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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Phew. Sorry, I just had to throw that out, feeling so stuffed inside.

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I just skimmed through the last episode so  I can just put this drama behind me. After many many years of drama watching this is the first time my ship sunk. I guess the intention from beginning was to fool us viewers so whether they changed the script halfway or set it up from beginning it sort of leaves bitter taste.It feels like they were playing with my intelligence.If watching reply means hunting for colors, dolls, script and what not clues and ignore the story to get the drama then well thank you but I do have something called real life.
That being said I will be always thankful to the pd and writer for bringing RJY the actor to the light and creating the character Kim Junghwan. Kim family was my favorite family and RJY was a revealation as JH.I will most certainly look forward to his future work. Even if I had watched this drama knowing who the husband is I still would have come to love his character the most.
I refuse to believe JH had some sad or tragic ending.He was not susccessful in his first love that is it.It was not like DS was some great catch or something that he needed to pine for her through out his life.It is my wishful thinking that it is what he realized so he confessed got it out of his system and moved on.I believe drama ended for me at episode 18.
Writer and PD might be laughing at viewers right now but in creating that twist they have created such big plot holes I am sure as the disbelief subsides most of us will be laughing at them.Oh how in the world DS husband got multiple personality disorder ..shakes head..


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hiiii, just want to say that i'm happy knowing you and you are all so funny! My 2 months wouldn't be this fun without you guys. I'm glad I found this drama despite the last 2 episodes, but I know deep down I should thank the staff for introducing Ryu Junyeol to me. He's a nice catch. I hope he'll get the spotlight because he deserves it. And thank you for reply 1988, because this is the first time i fell so hard for a character that what I feel right now is not because the otp didn't work out, but the character itself doesn't get a proper closure. Last but not least, I love you Kim Junghwan. I love you with all my heart. Sometimes, there's time when we need to be selfish. But you aren't. Maybe that's what makes me loves you even more. Thank you for eveything. 

So, shall we meet at RJY thread? ;) 

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21 minutes ago, mylkrystal said:


You know why episode 18 was made so beautifully? I sincerely believe that was part of the original script, with completion of the Forrest Gump arc when DS runs to JH in reply to him running to her. Them matching as pilot and stewardess was supposed to mean something. Episode 18 was supposed to mean something. I sincerely believe even the "joke" confession was supposed to mean something. They just added in more TK based parts to these episodes and then proceeded to richard simmons up the ending with the script change. it's not hard to add in the other side, but it's impossible to clean up all the mess you've created the loose ends from what really should have happened.


Lord that richard simmons Forrest Gump arc. I am never going to get over that. Never. It was my favorite scene in ep 18 and gave me so much hope. If only I had known. I want to believe the show wouldn't use the Forrest Gump reference and parallel in vain, especially that beautifully-shot missed encounter, but here we are and I don't know how to make sense of anything. 

I need answers from the PD and writer. If somehow we find out that the writer did change the script just because of leaked spoilers, I will fully board the richard simmons rage train because how can you punish the audience for something done by the media???? Like, how does that make sense? 

And if Taek was indeed chosen to be endgame from the start, then I still need answers on why did the show intentionally portray Junghwan as the main lead and show us so much of his love, his turmoil, his growth. I firmly believe we were meant to feel with him and become attached and invest in him, so his heartbreak would have that much more impact on us. BUT FOR WHAT. I was given no warning whatsoever. I came in with the good faith that the writer would hold up the fulfillment of first love, reality be damned. Moreover, first love was still realized in this installment anyway, through Taek, Jungbong-Miok, and Sunwoo. The writer baited us with a wonderfully complex character, and then switched in the last two episodes to someone whose romantic development with Deoksun was so lacking I just cannot comprehend it all. 

Looks like I'm already on my rage train so I'm going to keep going. What was the purpose of the Taek-centered flashbacks in the finale? To establish that Taek had loved her since childhood? Because... that was a question that needed to be answered? I just don't understand. What would have been more relevant would be to show flashbacks through Deoksun's POV. When did she resolve her feelings for Junghwan and begin to have feelings for Taek? REALLY WHERE DID THAT COME FROM I WANT TO KNOW. And then they used other TK-DS scenes from previous episodes, which revealed nothing new. If you wanted to strengthen the Taek-Deoksun love line, at least you could have shown flashbacks of the two bonding and getting closer while Junghwan was away at the Air Force Academy. 

Poorly done. The whole ending was poorly done. 

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I want to know LWJ`s email adresse, I want my appology for broken heart! I invested myself in this series emotionally, mentally and physically. I lost weight, i never cried in my life like this before and i feel cheated! I dont need an explanation coz i saw everything in ep 20 and now i know that this is what was supposed to happen right from the start. I'm angry because I feel violated, I dont like it when someone insults my intelligence and this obviously was an insult! If i saw this story shown in episode 19 and 20 earlier in series i wouldn`t feel like stupid and blind fool! Story that was served to me and to all of you was a story of KJH I watched his character and his development since day 1, CTK was totally different person in the beginning from this person i saw in ep 19 and 20. To be honest if CTK was like this earlier i would`ve probably liked him same as JH coz i`ve watched countless dramas where i liked both male characters, and the only series where the guy whom i like does not get the girl was Reply 1994 ( but i already knew that so i wasn`t hurt at all). I feel like i`ve been played because we were not given the opportunity to see CTK in this light never ever before final episodes, and it is really rude and insulting and feels as if i received combo of facepalms. What bothers me the most is that I have not nor will I ever see the closure for KJH whose growing up and maturing I followed by more than half of series.And why we did not see any of families from neighborhood if this drama was family oriented? Why did the story turned into the story of only CTK and SDS at the very end? This is not what i applied for, I had hoped for and what I expected ( I definitely did not expect to watch makjang) and i want my appology for being emotionally played and mentally insulted! So if you guys ever find out email adresse of LWJ share it with me coz I seriously want to send her an email as hurted international fan.

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40 minutes ago, junghwana said:




IKR?! Yes. We probably would have rather be spoiled about how it could have been a beautiful ending that fits perfectly than be surprised and frustrated on how it did have a crappy ending that doesn't make sense.

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Still pisses me of that DS liked (or loved) 3 of her 4 best friends... the only thing that make TK the husband is that he was the only one who did something...like I wonder if TK had rejected her or whatever...will she have move on with DR? 

This drama still is beautiful to me (1-18 and the last scene of the gang together in the last episode )  everything was perfect....but those 2 final episodes ruine it all... and not because TK was the husband....but because everything was rushed...there was no closure for JH... that hurts me the most. Nobody ever knew anything of how much he suffer to get the girl...I know that is his fault but he had his reasons (being a good friend)  and DR....this character was also perfect and beautiful, he was funny and caring...look how hurt he was to find out he was the last one to know about SWxBR... he was always there for DS,giving advice to everyone and BAM let's not put them at the last episode....

I know I can write a better ending to this story (even with TK as endgame) I was waiting a reunion of the gang in 2016....they visiting the neighborhood together and seeing it abandoned...remembering together all their time there....maybe the interview was because they were going to destroy the neighborhood and make big commercial buildings and they wanted to save it by telling stories ...

I just cant..this drama hurts me !   Im still going to see JH scenes and clips on YT even the romantic ones with DS...because he's the one that makes my heart skip a beat and not because he's doing everything for DS

20 episodes almost 2hr long each episode...they could have done it all! So many beautiful things ( and they did...in the first 10 episodes) 

I want a spinoff just with Kim family .... I even want a spinoff with everyone (except TK and DS...they can go to beijin to watch badduk or whatevs) 

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10 hours ago, balladblue said:

I'm not sad anymore. 

I'm richard simmons pissed. F U C KING PISSED. 

WHAT THE HELL. What kind of send off was that??? It's not even that Junghwan and Deoksun didn't end up together, but the lack of Junghwan screen time, the lack of a proper closure to his character. HE WAS THE ONE LEADING THE STORY FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE SHOW. We followed his POV. You can't give us the main POV and then hide him and completely not end his arc for us. Ep 18 was his closure? BULL SH I T. They totally could have handled the closure of his romantic arc better. And not just the romantic arc, but his development in general. We saw him grow, but in ep 20 he was gone. GONE. I cannot. 

F U C K This show for leading me on. 

This everything I feel right now about Junghwan. He was is the lead of this show. He lead me, us, and many a viewers in Korea to love his character, love his experience, learning, growth, friendship, family, love, and first love. Then for the final two episodes they just throw their main lead into the background. Give him cameos, and basically forget how long they worked to have me love him, how much they had me follow him. I can forgive and accept a lot of things (I already really accept Taek as the husband and will get what I see now I refused to accept before) but I will never forgive how they treated Junghwan's character! I will never forgive how they s h i t the narrative, setup, flow, and trajectory of their story. I will never forgive the stalemate we sat in since episode 11 and didn't full rid of until the kiss I'm episode 19. I will also never understand nor forgive DeokSun and Taek who are richard simmons neighbors taking 6 richard simmons years to talk about a kiss and get the getting on with their being together. I accept things but honestly feel they focused on Junghwan and his love for Deok Sun for 18 episodes because Taek's love story was boring and not as sweeping. It couldn't capture the audience like the one of Junghwan's that is why they kept you coming by feeding you the epic love story we are used to seeing on screen with him, then once they were sure got our feels and that we weren't going anywhere; ended with the basic dull s h I t. If I am just bitter (which I know I am LOL) and this is not the case, then why did the writer keep Taek and Deok Sun and their love story in the background of Junghwan and his heart break never meant to be first love? His was boss, theirs was basic and boo at the writer not being able to construct a leading love story for them so keeping it in background and copy pasting some too rushed 4th grade writing assignment for them in the end. 

So this is the story of Taek and Deok Sun's love: Remember in the beginning she would pay his butt and tell him to drink his milk and grow up so they could marry? Well I always said kdrama logic says this meant she would have to one day see him as a man and not the kid she had always had and they would be endgame. Or her feelings for him would never change from butt patting baby. Well the writers went with the former. I never saw it but he carried her in the field in ep 17 and there she saw him a man, kissed him, did nothing for years and years simply to make us wait with Junghwsn and live, love, and feel for him more (I wonder if RJY himself was ok with not being the husband because he knew how much Korean audience had fallen in love with his character and would love him even more because of the heart break they would feel for him and all the things Junghwan and them an us suffered?) more. Then they got married and were interviewed about it. One clap for you teo*clap* I accept it but gods it could have been executed so much better. The feels I could have felt because theirs too us a first love story and man it could have been so much than the basic I feel for it when I think in it all. The writer really shouldn't have focused on Junghwan how they did and for as long as they did (f u c k e r s even showed the green doll crying).

Man show you could have been so much more than you ended up being for me. I still love the family, the friendship, the Kims, my Jungbong, my cold pit bull marshmallow Junghwan, and Junghwan's first love. But the show really does end at episode 18 for me. The last two episodes happened and I accept all that happened but no gracias. Imma keep my premium cut New York steak and potatoes dinner cause ain't nobody wanna eat basic Ruby Tuesday square richard simmons that barely passes for steak. I love the writers and the team still (I take back the curse though I still regret none of it) and appreciate this drama. However I'ld be lying if I didn't say they fumbled the ball at the one yard line just as we was about to win the Super Bowl for me. Like the show I'll let a song narrate all my finale feels on it all (the bolded is how I feel when it comes to Junghwan):

As the credits all roll down
Cryin', cryin'
And the thrill, the thrill is gone
Our debut was a masterpiece
But in the end for you and me
Oh the show, it can't go on
We used to have it all
But now's our curtain call
Take a final bow
It's our time to go
But at least we stole the show
At least we stole the show
At least we stole the show



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Guys! Somebody posted it on AM88's FB and probably they were talking about JH. Can someone tell me what is that? Thanks! 


I seriously love JH and can't forget about JH at the end of this drama. I need to be selfish and ask justice for JH because he deserved everything but no, the scriptwriter messed up because of the spoilers. What the hell?! We don't care about watching a predictable ending, we NEED a logical ending cuz that was stupid and nonsense to us. I really need a therapist because this is my 3rd time crying like a baby, it still hurts me as richard simmons! I don't care if people say that I'm too dramatic, whenever I see RJY's photos, it reminds me of poor Junghwanie. richard simmons you scriptwriter! You made me think this is the worst installment of Answer Me from being the most favorite. 

Knowing that JH supposed to have a Happy Ending makes me cry again! richard simmons! :( 


Help me please! :(

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[+9,492, -1,047] The scriptwriter tried too hard to beat her own viewers. Who cares if there were spoilers, who cares if the ending was too predictable... Duksun and Taek's lovey dovey scenes were not loving at all.. nothing touched our hearts about it. The absolute worst ending I've ever seen.






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29 minutes ago, Vy Ho said:

Guys! Somebody posted it on AM88's FB and probably they were talking about JH. Can someone tell me what is that? Thanks! 


I seriously love JH and can't forget about JH at the end of this drama. I need to be selfish and ask justice for JH because he deserved everything but no, the scriptwriter messed up because of the spoilers. What the hell?! We don't care about watching a predictable ending, we NEED a logical ending cuz that was stupid and nonsense to us. I really need a therapist because this is my 3rd time crying like a baby, it still hurts me as richard simmons! I don't care if people say that I'm too dramatic, whenever I see RJY's photos, it reminds me of poor Junghwanie. richard simmons you scriptwriter! You made me think this is the worst installment of Answer Me from being the most favorite. 

Knowing that JH supposed to have a Happy Ending makes me cry again! richard simmons! :( 


Help me please! :(


The head post said "The reason why viewers are disappointed to see Eungphal" (Eungphal is shortterm of Reply 1988). It got 14k+ likes

1. +1617   They're just milking on Kim Jung Hwan, TVN Top1 Fool, Ryu Jun Yeol (Reply 1988 Kim Jung Hwan)


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How many hours of sleep did I just get? 2? Let me pour out my heart again then because I just lost interest in sleeping. Pardon me.

The final episode was a shame. Sunbora story at this episode had me bawling. Bora's scenes with sung appa were beautiful (gosh they r so alike, writing letter to each other because they can't say it in person). Sunwoo putting taek appa's name as family in the invitation. SW omma finally had someone to rely on even after SW marry. Ilhwa omma's tears. That is a big family moment, the wedding. But so many people had already turned their back on this episode. They didn't get to see this beautiful story. The separation of the families when they moved out of the alley was also very touching. DS longing for the old days is also on point. Why does all that hardwork has to be ruined by abandoning many important things? JH the noble man, DR who only showed up to be emceeing and no mention about his future life at all, jinjoo who didn't even share a special moment with her oppa when he was getting married, Dongryong's family who are practically forgotten and only show up as guests at the wedding, noeul's singing talent goes where and who will be his wife (could it still be the orange coloured girl?). Where are the rest of ssangmundong neighbourhood in the present day? WHO TOOK JH'S FREAKING RING?

I'm even mad at how they left DS and Tk's story hanging. A few chats, kiss, saranghae, suddenly there are fighting scenes, and boom their married life after 27 years? No thrill at all. They put DSxTK together but they can't make it at least worth it. TK's flashback is so short compared to the pile of montage of JH's moments with DS. And mind you writer, I don't forget that the beach scene with TK happened after DS asked JH about going to blind date (which he breathtakingly answered don't go). You mean DS was touched by TK's action but still goes chasing after JH? What kind of joke is that. Don't make DS turn into a weak character like that. I love her from episode 1! This could have been one heck of amazing finale. How many people could have said, "that was one heck of a drama. Best one I ever watched" if only they make it right. Why. Just. Why.

I bawled when JH saluted his parents before going back to army base, knowing that will be the end of his spotlight. Nothing more will be told about him, and it sucks. I bawled again when he comforted SW silently with drinks. He had to drive a car but decided to just ride a bus later so he could have a drink with SW. I was speechless when he greeted TK nonchalantly, with big smile. Like he has fully let go of one thing that he could have pursue. How can he be so selfless, sensible, and caring beyond measure? And yet his heartfelt confession is forgotten. My poor heart...Poor JH, DR, and jinjoo. I will now take episode 18 as the finale, with sunbora scenes in 19 and 20 as special episode. That is good enough to keep me sane from #theworsttrollever. I'll try to sleep again now. Sorry for the long, raging post :sweatingbullets:

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Good morning guys~ (at least in my timezone keke)

seeing many of u (some active posters) bidding goodbye this thread and MT i feel sad ;__; eventhough I'm not an active poster here, I will miss reading this thread. For the past 2months, I have been reading everyone's insights, comments, fanfics -- it really did made happy and cheered me up when I'm feeling down. That being said I just want to say a big big thank you to everyone and *virtual hugs*

#teamjunghwan forever and always. :)

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Just woke up and read everything, and decided to not watch the last episode maybe.....

Poor Junghwanie........the writernim takes everything from him.....

Dear, Junghwanie... RJY oppa.....

thanks for give me good impression in this drama....thanks for being the most charming guy i've ever seen......

Well, at first i didnt notice him, because in the first episode he's not as charming as now.....but he captured my attention, my heart *uhuk* , in others episode and makes me fall for him.

For me, charming and hot guy is moooooore handsome than handsome and beauty guy (?)

I'll wait your next drama RJY Oppa and waiting for your kiss and lovey dovey scene!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEYOUUUU~:bawling::heart:


Thanks for this forum and for all of you. maybe i only join this forum in last, but believe me, i read and watched this forum froooooom beginning. And it help me for more more more more fall in love with RJY.

Thanks all!!

and again, pardon my bad english.


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they built a good character for junghwan...

now my wish is the same wish of jungbong to junghwan during the meteor rain scene...

i want junghwan to have his true dream..and achieve his own dreams...do what he really want to do....

and being honest to his feelings..

atleast chilbong let najung knew his feelings...

junghwan always put others feelings more than his own..i really want someone better than DS appeared.

DS didnt know why JH rush to the restaurant after he received a call from DS..the bus scenes are wasted.

i really want to know is there anyone pick the ring after they left the restaurant..

he is the kindest character that had been potrayed in this drama.

i hope the writer have some surprise for us later...

mybe the special ep or next reply series will reveal more great things about uri jungpal

i want a better ending...

i love reply series...thank you to reply88 teams..

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24 minutes ago, Vy Ho said:

Guys! Somebody posted it on AM88's FB and probably they were talking about JH. Can someone tell me what is that? Thanks! 


I seriously love JH and can't forget about JH at the end of this drama. I need to be selfish and ask justice for JH because he deserved everything but no, the scriptwriter messed up because of the spoilers. What the hell?! We don't care about watching a predictable ending, we NEED a logical ending cuz that was stupid and nonsense to us. I really need a therapist because this is my 3rd time crying like a baby, it still hurts me as richard simmons! I don't care if people say that I'm too dramatic, whenever I see RJY's photos, it reminds me of poor Junghwanie. richard simmons you scriptwriter! You made me think this is the worst installment of Answer Me from being the most favorite. 

Knowing that JH supposed to have a Happy Ending makes me cry again! richard simmons! :( 


Help me please! :(


Reply 1988 is my first Reply series

When i saw that bus scene with DS and JH, when his veins popped out to protect her my ship started to sail.

Ep 19.that problematic ep 19. richard simmons episode 19 (lol i love this person) i am without comment while watching ( no comment)

When i first watched i was familiar with all actors GKP, Hyer, PBG

RJY is rookie actor i faced for the first time *i saw for the first time*  but i just had to watch him.

It is hard for me to believe that PBG is husband, i doubt that he had to be the husband.

This is roughly translated. But nothing new we all knew this

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Reply 1988 pretty much left a bitter message for me, that even if you shared the most irresistible romantic feelings or were undeniably fated to be together  - you still might not be together unless you stop hesitating and take action as soon as you know. The cruellest thing is knowing JH actually had a chance. 

If there's going to another series again I just hope we can get a reincarnation of JH's character to finally get the girl or even so it'll be less heartbreaking if we knew if he was alive or not. 


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