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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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8 hours ago, tesasonzzz said:

Going to the MT is simply like going to a minefield. Everywhere you try to go, there's always a "mine" waiting to be stepped on hah. My advice for those visiting the MT: just skip those posts by usernames that are unfamiliar to you. Helps a lot, trust me.

Well, I went to the MT yesterday(I know, suicide) and posted a non-otp related post, just in order to hopefully change the current topic of the thread, but sadly failed hah. Anyways, since the MT is full of shippers of the other otp, the posts there are like 80% about the other otp and its always either long boring analysis, or how the other otp was meant to be from the start, or how their love developed, or their love was more beautiful and so on. For me as a JH x DS, I cant help but feel really hurt and angry, because like they're really rubbing it in hah. They've won, my ship sank (or did it? *evil smirk*) now stop it already

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Everytime I see posts like that on the MT, I feel so angry but at the same time feel like laughing because like "Congratulations you just wrote a long analysis and you just convinced NO ONE but yourself and your other fellow shippers hah"


I really dont mean to be rude or anything but I always feel like these kind of posts are a bit forced and too 오바/over (?) and they're more like trying to convince themselves that their otp's ending was beautiful despite the many-questions-and-plotholes and also the obvious feeling of incompleteness of their relationship. Anyways, its just my thought, dont mind me if you dont agree.




You wrote about the MT and brought Sherlock... and I thought of Anderson







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11 hours ago, fnkrm said:

This maybe OOT but I can't help it but to get distracted by your avatar...

Is that Sugaaaa? 

If yes, annyeong fellow army! <3

oh yes! i'm in love with BTS !!:wub: i can't even choose a bias.

Sorry fot OT everyone

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4 hours ago, carolinedl said:

@MrsSoJiSub Why ugly truth? I think we all felt it, because the end was sooo great. For me, it's more a question of consistence. It does feel like a break in teh story. I have come to accept Taek and DS together, sthg that was not difficult to do since I liked Taek (and I also respect the fact that he went to see JH before doing anything in 1994). But I still have a problem with the built-up... Was it really the ending they had planned? Did they change their minds? That questionning alone makes me unconfortable. If JH and DS were not supposed to be end-game, why do I feel like they were? Sometimes, you have a sudden change of plot and you are like "Wow! Awesome, I did not see that coming and it makes sooo much sense!". Well I don't feel it there... I am almost certain that it is what they went for, but somehow in the process, they failed.

Some people have said that perhaps they did not expect RJY to act so well, and like PBG said to "maximize" all the scenes he had, satturating them with many emotions. That was also my first reaction. Somehow, I think that it truly is the case... TK and DS were meant to be endgame but it did not go as planned because of the wonderful way RJY portrayed JH.

I also think there is a general lack of balance. They spent so much time focusing on JH and DS that it was hard to see beyond them... Plus like PBG said, DS was only taking care of TK. I wish we had seen more of the build-up. I would feel less regret over the ending if that would have been the case...

Maybe that makes me "ignorant" but if that si the case, I am willing to be called ignorant! I am just a richard simmons ignorant richard simmons then :P

yes that "wow awesome" is exactly what is/was lacking for me. I can accept Taek as the husband. I can and have. I can even accept that they planned it all. What I like you and many others have a problem with was the execution of it all. I know they wanted us to  be all "oh my gosh I did not see that coming, brilliant" because when you think of all you see it makes sense and that it had all been there. Instead I was left more like "oh gosh I did not see that coming...where the richard simmons did that come from? I don't get it. Is that really the ending? Was this always the route they planned on?

I think it was a combination of bad story telling (way too much was shown of Junghwan and his emotions. They should have taken us into Taek and his emotions more. Also I agree that they probably didn't think RJY would capture as many hearts as he did. Still he wouldn't have captured so many hearts if they hadn't made him so lovable and prominent front and center in the story. The build up for Taek really wasn't there at all and to this day I'm still wondering "how did we get here?" 

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5 hours ago, noname noname said:

@minyeonhan yup, thats indeed what I think about. Thats just pure their stupudity, so they hust able to get together after 6 years later. And really, I hate it when people blame JH to make TK back off! As I said it before, for God sake, TK didnt back off because of him! He backed off for himself! If not he wouldnt lie about the wallet!

And I clearly remember that he narrated "if he confessed to DS, would DS believe it?" Really, thats enough prove for me that he knew DS never see him as guy. And its also solid prove that when he found out about JH's feeling, at that moment he also realized that his chance is not as big as JH... And thats also why he cried and backed off!

Also there is actually something that bothered me about DS. It is when she said she cant confront TK about the kiss because its TK. Okay, I know what she want to say is she loves him. But come on, does she never love SW and JH as her family or friends? As her childhood friends? As someone she has known since birth? The way she bravelly aproached them and never think about the consequences that her friendship with them might goes sour really bother me so much...

If you have been be friend with someone since birth. Always hangout together for your whole life, how can you dont feel afraid of losing them just because they knew you had feeling for them? She even said she would never meet SW anymore and completelly ignored him when she found out that he likes her sister. Da heck, is it that easy for her to said something like that to what so called her "since birth friend"? And now what? She made a fuss about afraid of TK would ignore her if he found out about her feeling?

Really, I swear I dont mean to disregard any character here. But I just cant understand how the "genius" writer developed these two characters.

Speaking of which, NJ and trash indeed have more complicated relationship and that side of NJ (how she knows for sure about her heart, brave enough to act based on it + take the risk, and really consistent with it) is the reason why I adore her. Its hard to find someone like NJ and I must admit that even myself cant become as adorable as NJ.

The inconsistency of those characters really bothers me alot. And also, I think it's a nonsense that the show wants to be as real as possible. First, the writer should learn more about dynamic of human relationship:

1. I found the way Ds fell with 3 of her 4 friends as ridiculous. 

2. As you mentioned, five of them had been friends for a long time, and Tk was the latest addition to the OT5. Why did Ds felt afraid to lose him but never afraid to lose Jh or Sw? I know she babied him, but Sw and Jh were the one who took care of her a lot. Even more, it was JH's family who helped her family financial struggle. Her family lived at the basement of Jh's house. She didn't want to hurt TK but she was willing to risk it with Sw and Jh? She should be afraid to lose JH's friendship instead. 

3. The OT5 of Ssangmundong had been friends all of their life, I didn't think it would be possible for people with that kind of friendship to not be able to read behind the line about Jh's feeling to Ds. I mean, they had a sibling like relationship. To me the way the writer made Dr and Sunwoo as insensitive jerks while in return Jh was so considerate toward them is beyond belief. What he felt to Ds wasn't just a small crush, and later when he confessed they didn't even notice that Jh wasn't even joking. Least of all, I find it unbelievable, that they didn't notice the changing dynamic between Ds and Jh. Did they befriend JH just because of his money? Although men can be insensitive toward their friends, but come on, they are not as bad as that. 

Why am I still so bitter? *lol *lol

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Hello guys, can I ask you all something? I'm looking for the title of the song played in Ep. 13 preview starting from Choi Moosung pick-a-back Jinjoo, when all the parents running out from Junghwan's home gate? And also the song which played in Ep. 14 preview started when Taek calling Deoksun in front of Deoksun's house door? This song also played for Ep. 19 preview when Taek come to Sacheon and bring up the topic about Junghwan's wallet? I'm looking for this song but still I can't find it. Thank you all^^


I'm re-watching R88 again, I'm brace myself up for this. It took almost 2 weeks until last night I reach Ep. 17. Because I'm still find it hard to understand. And I guess I'll make my own review and sharing here with you all towards the drama. I'll calm down myself to wrote an objective view. Not as Junghwan's Team, I don't think I didn't spazzing over. Lol. But as a pure viewer and not including those theories. I think when I wrote my thought and share it I'll completely move on from this disaster. Some section will be full of my personal disappointment. Comparing one character to another. Let's see how will be turn out. Thank you guys for not abandoned the ship because of the doubt and the ship didn't sail smoothly. I'm still thinking Junghwan is the true husband until now. I'm having fun with you all in this thread and also Ryu Junyeol threads. You all such and amazing, kind, patient, and... okay what else? Hahahahahaa. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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@noname noname yes those people blamed junghwan because taek backed off from deoksun and i was like what the heck?? as far as i know taek is completely a competitive guy. he wouldn't ask deoksun to have a date after he found out about his feeling if he did! he knew deoksun never saw him as a man that's why he's so insecure inside and yes junghwan could win because their dynamic is different from him and ds's.

when i went to MT and saw some people said 'taek is more important than junghwan to deoksun' makes me feel hurt. najeong never questioned her heart and went to her oppa right away so does that mean trash was not precious to najeong? in my opinion, deoksun eagerly wanted to ask junghwan about his feelings because deep down inside we know she has that feeling about junghwan liking her, if not? as the same 18th years old girl like deoksun i won't even bother to ask him and risked my heart broken even if my friends urged me to. and that's why she's afraid to ask taek about that kiss because as far as deoksun remember she doesn't have the feeling about taek liking her as a girl, their dynamic is different. if the other guys weren't that precious to deoksun she wouldn't cry and miss them when she found them inside taek's room 10 years before interview. those cruel shippers saying junghwan not important to deoksun ugh my heart still boiling inside.

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@minyeonhan @parkangel and many others - oh man, I'm so behind reading all of these awesome posts. I'm going to catch up. I agree with your observations on the inconsistencies of the character development - especially JH!!

I felt that the JHs confession was their (pd/ writer) last ditch effort to paint JH like the biggest jerk on the planet. But it backfired!!! In a big way!!! The sadness in his eyes, the reflection of that sadness on DS's face - it was palpable. We all felt our OTP's collective pain during and after the confession. I think that was the scene where I felt like the line between acting and real became blurred. I don't mean to say that the actors developed real feelings for each other. I felt like both RJY and Hyeri were both looking within themselves, drawing from a familiar experience-- it just seemed this way to me as a viewer. It's very rare that I see this in any movie/ drama, what have you. It's simply amazing! I hated and loved that confession. Best way I can describe it. Sorry all. I could go on and on about that confession. As well as JH in his Air Force uniform.:P (I don't recall a scene where DS saw hot JH in the uniform. Another reason why she went with Taek :w00t:) pardon me and my conspiracy theories...



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Hi all! After some times of only lurking and liking some posts, here I am again. I still can't express my dissapointment and heartache, the wound is too raw and deep to be mended. I just can't....

I'm trying to move on by following and enjoying RJY's current popularity but.. talking/ seeing about this drama only makes my heart sore all over again. It gets me everytime. If my heart could cry, I'm choking to death in its tears. 

Funny how most of us still can't take the ending well. I'm kind of glad that I have this thread and you guys as fellow casualties yet I'm feeling sad because we can't let go the idea of a great love story that was JH and DS's *siiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhhhhhhh* Reading the actors interviews (Hyeri's and PBG's) doesn't help either. It leaves a lot to be desired.

Oh well, I'm going back to my cave (RJY's thread) and maybe after time passes I can express more about the ending and be more accepting? I really hope so.

Its been a fun and lovely journey with you guys here though :heart: I love the vibe and passion that you all have poured for this (couple) drama. Thank yous really. One of the thing that I've missed since the drama ended is you guys wittiness, excitement and of course! Byuntae-ness (lol you and your kiss obsession). Well then, I guess.. see you around?

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Another Replay Reply 1988. #5 Trading food between neighbours

"If this is the case, let's eat together" - Junghwan.

This scene is funny. Eating at their own houses but it feels like a potluck :D It looks like the quintuplets just knew that once one of them delivers food, food-delivering rally will start. I remember errands like this when I was a kid. Every time a family hosted a gathering or harvested fruits (in which a lot of food were made), the kids have to deliver them to neighbours. This Ssangmundong neighourhood was indeed warm and lovely.

BGM: Lee Moonsae (이문세 ) - Flying into The Deep Night (깊은 밤을 날아서)

Live ver and cover with engsub:


Live ver by Lee Moonsae

Cover by Mamamoo *I love them!* on Immortal Songs (with engsub)


P.S. I hope you guys don't mind I post stuffs that are not directly about JHxDS ship. I post this on MT since this is Reply1988-related, but I know some of you don't go to MT because of...yeah, we know what :/ This "Replay Reply 1988" thingy may feature characters and scenes other than JH and DS, like Choi appa-Sunyoung omma, Bora-Sung appa, and Jinjoo. Should I put it under spoiler when I post clips about characters other than JH and DS?

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11 minutes ago, arumdaun said:

Hi all! After some times of only lurking and liking some posts, here I am again. I still can't express my dissapointment and heartache, the wound is too raw and deep to be mended. I just can't....

I'm trying to move on by following and enjoying RJY's current popularity but.. talking/ seeing about this drama only makes my heart sore all over again. It gets me everytime. If my heart could cry, I'm choking to death in its tears. 

Funny how most of us still can't take the ending well. I'm kind of glad that I have this thread and you guys as fellow casualties yet I'm feeling sad because we can't let go the idea of a great love story that was JH and DS's *siiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhhhhhhh* Reading the actors interviews (Hyeri's and PBG's) doesn't help either. It leaves a lot to be desired.

Oh well, I'm going back to my cave (RJY's thread) and maybe after time passes I can express more about the ending and be more accepting? I really hope so.

Its been a fun and lovely journey with you guys here though :heart: I love the vibe and passion that you all have poured for this (couple) drama. Thank yous really. One of the thing that I've missed since the drama ended is you guys wittiness, excitement and of course! Byuntae-ness (lol you and your kiss obsession). Well then, I guess.. see you around?

so warm :heart:



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@MrsSoJiSub urgh you just made me feel more pain for JH now mentioning that he folded his cards because Taek gave up his game. This guy is truly a softie, giving up his love because he was touched by someone else's love for the same woman. But dude you should still have fight and let DS decide urghhh. Jh would have given up everything for DS too. It's just that JH always gives up everything for others so relatively, his actions are not grandiose in the way Taek gave up his game was. Now i want to cry again T_T

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@minyeonhan @parkangel @noname noname true! I can't see what significance the time skip brought except for them having careers for DS to suddenly flutter with Taek when he didn't also confess and pursuit her just like JH. JH was even moreso the one who give hints to DS than TK to her. I don't buy it that DS saw TK as more precious than the other three that she was scared to lose his friendship with TK while she didn't bother with SW and JH. I mean it would have made more sense if the kiss was just a dream because DS would have taken a back because TK had only been telling to the boys and not giving hints to DS. Why did they focus more on Jung Hwan chasing DS on the 1994 concert and the stoplight than the impact of Taek leaving a baduk match for her then? I mean JH made his move and tried with him giving a hint to DS, trying to make it to the 1994 concert and confessing but we were left on that. I believe it's wrong when people say that the moral of this is those who doesn't make a move doesn't get the girl because there shouldn't have been the epic confession scene at all then. When narration was all I lost to timing because of my own hesitation but then afterwards we were shown JH finally not hesitating & finally confessed then what? Forget that the gathering and confession existed as if the writer know there should be a big blow follow up to that but don't know how exactly? If in R94 that Chilbong weeping with his black cap covering his face scene in ep. 19 strike me hard,


then this flashback goodbye scene of JH in Ep. 18 is what I'll always remember. Everytime I remember how he nervously smiled on the back of the gate after he cooly gave the umbrella to DS, it gives me such impact and can't help to weep for our poor JH. That impact will last for a long time. Ep. 19 and 20 was supposedly a good amount of screen time to discuss about what DS think of the confession even it was facade as a joke. We all believe there has to be more after that confession like finally JH reveals that he smokes and some other clues along with what's the interview for finally getting answers and having the OTP conversing for what JH just confessed. Flashbacks between 1989-1994 on how slowly Taek making his moves to DS (like for example whenever he's supposedly on his travels and she's the FA) or JH and DS having moments as they were on the same air industry anyway would have made more sense as a resolution to the husband hunt. Why did they skip too the first snow movie date of Taek and DS and show nothing much of their moments in the 1994 concert if Taek was indeed the husband anyway? *sighs*

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