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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@convalescent  Amazing.  Amazing. Amazing. 

Your words are so eloquent and uplifting.You put everything in perspective and it keeps me liking this thread because of your presence (and of course our sunbaes and seniors here --  ehem {you know who you are})

Unlike me -  I just scream in bold letters and talk about "panties in a bunch"  hahahaha - I apologize for the lack of words.  I work in a hospital so eloquence and finesse is not my forte.     

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On 4/14/2016 at 10:16 AM, joongkyo said:


First - Don't quote pictures and gifs.

Second - Nope she isn't stopping him.

Actually if you notice they're sitting on the edge of the ship when the kiss starts, both of them have one hand on the surface of the ship TO MAINTAIN THE CENTRE OF GRAVITYso that they don't topple to the ground (*ouch*).

Which is why when SJK gets too into the kiss and forgets maintaining the centre of gravity, she has to move her hand to his arm  other wise the positioning of their kiss would change and they might fall down. If anything she is pulling him closer so that the space between them is less so that they have to worry less about their balance.





16 hours ago, joongkyo said:

@janine febe that's obviously not the same jacket, look at SHK's jacket's inner lining it's not entirely black at the collar like SJK's jacket.

@elenakerr that's obviously not SS holding hands. Unless they've both managed TO BEND THE LAW OF PHYSICS, there is no way that they hold hands between the bodies of people between them.

People everything posted on the instagram and the internet isn't *PROOF*.

Please, remove posts that spread false information.

Also, SJK and SHK will do whatever comes naturally to them. Citing what other couples have or haven't done is I think pretty futile.


@joongkyo I love how you justified your explanations with science. I've noticed that after you said such reasons, no one dared to question it anymore. Well I guess, no one could defy science. Hahaha.



13 hours ago, sscouplefanvn said:

The interview is out now. Here is an extract: 

Q: While filming “Descendants of the Sun,” which actor or actress gave you the most help or inspiration? (Partly asked by Melina, Nywe Elton-Bott Kara Wynona, Endah Purwaningsih, Feri Novita, Nur Amizah Rozali, San San Hirando, Meevie Love Toledo)

First of all, veteran actor Kang Shin-il, because I really respect him as an actor. He sent a long message to me after we exchanged phone numbers, and it really touched me. 
Also, I think Song Hye-kyo influenced me the most, as she spent the most time with me during the filming. She was always considerate of everyone around her and her behavior is a living proof of why she is such a great star. Actually, she filmed all the difficult scenes -- episodes in which Kang cries in sadness after Yoo’s death -- all at once when I was in bed due to the injury. It must have been really pressuring and difficult, but she volunteered to do it. 
For Jin Goo, he is always very relaxed and I really want to be like him the next time I work with people who are less experienced than me. 
Lastly, David McInnis was another actor that I‘m extremely thankful toward. I respect the attitude and passion he holds, even in a foreign country.

Here is the link for full details: http://m.kpopherald.com/view.php?ud=201604151849521813701_2



I got really excited when I first saw this article of Kpop herald because two of my questions were chosen. What made me feel more ecstatic was when I found out that SJK answered SHK. I'll surely print this article, frame it, and hang it on our wall. Hahaha!

12 hours ago, twtwb said:

Happy Together


Many thanks, everyone, for your updates, comments and support. A big thank goes to the translators. I might have spent much more time here than I expected which has some impact on my daily work and life but I don't regret it at all. As a matter of fact, I am very thankful. It is hard to find a place with so many hearts where people come together because of love and share their love in a very lively, lovely, sometimes innocent and most of the time very respectful manner. Your posts indeed bring a lot of smiles to me. And I hope to continue to see that spirit in this thread. Whatever differences you have, I hope that we will continue to stay happy together as we have one common thread which has helped to connect us: our love and/or for Song Hye Kyo and/or Song Joong Ki individual and as a couple onscreen and offscreen.  

The drama has ended but our feelings remain, mostly thanks to Yoo Shi Jin acted by Song Joong Ki and Kang Mo Yeon acted by Song Hye Kyo. The couple both came off so sweetly but so naturally in their scenes. You don’t even need to hear them speak. You don't need to understand their joking or cheesy lines or love confession. You don’t even need to know the context. Just simply look at the way they look at each other, hug each other, smile with each other, kiss each other, touch each other, and act in front of each other, and you will see love, peace and happiness. All came off very naturally at a degree very rarely seen in movies and dramas, in Korea, Hollywood as well as elsewhere. This must be the result of the combination of two factors: the talents of the two actors and their personal and professional relationship.

And the peace and happiness go beyond the screen. And I'm not speaking about their conferences with the press, their interviews with the media or their interactions in the public, I'm talking about the behind-the-scenes footage and photos in real life that were captured when the two actors were most comfortable, and more or less just being themselves. Again, simply have a look at these photos and footage, and you will find peace and happiness of them being together. The photo posted above is an example. There is no need for you to investigate whether they were holding hands or not. This is not even the photo of only the two of them. But please have a look at the photo with heart and you will find heart. Like what they showed us onscreen, their smiles offscreen are also very natural, sincere and precious. I rarely see them (especially Song Hye Kyo since I know Song Hye Kyo more) this happy and comfortable while being with other friends and previous co-stars. I bet that the behind-the-scenes photos and footage that will be released next week will further confirm my point.

Again, I am not claiming that I have inside information to be sure of their relationship status. In other words, I can’t say where they are in their relationship at the moment. But from the observation of a guy who has experience in love and in life, I can say that at least for now, these two are happy together and like spending time with each other. 

As to whether, how and when they should make their relationship public if they are indeed in a relationship, I don’t think I am in the position to advise. They are both mature people with a lot of experience and stakes at hand and will make decisions that are best for them. More than anyone else, they know what would be in their best interests whether to confirm, stay silent or deny. As long as they are happy, I would support their decision. 

For now, let us treasure the moment of them being happy together and of us being happy together. Let us enjoy the moment while we can and as long as we can.

Credit of photo: photo owner


@twtwb My heart was moved with this. I can't do anything but cry. Especially with your last statement. :(


I am still a newbie here. The forum was already in its 339th page when found out about it. Actually, I am still in page 42 since I'm really planning to read everything. I've jumped to page 368 after the last page because I wanted to find comfort since I am also suffering from separation anxiety over DOTS. I've finished reading 368-395 and I can't count how many times I've cried upon reading your posts. I've seen the transtion of the topics - from the happiness of the kissing from the finale episode, to worrying before the PC of SJK, and to analyzing the answers of SJK after the PC. This forum has been truly a roller coaster ride.

Let us keep on supporting and protecting the Song Song couple no matter what. Fighting, KiKyo Army!


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Oh, the price of fame! The price you pay for being ultra popular! Being an actor/actress especially when you are this hot & famous, people will definitely scour good and bad stuff about you. Privacy will definitely be violated as millions of people are ultimately and obviously going to be curious of your life story, love life, your whereabouts, etc, etc. SJK now does share the same sentiments that SHK has to deal with media and regular and ardent fans for many years. Not that he has not dealt with this kind of intrusion in the past, but these days, he has become Korea's and all other countries across the world's most sought after star. It is to no wonder that SHK seemed to be guarded over the course of time as she she knows first hand how powerful media plays and meddle with her personal affairs. THERE ARE BOUNDERIES PEOPLE!!!! In any given day and time, bounderies should be held up high and practiced. It's common sense people of the world! Common courtesy as well should be given to any celebrity and respect their personal time and give them a break at some point! However it may go, there will always be that someone who will poke and pry in SJK and SHK's private matters especially now, they are the talk of town these days. In the meantime, just enjoy the road to popularity SJK, it may be difficult along the way. Maybe SHK will  give you pointers and good advise how to avoid these barrage of nosy people! This is not the end of it, they will haunt and hunt him/them down for many, many years!! 


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Late mid.. N i just wake up n readed this thread.. I'm not done back reading but just too itchy to tell mine..

Been shipping for third now..  so yes the up n down .. Happy sad momment is real n you must have strong base to keep in sailing

That recent pc surely not stoping me is like watching the first pc .. N maybe even if they deny it i will not believe till they announce dating others then i will stop sailing like my first sailed bikyo

I'm not gonna bragging mine of view is enough said by twtwb,joongkyo n others here.. But i believe inside me just click n i believe in them.. That's all

Ship this couple n i'm gonna enjoy it but with logical side too.. Not gonna side blinded n foolishly pushing them to ended up together in the end.. All the best for them..  Wish they become a happy n succes person forever ..  Both had givin me the joy n dots becoming my fave kdrama so far..

I'm not gonna abondened this ship yet.. I'm gonna ship this till the end of the "revealtruth" 




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I will delurke again to join the "ship responsible" part of this forum.

I have to say I was kind of irk with some pre and post today's PC comments as I see most of the shippers here were. I was amazed how some of us thought he will actually say they are dating, lol. People, this is korean entertainment they live in, where dating means scandal, where are sasaeng fans are roaming the streets, where people went to this guys' house in a village to take pictures! I haven't thought for a second this pro actor will actually put in danger his girlfriend, his and hers career and public personas.     

What I do think is he got home after the PC to his "pretty, very pretty" "senior" and "enjoyed the rumors together" and giggled about how smart he dodged the questions :D

I really enjoy all the comments here, the pervy ones, the heartwarming ones, the delulu ones, but it's their real lives we are talking about so let's keep it real!




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Hi all

My 1st thought of this ship :phew:

I'm first and foremost a shk fan and I consider myself not as an avid shipper, I'm more a MY-SJ hardshipper, but learns to love shk-SJK as a couple as well. Frankly, I am a rational type who believes in evidence than shipping a couple in a drama bcos of their onscreen chemistry, I have never done that before and have no plan for that in the future...it's tiresome. I don't have much imaginations in my mind and isn't the type who likes to speculate either. I never thought before the incident in NYC that I should ever visit this shipper thread though :lol:But since I really have  problems to buy the  NYC incident as a coincident encounter though coincidence do happen,  I cannot buy this one as much as i want to. I don't know what their relationship right now, but one thing is certainly for me that they are more than common friend.

I've been a fan of SHK over 10 years and has cried a lot over the years through the difficult times she had esp the time Kyo and HB break up. She was a lot in China and also had her korean movie *Today* at that time  and HB with SG. Kyo got a lot of bashings and nonsense comments from everywhere. It was the time where every day there were tons of crap reports about her and while Binnie was up there in the moon, she was down in hell :tears:. It was not Binnie's faults of cos, perhaps  they were just not meant for each other...we are outsiders and we dun know the truth, but i could understand for somehow why the break up  * sighs *. I think most shk fans were heartbroken as i was and we understand how hurtful and tough time she had and  that was the price for having an open relationship . Kyo has talked many times then that she will never be open if she is in a relationship anymore and I understand that and supports her 1000%. I don't expect anything from them at this time honestly . In fact, I kind of relieved for the PC today, I can understand based on sjk's interview which posted at the Dots thread that he did not want his private should be exposed to the media, which I  completely have understanding for why he was saying so. Somehow i feel he was protecting Kyo as well and i'm thankful for that, I don't think we could hear anything from them soon unless they are ready and i am all for this. They don't need this kind of exposure. I think we should just be glad if we can get occasionally hints that they are out to eat with friends or they still share the same stylish. Such small hint is more than enough for me and i'm not even an avid shipper :lol: . I'm happy as long as they are happy.

I love both and want both 2 the best in life whether they are in rel or not...i believe they are more than friends though.

I'm a quietly shipper :P


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I love this part in the beginning of final episode. KMY going Bipolar on YSJ! Hahaha! I am going to go bonkers and go crazy if it were to happen to me too! LOL.

SHK and SJK are simply amazing with their craft! Looove it! At least do some photoshoot or CF together if we aren't going to see you again together in a drama or anywhere else! Gaaaaaah... :tears:



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OMG .. I don't know how many times my toilet bowl witness me crying .. huhu .  It's 5.30 am and it's becoming my ritual to sit here and read every post .  Why toilet? So that I don't get caught crying by my hubby.. he will be angry if he see me behave crazy and cry for 'no reason' .. He was angry before .. why did you cry and let yourself be burden by some actor/actress you don't even know.. :D .. I alwaysngo heeeee :D (grinning sheepishly) ...

I guess he hate to see me get upset for no reason ... aigoo what he didn't know is that .. I was not crying because I am sad.. :D .. 

I am touched to see such lovely people came forward to defend and give positive input to this thread.. thiis mean a lot to me 

I give 'like' to every post be it negative or positive. For those negative ones I will try to understand .

BUT WHAT I HATE THE MOST is irresponsble people that steal from this thread (yeah I know not from my post cause all I do is create drama in this thread.. wahaha spice it up a bit kekekkee).

I better stop .. Actually what I want to say in this post.. my main reason for this post is :






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Good day every one !  What an amazing beautiful ending of DOTS our songsong are so good looking together :)

Tell me if im crazy i had a dream last night i join a beauty contest and its just apear to me our joong ki hug me and congratulate to me. How crazy is that one.hehe im super lucky candidate but sadly it's just a dream :(

I hope our songsong couple will continue to cherish whatever they have right now eventhough the drama has ended :)

Fighting Songsong couple :)

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Hey hey,morningssss.You know what gonna happen when the BTS and special eps are out??Explosion!!!Its their True Self we are going to see,they can't hide further.So I think a PC is necessary ,SJK has to stop nonessential and nonsensical remarks coming their way after the BTS.thanks to some immature fans that Blossom Ent has to take actions.Well,Why not?Its a clear warning"Leave ME,SHK,LKS and My Family alone.

I mean we have to thank him for dropping hints of how much he admires SHK despite having so many burdens on his shoulders due to the many changes in his life .Good job there,JK!(So U are willing to be a decoy in Korea airport because you really wanted to do something for her huh?So you went all the way out in interviews to protect her interest huh?) :phew:.How Sweet.

There are many PC and interviews prior to each dots Eps being aired,seems like they are brainwashing or rather ,educating those ignorant viewers how to think righteously and give the actors the honours they deserve.eg,(Many think that SHK is famous for her looks but its her inner beauty which makes her a true star) ,Therefore,Its the same concept for yesterday's pc.For us who believe in JK.He just made us prouder.

We are rational shippers and responsible with our words and posting here.We stand strong n believe in what we saw and we kept the excitement within here..Sometimes i feel that we are the true Alpha Team,so efficiemt,so secretive but yet so loyal.haha

So wait....be patient....the truth will prevails ,meanwhile,believe in your heart,believe in what u see between Hk and Jk and lastly, believe the shippers here. 

What a nice day to continue our lovely journey.....

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I just finished backreading and finally read all of your post regarding SJK prescon. I'm actually very very happy and surprised. I'm happy and surprised that he mentioned her quite a lot in his answer even when the question itself doesn't have anything do to with her at all. It's not like they directly ask about his acting with her. But SJK just took it to himself to make sure he mentions about her and compliment her. 

1. He mentioned her when asked about who influence him. Said that she's very considerate and also that he's touched and grateful toward her action. Would like to be more considerate like her in the future he said. 

I like that he mention her in list of people who influence him. Means that he really appreciate her, and that she affects him  to the point he feels influenced by her behavior. That's something. Being influence by someone means that we take time to pay attention to them, and we like what we see, and we are touched, so we feel like we want to be more like them to be a better person and or simply because we like them so much. So for him to add her to the list in my opinion is really a good sign.

2. He mentioned her again when asked about his hallyu status. He could just answer it by saying how he feels about being a hallyu star. but noo, he has to mention her too. lol. and then goes on to mention LKS, his best friend. For me, like some of you here mention already, means that he values her like he values his best friend. and that't not something to take lightly. You simply did not put just anyone in the same regard with your bestie, that person has to be really really special IMO. and in here, he mention again how he learn a lot from both of them. Means that he thinks highly of their opinions, advices, and look up to them. They are important for him. or else, why would he want to learn from them?

3. And again he mentioned her when asked about his ideal woman. why did he have to do that? lol. it's not necessary. at all. they didn't ask him about the "who", they only ask about "what" his ideal type is. The question only asked about what his ideal woman is and whether or not it has changed. He could answer by saying he likes someone who is wise and sensible. the end. that would be enough to answer the question already. but no, its not the end yet. he probably thought about certain someone when he thinks about ideal type. so he can't help to mention her again. lol. Basically admitting he spends time with her a lot. also goes on admiring her, saying that she deserve her fame, how considerate she is, what she did for him during filming and how much he appreciate it. 

Personally I think this was like an indirect confession. lol. In my head, it's like he mention how he appreciate her and what she did for him. that he's grateful for her, and also saying that she has the best personality and heart.That she is indeed a woman who is wise and sensible. His type. His ideal, His. period. lol, I'm being delulu. :phew:

It's just for me, its kind of surprising and telling that he mention her this much. Normally, costar only mention their other costar once or twice and say basic things like they're pretty and also good at acting and they are happy to work together. they didn't rave about their awesomeness, their personality, how they handle their fame, how they are influenced by them and gush about them when asked about their ideal type. If that didn't show how much he adores her and think about her then I don't know what is. haha. he mention her as his senior didn't even faze me. lol. His answer is much more telling than him calling her his senior. after all, we all know he calls her without honorific in her presence before. several times. so it wasn't a mistake. 

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10 hours ago, lovely_skham_stv said:


*TROLLS: Your posts will be IGNORED IN THE FUTURE, I know who you are.... (a.k.a -> trainee, 1 post) GIVE ME A BREAK.


last 4 days was aka  trainee +2 posted an enlarge picture of u know who with hye kyo that were cropped from a poster...

ps: trolls i also know who you are. please stay press 


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I actually wish for Song Joong Ki to not admit or publish that they are more than friends because that is the best for everyone. Those who just bias Song Hye Kyo lately, those who likes her since DotS, those who attract on her because she is with SJK and those who ship Song couple because they looked so real and so gorgeous together.. you guys probably never understand the feeling of a Kyonatic.. to us.. she is not only our idol.. or our Queen or our Goddess. To us, she is like our sister, our best friend, our role model.. she gave us all that she can in a shape of her devotion as an actress.. she treats us all equal and with her.. we smile, we laughed and we cried together. We probably never gonna meet her in person but I'm sure she knows and realize how much she means for us and how her happiness is ours too..

Never in my 11-12 years of adoration and love to her, that I not seeing harsh and rude comments bombarded her like she's some kinda criminal.. crazy lunatic sesaeng fans threaten to kill her, they put animal's dead bodies in a box in front of her house's gate, comments so extremely and painfully rude is like her daily newspaper, trashing her like she's some kinda w**re, and so many other as sharp as Army knife stabbing your heart accusations from her unbelievably heartless haters and antis. From one scandal to the others.. these people were so obsessed in waiting for what happen next to find a slight of anything that they can do to bash her..  It was so darn depressing she was dissapointed in her own country and people.

What has she done wrong? NOTHING. Just because she felt for her partner.. is that prohibited? she is born perfect as a woman.. is that a sin? God pity her for her fatherless upbringing.. and give her strength and talent to stand alone and to take care of her mom.. is that not allowed? I just can't understand why, how, what is the reason for her antis and haters.. it's been 12 years and still can't get the answer.. but I'm proud and happy to see her.. against all of those.. fighting and supporting herself.. with her tiny body and her small legs... she stands up bravely and put her chin up! That's what you all should know..

To those in Instagram who use my Kyo as their object of shipping obsession, using her photos, drawing her face and even connecting her and SJK via those apple, hairband, flowers, dogs (hello those are totally different dog don't they know stambom and pedigree? please stop) sofa and anything else.. my blood was raging to the brain and I want to throw a table towards them.. but then I realize... these are only some non Kyonatics attention freaks beetch whose enjoying their 15 minutes of fame because many people who happened to not understand English or not even know that this thread exist are following them.. well.. their time is almost up..

All I want is for her to be happy.. what's the point of all the money in the world when you are unhappy? Her happiness is mine too. And if by shielding her and protecting her from all craziness is what SJK chooses as a way of keeping their relationship private and personal.. as a way of him expressing his love to her.. man you can have all my support.

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Reminds me of this thread... 

Remember when Dr. Kang told us she have a boyfriend.  She's too busy you see. 


@Prentiss  Yes!.  I'm going to start reporting trainees who come in here with negativity.  If you don't want to get reported, at least introduce yourself first before you post BS.

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24 minutes ago, raniryu said:

I just finished backreading and finally read all of your post regarding SJK prescon. I'm actually very very happy and surprised. I'm happy and surprised that he mentioned her quite a lot in his answer even when the question itself doesn't have anything do to with her at all. It's not like they directly ask about his acting with her. But SJK just took it to himself to make sure he mentions about her and compliment her. 

1. He mentioned her when asked about who influence him. Said that she's very considerate and also that he's touched and grateful toward her action. Would like to be more considerate like her in the future he said. 

I like that he mention her in list of people who influence him. Means that he really appreciate her, and that she affects him  to the point he feels influenced by her behavior. That's something. Being influence by someone means that we take time to pay attention to them, and we like what we see, and we are touched, so we feel like we want to be more like them to be a better person and or simply because we like them so much. So for him to add her to the list in my opinion is really a good sign.

2. He mentioned her again when asked about his hallyu status. He could just answer it by saying how he feels about being a hallyu star. but noo, he has to mention her too. lol. and then goes on to mention LKS, his best friend. For me, like some of you here mention already, means that he values her like he values his best friend. and that't not something to take lightly. You simply did not put just anyone in the same regard with your bestie, that person has to be really really special IMO. and in here, he mention again how he learn a lot from both of them. Means that he thinks highly of their opinions, advices, and look up to them. They are important for him. or else, why would he want to learn from them?

3. And again he mentioned her when asked about his ideal woman. why did he have to do that? lol. it's not necessary. at all. they didn't ask him about the "who", they only ask about "what" his ideal type is. The question only asked about what his ideal woman is and whether or not it has changed. He could answer by saying he likes someone who is wise and sensible. the end. that would be enough to answer the question already. but no, its not the end yet. he probably thought about certain someone when he thinks about ideal type. so he can't help to mention her again. lol. Basically admitting he spends time with her a lot. also goes on admiring her, saying that she deserve her fame, how considerate she is, what she did for him during filming and how much he appreciate it. 

Personally I think this was like an indirect confession. lol. In my head, it's like he mention how he appreciate her and what she did for him. that he's grateful for her, and also saying that she has the best personality and heart.That she is indeed a woman who is wise and sensible. His type. His ideal, His. period. lol, I'm being delulu. :phew:

It's just for me, its kind of surprising and telling that he mention her this much. Normally, costar only mention their other costar once or twice and say basic things like they're pretty and also good at acting and they are happy to work together. they didn't rave about their awesomeness, their personality, how they handle their fame, how they are influenced by them and gush about them when asked about their ideal type. If that didn't show how much he adores her and think about her then I don't know what is. haha. he mention her as her senior didn't even faze me. lol. His answer is much more telling that him calling her his senior. after all, we all know he calls her without honorific in her precense before. several times. so it wasn't a mistake. 


This is beautiful. TRULY BEAUTIFUL. Why stress on two words (sunbae, noona) when he made a battalion of praises and complete admiration about her? I agree on what everyone said. It doesn't matter what he calls her, what matters is how he feels about her. And i bet my internal organs that RESPECT AND ADORATION FOR HER is there, has always been and will always be. Isnt that greater? I believe it is. He thinks highly of her. That is a fact. And no one, absolutely nothing, could change that. Not crazy fans, media, future working relationships with other actors and actresses. NOTHING WOULD CHANGE THAT. it will just grow and grow as time progresses. SJK is a wise and sensible man for saying the things he said and doing the things he did. He may not be a soldier in real life but the way he shields and protects SHK, is something that deserves commendation and recognition. This, you earn our trust in being the man for our SHK. 



Sidenote: it's actually a fact that when you got some feelings for someone, you just can't stop talking about that person. Lol 


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10 hours ago, angelicXD said:

I think SJK once say that if he is in a relationship, he will make time for it. Correct me @ilovesjk about this. 

If they are meant to be, no matter how busy they are they will not give in to distance and schedules crap. If two people really love each other, time and work is not an issue. So, this will totally be a test for them. 

Somehow, they still find way to go eat so when in Korea, it looks like busy schedule isn't an issue. 

Also, when dating, don't couples usually eat out a lot? I see this with celebrities couple all the time. They eat out a lot when dating and food always is a happy place to be. Lol It brings happiness. I wonder if SJK will fully enjoy the food because of his new role requiring to be skinny.

LOL it makes me think about the amount of $$ and time we put into "Food and Drink" while dating. It really is mind-boggling... Seriously... if anyone caught them at the movie also...then tadaa. wedding bells are ringing

I think it's like that for EVERYONE, not just celeb hehe. So yeah...using common sense (apply normalcy here..our Songs may be famous but they're also just human beings) They are indeed going on DATES :D

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Body language does not lie, friends. In all his previous screen kisses, it's about showing off what a good kisser he is (and boy is he good). But it was essentially about him. The other party was just a supporting role, like a backdrop.

Here the dude is losing control not of his body but of his emotions. There's so much vulnerability and intention. Body language does not lie. Involuntary micro-movements do not lie. Yes, they're both good actors and it is my opinion that if good actors exhibit a real sensation then it was real, no matter what the outcomes or constraints are.

More costars fall in love with each other than we will ever know about because they walk away from the attachment, whether that's because they have real constraints (like they're already married or the age/cultural/political/career-choice gap is too big) or, simply, because they lose interest. But that attachment, the inability to bear letting go, was never not real.

So... SS couple may continue or not, they may tell us or not, but passion has already transpired. It is as clear as day. It can no more be willed by us to last longer than it can be willed by any one of them to not have existed.

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The struggle is real suffering from DOTS SEPANX. First thing in the morning, the thought that crossed my mind; DOTS has already ended. It's so hard to wake up each morning, get up and arise from bed knowing that it really has ended 2days ago. My attachment to DOTS is quite ridiculous. I wanna drink myself into oblivion, should i do that zero nights and three days then? (Crazy, ain't i?) Well the only thing that keeps me going is this thread. I so love the beautiful and positive insights right here. Those made me look forward and have kept the faith in me burning for our SongSong/KiKyo Couple. I truly want them to be together for real. Chincha,chinchaji.. Lifting up my prayers to God, sincerely hoping He will make this possible. Jehbahl. :heart::expressionless:

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