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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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message received hehe...

Now, i have one question about the voting.... idk why yesterday after i pass to 5 votes. the mission seems to be impossible .... the games are not eaasy :tears:. Can anyone give suggestion on how to complete the game mission?

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I had a major laughter attack while queuing for the cable car line here in hongkong because of your post @joongkyo I TOTALLY AGREE. if anyone's still not 100% convinced and has qualms because of this and that, then we could do nothing for you. 


Also, SJK in SC video is just melting my heart. And he came after the photo of our queen, aaaah all the feels. 


Happy shipping everyone!! *patiently waits for @joongkyo to accept my follow request*

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Hi Chewy Hoe unnie, so to clarify things again, you meant sending her message on IG via dm right? Cos I did not follow the way you've guided (sent a request before your post) so will re-sending one in your format be much easier for joongkyo to go thru them? at the risk of not spamming our dear captain, should we resend again or just leave it be? Anything that we could do to help to ease over the no of request she has to go thru! :) 

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The IG account will be deleted. Things that were not allowed to be posted were posted and we have no ways to verify the person who did it.

Please don't post anymore posts about the IG!


I'm sorry but this is the consequence of people who don't follow simple rules.

Please keep voting!.

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Unbelievable, can't you people follow rules and respect the captain of the ship @joongkyo ?

Why are you people rocking this ship?

Was looking forward to the latest news on SongSong couple, :(

not sure how @joongkyo will share news with us true shippers now , but we will support you captain.

keep sailing shippers and keep voting too...


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19 minutes ago, songsquare said:

Oh man :( but yes you've warned yet people still did it so it's understandable you'll delete it @joongkyo 

her request is very simple but yet some people still didn't READ and UNDERSTAND.


to the person who took and post it in the IG: your comprehension on joongkyo's simple instruction  is "PRODIGIOUS"




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Why people so hard to understand,, J already warned us! She is doing her best way to give us something precious about SS.. Thats really hard work to do! So people, please please appreciate her.. 

J, i know you've been through alot, thankyou for always stand strong.. There are some people that you still can trust, and we trust and care for you too. So very understandable if you want to delete the IG acc. Just want you to know that we always support you no matter your decision. You choose the best way with your regular people that you trust to be your follower. Even i am not include in it, but Thankyou again J for your hard work to this thread ^^


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Now that i wonder how would joongkyo differentiate a true shipper who will keep the secret of our OTP and those who keep on betraying joongkyo


mannnn i'm looking forward for those news,,now i wont be surprise if joongkyo would keep it by her own for a while,,aarrrggghhh im so d*mn wanna know those news,,how can 'you' be so careless with that simple request of joongkyo 


sorry for keep on spazzing since i have plenty of time because my kids busy with their tab on this national holiday :P 

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What??!!! Unbelievable!!! Can't people just help to make life easier!?!? I even followed the IG with my real private acct and now people are just taking things for granted n ignoring rules and making all joongkyo and others' effort in vain. 

*Hugzzz* Joongkyo and each & every real shipper


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Awww I really feel bad for @joongkyo :( For the information she's selflessly shared, all asked was to NOT repost :| Tsk. Even if we hadn't said it enough, we're still very grateful for all the work you've done! Your posts have made our day!

Anyway, let's focus good energy on the Baeksang!!! ☺️

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Well the fact is the person who break the rule is completely cannot read....cannot read, do you want me to teach you how to read like a child? its just asimple rule why you cannot follow the rule...argghh

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I had to come out from the nest. I'm a silent lurker who loves Song Song couple very much. It's been enjoyable reading this this thread but some people just can't follow simple rules and it's really upsetting. :(

Thank you to regular forumers (you know who you are :D) who contribute so much and made so much effort to keep this thread alive. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

Anyway, I will keep voting on our Song Song to keep them on 1st spot. Hope to see them to receive the awards in June. :wub:

Keep fighting everyone.

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can i say this?

to those who are idiotic enough to re post and tag the owner of the ig:

go and learn how to do a PROPER SHIPPER IG. because its amazeball.

you do not need to re post or tag any of SHK or SJK friends! or even SHK herself!!!!!!


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