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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@joongkyo  Your efforts in making this thread fun and ship-worthy are truly amazing.  

There are many more seniors/sunbaes to thank here but too many to mention (in reality - I don't remember all - short term memory issues ) You know who you guys are!

*** ok ... now back to my dissertation ***

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Ok. I thought SJK had SHK in his mind before he gave all his replies?


SHK - a feminine, sexy woman with sense, whom SJK prefers to lead because by virtue of her own admission, she's less knowledgeable and more childish than him right? Why else would he, the younger in age, took the lead by acting as a decoy at the Incheon Airport, and 'interfering' with a fan's handshake with our cute and childish Goddess by being her protective bodyguard? She may be older in age but definitely seemed like a younger woman in his eyes. That's why his protective instinct overtook him. Just take a look at how fast he intercepted the HK fan on stage.

Who led the fist-bumps in the HK press con? Who willingly reciprocated? Who deemed it his right to pick up the mic to led the answers to general questions while his precious baby  basked in the cocoon that he had weaved around her?

Btw, the above are based on facts, not fiction.



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So like many of you posted, after joongkyo received and translated the whole transcript, it seems that he had to think about that one question that we actually had a bit of confusion earlier. After he came up with the answer, sure, its one or the other, but it fits SHK. And fits with the way she described herself and people also describe her. I think thats why SJK took a second to answer that one. To make sure he gets it right. 

And a wallpaper on his phone in regards to the shipwreck. Its his private memory. I dont know about SJK and it is not clear if it is just a beach and I doubt he will ever show it, since its something really precious to him. Like wallpapers usually are. For example, I have a love of my life set as my wallpaper. So like joongkyo said, he still treasures it after all these months.

It has a great significance for him and given that its the place where The Kiss happened, I wonder if that is the place where they got together. Where SHK accepted him. So he keeps it with himself, all this time as the most precious memory he has. A day when his life changed forever. At this point only SJK and SHK knows and LKS definitely knows too, but my shipping heart is quite intrigued by this. 

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It took me some time to read through the previous messages. Some time today while I was waiting for the translation of the interview, I saw Song Hye Kyo's post on her Instagram, and  it got me thinking. What if these two were simply testing the waters? Clearly, they are truly much closer than they appear to be; that is much evident in how they act around each other during the press conferences. Screenshot%202016-04-18%2003.07.45.pngScreenshot%202016-04-18%2003.07.54_2.png


Correct me if I am wrong, but Song Hye Kyo's really private. I don't see her posting much photos of herself. Moreover, if she simply wanted to surprise the fans, I think two pictures would be sufficient. Even one  would drive me crazy. I've also noticed that in all the photos, there is the playful, warm, and youthful ambiance from both of them. Like they are really happy. I've seen countless of people getting shipped on screen, yet the level of their chemistry is not this high. Added to all the dating rumors and hints, I think that they are simply being cautious, so as not to avoid any of the mistakes. And, given their personalities, it seems like they would much rather keep things private but sincere -- so like KMY and YSJ. There is also the point that Song Joong Ki was given so much opportunities to deny that they are dating.

Furthermore, I wondered, for a straightforward guy like him, if they were simply friends... He could have used any of those press conferences to say they are not dating to clear her name. That career is his focus. That they are simply good friends. But no; in fact, in almost all the interviews, he has tip-toed around the edges.

I remember when he was asked if his ideal girl has changed; it was a yes-no question, asking whether it changed, but he had to dwell over Song Hye Kyo and how well she treated him. Then again, it's probably just me and this overshipping heart. 

Maybe, there's really a reason why everyone got so much shivers from their kissing scene in the last episode. It's simple and innocent, but there is an underlying hint of sincerity that they were able to project. 

Simply put, I think the ship has already been sailing even  before any of us had realized it existed in the first place. 

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Images from his fan meet! (UPDATED 2x)

I love the guys at DC Inside SJK. I'm sorry for "pilfering" the images there, but these are too good not to be shared here! 

Sources: DC Inside SJK, Top Star News, Blossom Entertainment, Credit as tagged












































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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

Oh, and before I forget. SJK spoke about his phone's wall paper  - it's a picture of that shipwreck beach but that's not the most exciting part. (* this is not part of the earlier transcript*)

He said it was a picture that he personally took. So basically it's a private memory - it's not from the show /BTS.....it's all his, a precious memory taken on the beach between September - October of 2015 and today it's April, 2016. So, yeah....a memory that's still precious after all these months.

Just like in the drama and Seo Dae Young was taking pictures of Lieutenant Yoon's taxis. Although they weren't of her, the photos of the taxis give him memories of her. Same as our SJk! 

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Just stopping by and just wanted to thank @joongkyo for your tireless efforts to keep this thread from getting out of hand. It's situations like this where it really does show that jumping to conclusions is NEVER a good thing. I would like to COMMEND the people who have kept a level head with ALL the negatives that has been brought up this week. I hope for the sake of this thread that when something comes up with our couple that BEFORE posting ask yourself these questions.....


b.) Are you 100% sure? 

c.) Is there a possiblity it can harm her or him?

d.) Are you sure it hasn't been addressed before?

There's been COUNTLESS times where a number of us have had to constantly regurgitate what we have said in previous posts. It's become tiresome to say the least. Please refrain from posting things from the instagrams of yeo_fa and hanie...... When I take a look at some of their posts, I feel they are grasping at straws when it comes to our couple trying to connect ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to them. No offence but they are more so on the delusional side. Especially since they were the originators to the whole hand holding thing(the pic with staff in the desert). Crazy stuff that is..... So in my opinion, there not very reliable when it comes to their "information"


To me he put his foot down, he loves his fans there is no doubt about it but to me, IF these two come out and admit SOMETHING is up whether that is in the near future or the distance future, that is up to him and her and to expect him to CLOSE his heart to her is ridiculous. At the end of the day, he Wants To get married and his fans should respect that and support him regardless of whom it may be or how soon it may turn out to be. I am PRAYING TO EVERY GOD THAT IS OUT THERE....  COME ON AND DO YOUR MAGIC LOL! THESE TWO DESERVE EACHOTHER.

* From how everything is going for this SHIP, I BELIEVE THE WHOLE NATION IS ROOTING FOR THEM! .... It's not Song Joong Ki and Song Hye kyo anymore it's SONGSONG couple!!!   

Big Applause goes to @uknowthat and @joongkyo for what was the final piece to this whole confusion about the ideal girl debacle! 

KUDOS to @khxy and @missandrea @MayS for the translations of the fan meet. 

Thank you to ALL the AMAZING SHIPPERS HERE WHO ARE STEADY AND POSITIVE, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! The bigger this thread, the more TROLLS we have so, let's keep on a look out and REPORT them when needed. Thank you have a wonderful weekend,

P.S. IM ON MY 30TH REPLAY OF THE MOTHER OF ALL KISSES!! .......... KISS THAT HATERS!!! Our couple got no time for negativity they are too busy suckin face!!


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2 hours ago, razledgoose said:

@joongkyo  Your efforts in making this thread fun and ship-worthy are truly amazing.  

There are many more seniors/sunbaes to thank here but too many to mention (in reality - I don't remember all - short term memory issues ) You know who you guys are!

*** ok ... now back to my dissertation ***

OMG I'm doing my dissertation too. This ship makes me want to move to Korea and work for Dispatch instead of continuing with endless LAB reports and data (instead of PICTURE reports of our Song2)

Wow now i'm really thinking about it... Wow

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There is one detail in the drama that always make me question... I don't exactly understand while watching it...I still don't.

So at the shipwreck when Song2 were sitting there, and KMY was drinking wine (I believe they use the same conversation they did before the Wine kiss back in ep 4?) and asked YSJ if he wants wine as well...The moment before the shooting star and the kiss.

If you all watch it again, you can see how YSJ had a really really really sad facial expression. Not the usual "longing" stare, but a sad one. I never understand why SJK looked so sad there when the scene wasn't sad at all. They were just reminiscing their past and supposedly the character's facial expression should have been...different. I just don't see why it would be SAD.

Maybe he was really sad? SJK was actually sad? I can be quite sure this is the last scene in the drama they filmed together in Greece as a couple? This place probably has so many memories between the 2 of them..enough for him to set his wallpaper.

Let me know what you all think... I personally think this is a pretty big "clue" that speaks volume about how SJK feels for SHK instead of how YSJ feels for KMY. It just doesn't match the mood of the character. Go watch that scene again below, starting 3:05

Wow so much rambling. But okay back to the dissertation >.< 


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4 hours ago, Hồ Vi said:

yeo_fa and hanie are two IG accounts which are both hard shippers for KiKyo like us. They posted a lot of hints collected from many different sources such as baidu, daum, ... and from chinese fans

They are too much delusioning, I think, sorry to say. I visit their IG sometimes, I don't know how they easily come to my search display, I like few of their posts, but most are based on speculation, and surely one is very wrong (the wild flowers that was exactly they say the flowers are suspicious as shk posted it in 18.9.2015, it was one day before sjk's bd and in fact, it was not from sjk, but from jojaehyun a.k.a manager jin). Pls see @hclover96 post in shk's thread page 3188/3189, I don't really remember where the post is. 

However, when their posts are making sense, I usually press the like and sometimes share them to this thread. I am trying to be a sensible shipper.

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A million, billion thanks to every single person who helped to translate and contribute! I was really busy today but thanks to you guys I had so much to back read - and in a good way, because it means I had a lot of information to digest!!

My head is swirling so let me gather my thoughts:

  • On his ideal woman - although later thanks to @uknowthat and @joongkyo we clarified that his ideal woman description was based on an A vs B format, I think one thing in particular that stood out for me was this part:
5 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Host : a woman who is  like a younger woman or a woman who is like an older woman (the words Dongsaeng and Noona are immaterial here with reference to age. It's talking about personality).

Song Joong-ki : ... ( trying to come up with an answer)

Fans : Dongsaeng~ Noona~

Song Joong-ki : a woman who is like a younger woman.

It is very important to note here that PR genius SJK hesitated. It is not because he didn't know the answer immediately, but because he was putting some thought into his answer, and the "dongsaeng" answer was his best bet for many reasons: 1) As pointed out earlier on, it is the ultimate Korean female fantasy to have an oppa, in the sense that they want to have a male who is more mature. Considering that SJK is at a fan meet and is known to be very considerate of his fans' feelings, this would be the most pleasant answer and 2) if he chooses "noona" here, although we are talking about personality, it will be too easy for people (especially his possessive fans) to misconstrue his answer as referring explicitly to SHK.

Moreover, as other have so helpfully pointed out too, SHK has herself admitted to feeling more "childlike" beside him, so I'm sure SJK knows that and finds her adorable enough anyway~~


Of course we also can't forget that he has also declared a revolutionary change in preference from "tall" to "small in built", something that his longtime fans have noticed so this makes me very happy!!

  • On his desire to get married - I am new to Korean shipping, but during my brief journey here so far I have observed that in the Korean pop culture industry, romantic relationships between celebrities are frowned upon because it affects fans who tend to want their oppa for themselves. Against all odds however, not only did SJK choose to be very honest with his fans (that he wants to get married in his 30's aka now), he also seems to be answering like this as a way of preparing his fans for the eventual and hopefully inevitable announcement. He is reminding his fans that he is a "normal person" who would one day like to live his own personal life with his life partner too, and therefore I truly applaud him in taking such a risky step despite being at the peak of his popularity right now.


The way I see it, he has also subtly been preparing us in many ways, such as always praising SHK for her acting abilities, experience, personality and beauty. The fact that he bringing her up over and over again too, even in the questions that do not mention her (as @angieknows_11 highlighted in another post), suggests that she is always at the fore of his thoughts - this is what happens when someone important to you has entered your life and leaves an indelible mark :wub:

  • On his handphone wallpaper - Many of you posted the behind the scenes photos of them at the shipwreck as possible candidates for his wallpaper. I don't know about you guys, but actually when I first read about that tidbit of information, the first thing that came to my mind was this scene:


Before you guys think this is irrelevant to this ship, do you guys remember why YMJ said she fell in love all over again? It's because SDY said that every picture of the taxi was like a picture of YMJ to him. Likewise, KMY said before that the movie represented YSJ for her... I think you can see where I'm going with this ^_^ Basically, not only is the picture that SJK took of the shipwrecked beach personal, it probably also has a whole underlying meaning to it that would include the memories he made there with SHK, to say the least.

All in all, I feel like SJK (and maybe his agency) have been working out a very nifty way of letting this ship sail without injuring the momentum of his rising stardom. Because of that, I want to say how grateful I am that he has been so careful with his words, making sure to let us know the truth without actually having to tell us anything. And because this gesture is so sweet, I only wish them happiness all the more and hope that they don't hastily announce anything without properly thinking it through. They have given me more than I can ask for and in turn I want nothing but the best for them. Let us remember also to ship responsibly because I'm sure they would appreciate it themselves; they are only human after all :)

On an ending note: Isn't it amazing how the most beautiful shipwreck in the world is the best memory SJK has of this ship that is so obviously sailing? :lol:

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@razledgoose screw my vacation... 

Btw He didn't deny the dating rumor, he said he wants to get maaried in his 30s (WHICH IS A VERY BIG DEAL FOR A RISING HALLYU STAR) . His ideal girl is very much SHK .. and he said to trust him in work/personal/love life .. 

He admitted his screensaver is the shipwreck ...  During recent pc , his anwers keep circling around SHK .. sometime mentioning SHK would be out of topic but he continue to do it. 

Why feed 'shipper trolls'? It will encourage the dating rumor ... why not put a stop if it's not true? .. WHY?     WHY IS SHK AGENCY DIDN'T do anything to stop the dating rumor? 


So obvious ... 

And those who still have doubt after all this :D .. I'd like to say .. adios amigos ... 



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Much appreciated for the translations @joongkyo as usual! (I hope you're happily asleep dreaming bout SS somewhere!) And hi @uknowthat even tho you may not be a SS shipper but out of your own initiative, to calm an impending storm here, you created an account just to clarify the doubts for us and for that, 감사합니다 ! 

I guess this puts things in perspective (and finally calm some shippers down) what that younger/older woman portion meant during the fanmeet. Frankly idk why at this point, that still seems to be an issue cos with all's that happened with SS since day one all of us shipped them, SJK has been more like an oppa to her than her as a noona to him. What we've seen has been a protective streak from SJK and one who's led her and take charge to do this and that, rather than the other way round. And I'm sure both of them like it this way, or whatever way that rocks the boat/ship of their relationship.  
Nonetheless, ofc it was a fanmeet therefore making fans happy is the bulk of it yet his answers, even if it's by options given, it was /his/ choices at the end of it and by how SHK is like as a person, we've all reached that conclusion that he's describing her (I mean, is there anyone who thinks otherwise at this point?) and for me, that's enough for a shipper's heart instead of going into a frenzy if he prefers a younger/older woman and noona/sunbae terminology etc that's been gg on since his pc. 
Like what many of you have pointed out too, his stance on wanting to get married and his wallpaper of the beach that he personally took in Greece, plus him declaring that he much prefer a smaller built woman now (shorter than kwangsoo lmaoooo these bffs srsly crack me up big time) and all other SS happenings before this, it bore loaaaaaaads of significance to this man and all of us here are willing to bet all we have that a huge bulk of it has got to do with a certain goddess. There has and will always be smth to be happy about in the rational shipping of SS! All in all, SJK is the true master of this ship with no plans of sinking his own ship, and he's a very smart man who is darn sure of what he wants in life, so as what he said, have faith in his work and his life! 
Good morning all and have a great Monday! 
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Joong Ki was spotted in Gangnam today......am I the only one who thinks that he is holding a bouquet of flowers?? I've tried super zooming and from every angle they look like flowers to me

If they are flowers....I'll let my delusional shipper mind take over. 

ADDED: Just wanted to add that sure enough a fan gave these to him :) still sweet

CR: as stated in pictures 




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Don't mind me ..  a little delusional ...

Song Hye Kyo's sentiment " I will try to be an even better actress and better human being..  I love you all "   echoes/mirrors  Song Jong Ki's letter to his fans  

" Have faith/trust in me as an actor and my personal life " (not sure the exact words.. sorry)

TWO PEAS IN A POD -  They think alike ....  

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