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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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54 minutes ago, luvforever said:

During their part where they were practicing for the truck kissing scene anyone noticed what they said?

SJK: I need my mom's permission

SHK (laughing): Still? We've done it a lot

SJK: No, I must ask her. I have to ask her.

SHK: You should've have asked already

Wait a minute Kyo did you just slip up and said that you two have done it a lot of times? DOTS didn't have a lot of kissing scenes before the truck kiss so when and where did you and SJK do a lot of the kissing? My mind is going wild:D:wub:

Yeah its like they're in their own world n the director was like "ok..i'll leave u two alone now..." haha..:D

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A Sequel for "Descendants of the Sun"?


Thanks everyone for the constant updates, translations and comments. 

I'm not surprised that KBS and NEW want to produce a sequel to "Descendants of the Sun", given the profits they have gained from the drama. As a matter of fact, this is very expected. There have been a few good examples and many not so good ones. The "Reply"/"Answer Me" series is a good example (it should be noted that, like the "School" series, the script for each season of this series is  different and the main cast for each season is almost totally new). We have also had "IRIS 2", "Mrs Cop 2", "Dream High 2", "I Need Romance 2", and "Queens of Housewives 2" while "You From Another Star 2" has not been realized due to a variety of reasons.   

I would totally support Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki if they decide to do a sequel. I have a lot trust in them and I am confident that there must be good reasons for them to do it if they agree to do it. 

I am more inclined to think, however, that if they do it, it would be a totally new story instead of being the second season that continues the story of “Descendants of the Sun”.

First, as far as I observe, both Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki are the type of actors who would like to challenge their acting ability in new and diverse roles and neither of them would really want to repeat themselves in the role of Dr Kang Mo Yeon or Captain Yoo Shi Jin unless there are something really new and refreshing.

Second, at least one co-writer of “Descedants of the Sun” Mr Kim Won Suk has voiced against the idea of the second season. He said that the story in “Descendants of the Sun” has already been told and he hoped that Captain Yoo Shi Jin would lead a happy life in the future without any more trouble. Personally, I happen to agree with him. Moving forward Yoo Shi Jin and Kang Mo Yeon deserve to have a happy life. If there is the second season, the script writers will have to create new obstacles to their lives.

There are many factors that might affect the decision of the cast to do a sequel; for example, they feel so grateful to the script writer and the production company, or they had so much fun working in "Descendants of the Sun" that they would positively consider working together again. At the end of the day, however, the script will still be the decisive factor. And as confirmed in the news, the cast have indicated that they will need to see the script first before agreeing (or not agreeing) to participate.

In terms of timing, Kim Eun Sook is currently very busy with her upcoming fantasy drama called "Goblin"/"Mr Sunshine" which is tentatively scheduled to be aired in tvN on Fridays and Saturdays from November 2016 to December 2016 or January 2017. "Goblin"/"Mr Sunshine" is not yet ready for production and Kim Eun Sook is still working on the script. Given the airing schedule of the show, it is not likely that the show will be completely pre-produced like "Descendants of the Sun". And if that is the case, Kim Eun Sook will likely be pre-occupied until very late this year or early next year and until then won't have the time necessary to create a good sequel to "Descendants of the Sun" unless she really has the ability to do both well at the same, which is not the practice and not something that tvN would encourage.

In short, if Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki agrees to do it, it will likely be a new story with new characters instead of the second season of "Descendants of the Sun". And if KBS and NEW really proceed with this plan, it will be some time for the script to be out for the main cast's consideration. 

In the meantime, I think the cast will do or consider other projects. Song Joong Ki already has a movie project and many other activities lined up until the end of this year. I doubt that Song Hye Kyo would sit still and does not accept any other scripts while waiting for the script of the sequel. She has said many times that she regretted that she did not work hard enough when she was in her 20s and she would try to compensate by working  more and harder now. It is therefore very likely that the main cast, including Song Hye Kyo, will have other filming projects in-between.

I wish them every success in their next projects and, I trust that, if they decide to come back together to do a sequel, the sequel will also be a success, or at least, something that we should look forward to.


@ilovesjk: Director's cut is a version of a drama that represents the director's own edit and reflects his original intention about the drama without the intervention of the broadcast station or the production company. In the case of "Descendants of the Sun", the director has said that there were decisions made by NEW and KBS that were beyond his control and he was not happy with, including the decisions to insert so many PPL in various scenes. Unfortunately, there will be no director's cut version; the director is known to be quite a perfectionist and it does take a lot of time and resources to do one; NEW and KBS do not have high incentives to push for this considering the profits they gain from selling the DVDs vs. the resources they will provide. I'm not 100% sure of what will be included in the DVD to be released, but according to various articles, it will contain all episodes from 1 to 16 and the behind the scenes footage of these episodes. I hope I have answered your question.

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just watched the epilogue with sub, cant stop smiling and giggling when looking to these two.so many scenes that made me got butterflies, such as :

- how kyo said that they were done a lot of kisses when joongki said he has to ask his mom's permission

- how they reacted when got NG and kyo touched him

- how joongki 'intimidated' minsuk and asked him to explained in details about kyo was being nice to him and kyo just 'watch what u said' and joongki just 'okay' :phew:

- how joongki ROTFL when kyo acted drunk

- how joongki got jealous when kyo too immersed in the dove scene 

- and the photo still on the last there is a still in ep 9 before kiss scene, that look like they're holding hand while walking 

hmmm. Finally i just can say SongSong Couple is so real :wub:


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DOTS officially ended. I'm still not over the Post-drama withdrawal effect yet :bawling:

But I feel so extremely happy for our goddess Kyo:

- She's earned back her fame

- She's earned back her status 

- She's earned much more money

- She's earned so many friends

- She's earned great memories

- She's earned her happiness



Call us delulu and whatsnot, those BTSs freakin sealed the deal. Mr Song is Ms Song's boyfriend and Ms Song is Mr Song's girlfriend. 





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I had to share this gif set with everyone...SHK is so lively you can't help but smile whenever she smiles :heart:







side note: i'm a relatively new fan for song hye kyo, but after watching DotS and its BTS, you can really see that she puts her all plus more into her work. plus, she knows how to enjoy her work and bring smiles to everyone :) 


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Good morning!!

Thank you ladies for the gifs!!

They're too adorable for words!!


6 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Just re-watching the part where SJK is taking an interview of KMS asking him about his opinion of SHK , puppy said she's pretty so SJK said that's something the whole country knows don't you have anything else to add?

I like it!. That compliment means so much more than just gushing over her...hehe


I love that part too:wub:

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SHK is really adorable during the drunk scene... even while watching the drama I was thinking what did SJK think and feel while acting this cute SHK. This lady is so cute even a woman like me fell in love with her cuteness, adorableness. I can't stop watching the bts of this scene, and so happy that both of them enjoyed it so much (though there were lots of ng).

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I don't think I've seen SHK being this bold in any of her previous BTS  ;)  Normally she's very very mindful of how she interact with her co-actors in front of the crew- her reaction towards jokes behind cameras are normally dull and dry.

I have never caught her off-guard nor have I ever seen her staring into her co-star's eyes (off camera) like she did during DOTS.
It pretty much seems like she's over the moon when she's next to him so that she can't control her inner self :P
It's her who's taking initiatives, it's her who's being brave, not worrying about what other people might think or say. You go girl!


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After reading bits of the recaps here plus the wonderful gifs and photos everyone has shared here I am even more inlove with our couple. :wub: Thanks to those who has translated for us and those who has commented. It makes it more pleasurable to back read. 

As for those who is stating our SJK is not at par with our SHK, I will adamantly rebuke your statement. There were countless times SJK could have abandoned SHK to the press and fans but he never left her side. He took to control of the situation like how YSJ did. You wonder why SHK said SJK is like YSJ? Here is your answer. No doubt SHK has started off earlier than SJK, obtaining her status at a younger age, we see SJK taking leaps and bounds to be where he is right now. (I am so thankful DOTS gave him a chance to prove himself to the sceptics.) Who are you to say he isn't at par? As long as SHK believe he is and as long as they both choose each other, we the fans can only watch from afar and support them whole heartedly. Whatever outcome it is. Those who think otherwise can quietly leave this thread. Thank you. 

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What I really love most about dOts is it had a clear-cut impact that created a camaraderie among the cast and crew!

I love watching everyone, from the stars to the crew, to the extras having the time of their life! Everyone seems to be

having a great time! As I expected, Joongki is clearly the jester in the group! He is everywhere!

The lovely SHK, well, it is so refreshing to see her laugh and jest with everyone!

Hmmm....wonder why??? Evidently, she is in a loving and caring environment! It is about time!

Come what may, SongSong will be forever etched in our hearts! Now, now, now, this is making me teary-eyed!

dOtS will be forever known as the catalyst that triggered the sensational and unrivaled chemistry between the Songs!

Not only that, dOtS became the main reason the KiKyo Ship came into existence; it also became the catalyst that

brought us all together! I hope this ship stays afloat  until such time that it is ready to dock!

The Captain and his Beauty have disembarked! twoheaarts

Along with them are little Joonkies and lovely Beauties! Aaah, what a sight to behold!

Pinch me, will you? There goes my dream!  tyty

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The way he was holding her firmly is so manly :wub:


It's like he was saying to the world 'Here's my beautiful girlfriend everyone!" LOL






credits: BAIDU

This scene is funny too. Its like Big Boss and Wolf was trying to get her involved into whatever silly thing they were doing/talking about lol Their fingers even touched at one point :phew: Their radiant and genuine smiles during this are so telling as well :lol:


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I really love that they shared the tower kiss clip (though i wanted it longer for analysis purposes only:D). It seem so real when Joongki gave a shy smile and pull SHK in for the kiss, and again there was no barrier just a full on close kiss, and i loved that before they kissed they smile (in my delulu mind of happiness). I assumed that the tower kiss the chemistry was too strong to share, i mean we were hyperventilating already over the truck kiss. Now im having prayer circle and wishing for their ultimate happiness:wub:. This was no sibling interaction pfttt hhaha ...production ttrying to troll us:phew:.

Another was the scene at the airport track where JinGoo and Snoopy was standing and being interview....SJK immediately moved to SHK sideat their back and because JinGoo was being asked about the time,,,u cant really see it...shows that they cannot be far apart from each other...its like a magnet lolz

Thanks for the lovely contributors of this lovely thread.

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Damn you guys! I have to do a lot of back reading! LOL. I was at work all day! :bawling:

What made Joong Ki rub his head on Hye Kyo's shoulder during the table read? I thought for that particular script reading, they only read episode 9, right? Was he really reacting to that line, "I want to shoot a melodrama with Dr. Kang, but it's a blockbuster"? LOL. Whatever the reason, whether he was loosely acting out a direction in the script or not, it just makes me giddy seeing Hye Kyo accept his impromptu action. She didn't recoil, act surprise, or anything. She just let him on and laughed comfortably with the rest of the people ... (Edit: I love that he closed his eyes while he snuggled his head!)

@lynne22 To answer your question from some pages back ... I need to re-watch the last special to observe the body language. LOL. I was too busy spazzing during the live stream, but I don't think reading the body language is even necessary. Clearly, behind the scenes, they are into each other. The chemistry is absolutely there, and I will never, ever understand why some people cannot see it ... Well, they refuse to accept it, and to an extent, I can understand the reasons, but I'm glad I'm not in their position and I am fully on board this ship :D

But speaking of body language, today I was thinking about their HK press conference again. In particular, I was thinking about that moment when they simultaneously puckered their lips and nodded their heads while listening to the interpreter's translation. From my experience, and from what I've observed, couples---or at least, people who are into each other---adopt each other's mannerisms/habits/behavior/outlook/plans/interests/beliefs/lifestyle/tastes. I've already found a few articles online to support this. LOL. Sure, it could be that because they did film the majority of their scenes together they picked things up from each other, but to me, even just that simple simultaneous and same reaction at the HK press con has me feeling that they acquired the behavior from having spent intimate time together :) They share many of the same/similar actions/reactions and interview answers that point to the very possibility that they learned these from each other because they are dating.

And while Joong Ki seems to have remained consistent about his stance on when to marry, why does Hye Kyo seem to have changed her tune? ;) I look back on my own experience again ... And there was a time back then when I simply did not want to marry, and I also did not want kids. But then I met my ex. LOL. Before my former boyfriend and I became an official couple, we became great friends first and hung out with each other nearly every day. At some point during that time, I actually began to consider marriage and imagined myself with 3 boys! LOL. And in my head, I could see myself with that guy in marital bliss in the distant future. So, maybe there is something about meeting that one person with whom you share a profound connection that you entertain such thoughts. ;) I'd like to think Joong Ki and Hye Kyo are inspiring and influencing each other :D Of course, they can do more to inspire one another intimately if Blossom Entertainment would give Joong Ki some time to rest and vacay with Hye Kyo!


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I know my knowledge of SJK is very limited as I have never took notice of him until he got paired with Hye Kyo in DOTS. tbh, when I saw articles about DOTS having him as the leading role next to Kyo my reaction was kind of sceptical. I had doubts and less expectations. but, when I finally decided to watch the drama, I just could not help but find this man more and more interesting and extremely charismatic.

obviously I haven't watched any f his previous dramas, but by just watching DOTS I could tell that he is an actor with so much potential. However, I just can't help thinking that SHK has played a big role in his successful comeback in this drama. to me she is kind of like a guiding start to him. I can see how he appreciate her support and mostly her opinion about his acting (and may be about everything else as well)- he trust her words very much. BTSs tells me that they definitely have a very strong relationship which surpasses the "just friends" level. It's more flirty and playful to categorised as a mere friendship.

To me, even though he appears as a very playful, fun person, SJK is rather an introverted man. as much as he loves hanging out with his friends and cracking jokes, he knows that he cannot survive without his "quality quiet times" away from the lime light. He is a man who is mature beyond his age or his looks. some can easily label him as a player if not payed attention to his words. his words are serious and honest- because he speaks from his heart. he is a bad liar.

he is the type who is very selective when it comes to choosing friends and (extra selective) his life partner. He's in it to win it! he believes in relationships which leads to marriage. to him LOVE is no game. Once he's in.. he invest himself wholeheartedly in that someone special and is fully committed to her- from then on it's always "Us" to him.

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23 hours ago, jl08 said:



Hello everyone! I'm up and about to do my daily routine until I saw this pic


Why is that woman at the back of our dear SHK is so giddy? Looks like she's gushing over something

that we don't see from our point of view (based on this pic)  :D is there another angle of this camera shot? :rolleyes:

I'm dying to see for myself what's that smile is all about. :phew: 

De Lu Lu mode: ON

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3 minutes ago, Aliesh Nolatgan said:

Hello everyone! I'm up and about to do my daily routine until I saw this pic


Why is that woman at the back of our dear SHK is so giddy? Looks like she's gushing over something

that we don't see from our point of view (based on this pic)  :D is there another angle of this camera shot? :rolleyes:

I'm dying to see for myself what's that smile is all about. :phew: 

De Lu Lu mode: ON

That was when they were talking SJK said he should call his mom to ask permission to kiss SHK and they were in their own world having a conversation about it. I would be acting the same thing too if I was her.

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And yet they only showed us a few behind the scenes of our SS couple and those behind the scenes already gave us butterflies, probably we would faint and unconscious (sorry for being hyperbolic) if we see the rest behind the scene clips which  are gonna be included in the DVD. I think everyone at the filming set has a crush on Goddess Kyo, (especially SJK ... lol, he always looked happy if he filmed a scene with SHK)

This morning, I showed my friends some behind the scenes of SongSong couple and all of sudden, [while watching the clips] one of my close friend said, “I hope they’re dating in real life” and the other one said “aren’t they already dating?” those comments really made my day, I bet my hat they’re [my friends] starting to ship them  after I showed them those clips. I’m gonna show them more because I only showed them a few of it<3 I will spread the SONGSONG love >.<

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