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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Hi guys, right now I feel like I’m on Cloud No. 9.

It actually was not a secret dating (many ppl know it now, incl. us) but that’s so so good to know that.

I feel as if our goal is very near now.

 OK they date real or not, for me I still love them and hope they will have the love of their live beside family and acting.

I’d like to share my own feeling about these two. If they do not love each other now, they must be a deep feeling with each other, and I think it’s over just friendship. The result we would like to know is if they could develop this feeling into love. You know when an actor/actress acts good in the drama/movie, they also put their real love into that, and real love will happen if they realize they feel love with this real man/woman not who he/she plays in the movie.

Why I have conclusion they have deep feeling with each other? I just think in normal way of normal life, normal feeling of human beings.

We can see SJK is a nice guy, everybody who get in touch with him see that. I also think he’s a nice guy with gentleman characteristic. He’s polite, respectful, good person in heart. However, as we already read a news about his real characteristic, he seems a cold guy and hard inside. There’s a few of his close friends could touch his deep soul and feeling. I also have read that SJK and Lee Kwang Soo’s characteristics that LKS seems hard and strong outside but he’s a soft guy, SJK is opposite, he seems have baby, no-harm appearance, but he’s real hard inside.

About SJK, I review again all her IG, and I realize she’s actually a bright, funny and like freedom, youth in her lifestyle. She is not cold, high distance as her appearance and as ppl. said. Now , many supporting actors/actress in DOTS said the same to her.

And I think these kinds of their characteristic maybe the key that pull SJK and SHK close together.

First, SHK saw SJK with baby face, young guy but in the filming progress, she said “he’s younger but he knows a lot of things more than me”.  He’s a real man with experiences, wide and responsibility. (maybe he was trained well and hard in army, both physical and mind)

SJK sees SHK as a sunbae, she’s older in age, older in career-life but in showbiz, she is in highest rank. He respects her, feel shyness when standing in front of her. But in working together, he realizes she’s just old in age, but she’s innocent and like a teen-girl in life. And maybe he feels very sorry why a girl like that often get bashing from fan-girls.

So, although these are just my imagination and thinking, but in this case I think my imagination’s reasonable.

Shipping them because of DOTS, but I don’t want because of DOTS they love, but after that they broke up or something like that. I hope they could have a real love of their life, could live happily ever after ….oh like a fairy tale.

Yeah, sometimes I think DOTS is a like fairy tale, and it was created by God. God gave writer-nim KES idea to write this drama, and God brings SJK and SHK as OTP.

I also very happy when see what you guys post here, it lights up my day from DOTS and thank you so much for that.

P/S: OK. I really watched some old scenes of SJK and other actress like MCW and even SJH in RM: kissing, touching, taking hands…oh many skin-ship ^^. Yeah I think he’s a nice guy and close with boys and girls. It means his friends (boy or girl) are equal to him. Hahaha. But he’s very confident in front of them, he doesn’t have the kind of shyness when he’s with SHK. That’s the point.


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36 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

@joongkyo Agreed! Despite SHK and JIS declaring themselves as long time friends, they've never hung out outside of work. Neither of SongSong have hung out with their respective costars outside of work actually besides SHK+HB and we know what went on there. And then of course their "coincidental" meetup in New York makes me giggle and I'm left side eyeing their agencies. 

I've been a follower of SHK although I don't monitor her as much as I do SJK but I get the sense that she's usually a private individual. To have her out and about so openly is rare especially with a costar who she has been twirled up in dating rumors with. Seems like over the years, our girl has built up an invincible shield and she's stronger than ever! You go girl! 

And SJK, up until recently I've only seen him hang out with LKS, JIS, and/or Kim Jong Kook. But then after his discharge he seemed to have been in touch with SHK's circle of friends, even seen hanging out at the places she frequents. Coincidence? Now of course SJK and YAI have been long time friends too but photos were never published of SJK at studio concrete until after his enlistment. I'd like to conclude that SJK got close to them through SHK. 

I'd say the female costar that SJK is friends with and have kept in contact with until now is Park Bo Young. He's often reported attending her movie premieres, even during his brief break while in the military. It was said her parents even attended his hyung's wedding. But the two have been long time friends ever since runningman and she's close with his circle of friends. Their encounters end there though. They've never made an effort to go out for meals and/or meet half way around the world in secrecy, being spotted holding hands while grocery shopping. :P They're what I can call just friends and nothing more. 

And I had the same thought as you! Their agencies coming clean about their meet up in New York is rather testing the water. They didn't firmly deny anything and instead admitted to the two hanging out. From the looks of it, I do think it's being positively received by the public. This probably gave strength to our couple, though I personally think it wouldn't change the way they feel towards each other anyway, but it certainly boosted their confidence. They're so loved in dots so I cannot begin to fathom why the media would disapprove of their relationship. 

And for those who think SJK would have second thoughts regarding their relationship because of the height of his career, that's not true. He has always expressed his desire to find love and I'm sure once he does, she'll hold a priority in his life above all else. He knows he's a capable actor and his job is to deliver onscreen. Anything besides that is no one's business. When I stated previously that he's guarded towards SHK perhaps because of his uprising fame, I meant he doesn't want crazy anti fangirls to attack her that's all. As to whether he's worried his relationship with her will jeopardize his career, I'd say he's not sweating it. 


@ilovesjk I tend to agree with this statement of yours. I think success has not yet gone into SJK's head or should I say he has kept his feet on the ground with the current success of DOTS. I remember during the recent presscon, he was asked to react on that news wherein China warned its citizens on hazards of DOTS and he said he does not feel that its something as big as that...and he continued to say that right now, he's just preparing himself for his next project which is the movie I guess.

I turned into an SJK fan beause of DOTS and I can sincerely see that he is a real nice person and whatever they have (SHK and SJK) let's just trust them fully on this...hopefully the time will come when we can all be witness to it..for now I am happy with whatever interaction they have outside of the business...it speaks a lot on how they are taking care of their relationship (friends or more than that)....but I can be happier.....should I say we can all be happiest!

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@big_momma and everyone else asking me to remain bored, well my University is on break right now for a month so I'll be able to do a lot of sleuthing in that time. :)


During the ramen scene,when KMY tells YSJ that she's getting to experience many unique things because of dating an Army officer,  YSJ replies that she ought to stick to being the girlfriend of an Army officer as it suits her. Then KMY says she wants to experience another benefit of being an Officer's girlfriend and she mentions soccer, I thought it was so weird. Lol, I mean what is the relation between being an officer and playing soccer. That's when it hit me, Joong Ki is a huge soccer fan in real life!!. The writers really disguise some things into the script don't they ;)



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Hmmmmmmm My mind is going wild..thinking of this and that... Now im wondering, what was it like when SHK and HyunBin was in the process of dating. Was our goddess as lit up as now? Was she as brave as now, going out in public, etc Im really hoping theres something diffeent now. I wish for her to find THE one. Of course sjk too, but my gender bias is reaallyyy wishing hard for kyo ^_^

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@ilovesjk I just loved everything you said, I can read it all over again. And it's nice to hear something from a SJK longtime fan's point of view. I hope more SJK will join our ship or atleast give us a little something about him. ;) 

Ok, so given that they're friends because they don't seem to mind going out more often and being seen.. Say.. with YAI, SHK posts often about him, pictures of them together and even sent trucks for each other and they don't avoid anything because they really are just friends. So if SJK-SHK are just friends who are just cool about being spotted together, how come there are no pics of them together? They're "close-colleagues-hanging-out-til-midnight" right? I'll be more forgiving on the first PC bec they still don't have any idea that the drama will be such a huge phenomenon ( that gif btw reminds me of me, being shy and giddy around someone I like. I can feel from those smiles that giddy, heart fluttering feeling they're having but trying hard to control it. That part was so contagious I can't stop smiling like a fool). 

So, ok.. maybe they're just bestfriends and are really close, will a bestfriend travel half way across the world just to have a meal with you? Even though you've been seeing each other everyday for a year and starting to like, get sick of each other? (according to KJW) But I can see how SJK have formed a close bind with his co-stars especially the Alpha Team. He usually hangs out with LKS and JIS circle most of the time.. But now he spends more time with his new circle. But I think SHK, though I'm pretty sure she's friends with the alpha team and are pretty close too.. But don't you think she should be closer and going out with the medical team more often? Because they've been together and like a real group of friends most of the time especially on their scenes? It seems to me like a girl hanging out with her boyfriend's friends. How cool and sweet! (My delulu) This forum is on a roll. Makes the waiting for Wed more bearable. 

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Thank you all for enjoying my rants! :) 

@redwinecouple While I agree with you that SJK seems rather close to his Alpha Team buddies these days and I'm sure he is, I can't help but also feel they're the safest people for SongSong to hang out with right now to eliminate all possible rumors. If something comes up, their agencies can block it and say it was a friendly meal between colleagues. So I also want to say there agencies might have not restricted them from hanging out but also made sure they hang out with someone DOTS related. Imagine SHK stepping out with SJK to hang out with his usual clique (LKS, JIS, etc.)? That would give their agencies absolutely no way out. So while I'm sure SongSong enjoy hanging out with the Alpha Team Boys too, they are a big help for cover up right now. And I also had the same thoughts. It's like SHK hanging out with her boyfriend and his friends. Because why is she the only female with all those males? :phew:

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Oh my! What a great way to start the week!

They are now, standing right there not giving us a secret clues anymore. They are there, confidentially declaring to public that they are close enough to spent the night together. 

I'm so happy when I saw SHK IG, that song (I want u) is like an answer to someone confession, or a song to remind someone that she want to be with him tonight.

I know SJK is a romantic guy so I guess he always have an unique way of telling something to his special girl. But what struck me is... SHK. Her IG telling me that she's also a romantic girl (which I didn't knew that before) 

SHK for me is like a beautiful moon in a dark clear sky. Admirable but so unreachable. But this past few months she seems so open which sometimes she gave me that feeling that she really 'in love'. I wonder if SJK has public IG, how would it be? Kind of replaying each other's feeling with pictures? Ahhhh... 

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Doesnt this gifs makes you want to crane your neck and listen to what SHK had said which made SJK looked at her and laughed to himself?

I read somewhere that the photographer/MC of the event asked them to stand closer but in my eyes they were close enough. Haha.

And looking at this gifs got me thinking... SHK really is as cool as cucumber. :lol:

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7 minutes ago, Far^away said:


Doesnt this gifs makes you want to crane your neck and listen to what SHK had said which made SJK looked at her and laughed to himself?


in my shipper mind : 

KYO : bogoshippeo (miss U) 

JK : na doo (me too) 


sorry Moderator but this time don't delete the above quoted GIF okaaaay.. kiss kiss 

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7 minutes ago, Far^away said:

Doesnt this gifs makes you want to crane your neck and listen to what SHK had said which made SJK looked at her and laughed to himself?

I read somewhere that the photographer/MC of the event asked them to stand closer but in my eyes they were close enough. Haha.

And looking at this gifs got me thinking... SHK really is as cool as cucumber. :lol:

Yuh. I think the MC was saying they should get closer for the photographers. So he placed his right hand on SHK's right arm. and he was so cute and awkward doing it. He seems to be like a high school kid finally getting near to his long time crush. lol so cute:wub:

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SHK is all smiles around SJK in those BTS! It's unlike her usual guarded self and believe me I've watched her BTS in her other projects. She's really glowing in SJK's presence. While it's been pointed out and it's obvious that SJK is so into her, I am going to say she's totally smitten by him too and very much into him also. Just look at that smile that she's unable to wipe off her face! These two are way too cute! Just get married already! :P 

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Good morning from my side of the woods!

okay, so last night I told myself that I'm just gonna check this thread real quick before I go to bed. BIG MISTAKE!!!! All thanks to @joongkyo and her Sherlock Holmes'skill, I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was what they could possibly doing at that cafe. Lol. 

My sister is a hardcore SJK and PBY shipper, so she would argue with me til no ends about this ship. I decided to ignore her and camped here. Hahaha. Thank you all for updates and comments. I love them all!

please keep it coming!!!

if I remember correctly, I think they'll be in HK on the 5th?????

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10 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

SHK is all smiles around SJK in those BTS! It's unlike her usual guarded self and believe me I've watched her BTS in her other projects. She's really glowing in SJK's presence. While it's been pointed out and it's obvious that SJK is so into her, I am going to say she's totally smitten by him too and very much into him also. Just look at that smile that she's unable to wipe off her face! These two are way too cute! Just get married already! :P 


agreed!. That candid picture of her with the towel on her head and the they way they're smiling at each other!!!. My poor Kokoro, SongSong couple needs to just come out and make shippers happy by going public with their relationship.

I really think S.Korea needs to come out of their Dark Ages concept of celebrity dating, especially for already established actors like the two of them. They should be able to walk around Seoul, going on dates to cafes, art galleries. SHK cheering for SJK as he participates in his football matches, I mean seriously can you all imagine the cuteness of seeing the two of them on dates. 

They shouldn't have to fly to some other country to spend some alone time and nor should they always have to take friends with them, let them have some alone time and do things like grocery shopping. Lol, they must enjoy cooking at home. 

Anyone notice that our shippers thread is way more active than the DOTS main thread at this point, lol.


@annypooh haha, your sister and you must be at constant war in that case :) . They reach Hong Kong on the 4th and the event is on the next day which is the 5th.

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16 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


agreed!. That candid picture of her with the towel on her head and the they way they're smiling at each other!!!. My poor Kokoro, SongSong couple needs to just come out and make shippers happy by going public with their relationship.

I really think S.Korea needs to come out of their Dark Ages concept of celebrity dating, especially for already established actors like the two of them. They should be able to walk around Seoul, going on dates to cafes, art galleries. SHK cheering for SJK as he participates in his football matches, I mean seriously can you all imagine the cuteness of seeing the two of them on dates. 

They shouldn't have to fly to some other country to spend some alone time and nor should they always have to take friends with them, let them have some alone time and do things like grocery shopping. Lol, they must enjoy cooking at home. 

Anyone notice that our shippers thread is way more active than the DOTS main thread at this point, lol.


@annypooh haha, your sister and you must be at constant war in that case :) . They reach Hong Kong on the 4th and the event is on the next day which is the 5th.

Pretty much! Talking to her is like talking the walls! So I just say whatever and ignored her. She tried to recruit me to her ship but I told her hell no!

i love this couple too much to leave

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