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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Good morning guys! I notice that we are growing so fast hahaha. I'm sure there's a lot of silent readers here. Hey silent readers, come out and join the fun haha! I would love to hear your opinion about songsong. Most of us are mature and still rational on shipping, and that's totally good. Thank you to all the members who work so hard on giving us news, hints, and facts and to those who keep the thread peaceful, exciting, and enjoyable. 

What I love most about our songsong is that they share a "friendship" only themselves are privy to. They acted so formal on PC, but confirmed to be eating out in NY and SK, and seems so close on BTS footages. Right now, only the two know the intimacies, the details and emotions. And that's fine. I just hope that when the right time comes they will admit it to the public so they can finally eat out together alone without the alpha team hahaha. 


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4 hours ago, joongkyo said:

@annypooh and @ChiobiD , thanks! Hopefully you get the person's permission to post the original post here. In that case we would all be more than happy to unleash our inner fangirls.


Wow, if it's like that according to the Owner then I wouldn't be surprised if they make an announcement very soon, maybe Joong Ki ought to make a "public broadcast" similar to the drama on tomorrow's news. Lol, that would be the ultimate romantic gesture...sigh!


Omo...that would be great if there's announcement of their relationship. Just the thought of it makes me flying...lol but as the big boss said let's just wait & don't pressure them.

P.S: I don't really understand those people who made up story. Maybe they're shipper too so they made up stories to satisfy their delulu mind. BUT that's just not right. It could hurt our kikyo! So, for those who truly a shipper, please don't do that & for the antis, this is not ur place...*peace* :)

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Hi...morning ladies...I'm just finish back reading 20 pages...our ship sailing smoothly :)...really enjoy reading all your info's...im really blessed & honoured to be part of this family...luv u all :heart: & mostly our song2 couple :blush:..god bless them.

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Good morning!!!! 8 more hours to the Ep 11. .. I really can't wait!!!! Plus 7 hours to seeing SJK on news channel. ... I saw some of the questions posted. There is one Chinese fan who ask direct. .. when Song couple is getting married! It's so funny!!! Do u think SJK  would answer these  sort of question on National TV? Do you think he will Broadcast to the world of his admiration  or confirmation  of any relationship? Nevermind. . Just my shipper sense  gone haywire.. :-) 

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I just want to say a big thank you to all those who always share whatever first hand info to us here! Without you people this ship won't sail. 

And also a shout out to give respect and love to these wonderful people who give us these info and not self proclaim to be the source. It's one thing to ship and get delusional about our SS couple but to hallucinate is another thing ya 

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Wow @ChiobiD that's the best news ever for us.. thanks for sharing. . Hope what the shippers report is the truth.  That's the best confirmation we need to get.. 

Now.. let's just leave them alone to date and be happy. . I only wish to hear a public announcement IF they are getting married.. don't need to confirm anything else 

Announcing they are a couple and dating in public view is truly stressful for them .. so please let's not go there :tears:

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7 hours ago, ChiobiD said:

lets get straight to the point cuz i cannot keep calm anymore 

3 KiKyo shippers did visit both jangkkoma&serengetea to confirm SongSong meeting. Fortunately, they brought us SUPER DUPER good news :bawling:

im trying my best to translate their fanacc cuz its too sweet omo omo omo :wub: 

Note: hope u guys dont consider this as a privacy invasion. we're just a type of person who loves watching two love birds :D

1. According to staffs, KiKyo sat next to each other. Both were very comfortable, like a REAL PAIR that already confirmed their relationship. 

2. JK was such a caring "boyfriend" cuz he only had his eyes for Kyo, anything else didn't matter. Ofc all eyes were on them but they didnt care B)

3. Dark outfit was SongSong concept at that nite LOL. They were just simply enjoying their dinner and chatting (does flirting sound legal? :rolleyes:). esp when they looked at each other. it was really no joke. LOVE IS IN THE AIR :blush: they couldn't fake it. 

4. *Our amazing shippers even reached Mr Boss for more info. Salute hehe.* He praised JK for being a real man who not only has handsome face but also knows what he wants. JK is totally perfect and awesome like his character. Moreover, we can see HAPPINESS in his eyes. He must be FALLING DEEPLY IN LOVE. he is so PROUD to have Goddess Hye Kyo beside him. :bawling: 

5. They might be in a secret-yet-happy-to-the-MAX relationship. Shippers better be patient and do not create any pressure on them. 

6. Our 3 shippers did buy a large amount of food to express their gratitude for mr boss and staffs. We own them rite? :heart:


Vietnamese trans: Mong Nguyen@Facebook. She made my day. SongSong made my day. U guys made my day.

I did ask for her permission to translate this. ^^


Reading this, I am hoping the best for the two...:wub:

But can I ask who's Mr. Boss? Kind of lost in translation there. SJK manager or the restaurant manager? Sorry for being extra slow this morning... hahaha:crazy:

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Wow! This ship is really sailing round-the clock!  animated-ship-image-0025

If indeed they are in a romantic relationship, raining hearts I wish them well!

Time has ripened for Song Hye Kyo to fall in love with the real man!

She deserves one who is selfless and one who can make her smile because she is most beautiful when she smiles!

Song Joong Ki, if you are that man, please be kind to her!raining hearts

As a Kyonatic I only wish the best for her, and I think the best has arrived! And hopefully will stay! Forever in love! twohearts

Anywhoo, one more night of self-needed  nap23  and it's epi 11&12!  



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Sometime when commenting I went overboard .. errr most of the time I think.. I created imaginary script … of course I would always make sure to to have a hash tag such as - my delulu mind … so that those that read my ‘short fanfic’ will not be confused (seriously some people are idiots – they can spread some delulu comment and claimed it as fan account/encounter) .. I have done my fair share of shipping and things can become ugly …

The regulars here are very clear – which is the truth and which is made up :D … we don’t make up stuff .. The problem is the not regular soompier – which come in one of twice read halfway .. jump to conclusion and bring it out of soompi and write something totally out of context .. it happen a lot of times

Anyway frankly speaking – I don’t believe in couple shirt/bracelet/ring … :D as much as I want to believe ..  but my rational mind saying – Come on if they want to keep their relationship a secret do you think they will go around with evidence of their coupling? Unless they go public about their relationship .. :D

I am refreshing the thread every second just in case just in case there’s news from their agency confirming that they are indeed dating …

Whoever in Malaysia and in case there’s an announcement from them – I will hold a party at my house to celebrate (I am a good cook huah huah huah) … so mark my word … I promised you gals .. wahahaha


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1 hour ago, Far^away said:


Reading this, I am hoping the best for the two...:wub:

But can I ask who's Mr. Boss? Kind of lost in translation there. SJK manager or the restaurant manager? Sorry for being extra slow this morning... hahaha:crazy:

Restaurant manager

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Hello everyone. Just a few reminders for our fellow shippers and silent lurkers. If we really want the best for our couple then let's try to be cautious of our actions and be responsible shippers. On this forum, we don't just post delulu stuff without proof or validation to avoid confusion, rumors and to protect our couple from all the hate and negativities. When you ship, you don't just protect one you protect BOTH. And don't you think it feels way better and heart fluttering to hear the truth about the rumors complete with concrete evidences? Rather than getting ahead of ourselves and believe anything we see and hear? Just for the sake of it? Just because it makes us feel giddy even though it's not true? We don't only fool other people, we are also fooling ourselves.

Who gets the credits or who posted about it first is a non-issue. The main concern is that our fellow soompier here was the first to confirm it backed with pictures and legit proof. And if what she posted will get twisted it will come out as spreading negativity which could affect SJK-SHK. We are not HATING on anyone here this is a postive thread full of love, we're just being protective. 

Also, please refrain from posting annoying comments/ false rumors on their friend's (or anyone related) IG, I think they feel happy whenever they see that you are so supportive and encouraging of their friends but let's be aware to not post anything that's too much. Again, we don't want them to go ninja on us too.. deleting and hiding photos. That will be a complete drought. 

 We are more than lucky because our Song-Song couple is trying to atleast, let us in on their doorstep giving us a peek on their lives. These people are known to be the most private, they can go ninja for months without anyone (not even dispatch) noticing or knowing their whereabouts. The information we are all getting are considered more than enough given their status, so we should be grateful. Unlike some couple who are only rumored and without any concrete evidences to prove if true. It will be sad for their shippers to not squeeze anything out of their OTP. 

We are not trying to ignite hate or are we trying to attack you or something. Fellow shippers should help and support each other spreading love and positivity

Sorry for the long rant. Let's just do what the restaurant boss said.. to just be patient with our Song couple and to not put too much pressure on them. I have a good feeling they'll come around sooner. For the meantime, let's just make them feel our love and support and enjoy what they have.  :heart:

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@redwinecouple  Totally agree with everything you wrote.  Those people who are making foolish comments on IG, please stop it.  I know you guys are reading this thread.  Join and chat with us iif you want to talk about the couple, but  don't make stupid comments to Kyo's friends, don't repeat things you see here and twist it and post it as your "scoop", and in general just try to keep your shipping classy and adult.  These aren't teenage idols, or people looking for attention, and we as fans shouldn't act like they are and keep it respectful. 

And I was thinking about end of the year awards.  They can win popularity, best couple, acting awards,  etc...   should be fun. :D 

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Their meeting in New York, their upcoming party and how kind they are to their friends and colleagues


When did they see each other in New York?

There are rumors and online accounts from some fans saying that the two of them were seen holding hands together in New York in the last week of February 2016. I can't verify the "hand-holding" part :sweatingbullets:, but I can verify that the rumored timing is not correct. They must have seen each other before mid February. She was already back to Seoul in mid February (and I would encourage you to verify similar fans' stories, including those of the Vietnamese fans, before you decide to trust them).

This is what I can verify: Song Hye Kyo was in New York from late January to mid February. She left New York for Seoul around mid February. As soon as she was back to Seoul, she went to support a musical played by Jo Jae Yun, her sunbae and her co-star (Manager Jin) in DOTS. She even went backstage to encourage him and his colleagues. That shows how nice and loyal a friend she is. That's a similarity in characteristics between Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo: they both value and treasure their friends and would always be there when their friends need them.

How big is the dinner that they are organizing?

Several news agencies have confirmed that the two of them will join hands in holding a dinner for the whole cast and crew and they worked very hard to find a date that is suitable to the schedule of most members. April 1 was chosen because that's when the majority are available.

KBS Entertainment has revealed that the entire crew has 350 members, which indicates how big their party will be. It's like they are running a trial for an actual wedding. :P

The biggest party that I organized had around 100 people and that already required a lot of work. I'm sure that Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo have put a lot of time and efforts to make it happen, even though they do have assistants who can help them. Again, it does not mean that the two co-hosts must be in love. But it means for sure that the co-hosts are in a great relationship with each other.

More importantly, it shows how considerate and thoughtful the two of them are to their colleagues. This is another similarity that they share. No wonder their colleagues have nothing but nice words for them.

Again, this is not speculation. All of the information above has been verified: the date of their upcoming dinner, the number of the crew members, their efforts to ensure that most members can attend and the praises that they have received from their colleagues not only in this drama but colleagues from previous works that they were part of.

Credit of pic to pic owner

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