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4 minutes ago, ximichem said:

ZZ, don't be nervous, you have our back!

Side note, guys, if you are voting, make sure after entering the code, the pop up box should have short line and no number, just words

Yes, ZZ, you have our hope and wishes! 

What vote is it? How can I vote?

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7 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

Yes, ZZ, you have our hope and wishes! 

What vote is it? How can I vote?


click blue box below their pic, enter code, click blue box on lower right corner, make sure the confirm line is short and no number (30), use different browsers/devices, vote every 30min (or less I think)

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I like seeing ZZ in black tux or in any suit, simply because he looks absolutely swoon-worthy in them. He looked nice in the clip of him walking beside HJY during the French Excellence Award as well as in the Esquire Magz photo shoot.

However, now that you mention it, I'm looking at ZZ's suit with a new pair of eyes. And I have to concur that a splash of colour does make a good change although I still don't really fancy the patterns on them.

That said, I guess with such a good-looking face, ZZ will look breathtakingly gorgeous in anything.

Truth be told, no matter what ZZ wears, at the end of the day, my eyes will still focus on just his face - I'm quite captivated by his shy but warm smile and his cute dimples.

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I'm crossing my fingers that ZZ will outperform himself in anticipation and trepidation right now (after watching his rehearsal and his carpet moment - a bundle of nerves there).


We'll be watching it live here right? The other link is a playlist or something.

Btw I do think any makeup artist responsible for ZZ went overboard with the foundation (?, sorry, saw someone used the term, I don't know about makeup); it shouldn't look like that under flash light (despite looking okay under normal light). Just compare to YJ's pictures.

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                        A tribute to the talent of Chai Jidan.

I thought from the beginning that my addiction to the story depicted in Addicted web series had to do with a remote Stendhalien souvenir. And indeed the way the birth and the growing of love in the series is quite in close correspondance with the process described quasi-scientifically in Stendhal’s various novels and essays. He called this phenomenon


(see here what it is all about)


"In the salt mines, nearing the end of the winter season, the miners will throw a leafless wintry bough into one of the abandoned workings. Two or three months later, through the effects of the waters saturated with salt which soak the bough and then let it dry as they recede, the miners find it covered with a shining deposit of crystals. The tiniest twigs no bigger than a tom-tit’s claw are encrusted with an infinity of little crystals scintillating and dazzling. The original little bough is no longer recognizable; it has become a child’s plaything very pretty to see. When the sun is shining and the air is perfectly dry the miners of Hallein seize the opportunity of offering these diamond-studded boughs to travellers preparing to go down to the mine. »
Stendhal, On Love.

« Aux mines de sel de Salzbourg, on jette dans les profondeurs abandonnées de la mine un rameau d'arbre effeuillé par l'hiver ; deux ou trois mois après, on le retire couvert de cristallisations brillantes (…) Ce que j'appelle cristallisation, c'est l'opération de l'esprit, qui tire de tout ce qui se présente la découverte que l'objet aimé a de nouvelles perfections »
Stendhal, De l’amour.


Cristaux de sel.

La cristallisation prend sa source dans la distance avec l'être aimé et le doute sur ses sentiments : « Etes-vous quitté, la cristallisation recommence ; (…) ».
La cristallisation s'inscrit dans un processus en plusieurs étapes, sept précisément, selon Stendhal :

Quel plaisir, etc.
L'amour est né.
Première cristallisation.
Le doute paraît.
Seconde cristallisation.


And now juxtapose these two names


Lucien Leuwen is Stendhal’s last novel, actually unfinished (this we could link to the present situation of the series).

Now we have to invert positions of the heros. Indeed in Stendhal’s novel, Lucien is the one who fall in love with Bathilde. They are of very different milieus :

- Lucien’s father is a prominent banquer who makes and undo the governments of 1830's France (government and social corruption, another similarity with CJD’s scenario), and Lucien is a dashing young officer who had problems with his military school for his republican revolutionary opinions (Hai was ten years at military school and is quite disenchanted with authority).

- Bathilde de Chasteller is a young and beautiful widow from the milieu of high aristocracy, having lost a lot of social position since the so called "abolition of privileges" of the french Revolution, and cultivating all traditional values against the terrible thirst for money well represented by Lucien-Hai’s milieu.

(to be continued…).

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Guest skeletonworks
10 minutes ago, LenvievLR said:

I'm crossing my fingers that ZZ will outperform himself in anticipation and trepidation right now (after watching his rehearsal and his carpet moment - a bundle of nerves there).


We'll be watching it live here right? The other link is a playlist or something.

Btw I do think any makeup artist responsible for ZZ went overboard with the foundation (?, sorry, saw someone used the term, I don't know about makeup); it shouldn't look like that under flash light (despite looking okay under normal light). Just compare to YJ's pictures.


Has it started?? Is this the correct link? Someone said he'll be performing at 1917? So in about 10 more minutes?

EDIT: Nvm. It started already with a girl performance. I guess after this it's Zhouzhou? He looked so nervous af in the latest photo >_< Come on Zhou baby you can do it!!!

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Looking at estreline's IG, ZZ and JY are not seated next to each other. Maybe ZZ is seated on performers's row (seeing EXO are seated behind him?) but still my shipper heart is broken a little bit :tears:

Is it almost the time for ZZ's performance?

@skeletonworks Yesterday at IG, a pic of the event's running down schedule shows ZZ will perform at 19.17. Oh, it is starting! ZZ maybe in 10-15 min?

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Guest skeletonworks


EDIT: This is why I don't like watching live streaming. My connection sucksss!! :(

BUT!!! I managed to get Johnny!!!


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Well. It's 4AM, my nervousness is at max level, ZZ and JY aren't sitting together yet Kong Chuinan (from Like Love) and uh the other CP from Counterattack are sitting next to each other? What kind of logic is this... >.>
(ZZ looking good as usual. Ahhhhghh I'm so nervous. You can do it, Zhou Meow!! >< )

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Guest skeletonworks

I missed to capture Zhouzhou 3 times >_< :(((((

But Zhouzhou hasn't performed yet!

A lof of them are wearing suits with similar feels like Zhouzhou. Is it a trend or something to wear suits with patterns on it? Sorry I'm fashion blind >_<


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