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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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guys I just read this post on DC. so the OP said that Junghwan stayed at his parents house for 4 weeks, and since he came back at Taek's bday which was on October 8, he's supposed to be back working on 5th November.

The Lee Seung Hwan concert was on 16 October (you can see the banner), so JH has been staying a week at that time.


The next scene was DS interview in the future (which is not clear on what year/what day.) and then it's cut to SW waking up in 1994, without any information what day it was. But during breakfast, SW said to his mom that tomorrow JH is leaving and they'll go hangout together tonight. 
I thought at first JH's farewell party was a day after DS/TK concert date, but actually it was 3 weeks after. It's possible that there would be an explanation of what's happening during those 3 weeks in next episode. Now I'm wondering whether something happened with TK-DS during those 3 weeks. 

here's the original post with more screencaps of the scenes: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=reply1988&no=599775&page=16

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2 minutes ago, EMM! said:

I hope everyone is coping up easily~

Seriously.. this thread is so lovely..
I got over my pain and now I'm laughing and feeling light as I read through our thread, and even in the MT.
(we don't even talk about the kiss scene anymore???? hahahahaha the confession scene broke us all XD)

We'll have to repeat what we did for the past two days yet again once the subs are out in a few hours.
I'm sorry for reminding you about it.

And for those who are feeling like they're losing hope, and felt like they were cheated and should've gone the other way..

Try to think hard as you can as to why you believed Junghwan is Deoksun's husband, don't even try to hunt for clues, for symbolisms, for parallelisms-- think about it yourself using your own capabilities and guts and wits-- you'll understand why you even shipped them in the first place. 

It's not yet the end, but we all have to deal with this ending, so if ever fate and timing and destiny are not on our side, let's keep our cool and think about the fun memories we had on this thread!

I can't help but feel emo..

Today is the last Monday we'll ever wonder who Deoksun's husband would be. 


I so agree with the Monday part (lol I just said bye just now but can't help see this when I refreshed) I love updating all the happening from the previous weeks to my friends who don't even understand what I'm talking about. They just keep calling me the 1988 girl hahaha I wonder how I'll cope come next week, I think I'll be crazy waiting for an ep 21~inifinty :w00t:

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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening friends!

Just my 2 cents. I too think a kiss between JH and DS will likely happen in ep 19 or 20. I can't imagine the writer taking that away from JH, especially since she has given a scene to TK, the other half of the love triangle. It might be a "dream" kiss scene, but I think it is less likely because at this point JH has given up, why would be continue to torture himself by imagining things. If DS dreams about it, I give her my thumbs up! So, the fact that a kiss hasn't happened yet is good news for me.

Also, I think the fashion and mannerisms of the adult husband is a deliberate choice, and they are more JH like than TK like. This is one of the things that is keeping me optimistic.

And lastly, what is a kdrama if the first love does not work out? If the first love does not have its share of trials and tribulations? Given that JH has been shown to have suffered the most, I think by kdrama logic, he should be rewarded the most :) 

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23 minutes ago, EMM! said:

I hope everyone is coping up easily~

Seriously.. this thread is so lovely..
I got over my pain and now I'm laughing and feeling light as I read through our thread, and even in the MT.
(we don't even talk about the kiss scene anymore???? hahahahaha the confession scene broke us all XD)

We'll have to repeat what we did for the past two days yet again once the subs are out in a few hours.
I'm sorry for reminding you about it.

And for those who are feeling like they're losing hope, and felt like they were cheated and should've gone the other way..

Try to think hard as you can as to why you believed Junghwan is Deoksun's husband, don't even try to hunt for clues, for symbolisms, for parallelisms-- think about it yourself using your own capabilities and guts and wits-- you'll understand why you even shipped them in the first place. 

It's not yet the end, but we all have to deal with this ending, so if ever fate and timing and destiny are not on our side, let's keep our cool and think about the fun memories we had on this thread!

I can't help but feel emo..

Today is the last Monday we'll ever wonder who Deoksun's husband would be. 


you're right.... it's our last week. ok. now i'm sad... I'm dying to watch E19 but I'm not ready for this drama to end esp our conversations. I should've joined this thread earlier..

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22 hours ago, fleshwithoutblood said:

:P:PI'm going to preface this with a disclaimer that I haven't watched the past couple episodes and will likely wait until it's completed to fully delve into the rest of the episodes, mainly because of the length of each episode is too daunting and I'd rather binge-watch when I actually have more time, but I have been following along with the basic happenings and skimming re-caps. These are just some thoughts I had about this pairing and Reply in general.

This is from the pov of a rehabilitated Chilbong shipper. I learned a lot from Reply 1994. I even knew at episode 13 in R94 that it was obviously Trash, but instead I tried to convince myself based on "clues" and whatnot, but deep down I knew, and it became obvious after the haze lifted. It is still perfectly plausible that I'm wrong on this one, but I'm just explaining my opinion based on my past experience. I didn't want it to be Trash because I was hung up on the pseudo brother-sister dynamic they had going on during the first few episode (ok and Yoo Yeon Seok was pretty dreamy :P), but the narrative arc revolved pretty firmly around Najung-Trash. In the wake of that drama, I accepted

t the narrative focus is the strongest indicator. The narrative focus was on Najung's feelings/love. I don't know how to explain it, but it's the lens/time devoted to *angst*/framing of the storyline. As a Chilbong shipper, I latched onto things like "It's not over, till it's over" (in retrospect, a pretty weak thing given the sentiment lol), red herrings in the future like the baseball in their house, etc. Now, I fully realize that the "clues" don't matter and are often later explained via flashbacks. I vaguely remember it being this way in R97 too. Whether this is a great way to tell a story is subjective, but it is distinctive and adds tension. In R88, there's a heavy focus on Junghwan's angst and feelings towards Deoksun, which reminds me of the lens of Yoonjae and Najung in earlier Reply dramas. Basically I realized that the Reply series IS a "typical" drama, despite the twists and turns it takes to get there. Because of those twists and the guessing game, I convinced myself that the writer wanted to surprise people with R94 and go with the unexpected, however there's a reason that the main lead is narratively the main lead - it has to make sense, even I was doubting whether a Chilbong ending would actually be satisfactory towards the later episodes. Taek has a stronger case than CB from what I've read, but imo the narrative build-up has been towards Junghwan's confession and the relationship between him and DS. Someone more familiar with film could probably explain this a lot better than me lol. (It's entirely possible that the writer has actually decided to pull a fast one at last, but judging from my past experience, I believe it's Junghwan based on the overall story arc and perspective.)

The Reply series at their base are about two people with feelings for each other that miss the timing repeatedly throughout the years, yet still manage to make it in the end. There's all that stuff about how it's really about family or the past, etc, and that is an aspect that differentiates it from other dramas, however at its core, it's about a couple that was only made possible through the passage of time. I would say it's about how timing doesn't always matter for love, that in the end they'll finally work it out, even if they missed chances along the way. The main obstacle is overcoming one stage of a relationship to transition into another (platonic to romantic), and giving up the comfort found in the platonic relationship and taking that risk. Without this, there'd be no drama. There aren't evil parents-in-laws and chaebol plots to get in the way of love in these dramas, they're simply about the obstacle of moving past friendship into the unknown. The series is literally based on so-called "noble idiocy," and truthfully, that's alright with me. I think it does it in a pretty believable way. There's no one dying of cancer and hiding it for episodes on end to save their love from the heartbreak here. It's only the trouble of giving up a meaningful relationship for the promise of a different, much riskier, one, and possibly hurting others you care about in the process. Him not confessing "properly" really means nothing to me, since it looked to me that Deoksun knew he wasn't joking. He just said that at the end to give her (and himself) an out from the awkwardness and tension in case she doesn't reciprocate, but they both know that he was sincere. He's "given up" and come to terms with it, which in my mind is the step that propels her to meet him halfway.

This is sort of related, but I really dislike the use of "x deserves/doesn't deserve y" in regards to relationships. This actually bothered me with Chilbong shippers back then tbh, but pretty much all shippers use it. Whether one's hesitant, messes up their confession, or doesn't love as deeply from an outside perspective, these things don't mean much in the way of love (particularly in dramas lol). People get love they don't deserve all the time! Haha. Anyways, I adore Deoksun and whatever happens, happens. I like the DS-JH pairing a lot because I like their dynamic and want to root for them, but if they don't end up together, then at this point, I wouldn't say it's because Junghwan doesn't "deserve" her or vice versa. No one in this drama is evil, ok maybe Bora just a tiny bit, but that's why I love her! Relationships are complicated, sometimes they work out despite missed opportunities, sometimes they don't work out at all, but hesitating to confess or trying to downplay a confession is not some huge slight - it's human (and necessary for the drama to exist).

 @fleshwithoutblood May I post this on the main thread? It's put so beautifully!

"This is from the pov of a rehabilitated Chilbong shipper." :'D Sorry but this had me LOL

Luckily I was spared the torment in R94 and to this day, it's the one drama I sorta expect every other kdrama to measure up to.

 "He's "given up" and come to terms with it, which in my mind is the step that propels her to meet him halfway."

This was exactly what happened in R94 as well and the writer worked it all out so beautifully in the end, that it still has me all hung up on it! Trusting her to not disappoint with R88. JH-DS FTW


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26 minutes ago, janeadelaine said:

guys I just read this post on DC. so the OP said that Junghwan stayed at his parents house for 4 weeks, and since he came back at Taek's bday which was on October 8, he's supposed to be back working on 5th November.

The Lee Seung Hwan concert was on 16 October (you can see the banner), so JH has been staying a week at that time.


The next scene was DS interview in the future (which is not clear on what year/what day.) and then it's cut to SW waking up in 1994, without any information what day it was. But during breakfast, SW said to his mom that tomorrow JH is leaving and they'll go hangout together tonight. 
I thought at first JH's farewell party was a day after DS/TK concert date, but actually it was 3 weeks after. It's possible that there would be an explanation of what's happening during those 3 weeks in next episode. Now I'm wondering whether something happened with TK-DS during those 3 weeks. 

here's the original post with more screencaps of the scenes: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=reply1988&no=599775&page=16


Could it not be that he decided to leave early because he wants to "let go" of DS? 

That scene where mama Kim is looking through the dates, initially I thought she was checking to confirm what date JH was meant to leave? Maybe he announced he was leaving soon and that's why Mama Kim was suspicious?

i haven't really seen that scene properly..yet.

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It does not have to mean anything... Maybe TK did confess and then DS has not seen him since then and that is why she is actually checking her pager and the door quite often. She has not heard from him since then and because it is JH good bye party, she is expecting him to be there. So she wants to make sure to catch up with him and make things not awkward.

Whether it is one day or two weeks, it fits with the scenario IMO.


Also, is DS off work too? She might have worked also...


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32 minutes ago, vilavila said:

Also, I think the fashion and mannerisms of the adult husband is a deliberate choice, and they are more JH like than TK like. This is one of the things that is keeping me optimistic.


Yesss I believe so too. I try to fit Taek in the adult husband but he's definitely more Junghwan. When people say husband in ep18 is more Taek, all I can see is the polite Junghwan when he's around strangers, during that concert when the couple ask him to take their pictures, with Deoksun's friends at McDonald's where else eh cant think of more now. But yeah I'm also positive Junghwan's the one looking at these :D

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1 hour ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

Both SW and JH had flashbacks for 3 scenes towards their love for BR and DS respectively.

Assuming we will only get flashbacks for 3 of the scenes, which 3 scenes do you all want to have a flashback?



UHHH It's a very dificult quesiton so I'm gonna answer with three DS scenes that I want to have a flashback: 1) Crying, I'm sorry but She need to cry, when She discovered the gift in JB body (or we can use more imagination, If She found the tickets for Lee Moo Sae concert, and the She thought He didn't want to go with her), 2) She seeing the photo in the wallet,  and writing in her diary 3) She looking around in his room while He is in the army. There are a lot of scenes that I want to see between that two.

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Can someone enlighten me. Deoksun narrated in ep 7 "I was dying to make it obvious but I couldn't"(not sure but I think that was the point). This was the secret santa ep and her friends told her that Junghwan likes her. Taek didn't have a lot of scenes yet that time so maybe he also really liked jungpal even way before? hahaha. I dont know anymore. too delulu sometimes

Please correct me if I'm wrong and I'm new here in soompi 

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20 minutes ago, junghwana said:


Could it not be that he decided to leave early because he wants to "let go" of DS? 

That scene where mama Kim is looking through the dates, initially I thought she was checking to confirm what date JH was meant to leave? Maybe he announced he was leaving soon and that's why Mama Kim was suspicious?

i haven't really seen that scene properly..yet.


Mama Kim went back till August and I felt emphasis was on a date circled with Red. That is why theories of menupause or pregnancy have come up. If he decided to leave early and his vacation was for 4 weeks, wouldnt she check back only till October or September? Just my 2 cents. Hope someone who has watched complete episode will explain it in a better way.


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22 hours ago, fleshwithoutblood said:

:P:PI'm going to preface this with a disclaimer that I haven't watched the past couple episodes and will likely wait until it's completed to fully delve into the rest of the episodes, mainly because of the length of each episode is too daunting and I'd rather binge-watch when I actually have more time, but I have been following along with the basic happenings and skimming re-caps. These are just some thoughts I had about this pairing and Reply in general.

This is from the pov of a rehabilitated Chilbong shipper. I learned a lot from Reply 1994. I even knew at episode 13 in R94 that it was obviously Trash, but instead I tried to convince myself based on "clues" and whatnot, but deep down I knew, and it became obvious after the haze lifted. It is still perfectly plausible that I'm wrong on this one, but I'm just explaining my opinion based on my past experience. I didn't want it to be Trash because I was hung up on the pseudo brother-sister dynamic they had going on during the first few episode (ok and Yoo Yeon Seok was pretty dreamy :P), but the narrative arc revolved pretty firmly around Najung-Trash. In the wake of that drama, I accepted that the narrative focus is the strongest indicator. The narrative focus was on Najung's feelings/love. I don't know how to explain it, but it's the lens/time devoted to *angst*/framing of the storyline. As a Chilbong shipper, I latched onto things like "It's not over, till it's over" (in retrospect, a pretty weak thing given the sentiment lol), red herrings in the future like the baseball in their house, etc. Now, I fully realize that the "clues" don't matter and are often later explained via flashbacks. I vaguely remember it being this way in R97 too. Whether this is a great way to tell a story is subjective, but it is distinctive and adds tension. In R88, there's a heavy focus on Junghwan's angst and feelings towards Deoksun, which reminds me of the lens of Yoonjae and Najung in earlier Reply dramas. Basically I realized that the Reply series IS a "typical" drama, despite the twists and turns it takes to get there. Because of those twists and the guessing game, I convinced myself that the writer wanted to surprise people with R94 and go with the unexpected, however there's a reason that the main lead is narratively the main lead - it has to make sense, even I was doubting whether a Chilbong ending would actually be satisfactory towards the later episodes. Taek has a stronger case than CB from what I've read, but imo the narrative build-up has been towards Junghwan's confession and the relationship between him and DS. Someone more familiar with film could probably explain this a lot better than me lol. (It's entirely possible that the writer has actually decided to pull a fast one at last, but judging from my past experience, I believe it's Junghwan based on the overall story arc and perspective.)

The Reply series at their base are about two people with feelings for each other that miss the timing repeatedly throughout the years, yet still manage to make it in the end. There's all that stuff about how it's really about family or the past, etc, and that is an aspect that differentiates it from other dramas, however at its core, it's about a couple that was only made possible through the passage of time. I would say it's about how timing doesn't always matter for love, that in the end they'll finally work it out, even if they missed chances along the way. The main obstacle is overcoming one stage of a relationship to transition into another (platonic to romantic), and giving up the comfort found in the platonic relationship and taking that risk. Without this, there'd be no drama. There aren't evil parents-in-laws and chaebol plots to get in the way of love in these dramas, they're simply about the obstacle of moving past friendship into the unknown. The series is literally based on so-called "noble idiocy," and truthfully, that's alright with me. I think it does it in a pretty believable way. There's no one dying of cancer and hiding it for episodes on end to save their love from the heartbreak here. It's only the trouble of giving up a meaningful relationship for the promise of a different, much riskier, one, and possibly hurting others you care about in the process. Him not confessing "properly" really means nothing to me, since it looked to me that Deoksun knew he wasn't joking. He just said that at the end to give her (and himself) an out from the awkwardness and tension in case she doesn't reciprocate, but they both know that he was sincere. He's "given up" and come to terms with it, which in my mind is the step that propels her to meet him halfway.

This is sort of related, but I really dislike the use of "x deserves/doesn't deserve y" in regards to relationships. This actually bothered me with Chilbong shippers back then tbh, but pretty much all shippers use it. Whether one's hesitant, messes up their confession, or doesn't love as deeply from an outside perspective, these things don't mean much in the way of love (particularly in dramas lol). People get love they don't deserve all the time! Haha. Anyways, I adore Deoksun and whatever happens, happens. I like the DS-JH pairing a lot because I like their dynamic and want to root for them, but if they don't end up together, then at this point, I wouldn't say it's because Junghwan doesn't "deserve" her or vice versa. No one in this drama is evil, ok maybe Bora just a tiny bit, but that's why I love her! Relationships are complicated, sometimes they work out despite missed opportunities, sometimes they don't work out at all, but hesitating to confess or trying to downplay a confession is not some huge slight - it's human (and necessary for the drama to exist).


DAEBAK !!!! JJANG....JJANG....JJANG..... !!!!



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