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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@joongkyo Thankyou again for ur hard work and dedication to this thread especially with your translations it was spot on in my books. Keep posting I love what you and everyone has to say :)

The English translated SJK interview at Kbs 9:00 news is up. Love it so much!!! Enjoy ladies. Let's SHIP ON!! 


I feel like this is a hidden confession.... He knew SHK would be watching what he had to say very smooth.... Very charming

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Guys, this might be a much better translation. In which case you should watch this, according to this translation (unlike mine and all the other news articles) Joong Ki didn't say "he enjoyed it" but rather "we enjoyed it". Honestly, I think this might be a really good translation so we can take their word for it. Wow, did he just speak for her as well? :wub:





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So I went to have lunch at a nearby Korean restaurant and asked the familiar dongsaengs who are DOTS fans what they think of the KBS interview yesterday and their reply is: 

Unna, naneun michigessuh! Then more Korean and I didn't understand and they finally stopped after a Long slew of content....I asked them: English please? And then they said: we went crazy because Oppa is like indirectly confessing his love for Unna on our national news, and now it's like he have to be responsible for her because the whole of Korea will not be expecting him to date anyone else!! 

Aigoo, talk about us being delulu in our shipping, this bunch of true blue young Koreans(5 gals, 6 boys) certainly went ahead of us! I didn't think to make SJK responsible to SHY and not expect him to date anyone else later should the ship not sail you know....LOL

added: I said to credit them for what they say by posting their group picture on soompi and they said: NO! Soompi is very powerful and the whole world would know we said that. ROFL!! 

so I walked home with a big smile on my face and realised when Koreans ship they ship HARD :glasses:

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2 hours ago, ilovesjk said:

Was reading comments on the article regarding SJK's response to the dating rumors on Facebook and all of them are laughing just like us, saying how he didn't deny it and it's so obvious. They're also convinced the two are dating. So we are not delusional, even non-shippers can see right through him. We're on the right track. :) 


yahooo im not the only one.  thanks God i dont need to go to psychiatrist.:sweatingbullets:

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10 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

So I went to have lunch at a nearby Korean restaurant and asked the familiar dongsaengs who are DOTS fans what they think of the KBS interview yesterday and their reply is: 

Unna, naneun michigessuh! Then more Korean and I didn't understand and they finally stopped after a Long slew of content....I asked them: English please? And then they said: we went crazy because Oppa is like indirectly confessing his love for Unna on our national news, and now it's like he have to be responsible for her because the whole of Korea will not be expecting him to date anyone else!! 

Aigoo, talk about us being delulu in our shipping, this bunch of true blue young Koreans(5 gals, 6 boys) certainly went ahead of us! I didn't think to make SJK responsible to SHY and not expect him to date anyone else later should the ship not sail you know....


I just want to clarify, did you mean to say "Unnie, Naneun michigesseo" basically meaning "Unnie, I have gone crazy/I am going crazy"?.

So Koreans, understand this to be an indirect love confession?

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@joongkyo yes I meant to say that..they were trying me to tell they all went crazy after watching...you have to pardon my limited Korean and I actually tried to remember what they say to me and found the words on Google translate 

yeap I realise once they ship they would expect no less so they would interpret it this way because they want them to be together and would not accept otherwise 

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34 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Guys, this might be a much better translation. In which case you should watch this, according to this translation (unlike mine and all the other news articles) Joong Ki didn't say "he enjoyed it" but rather "we enjoyed it". Honestly, I think this might be a really good translation so we can take their word for it. Wow, did he just speak for her as well? :wub:


Love that "we" part again. It's like he's acknowledging it with SHK in mind. Snicker. Snicker. And he did say "she will get mad at me if I don't say that" again, keeping HER in mind. Him choosing her because they both shared wonderful moments during filming. Mind you, the newscaster said "in real life who would he choose". He subconsciously chose SHK masked  by KMY's character. Indirectly, he really did choose SHK!!!! Waaaaah!!! My heart, Calm down! 

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@joongkyo Hahaha right? And did I hear that correctly or did she compliment him for being handsome? Sorry my limited Korean can only catch onto certain words but cannot make out full sentences. Like Asparagus, I'm going to learn Korean just for SJK! LOL!

Everything that's happening got me to recall SJK's Nice Guy days when Song Hye Kyo said in her Highcut interview, vaguely but she did, that Song Joong Ki was the junior actor that caught her attention. At the time she expressed that despite his pretty looks, he's able to convey a lot of emotions in portrayal of a man full of vengeance and therefore she was pretty impressed. I remember expressing in content to everyone I knew because one, it came from SHK, my woman crush since forever. And then two, I was happy for SJK as it must have been such an honor to be praised by SHK. At the time, the thought of a potential collaboration between the two never crossed my mind as I found it too far out of reach for some reason.

And then right before his enlistment, he held a private fanmeet. JIS showed up as a surprise guest and the host questioned SJK for his reasoning of visiting the set of TWTWB twice and he jokingly responded he went there to see SHK. Kyahhh, he wasn't joking I'm sure. As a loyal friend, SJK always makes the effort to pay his buddies a visit to their filming sets once but why he visited TWTWB's set twice is up in the air. So the man wasn't joking. :phew: At this point, my desire for the two to meet in a project have been brought up several times but everyone told me that they weren't compatible given SJK's baby face. Poor SJK, always being underestimated for his young looks. Yet, I kept my hopes high. Truth be told, in the back of my mind I did feel it was a fantasy of mine that would never get fulfilled.

And then fastforward 2 years have gone by and SJK approaches his discharge date, the trending talk of him taking on the role in DOTS was everywhere. You can imagine as an unwavering fan, deprived of him for so long, this was all amazing news to me! And of course he accepts the role and the next thing to look forward to was who would be the actress playing his leading lady. I immediately greedily wished SHK would be the one! This strong desire became an everyday topic of discussion between my boyfriend and I to the point where he got sick of me. LOL. He expressed the low possibility and said the two were anything but compatible. *side eye* Even so I was not phased by it and continued to suggest SHK should be SJK's leading lady to everyone I discussed DOTS with. And oh my god when the day came, I jumped for joy, literally!! I called my boyfriend and told him the great news and of course expressed it a million more times and still expressing it to this day. 

And then here we are today, with filming wrapped up, DOTS taking the world by storm, SJK and SHK burning everyone's screens with the best chemistry in kdrama world shutting up those who doubted them, meeting up in New York, meeting after midnight for dinner and tea, having talks over drinks... :bawling: (I'm crying happy tears). And I sit here and I can't help but think everything that occurred was a foreshadow of the present now and the future that's in store. I'm sorry I sound so dramatic but it just got me thinking of how far things have come and how happy I am with the turn of events. Like SJK, perhaps I wanted it so bad that's why it happened. Yes I'm self centered and think the world revolve around me. It must or otherwise all this would not have happened so perfectly. ;) In conclusion, I've found my happy place! I want nothing but for SJK to find love and be the happiest man in the world and I have a feeling he found just that in SHK. Golly I'm getting ahead of myself. Must check back to reality now. Be back later! :) 

Disclaimer: The content of this post is none but a diary excerpt from an avid SongSong shipper. Do excuse that it's nonsensical, way too lengthy, dramatic, and delusional. :) 

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@joongkyo and so I am back at the Korean restaurant to find out the insight as to why they would think SJK is confessing his love and their reply as translated in my own words because I can barely understand their cute  Korean English accent: 

if the entire crew of DOTS whom they spent the entire time filming think they seem to be in love and even the writer wants them to be in love then the shippers should expect no less!! Wah so well said!! And the Korean boys said that for a Korean man to openly care about a lady if she would be mad ornot means this lady is more than just a Friend! I am officially joining their ship too apart from here since its 5 steps away once I step downstairs. LOL such wonderful strong insights from these people 

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That interview was definitely quite telling, even if at first blush, it is hard to see. Many thanks to @joongkyo for breaking it down for us. The nuances in his responses which you saw really makes me believe more and more, that they are together. 

It was a golden chance for him to put the rumour to rest, once and for all, why did he not, in clear and express terms, deny it? I absolutely see no reason why he would not deny it if there was absolutely nothing going on. I am scratching my head, really. For instance, I am bringing this up simply to raise a point of comparison as regards putting rumours to rest, that time when Ji Chang Wook was linked to Ha Ji Won when Empress Ki was hugely popular, Ji Chang Wook denied it by saying that he is not dating her and even said he wanted Ha Ji Won to find someone and get married soon. 

Joong Ki did not deny the one thing that he should have, if there was really nothing going on, instead he confirmed for us so many things, that they hang out a lot these days, and that they are most definitely very close, that they talk about the rumour. I find it very interesting that he does not call her Noona, really. Because most actors who work with actresses who are older than them, would use Noona in addressing them. I feel that I am about to go into delulu-land. I will stop. 

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21 minutes ago, larienssi said:

. For instance, I am bringing this up simply to raise a point of comparison as regards putting rumours to rest, that time when Ji Chang Wook was linked to Ha Ji Won when Empress Ki was hugely popular, Ji Chang Wook denied it by saying that he is not dating her and even said he wanted Ha Ji Won to find someone and get married soon. 



Since, SHK expressly stated  in the DOTS- EW interview for KBS said she'd like a man to confess to her because she doesn't want to waste any more time. SJK should have said something like JCW said, since they're close colleagues. Instead he says "we're enjoying the rumours"  :phew:

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Okay .. here my take @joongkyo – well I’m sure your thesis more than enough ‘proof’ we need (thank you thank you – THANK GOD for you – I am serious)..

BUT still I want to chip in .. kih kih kih ..  

Ahh Joogki – You flirt on national news .. wahahahah.. And you were so brazen ..  

That ‘someone will be angry/sulk’ remark is sooooooooooooooo uncalled for …….. You are adding fuel to the rumor WHY? Because both of you like it…. LIKE IT..


So .. it is not a confession yet gals??????????? … What more do we need?

It’s on national news – with his own words (not some journalist re-write what he said) this is straight from the horse’s mouth …

And being an actor which have had countless interviews – He should’ve known better what can and what cannot be said during interview. I believe before debut they would have this training on ‘how to reply during interview’ and also ‘Spot-questions during interviews’..

I have watch/read countless interviews Korean stars – I am very well aware of some basic cut-and-paste- answer.

Are you dating  (if the female co-star is older) – No we are just good friend, because our chemistry on screen is so great people get the wrong idea that we are dating – NOONNA was so good to me, she helped me a lot and make me feel comfortable around her. So we are able to create good chemistry on screen. NOONNA has been a good sunbae to me. NOONNA took good care of me. They may also add NOONNA is very beautiful, at first I feel awkward but NOONNA helped me a lot.

The tone when they said the word noonna – You can’t missed it NOONNA .. like hey come on.. She’s old.. that kind of tone. They will quickly noonnazone their co-star.

 Some Actor/Actress/Agency will even appear more serious when addressing dating issue


When asked who they’d choose in real life – MOST POPULAR ANSWER to avoid speculation would be anyone but the co-star .. She can be the cleaner that appear 10, 15 second in that drama .. ANYONE but her ..

But well .. not the case with URI capt … on top of choosing SHK .. he added more fuel – I have to choose her or else she’ll be angry ..

Why would she be angry? Hehehhe… Is there a reason for to be angry? … wahahaha…

Why hint to the world that who you chose matter to her? … Why hint to the world that what she thinks matter to you? … That you have to make sure she’s happy and not angry …

So gals .. He already confessed ……  and he confessed on national news ..

This is DAEBAK -  I notice that he include SHK as much as possible in all of his answers.

We talk it over.. we like it …  Oh someone is sure to get angry if I don’t choose KMY ..

So there you go girls … get your passport ready to enter SongSong land …


Anyway if he never get the chance to confess (may be because of contract with his agency or whatever – or may be because he is afraid of SHK getting more hates or whatever) I’d forgive him … Don’t worry Joongki - If she’s the one .. she will be THE ONE no matter the how big the obstacle. As long as you continue to drop hint here and there.. to continue seeing her … We are happy. You have millions praying for you.. for her .. May this be a wonderful journey ..

I hope you are THE ONE for her …  please be THE ONE for her …

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KBS World just show the interview clip with full English subs on KBS World News Today(in English) and their translation is : I have to choose Kang Meong Yeon otherwise she would be hurt or hurt her feelings. It happened so fast and I happened to catch it 

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11 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

KBS World just show the interview clip with full English subs on KBS World News Today(in English) and their translation is : I have to choose Kang Meong Yeon otherwise she would be hurt or hurt her feelings. It happened so fast and I happened to catch it 

Awwwwww @Chewy Hoe your in a roll !!!! I love the impromptu interview you did with those Koreans...talk about being at the right place at the right time.

I am still gliding here, cannot focus at work...I am forever refreshing this page...to read on new posts...I am so happy for them, happy for us....maybe we should have our own virtual get together to celebrate this! :D


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