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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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To all the people who cared about captain J and people who pm me to ask about her.

You will be happy to know she is fine and is in a good mood! 

Whether or not she comes back here it's her call. 

Keep Voting!! 

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51 minutes ago, lynne22 said:

Yeahh I notice it too haha.. 

And then there is also the hair tying scene... hehe... He say "then compliment me " when he had a hard time tying her hair...:lol: 

Frankly.. SJK seems to have a greater Presence in real live as shown on video compare to in pictures.. it's not that pictures doesn't do him justice. He is already good looking as it is hehe.. but looking at the BTS, seeing the real him (well, as real as we can see on TV), all i can say is WOW.... that is one Manly guyy.... :lol: and his actions with HK is of another scale... 

And as discussed in this thread.. he is genuinely very supportive, protective and loving toward HK... is there anything else we can add to this perfect guy.. 

Ps. anyone who wants to understand more please back read.

And the fish scene. Where sjk calling fish as fishy, and shk calling him baby!! With the type of voice, so cute towards boyfriend..:)

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It's great to see Kyo investing on real estate. We know that she's already rich but she still continue to be humble and down to earth. One of the things I love about her. As for SJK's interview about dating I think it is best for them to not reveal anything not unless they are tying the knot already. The less the public know about their relationship the more peaceful and better for them. 

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I've already installed Baeksang Arts app in playstore, but it's truly difficult to finish the missions to get  many points, ahh i'm so frustated. I want to vote for uri couple. :confused:



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This will be a boring post so you can skip but I just wanna share this tiny happiness here. :) 

So these days i've been talking about songsong couple and DOTS with my friends and they kinda 'dislike' it bcuz i was too OVER (the only vocab i can use to describe how insane i am HAHA)

BUT TODAY, they surprised me. WHY? 

THEY STARTED WATCHING DOTS (it's abit late since dots has finished airing but oh wells) AND WHAT I WANNA SAY IS,

WELCOME TO SONGSONG WORLD! omg, i just cant hide my happiness right now.

I just feel so happy when the friends surround me started to know them, started to like them and ship them.



*My friend's currently watching this scene. She sent me snapchat of it. HAHA

so yap, here's a pic of songsong  ! :heart:





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Hi chingu,

Thanks for always bringing us gifs to smile and dream about. The spontaneous feelings shown by both SJK and SHK can't be faked. They're both so natural in touching each other in their BTS. KBS is not showing us enough of their lovey-dovey moments! Is it because our screen will explode with their heat, especially during their kisses BTS? 

Should we do a mission 007 to steal all the BTS clips and share them here? This thread needs Song Song sweet moments to cheer us up! KBS can be forgiven if they show us the entire wedding scene of our OTP when the day comes. SJK and SHK have the vibes of a couple in love yet staying very cautious. I like that. Totally.   :)

The Songs cannot be replaced for sure. In times like this, let's stay united through our votes! Fighting!

                                                     ~~ Happy Shipping Every Day ~~

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Being watching the BTS for a looooot of times :-p

This scene really shows SJK is a man likes to lead in the relationship!!! 

Enough of rehearsing with the director, My Beauty, come over...rehearse with me...


And this, OMG, what is he doing?  Rubbing his nose???? My delusional mind is on...


Thank you, @hclover96 for making these gifs for me.  Sorry, I had to crop them and delay some frames to enjoy some better actions ;-p

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Hey! Thank you for updating on the China HB interview translation. The way he answered the dating style is DAE BAK! Sounds like he is currently in a relationship, dating and will never reveal it. 

Because he wants to protect his goddess with all he has. And now that the both of them are so popular, he needs to protect their relationship even more!

i was just watching HK dots press con again. I noticed the part when they were taking pics with the grp of fans....right after the photo was taken..their hands were so close to each other..haha! I put it on full screen and re-played it afew times. 

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1 hour ago, MiAmour said:




Even hes not gonna expose it, i guess we all already knew it... :blush:

It's pretty interesting he's not saying anything about his dating style.  He used to say things in the past, but things are different now.  He has a lot more fame nowadays, and other possible reasons like actually being in a relationship.  :D And people can probably stop dragging up things he said 5 years ago to suggest he still acts like that lol. He's definitely grown/changed over the years. 

And his Thailand trip looks like a couple days off with some friends before his fanmeet.  Cute.  

Glad to see this thread moving along and positive.  Let's keep voting and spreading the love.

And  I love their height deference.  It's perfect. Makes for the best hugs. :wub:



cr: dcdots

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@twtwb, thank you for your post. It is very uplifting, and we needed it, and it especially means a lot coming from the person who started this thread.

It is unfortunate, though, that this comment of mine counters the goodwill you and the others just spread. LOL. I need to unburden myself, and I've been wanting to post this since earlier, but got busy with so many things first. So, I apologize for pulling this thread down again.

I only like to bring positive stuff here. I don’t even mind being deemed a resident byeontae as long as others feel good here, which is why delivering this comment doesn’t give me pleasure. But I’m doing it so that people understand why some of us here are unflagging in our beliefs in the Song Song couple and why we are protective of our fellow shippers and the Songs.

When @joongkyo said goodbye, one of my immediate reactions was to quit this thread---either boycott it or just lurk. But then, I realized that there are trolls, antis, and traitorous shippers who will rejoice at seeing us broken. Can you believe it? Even fellow shippers want to have this thread closed down. They don’t express it here, but there are other social platforms where they express their disgust for joongkyo and her “blind” supporters. There are KiKyo shippers who hate this thread but come here anyway to read the updates, most of which @joongkyo worked hard to collect and interpret. There are supposed shippers who report us because they want to see this thread fold. Those same shippers act nice to our regulars but have no qualms calling them sketchy elsewhere. I get it, there isn’t always a welcome mat for new folks, but for the regulars (actives and lurkers), there’s a reason for our increasing suspiciousness …

In the beginning, I lurked in this thread, but I didn’t officially participate until maybe around the 20-something or 30-something page---when the Songs’ agencies acknowledged their meeting in New York. So, I think that’s long enough for me to have really gotten to know the people here.

While it wasn’t as too temperamental then as it is now, the thread had its share of heated disagreements early on. But as the popularity of this thread and some of its contributors increased, we have also seen more trolls and antis invite themselves here. Why they bother, I never understand … well, actually, maybe it's because our reasons to be sailing this ship happily are solid. Anyway, one anti went so far as to take a screen shot of one of our shipper’s comments and post it in another drama’s thread. And that post was ignored by the moderator, allowed to stay irrelevant in that thread for days (or maybe longer), and it was only taken down when it was finally reported. Meanwhile, some antis are bold enough to introduce themselves here and pretend to be shippers, while some just quietly spy. Others claim they’ve returned to Soompi because they wanted to spazz with us but really only came to “burst people’s bubbles.” Whenever they reappear, they have nothing positive to contribute; there’s always a side of cynicism, and when people call them out for their constant negativity, they claim they’re just stating facts, but really, it’s more like they’re being selective about their facts and using them loosely to suit their unrefined argument/observation. On top of these, the contributions of folks in this thread continue to be stolen; joongkyo and others are often not credited. Some people are either unscrupulous or have no grasp of common sense, not realizing that their actions have consequences. There's one information here that just recently blew out of control!

Meanwhile, I don't mind if some view me as her blind supporter because while joongkyo's not the sole reason for why we have almost 700 pages, you have to admit that all her posts have made a difference in that number. She worked hard so that we had something to spazz about for pages!

Joongkyo has gotten into trouble before for being straightforward. She’s been confronted more than any of us either through PM or openly on this thread. Her findings, no matter how thorough and impressive, continue to be questioned. And yet, despite all these, she stuck around this thread. She didn’t even have to open the IG group to everyone, but she did because she actually felt bad for leaving people out. But as soon as people were admitted, shared information already started to leak; the responsible parties weren't thinking about how such a leak might affect Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki. I was never deeply entrenched in shipping and fandoms before, but now that I am, I’ve quickly learned that there are extreme antis out there who will use that leaked info against the Songs and their fans.

Some people see her as brash, but Joongkyo is a responsible shipper, which is why she's direct with people, especially when they're negative and wrong. Whatever information she spills to us is backed with research and verifiable findings. She makes sure the facts about the info will hold up. And when she scolds people, it’s because they’re mangling her information with bad speculation, the kind of thing we don't want spreading. She also corrects people when the facts are simply wrong. Even she has corrected herself before!

As I’ve mentioned to a couple of folks here, Joongkyo usually brings juicy updates, so, it’s fun to have her around. But it’s also her passion that many of us here appreciate about her. When you have a captain with that passion, it makes us feel even more secure about being a KiKyo shipper! It’s addictive and adds to the positive and fun atmosphere that we want to maintain, and it will be missed! I hope she returns, but she has given folks here too many chances.

I hope this is the last time I’ll write something like this, and I’ll continue to come here because I want to stay strong with the loyal Song Song shippers and show the antis, half-a s sed KiKyo shippers, and trolls that even with one of our leading contributors gone (let's hope temporarily), we’re not broken. We’re solid because our reasons for shipping are solid! BELIEVE ME, WE ARE SOLID! :D 

I apologize for the length of this post, and because ultimately, I'm all about being positive, then please enjoy these scans!

Disclaimer: All rights belong to NEW/DOTS and Lim Hyo Seon. Please credit Couch Kimchi for scanning the images.














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Is he on his phone again...Hmmmz

Either texting his bestie LKS or his beau goddess (which I choose to believe). 

Sending her photos of his stay at Mountain Creek and worried about her in Korea - because she was in tears while narrating the special documentary. ;)


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@angieknows your post enlightens me much thank you :) I personally respect Joongkyo's decision, and I believe "leaving" (wish it's temporarily) might be the best for her to calm her heart from all those nonsense hates. As Chewy unnie said, I'm glad to hear she's doing fine. :) For now, let's keep spazzing anything we can to keep this thread stay as positive as it can. Nothing can break us down, our loyalty and love for this thread are bigger than everything else :)

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49 minutes ago, lovesshi said:

From this FB, SJK is now spotting at W Hotel BKK

cr. To the owner 



Another pic cr. in photo




Finally! I was waiting for your updates only!! Thank you!! Please continue to give us updates once you have it. And translate here the juicy parts if it's not too much trouble for the fan meet tomorrow? 

SJK votes dropped below 70% 

please continue voting!! 

@angieknows you are indeed her number 1 fan!! ;) 


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