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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I resisted a long time before reading fanfics and really getting into those alternate scenarios, but now I am fully immersed in them! It has helped a lot I must admit :)

You know what I was thinking: I'd like for RJY and Hyeri to go on a variety show and actually play out a reunion scene for JH and DS. I am sure it can be done, no?!

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5 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

I resisted a long time before reading fanfics and really getting into those alternate scenarios, but now I am fully immersed in them! It has helped a lot I must admit :)

You know what I was thinking: I'd like for RJY and Hyeri to go on a variety show and actually play out a reunion scene for JH and DS. I am sure it can be done, no?!


Oh, that would be fun to watch and maybe in running man and then the mission would be finding the wife :D

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19 minutes ago, iloveenglishsubs said:


Not enough Jungpal? I found this lovely video. Just swoon to your heart's content, guys :P


Thanks for sharing chinguah!! Too many Jungpal, I can't focus on 1 screen and I don't know where to look and what to stare hahahaha

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Yesterday I was listening to the song 'Always & Forever' by Heatwave and thinking of how that would have been such a perfect Junghwan Deok Sun song for their first kiss or like in the last episode when they did the TaekSun flashbacks, it would have been such a perfect song to use of the many scenes and many flashback we could have had with them. Then I got all teary eyed thinking of all the scenes and development we got that lead to nothing more than a sad one sided good-bye *wails like a seal* seriously all the scene we could choose from is just too much. Sometimes I wish that I had some vid skills because man the MVs I would make. I cry watching the car scene in ep 18 because they were just so perfect and comfortable talking and teasing with one another and it was like they were already a couple. It felt like the McDonald's scene all over again and ....WHERE DID WE GO WRONG!!! Seriously all the scenes and moments we had were all just one big and long red herring...I swear the writer better hope I never one day find or met her. I would applaud and bow then proceed to punch her in the throat because you can't richard simmons with your audience like that. You can't richard simmons with your own story like that woman!! To each their own and everything, but when you honestly comparing the development of TaekSun and that of Junghwan and Deok Sun, as I viewer I feel cheated on the TaekSun part. These are teen-20 year old youthful lovers and they didn't have that youthful love and epic love OTP elements that they ought to have had. It is not a good thing that I can compare them to 40 year old widowers and gosh it makes me angry because even when I try to rewatch and root for them, I can't!  Knowing what I know now, I try to watch for them to look for them, and still they are too much in the background. How can I when there is Junghwan literally knocking down butts. telling a girl to just live at his house. Deok Sun secretly smiling that he is protecting her on the bus, saying she's cold and remarking on a need for a jacket, asking if she should go on blind dates or not, getting dolled up for birthday parties, trying to rile him up with former middle school one sided crushes, finding a way to hold his hand, the pick the rice off your face, waving excitedly while holding LMS concert posters, and just so much more. Yes it all depends on taste and it is what it is  but YOU NO DEVELOP THEM RIGHT WRITER AND I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WE DID TO richard simmons YOU OFF THAT IT WAS WHAT IT WAS AND THE ENDGAME IS WHERE IT IS!!!

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Thank you for the fanfics and scenarios. It's very easy to imagine Ds and Jh as young-and-hot married couple because of the relation and chemistry that was built by LWJ (although she destroyed it herself on eps 19 & 20).

It's also easy to imagine him as a loving and doting father and husband. He certainly knows how to do it. He has his father as a role model after all. I can imagine, he will be the husband that doesn't say "I love you" alot but will go his way to take care of his loved ones. Like taking care of the children every time he is home no matter how tired he is. And home will also be his heaven on earth.

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Second part of my fanfic. I was going to write only 2 parts, but I think I can't let go of them yet. :tears: Since you guys still want to read it anyway, I'll write as much as I can LOL. Anyway, enjoy! *ala Jung Bong oppa*


“You’re going to the US? For six months?” Deok Sun repeated Jung Hwan, getting angrier at each word. Jung Hwan tried to smile and held her shoulder but she brushed him off.

Jung Hwan was picked to be one of the South Korean’s representatives for joining training with the US Air Force. It was an accomplishment and she was proud of him. She would celebrate it with him if he told her earlier. He told her two weeks before he leave instead.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could ask for a longer leave. I only have a week!” Deok Sun crossed hear arms, glaring at him.

Jung Hwan did this all the time and now she got annoyed even when he didn’t tell her the smallest thing. His bad habit was the reason it took so long for them to get together in the first place. When he would ever learn?

“I only got the confirmation that I was picked last week anyway,” Jung Hwan tried to persuade her, still smiling. She rolled her eyes. He can’t sweet talk his way out from this. She won’t let him.

“But you know there’s a possibility that you will go, right?” she asked him.

“Yeah, they announced it two months ago,” he answered, looking the other way and scratching his neck.

“Yah, is it so hard for you to mention it to me? It’s not like you did anything wrong!” she started shouting because she was so frustrated.

“Why are you talking so loud?” Jung Hwan looked around, embarrassed.

“You’re not even sorry!” Deok Sun kicked his leg and went in to the restaurant. Dong Ryong and Taek were watching them and they pretended to drink again when they saw her.

“Deok Sun-ah,” Jung Hwan followed her inside. “We only have a week, right? What’s the use of getting angry now?”

“No, you need to reflect. Go sleep in someone else’s house tonight,” Deok Sun took her bag, ready to leave. Jung Hwan sighed, clearly thinking it wasn’t a big deal. Deok Sun glared at him, knew what he thinking even without him saying it.

“You do this all the time. You never tell me anything. This might not be a big deal, but you kept bigger things from me before. You didn’t even tell me about your feeling for six years!”

Deok Sun didn’t like bringing that up, but that was the very reason she wanted Jung Hwan to share everything with her. She didn’t want him to suffer alone or even celebrate anything alone. She wanted to be there for him and it frustrated her that he didn’t give her the chance sometime.

“Yah, why brought that up again?” Jung Hwan was getting annoyed. “I told you a lot of things now, didn’t I?”

“You didn’t tell me when you got a medal! You didn’t tell me you got into an accident in Sacheon!” she can list all the things Jung Hwan didn’t tell her all night.

“You were in Japan at that time anyway!”

“Who cares where I was? You won’t tell me even if I was in Korea!”

“Even if I told you, what can you do about it?”

Jung Hwan regretted his words the second he said it. Deok Sun looked up, trying hard not to cry. That was the thing she feared the most. She was afraid she couldn’t do anything for him, even after what he went through just to be with her.

“Deok Sun-ah,” Jung Hwan touched her arms but she pushed him away.

“I’d do anything for you if you let me,” she whispered to him. “You never even gave me a chance.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” he started to explain it to her. She only shook her head and walked out of the restaurant. Jung Hwan chased after her but went back inside in vain. He sat down beside Taek, buried his face in his hands and cursing himself in his mind. Taek patted his back to encourage him.

“You went too far,” Dong Ryong told him.

“I know,” he answered.

“You won’t go after her?” Taek asked.

“She won’t listen anyway. She needs time. I’ll talk to her in the morning,” Jung Hwan answered. He took a glass of beer that Taek was holding and finished it. “Yah, Dong Ryong-ah...”

“No, Tae Eun is coming to my place tonight,” Dong Ryong shook his head. Jung Hwan frowned and looked at Taek.

“You can sleep in my sofa,” Taek told him, grinning.

“Yes, thank you,” Jung Hwan smiled wryly.

“I’m closing up now. You can leave first, then,” Dong Ryong stood up and called his waiter to clean up the table.

“Okay. Thank you, Dong Ryong-ah,” Taek stood up and smiled.

“Congratulation again. Don’t knock her up before the wedding,” Jung Hwan grinned and patted his shoulder. Dong Ryong scoffed at him.

“I won’t,” he said.

Taek and Jung Hwan left the restaurant after he promised to bring Dong Ryong an engangement gift when he get back.

“What should I say if Deok Sun call me?” Taek asked Jung Hwan on their way back. Deok Sun always told Jung Hwan to sleep somewhere else everytime they fought, but she got worried anyway and called Taek or Dong Ryong to check whether he got place to sleep or not.

“I’ll talk to her,” Jung Hwan answered.

“You should just go back to her apartment,” Taek told him. Jung Hwan shook his head. They would fight again if he does.

Taek sighed, gave up. He wouldn’t worry about his two friends. They would kiss and make up in no time anyway. He leaned his head against the window and fell asleep immediately.



Deok Sun cried in the taxi all the way home. She was too upset to sleep when she got home. So she washed her clothes and watched mindless television shows for an hour before finally called Dong Ryong.

“Halo?” Tae Eun picked up the phone.

“Oh, sorry, Tae Eun-ah. It’s Deok Sun onnie,” she felt bad immediately. She hoped she didn’t disturb them.

“Jung Hwan oppa’s not here,” Tae Eun told her, chuckled a little. Deok Sun laughed dryly with her and apologized before hanging up the phone. She called Taek next.

“Halo?” Taek sounded sleepy.

“Taek-ah, I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

“He’s here,” Taek told her right away. He then shouted to Jung Hwan, “Jung Pal-ah, she got home okay.”

“I got it, I’ll talk to her,” she can heard Jung Hwan answered him.

“Hang up. Bye,” she hung up before he can pick up the phone. She cried herself to sleep and felt awful the next day. She went out to buy some breakfast and ate it at home. Bo Ra called when she was still eating.

“Yah, why don’t you tell me you’re back in Seoul?” Bo Ra scolded her right away. She rolled her eyes, so typical of her sister to get angry first thing in the morning.

“You don’t tell me you’re pregnant either,” she answered. “Congratulation, anyhow.”

Bo Ra laughed and thanked her. They talked about how Bo Ra had to take a leave in the middle of her big case and how Sun Woo got angry when she considered only taking 3 months leave. Of course, the topic started to shift to Deok Sun and Bo Ra asked that same old question again.

“So when will you get married?” she asked. “Do you have any plan at all?”

“Onnie, can we please not talk about that so early in the morning?” she whined to dodge her question.

“Aigoo, it’s ten already,” Bo Ra won’t budge. “You guys practically lived together anyway. What are you waiting for?”

“I have to move to Sacheon if I get married. Can I enjoy my freedom a little longer, for God’s sake?” Deok Sun snapped at her and they bickered about it for another ten minutes.

“Anyway, No Eul wanted to have lunch together. He’s bringing his girlfriend,” Bo Ra finally told her the reason she called in the first place.

“In your place?” she asked. “I’m bringing Jung Hwan.”

“Didn’t you fight last night?” Bo Ra asked, laughed.

“Who told you that?” Deok Sun frowned.

“Taek and him just dropped by for breakfast,” she answered. They lived in the same apartment building, that was why Taek ate at their place all the time. They practically lived together, really.

“He’ll come running in no time,” Deok Sun told her without a shred of doubt. Bo Ra laughed again.

“I got it. See you at lunch then,” Bo Ra hung up the phone. Deok Sun finished her breakfast and washed the dishes. She took a shower after that. She was surprised to see Jung Hwan watching television in the living room when she got out the bathroom.

“When did you come?” she asked calmly.

“Just now,” he answered.

“I got it. Let me put on some clothes,” she answered before walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

She took her time putting on some clothes. She needed time to think of what to say to him. She already forgave him. She didn’t want to waste anymore time fighting when she wouldn’t be able to see him for six months after next week.

Jung Hwan turned off the television when she came out. She sat beside him but didn’t say anything, waiting for him to start. He didn’t take his eyes off of her when he took her hand.

“I'm sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. You know how much I need you,” Jung Hwan told her. He only said things like this when it really mattered, so she knew he was always sincere. She nodded, felt like crying again. Jung Hwan sighed when he saw her expression changed and held her in his arms.

“Why are you crying again?” he asked.

“I’m not crying,” she said, wiping her tears right away.

“Deok Sun-ah, I’m happy to be with you even if you don’t do anything,” Jung Hwan stroked her hair when he said it. Deok Sun looked at him, pouting.

“But I want to do things for you. Let me take care of you too. Let me celebrate with you for your accomplishment. Let me worry about you when you were sick.

“Jung Hwan-ah, we’re not in Ssangmundong anymore. We’re surrounded by different people everyday. News doesn’t travel fast from Sacheon to Seoul. If you didn’t tell me what’s going on with your life, I would never know,” Deok Sun was serious when she said it but Jung Hwan laughed anyway.

“I got it. I’ll tell you everything. I promise,” Jung Hwan smiled and she nodded her head. He leaned closer to kiss her but she turned her head away.

“Take a shower first,” she told him. Jung Hwan scoffed at that. “We’re going to Bo Ra’s house for lunch.”

“Yes, she told me,” Jung Hwan stood up and walked to the bathroom. “I can’t stay long though, I’m seeing my friends at 2.”

“It’s okay. I just want to meet No Eul’s girlfriend anyway.”

“Oh, his guitarist in his band, right?”

“Yah, how can you meet her before me?”

“They had a gig in Sacheon.”

“Is she pretty?”

“Prettier than you.”




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@MrsSoJiSub : well me too. I read all the analysis by taeksun shipper in MT or in their thread. Some of them are brilliant. I can see where they are coming from. 

When I try to rewatch the dramas seeing it from that PoV, it just doesn't make sense to me. It's young love, shouldn't it be passionate, full of push and pull, mistakes, ego, emotions and misunderstanding ? 

They should learn and understand each other and overcome all their problems as they mature together. It would be an interesting journey for us as audience to watch. And the chemistry....the chemistry !!! they just click. And we can see it and can feel it. What a waste.....

In this drama context, the kind of love that taeksun have is just not my cup of tea. No matter how much I try to like it, it just bore me. I've enough of it in the form of sw oma and taek apa.

Arg....imagine all the possibility of them growing old together, bringing the best in each other, mellow out but still so passionately in love and fiery time to time


Aah..its frustated me. 

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25 minutes ago, pi2tni4ng said:

@MrsSoJiSub : well me too. I read all the analysis by taeksun shipper in MT or in their thread. Some of them are brilliant. I can see where they are coming from. 

When I try to rewatch the dramas seeing it from that PoV, it just doesn't make sense to me. It's young love, shouldn't it be passionate, full of push and pull, mistakes, ego, emotions and misunderstanding ? 

They should learn and understand each other and overcome all their problems as they mature together. It would be an interesting journey for us as audience to watch. And the chemistry....the chemistry !!! they just click. And we can see it and can feel it. What a waste.....

In this drama context, the kind of love that taeksun have is just not my cup of tea. No matter how much I try to like it, it just bore me. I've enough of it in the form of sw oma and taek apa.

Arg....imagine all the possibility of them growing old together, bringing the best in each other, mellow out but still so passionately in love and fiery time to time


Aah..its frustated me. 

this this this this this to everything you said *virtual high fives* I have read all the analysis, had conversations, and I get it. I really do. But man they boooooooreeee me so bad. I try to watch from their POV and still it's like...Nope not for me LOL. As my signature says, I am a fan of complicated things LOL. It's like you said, I enjoy watching the push and pull, learning from one another, understanding each other, growing together, making mistakes, etc, etc and TaekSun had little to none of that while Deok Sun and Junghwan were richard simmons full of that. I imagine them (Deok Sun and Junghwan) growing old together all the time and that is what drives me to wanting to punch the writer in the throat LOL. It was seriously all right there for her to take and instead she went completely South East with it all. Whatever I will just appreciate all the good she gave us while she gave it to us. Re-watched the first episode the other day and I still laugh and grin at Deok Sun beating on Junghwan when the chip spilling incident was all Dong Ryeong's fault. I also love how the squad bosses around Taek and Sunwoo jumps to his defense (that richard simmons was setting things up from the get go. You go Choi's and Sung's #2 and NONE FOR THE KIMS LOL). 

Thanks everyone for the fanfics and scenarios as always fandom is beating out canon in my heart....

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59 minutes ago, hailaft said:

Second part of my fanfic. I was going to write only 2 parts, but I think I can't let go of them yet. :tears: Since you guys still want to read it anyway, I'll write as much as I can LOL. Anyway, enjoy! *ala Jung Bong oppa*

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“You’re going to the US? For six months?” Deok Sun repeated Jung Hwan, getting angrier at each word. Jung Hwan tried to smile and held her shoulder but she brushed him off.


Jung Hwan was picked to be one of the South Korean’s representatives for joining training with the US Air Force. It was an accomplishment and she was proud of him. She would celebrate it with him if he told her earlier. He told her two weeks before he leave instead.




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@pi2tni4ng @MrsSoJiSub I'm coming out of silent lurker mode to echo your sentiments/ comments. I so agree! I am being punished for complaining to my hubby about the ending of the show (without telling him the ending) so now he wants to watch it to see what the fuss is about. And I have joined him in his journey to the 10th episode (what have I gotten myself into??)  I told him that I want to stop at 18th - he's on his own from that point on... 

At this point - he is for sure JH is the husband -- from the future scenes (oh he's in for a crazy ride).

I had to laugh at a scene in ep 9 or 10 - I forget now- when Taek first told the group that he likes DS after their beach date and Dong Ryong, in disbelief, says "...you like....women?" to Taek. Haha! 

I am wondering if the writer is married. If so, I'm wondering is she's married to a JH and wishes she was married to a Taek (?) And she was just venting --- with that R88 ending (?) because I just don't get the last 2 episodes. 

Thank you to all who are sharing their alternate endings -- I am enjoying reading them as well. Have a wonderful week all. Can't wait for more updates of RJY and Hyeri!

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On 1/23/2016 at 10:28 PM, winter2015 said:

Waaahhh!!! Can't wait to see him in Entertainment Weekly! I love that he honestly would like to have another loveline with Hyeri and hopefully have a better one (not one-sided) next time! You're not the only one hoping for this, JunPal-ie^^


this is the RJY video when got interviwe with Entertainment Weekly.. please enjoy.. 

Credit to EyesOnRyu..



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I love how the drama shows Junghwan gradual love for Deoksun.


Admire her for the way she treat others and the way she do things since elementary school(ep17).

In ep 1-3, he has a crush on her but had yet to reached the 'I want her to be mine' stage. He is happy with her presence in his life and interacting with her. He likes her beyond a friend but is not disturbed that she see him as just another close friend. 

In ep 4-6, he wants her to start seeing him as a guy, starts showing jealousy when he see the rest of the gang are interacting with her alone.

In ep 7-10, he takes all the necessary action to make her realize that he loves her. He choose not to directly tell her he loves her because he knew that it will make it awkward if things does not go well. 

In ep 11-16, he can't stop loving her and do not want to make it awkward for the remaining friends. He tried to stop himself but he can't help but to show it when he knows that he do not have hide it. 

In ep 17, he tried to move on for the past 5years and even tried to date other girls but his love for Deoksun is too strong to let anyone to replace her position in his heart. 

In ep18, he realize the reason he suffered for the past 5years and finally make a move. 



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hi everyone, it's been 2 weeks but i havent move on =( was watching some fan made vids and in one of them, it showed the adult DS saying she never thought that she'd end up marrying him, she think she went crazy for a second or something. Once again, i feel cheated all over again. We all knew it was DS's wish to marry Taek that's why it's impossible for adult her to say such a thing right? Why they do this to us? i'm still in denial... please continue with the fanfics, Somehow reading them gives me some "closure". FIGHTING!

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