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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, lotusgirl said:

Watch yesterday episode subbed here : http://veuue.se/watch-online/heavens-promise/episode-54


i watched the episode and I thought it was very interesting despite not a lot happening - it's a melodrama afteall ..I have feeling that GB going undercover is going to lead to her discovering the truth? But what can she do NY is still dead in the eyes of the world...dead end maybe?

When DH2 father finds out she is not his daughter , probably sometime later in the show, he will divorce probably since he still had feeling for the young widow. If DH2 is married to HK that will not stop him maybe going after his first love. Some food for thought. 

TJ is rat and the fact he accepted he is dog/servant to YK is so sad, the guy has no self respect and I hope DH2 teaches him a lesson! :naughty:

let hope NY sis doesn't get the rough treatment from his half brother when he finds out she is pregnant-- he seems to like her a lot but his pride is stoping him from admitting it and let's not forget about the conning lol.

the chicken franchise lol do we see foreshadowing here that bong will be daughter of succeful business, if the chicken place goes and forms partnership with AP then everything goes full circle and I don't know how they will play this out? 

HK is jelly lol this is what we need to see and maybe he this will spur him on to get DH2 ^_^  looking forward to seeing s more and I hope DH2 falls in love with him!  



Thinking the same thing about no relationship for BDJ and YS if HK and HD2 get married.   But only if YS stops finding excuses to see or call BDJ.   She is opening a can of worms.  YK will be on her _ss if she doesn't stay clear of BDJ.  He wants to be around YS more that his own wife, but he is smart enough ( I think )  to know that he cannot take their relationship any further if he wants HD2 to marry HK.  He seems like a very unselfish person and would put his daughter's happiness over his own.  But he and YS have to keep their distances from each other or YK will start something that won't end up very nice.

SK should practice what he preaches.  Putting GB down for wanting to marry rich and pretending to be rich........well.....what the heck is he doing......the same thing.  He called GB a scammer and lair when he is the exact same thing.  Can't wait till GB finds the truth about him.   And one part of that truth......HIS MOTHER ! ! !    Pregnant or not, MS will not allow her daughter to become involved much less married to a child of MJ.   There are fireworks going off all over town !

Regarding the chicken restaurant..... when DH2, HK and TJ were having their meeting and TJ said something about finding a chicken place with a different approach, DH2 said she already had a place in mind.  Now this can goes two ways. 1. DH2 is going to use MS chicken place, but after he reaction to when MS came to see her, that may not happen for a while.  OR  2. HD2 said she had a place and was purposely misleading TJ to a completely different chicken place to see if he reports this to KW and then KW pays them a visit the way he visited BDJ to get to pull out from helping HK.  A fake chicken place so as to set a trap.  More ammunition to show HK just how low and dirty KW, SJ and TJ are willing to play.

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25 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

Thinking the same thing about no relationship for BDJ and YS if HK and HD2 get married.   But only if YS stops finding excuses to see or call BDJ.   She is opening a can of worms.  YK will be on her _ss if she doesn't stay clear of BDJ.  He wants to be around YS more that his own wife, but he is smart enough ( I think )  to know that he cannot take their relationship any further if he wants HD2 to marry HK.  He seems like a very unselfish person and would put his daughter's happiness over his own.  But he and YS have to keep their distances from each other or YK will start something that won't end up very nice.

SK should practice what he preaches.  Putting GB down for wanting to marry rich and pretending to be rich........well.....what the heck is he doing......the same thing.  He called GB a scammer and lair when he is the exact same thing.  Can't wait till GB finds the truth about him.   And one part of that truth......HIS MOTHER ! ! !    Pregnant or not, MS will not allow her daughter to become involved much less married to a child of MJ.   There are fireworks going off all over town !

Regarding the chicken restaurant..... when DH2, HK and TJ were having their meeting and TJ said something about finding a chicken place with a different approach, DH2 said she already had a place in mind.  Now this can goes two ways. 1. DH2 is going to use MS chicken place, but after he reaction to when MS came to see her, that may not happen for a while.  OR  2. HD2 said she had a place and was purposely misleading TJ to a completely different chicken place to see if he reports this to KW and then KW pays them a visit the way he visited BDJ to get to pull out from helping HK.  A fake chicken place so as to set a trap.  More ammunition to show HK just how low and dirty KW, SJ and TJ are willing to play.


25 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

Thinking the same thing about no relationship for BDJ and YS if HK and HD2 get married.   But only if YS stops finding excuses to see or call BDJ.   She is opening a can of worms.  YK will be on her _ss if she doesn't stay clear of BDJ.  He wants to be around YS more that his own wife, but he is smart enough ( I think )  to know that he cannot take their relationship any further if he wants HD2 to marry HK.  He seems like a very unselfish person and would put his daughter's happiness over his own.  But he and YS have to keep their distances from each other or YK will start something that won't end up very nice.

SK should practice what he preaches.  Putting GB down for wanting to marry rich and pretending to be rich........well.....what the heck is he doing......the same thing.  He called GB a scammer and lair when he is the exact same thing.  Can't wait till GB finds the truth about him.   And one part of that truth......HIS MOTHER ! ! !    Pregnant or not, MS will not allow her daughter to become involved much less married to a child of MJ.   There are fireworks going off all over town !

Regarding the chicken restaurant..... when DH2, HK and TJ were having their meeting and TJ said something about finding a chicken place with a different approach, DH2 said she already had a place in mind.  Now this can goes two ways. 1. DH2 is going to use MS chicken place, but after he reaction to when MS came to see her, that may not happen for a while.  OR  2. HD2 said she had a place and was purposely misleading TJ to a completely different chicken place to see if he reports this to KW and then KW pays them a visit the way he visited BDJ to get to pull out from helping HK.  A fake chicken place so as to set a trap.  More ammunition to show HK just how low and dirty KW, SJ and TJ are willing to play.


I couldn't free more with everything you mentioned. It's going to be very interesting when bong finds out about Se kwang -- they are cute together hopefully he does turn out like TJ!! 

It was so funny seeing TJ flustered and splashing water on his face after meeting DH2 -- it's the begining and he is hot HOT under the collar. :D 

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 Okay let me start out with a point somebody made that I was wrong about when Hwi Kyung's mother left that dinner at the restaurant and it wasn't like when I said in my post at the start but instead when she heard all those people gossiping about her and some more points regarding that. Will admit that I was wrong over there but in my defense I believe I said that I hadn't watched that episode yet and was only going on what I read in previous posts so I was bound to make assumptions which could be proven wrong and all. But still I was wrong either way so let me apologize once again. Nevertheless I still feel compelled to answer some of the points that were brought up in that post. They mentioned that we don't know exactly how much time passed by since she met Dohui's dad but that it was clearly after the 49 days mourning period and that they know her well enough that she wouldn't go out before that. I will agree with these points but the simple fact is that people like to gosip no matter what and that they will find even the smallest thing to do. Now 49 days is almost close to two months and all infact if I want to be a bit more generous lets say that she went out for this dinner after 2.5 months and while we all know that this dinner was just because she was grateful for his help towards her son and all other people over there don't know this fact. Also we as viewers pretty much know exactly how much she suffered and misses her husband after his passing away and all but none of these other people know this. Also the main problem that I suspect is that while some may indeed think that 49 days may be ample time for someone in the world of the living to mourn the person that they have just lost and may even give them enough time to slightly recover from their loss and all (not that they have forgotten said person and fully moved on etc....) but the main problem is that since it is a custom (where they believe that the spirit of the deceased hangs around to complete what it needs to do etc... and prepares to move on after the 49th day has passed and all) people tend to consider that has normal now. Due to this people must consider that 49 days is just the bare minimum amount of time since the person has passed away so they would think that if a person can go out as if nothing was wrong just so soon then they really were insincere about the person that they lost since they clearly expect that a person should be in mourning for more than the 49 days required and all. Now how long that time period should be according to them I have no idea but I do know that eventually even a long enough time won't be enough for many people so if a person lets say ends up getting married after a year has passed many people may consider that to be an okay time frame but if many people start to do this then when it may be considered normal later on people may think that even this long period is just to short and that a person couldn't have been in love with the person that they just lost etc..


Another point that was brought up in the same post was that she only got up to leave after all these people were gossiping about her and that she couldn't handle it and that if she can't handle said people how can she handle Yoo Kyung or that she should have been prepared for all this if she was willing to be seen in the public etc... The thing over here is that she isn't ready to handle Yoo Kyung as of this moment. Will agree with you but then in my opinion she was never ready to handle Yoo Kyung in my opinion from the start and she has always needed someone else to defend and protect her. First it was her husband, then it became her son and now it will hopefully become Nayeon in the future. Naturally Nayeon will only be defending her because of her own agenda and all but she doesn't need to know that for now. The reason that I think that she can't handle Yoo Kyung at the present is simply because both her son and her and even Pre-Nayeon were simply far to nice for their own good. For the mother and son they atleast think that a time will simply come when Yoo Kyung is simply going to accept them as part of the family and they will live happily ever after, they try to play fair and square in all their dealings etc with everyone involved including Yoo Kyung and all. Unfortunately for them Yoo Kyung doesn't feel compelled to play by the same rules and all infact she is far more ruthless than all of them combined and she will do anything in her power to silence or remove anyone that she feels may threaten her, and her goals for power etc... She is not willing to share what she had and even steal from others that which doesn't even belong to her. Hwi Kyungs mother may have something to harm Yoo Kyung but we all know that she isn't going to use it for a real long time because she still holds onto hope that they can become a family and all but we will have to see exactly how long that is going to last. Nayeon has already learned first hand exactly how ruthless Yoo Kyung can be and that telling Yoo Kyung how you intend to take her down directly isn't going to work because that simply allows her to come up with counter measures to stop you such as sending you of to a mental hospital while claiming to care about you but at the same time not trying very hard to help you get the proper treatment and all. Though I have to wonder if Yoo Kyung would have tried harder once the marriage was over and all since it may have been to late for Nayeon to do anything about it and all. Nevertheless Nayeon knows that she needs to play it smart and now instead of revealing all her cards to others she plans to keep them closer and reveal them at the right time and all.


Other than that I think that it would have indeed been much better if Hwi Kyung's mother wasn't prepared to hear what the public had to say about her to leave the moment she realized that Dohui's mother couldn't show up. While we all know that she was indeed invited to said dinner and all. Also even if she couldn't make it I think that it is wrong to be alone with someone you know may still have feelings for you and all things can go wrong in so many ways if not handled properly and this was clearly one of those times.


Someone also didn't agree with my point regarding how the fathers treat their daughters and all. I think that over here we have more of a difference of an opinion than anything else we see things from a different perspective and all. :) Am okay with that. But I would like to think that we atleast agree on some points in that matter. For instance let me bring up Sejins' dad first. Do I agree on his actions and how he tends to treat issues. The answer to that question has to be no I don't. We atleast agree on this point as well. In my opinion this man tends to prioritize his family over all others and perhaps his daughter slightly more than his wife and all thus even when he needs to be harsh towards her he isn't and has unfortunately spoiled his daughter badly thus he doesn't care what he needs to do to maintain her happiness even if that means ruining the life of others around him and all clearly that is wrong and I don't agree with any of that. He should have taught his daughter ages ago that she can't always have her way etc... But he does show that he loves her to an extent. Perhaps that isn't love and perhaps that is his way of easing his guilty conscious for all I know. But in my opinion he is willing to do anything for his daughter and her happiness so I am considering it love on his part atleast even if that thing is wrong and all.


Now let us compare how Dohui's dad tends to treat her. He loves her as we have seen but he atleast is a bit more practical than Sejin's dad. Sure he may be swayed in the end by his daughter and her wants but he is still a bit more reasonable. For instance when he clearly told his family that he wouldn't hand down his company to someone that wasn't fit to handle it even if it was family and then later when Nayeon asked him to invest in AP Foods. At first he wasn't ready to invest in it since that company might not have made it anyway and she had to persuade him to do it for her sake. At that point he was ready to do so but even then he didn't just do it he first investigated into the matter and wondered if his daughter was even capable of doing so and all and when he had confirmation only then did he decide to invest in AP Foods and all. So my conclusion of the two fathers is that while they both love their children Dohui's dad is far more practical than lets say Sejin's dad and because of that he is going to suffer later on down the line. The other thing that was brought up was how these dads tended to treat Taejoon and his stepbrother. That while Taejoon is only treated as a tool for his daughters success and all but Dohui's dad tends to treat Taejoons stepbrother far more nicely and treat him like family. While that is true regarding the stepbrother and all I want to know what his exact relationship is with that family before I fully comment on this. He is somewhere between hired help and part of the actual family. I mean no matter how close you are to hired help and how nice you tend to treat them I don't think I have ever seen them sit around the same table as the main family and share a meal with them and all. Sure they treat him as a human compared to Taejoon who is treated as a tool of his family and all. It isn't like they have adopted Taejoon's brother in their family yet they are quite close to him and all so I am interested in his story now. Nevertheless I will agree that Dohui's family treats others as humanly as possible to an extent. The only one that doesn't has to be Dohui's mother and even then when it is in regard to Dohui and her secret. Even then she tries to persuade the other party to give up and all nicely without resorting to any underhanded means and all. Unlike Team Evil who are more than willing to ruin a couple of lives to get what they want and will even step on people that don't have enough power to fight back and all.


Yep if Dohui anticpated Taejoon and company being sent to spy on them that certainly makes her a major planner and thus a force to be reckoned with in the future. Still in regards to the office full of spies not so sure about that. The only real spy would be Taejoon. Sure the others may be there as spies as well but I find it harder to believe that you can afford to hire an entire office of spies all willing to take down the only means of their livlihood and all. You are going to need to open a lot of positions to please all of them when they lose their jobs at AP Food for making it go down and all. I think that most of the people that are going to be sent over are going to be of two categories. The first one will be the genuine hard workers and the second type will involve all those people that like to kiss up to their superiors in hopes that when they (superiors) get promoted they won't forger those that were loyal to them and thus they will get a raise in their positions as well. These will be the ones to look out for since they also can come in two camps those that will try to side with Taejoon while a few of them that may think that Hwi Kyung is the correct horse to bet on and will be on his side. These people are the ones that are going to be most dangerous and the ones that Nayeon and Hwi Kyung needs to win over. Not going to be that difficult given their kind natures and all but at the same time if they want these people to maintain their loyalty they are going to need to up their game and actually make AP Foods succeed even a bit. But like I said that is going to take time and during this time we can be sure that Taejoon will try to sabotage said deals and all just so that AP Food goes down.


Well we all know that Taejoon isn't going to divorce Sejin anytime soon. He is already gotten used to certain set of living and attained some sort of power that he would be unwilling to let it go even if that were to please Yoo Kyung and all. On top of that Sejin isn't tired of her new toy so she isn't going to allow that. :) Good luck in that department Yoo Kyung.


As for Nayeon and the rest of the gang can't wait for her to raise her game. Loved reading about how she has already started on Taejoon. When she is done with all of them they will be left with nothing unless she decides otherwise. :)


Hwi Kyung getting jealous over that little scene like that but I think the poor fellow is going to get a hurt alot before the truth is revealed to him because the more time Nayeon will spend with Taejoon (even though it is meant for her revenge and all) he doesn't know this and may feel that she is cheating on him. This poor man has already gone through that once with his Ex Wife that he certainly doesn't need to go through all that again also his reaction is going to be similar when the truth is revealed to him. Though at this point I would rather prefer that Nayeon reveals to him on her own rather than him finding out from elsewhere because otherwise the hurt of betrayal is going to be far worse for him. You never know he may be more than willing to help you because he already felt sorry for you when he read your story that Dohui had written and all. Plus perhaps you both might be so in love that it wouldn't matter who you were and all. But that only counts if you reveal it to him rather than from some other source and all. As for Nayeon revealing the truth to Dohui's dad is a bit more tricky. Yes he is going to be mad at her but then that anger is going to be diverted towards his wife for lying to him for all these years. I mean atleast Nayeon could use the excuse that at first she really thought that she was his daughter due to her amnesia but when she recovered them she didn't know how to approach him because she felt guilty towards him and how he had treated her as his own daughter all this time. Plus also revealing to him how even more grateful she was towards him when neither she nor her sister shared a drop of blood with him yet they considered him like a father. This may let her of the hook but the same can't be said about his wife who for years had been deceiving him about his child and not allowing him the chance to mourn its death both for the child that had died as well as for the one that he had gotten to know and considered a daughter (Dohui). Will this lead in a divorce who knows. If I know Nayeon she may try to convince him not to do so as that isn't something that Dohui would want her parents to do so. Does this mean that if he were to divorce his wife that Hwi Kyung's mother would become available to him especially now that he has no connection to his daughters whether that was Dohui or even Nayeon. The answer to that would have to be still no because while she may have been his first love ages ago the same can't be said anymore. She has moved on and now the only man for her would have to be the late chairman who she sincerely loved and cared for.


As @valsava pointed out that perhaps Nayeon may find out who her father is at the cost of her identity being revealed I do feel that is possible. Such as when Yoo Kyung discovers who Nayeon is she may try to cut a deal with her but her revealing the truth must mean that Yoo Kyung has become real desperate to stop Nayeon. Though while I think that she may not be still willing to reveal his identity straight away and may try to stall for time such as promising to allow Nayeon to meet with her real father since she is the only one who knows who that is. But I doubt that Nayeon is going to let go of her revenge for a person she has no idea about. So in the end I believe that she may be forced to reveal his identity in the hopes that Nayeon will stop her revenge because it will end up hurting her own father as well as well as try to cut some sort of deal with her. I am sure this information may confuse her for a bit but then all that she needs to do is remember what he did to her and how he was a key element in separating her from her family and thus she is going to turn down the deal and come down just as hard on them or perhaps even harder than before. She really doesn't need to go easy on that family. Though the same can't be said about the others that have shown that they have cared about her even if they aren't connected by blood to her.


Well have to go now since I am a bit busy with work and all so will try to catch up later on so till then take care and keep posting. Also I would like to apologize to those with whom I didn't fully agree with and those that do the same with me. Please note I do respect your opinions and that they do make sense as well. It is just that you need to convince me some more so that I can join your side as well since I really don't like arguments and all :)


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Does BDJ know that DH isn't is? A DNA report?!! WOAH, writer! BIG SURPRISE!! Could HK really be BDJ's son? It would make sense as their mannerisms are the same. DH2 at the bar playing that song on the piano!! Driving this man crazy!!OMG!!!! They KISSED!! SJ caught them!! MERCY!  WOAH!!


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didn't see that coming!! 

12 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:
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Does BDJ know that DH isn't is? A DNA report?!! WOAH, writer! BIG SURPRISE!! Could HK really be BDJ's son? It would make sense as their mannerisms are the same.



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Guest my2centsworth

WOW  !  !  !  


Cannot believe my eyes !  Score one for the DH2 team ! ! !  And SJ saw the whole thing.  Never expected that !  This girl is amazing ! ! !  After tonight's esp...........there is not doubt that DH2 and BDJ are in the tops ten  for the Father  - Daughter award for full of surprises ! !  DH2 had over 49 to plan her revenge and she is doing a super duper job.  TJ fell......hook....line....and sinker ! ! !  So now I know the real reason for BDJ not  sleeping in the same room as ASJ.  He knows that DH2 is not his daughter and yet he still loves and cares for her deeply. Kudos Mr. Baek. You win father of the year award from me. Now I can hardly wait till KW finds out the truth about who is really his child.  BDJ put KW in his place in the last esp and he is not about to give him DH2.  And I don't think she will go either.  Now I just want a closer look of those DNA papers. Have to find the date so we can tell how long he has known.

So the brothers finally meet.  SK and TJ .  This is going to get real interesting to find out if they get along. SK knows that TJ treated his  former girlfriend and child very badly and left them for a rich family.  Will SK realize now that he has to tell GB the truth that he is not rich.  Boy oh Boy, when SK put the pieces together he is going to flip ! 

And what better way to end such a fantastic esp than with a kiss !   lol  :wub:  TJ laid it on thick and DH2 didn't even flinch. You go girl !   She planned it all out right down to the perfect timing of SJ coming in and seeing them ! I Love it when a drama shocks me and tonight I had two big ones.   Hats off to you writer.   This was great !    Better that great !    Not going to get much sleep tonight........can't wait for the subs.  This forum will be a buzzzzzzzing tomorrow !

  DOUBLE WOW ! ! !    This esp was fantastic ! ! !

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2 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

WOW  !  !  !  

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Cannot believe my eyes !  Score one for the DH2 team ! ! !  And SJ saw the whole thing.  Never expected that !  This girl is amazing ! ! !  After tonight's esp...........there is not doubt that DH2 and BDJ are in the tops ten  for the Father  - Daughter award for full of surprises ! !  DH2 had over 49 to plan her revenge and she is doing a super duper job.  TJ fell......hook....line....and sinker ! ! !  So now I know the real reason for BDJ not  sleeping in the same room as ASJ.  He knows that DH2 is not his daughter and yet he still loves and cares for her deeply. Kudos Mr. Baek. You win father of the year award from me. Now I can hardly wait till KW finds out the truth about who is really his child.  BDJ put KW in his place in the last esp and he is not about to give him DH2.  And I don't think she will go either.  Now I just want a closer look of those DNA papers. Have to find the date so we can tell how long he has known.

So the brothers finally meet.  SK and TJ .  This is going to get real interesting to find out if they get along. SK knows that TJ treated his  former girlfriend and child very badly and left them for a rich family.  Will SK realize now that he has to tell GB the truth that he is not rich.  Boy oh Boy, when SK put the pieces together he is going to flip ! 

And what better way to end such a fantastic esp than with a kiss !   lol  :wub:  TJ laid it on thick and DH2 didn't even flinch. You go girl !   She planned it all out right down to the perfect timing of SJ coming in and seeing them ! I Love it when a drama shocks me and tonight I had two big ones.   Hats off to you writer.   This was great !    Better that great !    Not going to get much sleep tonight........can't wait for the subs.  This forum will be a buzzzzzzzing tomorrow !

  DOUBLE WOW ! ! !    This esp was fantastic ! ! !

the revenge part almost similar with temptation of  wife hehehehehhe

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20 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

WOW  !  !  !  

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Cannot believe my eyes !  Score one for the DH2 team ! ! !  And SJ saw the whole thing.  Never expected that !  This girl is amazing ! ! !  After tonight's esp...........there is not doubt that DH2 and BDJ are in the tops ten  for the Father  - Daughter award for full of surprises ! !  DH2 had over 49 to plan her revenge and she is doing a super duper job.  TJ fell......hook....line....and sinker ! ! !  So now I know the real reason for BDJ not  sleeping in the same room as ASJ.  He knows that DH2 is not his daughter and yet he still loves and cares for her deeply. Kudos Mr. Baek. You win father of the year award from me. Now I can hardly wait till KW finds out the truth about who is really his child.  BDJ put KW in his place in the last esp and he is not about to give him DH2.  And I don't think she will go either.  Now I just want a closer look of those DNA papers. Have to find the date so we can tell how long he has known.

So the brothers finally meet.  SK and TJ .  This is going to get real interesting to find out if they get along. SK knows that TJ treated his  former girlfriend and child very badly and left them for a rich family.  Will SK realize now that he has to tell GB the truth that he is not rich.  Boy oh Boy, when SK put the pieces together he is going to flip ! 

And what better way to end such a fantastic esp than with a kiss !   lol  :wub:  TJ laid it on thick and DH2 didn't even flinch. You go girl !   She planned it all out right down to the perfect timing of SJ coming in and seeing them ! I Love it when a drama shocks me and tonight I had two big ones.   Hats off to you writer.   This was great !    Better that great !    Not going to get much sleep tonight........can't wait for the subs.  This forum will be a buzzzzzzzing tomorrow !

  DOUBLE WOW ! ! !    This esp was fantastic ! ! !


Wow wow wow! 

DH2 is superb with her plan. The only sticking point is we don't k ow what she plans or how she going to exercute it! We are in for lots of surprises.  

Also, Dh father is great man to know the truth yet treat her like his own daughter is beautiful thing.KW can learn life lesson from him, mentor anyone :P

So can't wait for the episode. <3 

Can anyone tell me if temptation of wife is any good? I watched temptation of an angel which great and full of drama one of the best. I heard it's by same people..are they the same writers for this drama? 


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the chairman knew hk's is bdh's son?his young wife was pregnant when she married to him? if he knew hk's is bdh's son he cannot marry do hee to his son because same father .i don't think hk's is bdh's son.he is the chairman son.do hee's father cherish hk's mom because she was his first love.have you encounter after 20-30 years you still think about your first love.dh's father and the chairman share special relationship because of hk's mom or business deal or something happened that he is thankful to him .we just speculate but i still think because of the student movement he sent to prison and the chairman bailed him up.i also think the chairman gave him financial support when he was in his early business.he came from poor background but the chairman invested in his business and made him rich. 

 i still think the chairman invested in many of his ventures during his early days and he respect the chairman so much that willing to give his daughter to hk.not so much of first love but more of his gratitude towards the chairman..

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i never like any woman seducing any married man just to  get at that man..dh should not kiss or seduced a married man just to fulfill her ambition. you can seduce any man that you like but not married man/married woman. i am not supporting any adultery. marriage is a very sacred.how i wish dh's put her boundary.destroying another married woman's family is a big no-no. i never support any woman doing this to another woman. 

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9 minutes ago, mona_12345 said:

i never like any woman seducing any married man just to  get at that man..dh should not kiss or seduced a married man just to fulfill her ambition. you can seduce any man that you like but not married man/married woman. i am not supporting any adultery. marriage is a very sacred.how i wish dh's put her boundary.destroying another married woman's family is a big no-no. i never support any woman doing this to another woman. 

Yeah but what SJ did to her is perfectly okay....

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