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I didn't save screenshot but OSM posted an apology post because they used ZZ's photo in one of their thing instead of JY (online thing). To be honest, JY and ZZ do look similar but they are not twins lmao. I hope this is really just an accident, if not then brands should stop doing it for the sake of PR :sweatingbullets:


They changed HuangWhaleandZhouMeow supertopic profile pic 

OMG hahahaha This is perfect :lol:





By HeroinFunny




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I spoke too soon LOL

ZZ answering question from his producer

According to google translate, the question is something like when will you sing your new song (with guitar) according to my memory LOL


A: Translated by Gashupingo

Teacher Shi Song, long time no see, recently I am filming, I'll practice on my singing during free time, I did not forget teacher Shi Shong's teachings on singing techniques. When I have my concert I'll invite teacher there, I'm also can't wait to sing my new songs, I'll continue to work hard





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Another answer


Translated by Gashupingo

ZZ: <Edge of Darkness> this song when the team first heard the song for the first time got say if it's too much. I put this song in the first chapter is because as a "youth rocker" I wanted to share the rock music to everyone, to share my fav style to everyone, I'll persist to make songs with rock elements. (Death) Metal album or singles if there's chance I'll also try. Thank you teacher.





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Question from 赵南坊

#许魏洲的15个问题# 作为曾经组过乐队玩过摇滚乐的歌手,“摇滚乐”对于现在个人创作的具体影响有哪些?曾经这段经历是否会让你显得跟传统意义上的主流歌手有所不同?如果有,会是哪些不同?


Translated by Gashupingo

ZZ: Continue to do what you want, persist in it, there will be someone that will give you recognition 




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Question by 着调music

#许魏洲的15个问题# @许魏洲ZZ 你觉得自己是个富裕的独立音乐人吗?(首先回答富不富裕,之后回答是否独立[阴险])做这张《The Time》最艰苦的是什么,是否有挫折,以及最大的收获是什么?

@许魏洲ZZ:以前做乐队时学到的最重要的东西,就是对于音乐的真诚和敬畏。“摇滚”对于我来说更是一种精神,是一种自我的态度。出道成为歌手后,再想起以前做乐队的日子,越发觉得现在难能可贵,所以在这张新专辑《The Time》中我想让大家看到我在音乐上的态度,希望能够得到大家的认可。

Translated by Gashupingo

ZZ: I do my very best to make this album "rich", this is what I love to do, making it the best possible. This album is made by the workshop ourselves, incl. receiving songs, contacting producers, recording, releasing, promoting etc. Making this <The Time> is an extremely important thing to me, so all the difficulties, setbacks, troubles can be ignored, the process is the biggest reward. Thank you teacher




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Too many omg so I just combines ZZ's answers here


Google translate: Three songs with different styles but all have rock elements inside. The first chapter "15 minutes of madness" with rock as the title, crazy is from love, as the opening is to let everyone see the most realistic part of my music. "So What" was written in relaxing state (like at home), first composed then lyrics were written.


Google translate:  Of course, I remember that the best newcomer (Fresh Asia award) is my first winning award.


Google translate: ZZ and everyone in the team's effort, effort did not go in vain (cry)

@许魏洲ZZ:以前做乐队时学到的最重要的东西,就是对于音乐的真诚和敬畏。“摇滚”对于我来说更是一种精神,是一种自我的态度。出道成为歌手后,再想起以前做乐队的日子,越发觉得现在难能可贵,所以在这张新专辑《The Time》中我想让大家看到我在音乐上的态度,希望能够得到大家的认可。

Google translate: Previously when I was in a band, I learned the most important thing, that is, the music of sincere and awe. "Rock" for me is a spirit, is a self-attitude. I debut to become a singer, and then I think of the band before, I feel now valuable, so in this new album "The Time" I want you to see my attitude in the music, hoping to get everyone's approval.


Google translate: Recently, I'm listening to Jazz and Trap. While I am persistence in rock - type that I like, I want to add new elements into the songs, try different styles of music, bring more new ideas in my music.


Google translate: In fact, I like all three songs. But I composed "So What" so I'm more interested in it


Google translate: "Forget me", Teacher Li Pei produced this song. This is ZZ and teacher Li Pei first time (working together). In the recording process, for the expression of the song is always grinding, the teacher taught ZZ how to use their own mood to sing, let a song become temperature. Thank you, teacher


Google translate: Ha ha ha ~ ~ may have to try, so that everyone won't see the same ZZ every time.


Google translate: publicize, affectionate, crazy


Google translate: Now this album definitely needs to go beyond the first album. Not only the essence of music, but also let everyone see my music attitude. This album, I actually want to try to break the self, rock and public boundaries, so that everyone can have a better understanding in my music, as well as rock. Thank you.


Google transalte: In fact, this album achieves the purpose, because every song is full of surprises. I am with friends across the screen moved to embrace the joy of it! (Not sure what this means haha)


ZZ's MV will be releasing next week


15 in total. Kudos ZZ!!! I thought you were going to "Hi, have you guys eaten? I have to go now, bye bye!" again hahahaha

Disclaimer: these are from google translate. I just made it a bit easier to understand haha, Correct me if I'm wrong 

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21 hours ago, clediver said:

so funny [Dear future husband]

Omg this is so good.. :lol::lol: Sounds like somebody sang that?

On 17/08/2017 at 1:51 AM, Angrybird62 said:

Ok so this interview.. I just saw it. Omg. So i thought there was a funny part involving ryan and a bed. But then somebody showed me some actual candy. I will translate the parts i actually know first.

Excuse the roughness, Cr me for the translation:

Edit: Here is the full interview on miaopai: http://www.miaopai.com/show/MmCwKfq-1v5swcZ66kpasutzidCephRPdrlKWQ__.htm


ZZ: Hi everyone i am XWZ [..], because i especially like cats so most of the time when i open weibo i will pay attention to news/info about little animals. [..] Let everyone know more about me.

(1. something about the one thing he dislikes about his fans most, skip this one cause obviously he said he likes his fans, nothing that he dislikes)

2. How do you treat the pimples on your face?

ZZ: Don't use your hands to touch it, get enough rest, drink more water.

3. What is a strange phobia/habit that you have that no one knows?

ZZ: I have a habit, nobody knows, when i'm finished eating, i just can't seem to eat the last bite. At night when i am sleeping i will wrap myself in a blanket, it feels more secure. 

Candy under spoiler:


Cr. logo (Even the person who showed me doesn't remember the original poster's name)


The pic shows ZZ during the question about his habits and him answering.

Cr. Logo


This text is from the addicted novel, there is a line that says (translation cr. me): "BLY has a habit/problem, it doesn't matter what he eats, he has to leave one bite. Even if he isn't full, he has to leave one bite, this is a habit that has developed ever since he was young. Because during his childhood, the father and son would not have enough to eat, BH (BLY's dad's name i hope i got the initials right), gave whatever is good to BLY, BLY would feel bad.." The text gets cut off here.

ZZ has the same habit as BLY... ;__: Its a huge candy, but i think ZZ is telling the truth too. It probably is his habit, not just some candy he wants to give out. Probably for completely different reasons from BLY. 

(4. Something about what kind of bad/naughty things ZZ got up to with a friend in school, don't know who the friend is skip that. Also he said nothing anyways)

5. When was the last time that you and ryan shared the same bed?

ZZ: Last month.. We could only sleep on the same bed.. No its not something we do regularly! Just happened. Don't tell anyone. (I think that's a bit too late.. lol. Er, don't think someone will be too happy.. X__X;;)

(6. Feeling pressured about liking posts from people he doesn't like in his friend cycle (on weibo), ZZ just says why would he have them in his friend circle if he dislikes them)

(7. Something about fashion, ZZ says he's born with it)

8. Forget me: something about creating a very short romantic story with this phrase.

ZZ: We should let go of each other, forget me. (TT___TT)

(9. something about the way he walks with his toes in. ZZ says he doesn't and from now on he will walk with his toes out)

(10. something about during his concert if something goes wrong, ZZ says usually it might be if he forgets the next line, then he would get his fans to sing it. XDXD)

11. If your pet cat suddenly overnight became a man eating animal.

ZZ: If it suddenly became a person, i can still accept it.. If it became a man eating animal.. Aiya, oh my goodness (the chinese literally means oh my mother lol).... If there is no time for having a pet cat, but still really like them, then i normally would (pet?) other people's cats.

12. If XWZ saw Chester (from linkin park), what kind of situation would you dream of? (interesting question..................................x_x)

ZZ: *sighs* Chester is my idol(not sure of the word??) in the rock genre, in my dreams it would be the both of us on the same stage singing together.

13. If XWZ saw his own face/head on a doll (?), what would be his first reaction.

ZZ: I would grab it and take a look at it, see if it looks good, if it looks like me.

Questions from fans:

(14. Something about his body measurements, ZZ says the length of his leg should be over 1 m.)

15: ZZ what is your bank card pass code? (=__=;;;;;;)

ZZ: Do you really think i will tell you? Its all in my mom's hands. I will tell you privately. 

16: At night will you wear a sleeping cap? The pointy kind?

ZZ: No, no i don't wear sleeping caps.

17. Would you do plaza dancing? Hahahaha. (Ie. the dances that the older ladies do in public, i don't know the english term. ZZ did this already in his cellphone person episode)

ZZ: Yeah i would, haven't i done it before already? Easy to learn. If there is a chance, we can dance awkwardly together. (Lol something to that meaning). I'm finished the *something*, have you gotten to know me more? 



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OMG, soompi totally refused to let me post using my phone so I had to type in note then copy paste XD. Please ignore if the font looks weird

Just a few things my friend told me about ZZ video today (from my memory XD)

1. ZZ has a habit of leaving the last bite behind after his meal. Same as BLY in the novel LOL

2. The way ZZ walks with his feet facing each other, he said he will try his best to splayfeet outwards LOL

3. ZZ has a habit of hugging his blanket to sleep, giving him more sense of secure **so normally he hugs JY!!??!!** 

4. The last time ZZ slept on the same bed with Ryan was last month. He went to Ryan's house to play game, after they ate, he was tired and Ryan's house only has one bed.

**REPORT JY!!!!!! OMG, this is like YinZi when GH was away lmao. Poor JY hahaha**

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I will post HD photos later when I get back but this fan art is so lovely. When JY is home, ZZ doesn't need to hug his blanket to sleep awwww



By Sally



Cant wait to see your MV ZZ ah!!! The trailer looks good!




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