavie88 said:

omg, todays's ranking has a drastic change... 

sorry meant that for a pm msg... but sjk is at no 15 atm....

its still early, no cause for panic... but just need to pay more attention to it....

ok, sjk back at no 1 at 34%.... 

but really, there's no room for complacency here and we got to keep a close watch on it...

Haha just wait a bit after midnight and things get better.  Just depends on which fans start to vote quicker, but the #1 spots usually take over again quickly. Don't get scared there since things will stabilize within the hour mostly if not throughout the day.  For example, SHK went back up to 85% during the day after dropping to mid 70's at night, we'll see if that repeats (so far she's not dropping as much tonight...). This is when ifans should pick up more slack (since it's 10am in the US where I am), but there are less of us it seems. Overall, she didn't lose much, if not she gained, over the last 2 days. Same with him. Doing well so far. :D This means, like Chewy said, to keep doing what we've been doing.  

Update 12;30 am Korean time

SJK - 67.7%

SHK - 83.57%

You guys want to see scary race that is giving fans heartburn go check out movie actress popularity lol

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Song Joong Ki donates entire appearance fee from Chinese 'Running Man'



His agency Blossom Entertainment stated on May 10, "Song Joong Ki has donated his entire appearance fee from 'Hurry Up Brother'. He intended to donate it from the beginning." The label did not reveal the amount or the charities receiving the donation.

Song Joong Ki filmed for the variety show in China on April 20, and the special episode will be out this Friday.

Good looks and a good heart!


Source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/05/song-joong-ki-donates-entire-appearance-fee-from-chinese-running-man


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I was almost faint when reading the information circles on IG in the last few hours with more than 2 IG accounts whose followers >10k, just based on Wikipedia (where people can edit the information freely) and take it as fact then spread the information carelessly. My mind went blank, I wasn't able to do anything but immediately PM them and asked for taking it down - and thank you IG accounts and fans who cooperate in this matter. 

As I know many IG users out there who lurk and take information from this thread, and as our fellow shippers have politely express our expectations towards you that:

  • If we require don't take the information out of this place, please don't.
  • If we're willing to share the information, then take it with full of credits. As information is shared freely, kindly at least express your respect in return with credit. (It doesn't take much time to find and keep in mind who is the poster)
  • Rational shipping doesn't hurt. 

Thank you :) 

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Thank you @khxy for the trans, @angieknows for the scans and everyone's updates for SJK in China!

Here's another update about our goddess Kyo! :)

From Elle Weibo:
"Song Hye Kyo cover for Elle June edition is up for pre-order. They will start sending/distributing the magazine on 20th May." [credits to the owner]

To order, here's the link: https://world.tmall.com/item/531277686103.htm?id=531277686103&spm=a310v.4.88.1


[Cr: Elle Weibo]


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In  GotTV, at 08:35-55,  sergeant Kong from DOTS said that if he were a woman, he would choose Songjoongki as his date among DOTS male actors and he has become close to SJK who's one year older than him.

at:9:06-10:34  MC: Songhyekyo is very teolteol(unaffected, easy), isn't she?    Kong: You mean Joongki hyung?

MC: No, as this question said..  K: Hyekyo noona?   MC:Yes, Didn't he just call her "Hyekyo noon!" (female MC asked him how he called KimJIwon but he didn't seem to hear her as he was so excited to talk about only SHK)

Kong: As I really like Hyekyo noona since All In drama  MC: you're definitely a big fan of her

Kong: Yes,  so I made noona footage(video) and gave her for her birthday gift. MC: Wow, before? (when)

Kong: Last year. when it was her birthday. MC: you're are a real  fanboy even if you're also an actor like her.

Kong: Yes, as I really like her, and  personally, she was a little difficult for me at first,.. MC: of course, you had watched her as a big star before, that's why it wasn't easy for you to work together with her.. 

Kong: Yes,  but she was so easygoing and treated me really well.. MC: I heard SHK is really pretty, I mean she is self-luminous, What was it like about her in person?  Kong: In fact, when script reading,  wow there was SHK,.. uh she was just ordinary style (not as he expected) I mean people used to say that SHK was self-luminous as a real superstar, but I thought she was not to the level of being self-luminous  and just pretty at first,, but as the more I saw her, the prettier she got on and on.. that was just ridiculous ,, when looking at the monitor and kept looking at her shooting .. prettier..MC: you're are too excited!!  Kong: Sorry, I got too excited,, MC: all of sudden, you're being far more excited as you recall that time..  Kong: whenever looking at the monitor, I said it with exclamation that how prettry she was,, pretty.. pretty.. MC: as she is so pretty.....

p.s; as my memory, SHK's real birthday is on November, 22th,, right?  I'm just curious about what gift SJK gave SHK and how jealous SJK reacted if real fanboy, sergeant Kong,  played his own SHK video in front of people at the birthday party,(YAI and KMS were there too)  I sensed that every male actor from DOT is so in love with SHK,,

a video clip  and article that a famous physiognomist talked about SJK's love fortune in star TV a couple of years ago is hot among songsong fans , in star news the physiognomist  said that SJK's general fortune become down in his late- twenties, so he made a good desicion to go to the Army at that time and after the army, in his thirties,  his good fortune will begin.. and between  at the age of 31 and 34,  he'll have wealth and lover at the same time..so he'd better get married then.. (I guess SJK definitely watched this show before bcoz he said he read every single article and comments about him, that's why he knew some of reporters' name in PC.  I read  comments that Kwangsoo's stylist is a friend of SHK's stylist . The owner of the restaurant where songsong treated staffs and co-stars in April was interviewed, saying SHK walked around every table to greet and take care of staffs' table .(that's just like what ansaram (wife) do in korea.)  Songsong made a reservation for 70 people but 120 people  showed up. Songsong splited the bill in half

sorry for  my poor translation, but hope you shippers enjoy it  and thanks for your warm welcoming! 

and thanks for posting amazing video clips, gifs and hawk-eyed insights and analysis.

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@sigang I haven't read your post yet, but I've already liked it because I just know it will make me smile :D Thank you for being a positive force in this thread! *Virtual hugs again*


Okay, finally read it! I'm so grateful to SHK's co-stars because while they praise SHK, they're still honest ... so, you know they're not just laying on the fangirling/fanboying. The guy was honest that he didn't quite see that she was self-luminous when he met her at the script reading, but the more he worked with her, the more enchanting she became. I imagine it must have been a bit similar for SJK ... and he spent the most time with her on the set (and some more before and after filming) :D! And you know, it's not just about her outer beauty, but the qualities she's packing inside!

I don't know what SJK gifted her on her birthday, but I'm sure it's something memorable :D 

@sigang please don't be sorry for you translation! It's great! :)

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Hello Chingus,

I still look around SJK FM in Thailand. As a shipper, I always look for the name of SHK in video clips from the events both press conference and the FM but did not found. However, I feel her everywhere, hehe, forgive me if you feel like its just my delulu. But I really feel that. He always mentioned many things that related to her without saying out her name. The most interesting part for me is when the MC asked him that which part of filming that is difficult for him. He replied that action scenes are difficult because love scenes he had partner (SHK) supported him. BUT Joong Ki! I noticed that every action scenes, you also had many co-workers with you. Hahaha. He may refer that support in the way of creation feeling or atmosphere but I want to think in my shipper way. :wub::wub:

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