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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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One theory I was hoping fellow shippers can share some insights on too ~

The scene in ep 18 where they named the theme of the ep "Goodbye First Love" captures a white feather floating on the doorstep, past the Forrest Gump movie poster, through the gate bars, and then towards JH's open window. The scene then narrows to JH entering his room after a bath. The background song for the whole scene was the instrumental piano song "Forrest Gump - Feather Theme" in the movie OST. 

I'm not familiar at all with the movie, having not watched it before. But some reading on the synopsis and the movie tells that the white feather has a strong symbolism in the Forrest Gump movie. I'm pretty certain that scene wasn't filmed just for aesthetic purposes but carries a strong meaning towards the storyline. The whole 1988 story in fact, is shown to carry some elements of the Forrest Gump movie, such as main characters knowing each other since little kids, first loves, key stories happening on bus scenes, male character in the armed forces, and so on. It was also the movie JH and DR was catching before JH finally makes a pivotal decision to go after DS.

Back to the Forrest Gump story. Tom Hanks, the main character of the movie interpreted the feather as: “Our destiny is only defined by how we deal with the chance elements to our life and that’s kind of the embodiment of the feather as it comes in. Here is this thing that can land anywhere and that it lands at your feet. It has theological implications that are really huge.” This ties in exactly with what ep 18 and JH's narration has been telling us. That destiny and timing is driven by the decisions and actions we make at each crucial point of time.

With the white feather floating towards JH, I'm interpreting it as as an intentional symbolism from the scriptwriter and PD about his character. That he is the one embodying this journey, and the destination of the journey is dependent on how he deals with decisions and actions from now onwards. Any thoughts from those who are familiar with the movie? :)

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1 hour ago, Vannyah M said:

Now I realized , after saying i love you he made a pause. He just looked at her quietly for 15 sec, What if he was waiting for her reply but since she  did not provide an answer he just turned to DR. 15 sec is, 15 seconds is even too much in my world. Meh

Me too. When he takes that long pause and just stares at her...I was screaming  "Say something. Omo why can't kdrama characters ever say something when it needs the saying" then her mouth smiled or moved but he frakin turned away and said LOL just joking richard simmons it was funny right? No you little richard simmons it was not funny. How can you do that and then say it was all a joke....:tears: but lawds did i love that confession. Reply series always have the best confession. This is going right up there along side my beloved Joon-hee speech of like, oppa-ya's proposal (I love seeing him tonight, tis saturday almost 11pm where i'm at) and yoonjae's birthday confession vomit. 

It kills me when Junghwan says that those times with her he was so happy he though he would go crazy. That he always wants to see her everyday, and that he corrected himself. It's not like for her. Nope, he loves her *kdrama cries dramatically* I must be a sadist because why do i keep watching it again and again i even loved the pain....

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24 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

Those two stupid guys are the ones that think JH is joking.. JH didn't say it is a joke!! T.T

oh lord now it hurts even more....:tears::tears::tears: episode 19 come now please and thank you....so his sincerity was turned into a joke by others. omo, he and deok sun need to talk asap. lord if we see no reaction or anything in ep 19  i will melt...and then put myself back together again so i can watch the final episode and big reveal on saturday :D 

wait is that why junghwan paused for those 15 seconds (thank you @Vannyah M) he was waiting for something and she's just...."you love me? after high school and 6 years and now you love me...?" make the hurt stop...

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Saw this while watching some YT videos "Maybe Taek's timing is better, but he didn't fight for his love either." I don't want to badmouth anyone or any character just to justify who I prefer but it really bugs me why TK hadn't confess either. I mean he had all the time, really. JH was away, DS probably went back and forth due to her schedule but why now that JH's arrived he's back to his proactive ways? I'm not even angry I'm just so confused, well maybe it is for the narrative (and ratings) and we'll get answers this friday but somehow I'm always puzzled with their actions. 

I believe we have some scenes yet to be seen like the playground date for TK-DS, and movie if I remember correctly with DR. Hopefully these are flashbacks of TK's advances and honestly, I want to see progress from there. I'm bothered with how these friends like to keep things from each other or rather don't talk about unresolved issues. I do believe that their friendship is strong as a whole but individually it's quite concerning

Really don't want to talk about these sad things so let's just get back to spazzing how JH looked amazing this ep!! :wub:

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7 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Me too. When he takes that long pause and just stares at her...I was screaming  "Say something. Omo why can't kdrama characters ever say something when it needs the saying" then her mouth smiled or moved but he frakin turned away and said LOL just joking richard simmons it was funny right? No you little richard simmons it was not funny. How can you do that and then say it was all a joke....:tears: but lawds did i love that confession. Reply series always have the best confession. This is going right up there along side my beloved Joon-hee speech of like, oppa-ya's proposal (I love seeing him tonight, tis saturday almost 11pm where i'm at) and yoonjae's birthday confession vomit. 

It kills me when Junghwan says that those times with her he was so happy he though he would go crazy. That he always wants to see her everyday, and that he corrected himself. It's not like for her. Nope, he loves her *kdrama cries dramatically* I must be a sadist because why do i keep watching it again and again i even loved the pain....

OMG. THIS. I kept rewatching it and crying because of it each time. :bawling:

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1 hour ago, creecabs said:

Oh and one last rant lol: if they dare give a new love interest for JH just to for pity's sake I will personally call Irene to go to the set and take away TK or PBG for that matter

It won't just end well to be honest

Also, I'm am I the only one thinking about Mommy Mi Ran's pregnancy? Is it a girl? A boy? Or is it really pregnancy???? I'm excited how they will drop the bomb if ever that happens lol 


She often checked the calendar and looked so worried. It's either she got menopause or pregnant just like in Reply 1994. There's maybe another reason but if it is true, I want it to be a girl :D:D 


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22 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Now that you put it out there, I totally want 1997 Siwon to be the one conducting the interview. It would be such a lovely connection and make it that much more fun when I marathon the series in chronological order. What I am curious about is why Deok Sun is being interviewed. Maybe they are interviewing all Lee Mi Yeon look a likes LOL...I do like the idea of an air/sky couple interview but then Junghwan wants not part of it so...

ETA: The car ride home is going to be awkward as richard simmons for Deok Sun and Junghwan. I hope she got a ride from Sunwoo or walked or something. Joke or no joke a-w-k-w-a-r-d...

Guys like JH really doesn't like interviews..they are dominant & somewhat secretive.

If the husband was Taek, DS can easily pull him in doing the interview cause his personality is less dominant. And he would be the one that gets more focus cause he's like the king of broken records in baduk. Lol

I hope they show the scene after they leave the bar/resto..I know it will be total awkward for both of them. Haha

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22 minutes ago, grcevln said:

So, it's not JungHwan who said that it's a joke after all? Well, that could mean something. But for now, let's just take it the way they show it. Don't wanna expect or observe anymore. 

I think JH never said that it's a joke. In a light tone, JH said that he is granting DR's wish. However Dr and Sw treated the confession as a joke. I think it's bcos in their mind there's no way JH would be seriously confessing/proposing (as the ring is usually given to gf or fiancee) to DS. Those two are always fighting with each other. 

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15 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:



14 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Grr that puts the confession into a different perspective.   Stupid SW and DR didn't get it at all.  GRRR!!

I have to say though even after 5 years, DS and JH are still the only one that can bickers in second


Sorry to cut your post.


AGREE with both of you. THE TRUTH ABOUT JH LIKES DS IS MORE OBVIOUS THAN TKs. THEY JUST SO STUPID. SW and DR spend the most time with JH and have not know JH' feeling to DS. And TK who barely meet with him can catch up faster.



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morning guys!! i found something interesting this morning while looking instagram post about onamryu andd korean found that the emblem on the husband jacket have this logo 'that other may live parajumpers logo head anchorage alaska usa'

i cant upload the image on this post( i dont understand actually to upload the image. )

can anyone do the search and put it on this forumssss!!


note : on the jumper that wore by kim joo hyuk, they put black selotape to hiding the P.J.S Head Anchorage Alaska USA words only show the upper logo, that show the parajumpers motto 'that other may live' because after i search it was a brand logo that inspired by parajumpers in alaska. so maybe that's why they put the selotape on it.

but the good news is THIS : (i've search in wikipedia about the logo meaning)

Pararescuemen (also known as PJs) are United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) and Air Combat Command (ACC) operators tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in humanitarian and combat environments. These special operations units are also used to support NASA missions and have been used to recover astronauts after water landings. They are attached to other SOF teams from all branches to conduct other operations as appropriate. Of the 22 enlisted Air Force Cross recipients, 12 are Pararescuemen. They wear the maroon beret as a symbol of their elite status, and to symbolize the blood shed by past PJs, as well as the blood current PJs are willing to shed to save lives. Part of the little-known Air Force Special Operations community[5] and long an enlisted preserve, the Pararescue service began commissioning Combat Rescue Officers early in the 21st century.

the PD could use another jacket why he allow kim joo hyuk to use the jacket that have air force parajumpers motto on it?

i still dont want to make my hope too high, because we SAW that DS reaction to the bell on the door, that JH do assume that she waiting taek to come. and we still dont know where her heart is belong. but maybe we have this tiny hope that JH is the endgame. (PRAYING HARD)

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7 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Me too. When he takes that long pause and just stares at her...I was screaming  "Say something. Omo why can't kdrama characters ever say something when it needs the saying" then her mouth smiled or moved but he frakin turned away and said LOL just joking richard simmons it was funny right? No you little richard simmons it was not funny. How can you do that and then say it was all a joke....:tears: but lawds did i love that confession. Reply series always have the best confession. This is going right up there along side my beloved Joon-hee speech of like, oppa-ya's proposal (I love seeing him tonight, tis saturday almost 11pm where i'm at) and yoonjae's birthday confession vomit. 

It kills me when Junghwan says that those times with her he was so happy he though he would go crazy. That he always wants to see her everyday, and that he corrected himself. It's not like for her. Nope, he loves her *kdrama cries dramatically* I must be a sadist because why do i keep watching it again and again i even loved the pain....

And whats with that sigh? Why the richard simmons did she sighed? I mean i love him and it really was painful watching him like that but *richard simmons you jungpala why are you laughing forcefully*. Kdrama killed me for the first time this bad i feel like i'm in pms i want to cry over and over again...

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2 hours ago, balladblue said:


I disagree that the writer changed the script to heighten the husband hunt and/or switch husbands. The people working behind this show, namely Lee Woojung-nim and Shin Wonho PD-nim, have shown time and again that they are meticulous people who create and craft their story with thought and care. For example, the show hinted early on about the unstable foundation of the Sung family's basement home, and so when it collapsed and the Sung family had to move in temporarily with the Kim household, that was not completely out of left field. Additionally, viewers were also able to guess that Sunwoo liked someone other than Deoksun. 

Here I want to repeat much of what @fictionista has so eloquently expressed in her comments, i.e. Junghwan is the emotional center of this story. We are being put through the emotional wringer with him so that when he and Deoksun finally get together, the emotional payoff will be that much more amazing for both us and him. 

I will not be surprised if after the show ends, we learn that there was a secret first meeting with Shin PD-nim and Hyeri and Ryu Junyeol, just like the one for Go Ara and Jung Woo in AM1994. 

Thank you! I hate seeing all these people coming down on the writer and PD team. Have I been frustrated with them and felt they could have handled the whole "triangle" and husband game better yes (I loved the development in R94 though others did not enjoy it as much) but they are not bad writers and production team that are going to disregard the entirely of their story and everything they have established simply to please a few fangirls. No way. I can already foresee a lot of people bitching about how they have been "Chilbonged" when the big reveal is done. But that's because some people have been counting their chickens before the eggs hatched and going hella far to show somethings that are just like...really!?! Whatever I really enjoyed today's episode and after having slept and allowed my rational mind to take over, it's even more clear. Like I said during the live stream "the feather, the kdrama slowmo of fate. signed, sealed, delivered, i'm yours. it's a done deal ya'll junghwan is the husband."

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The thing that makes me bitter the most was the closing montage. Why put all those scenes together? With that particular BGM? Was it suppose to be an ode for JH-DS story (meaning, then it's really a goodbye), or was there any other intention? Can any of you give some insight? Because I'm lost

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3 minutes ago, grcevln said:

The thing that makes me bitter the most was the closing montage. Why put all those scenes together? With that particular BGM? Was it suppose to be an ode for JH-DS story (meaning, then it's really a goodbye), or was there any other intention? Can any of you give some insight? Because I'm lost

They want to richard simmons with our minds thats the meaning LOL It presents closure of JH's one sided first love in past 

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43 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

Watching with Chinese sub.. the ring is said to be military ring which means military graduation ring ( traditional practice : given to fiancee for engagement) 

JH brought the ring along with him when they were having dinner. 

DR: you would give it to me, right?

JH: I  am feeling troubled.. it will be a pity if I suddenly give it to you.

DR: then who are you giving to?

DR: Aigoo this guy haven't confessed to anyone in his whole lifetime.

SW: this guy is not a romanticist 

DR: This useless, (JH) , my wish is to see your confession before I die

DR: You really want to spend your whole lifetime alone?

DR: Sigh.. frustrating!!

AFter this part.. JH put his ring in front of DS and confess to DS!! 

Confession done..

JH to DR: isn't  that what you wish ?!!!! 

I want to say that SW and DR should have realized it his love for DS.. when JH make his confession..and saying isn't that your wish?!!! 

Therefore, this isn't a joke people!! it is not a joke!! 

Thank you for the trans, it gives a new perspective to the confession/proposing scene. 

I still feel sad that all along none of JH's friends know his true feeling to DS. They play together but never actually understand his true motive. Beneath his prickly manner he always has a soft spot for DS. Even in his weakest moment he shows that he likes Ds (which TK easily catch). Dr and Sw have greater number of interaction with JH compared to TK. I hope the next episode will restore my faith in Sw and Dr. :crazy:

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1 hour ago, Vannyah M said:

Now I realized , after saying i love you he made a pause. He just looked at her quietly for 15 sec, What if he was waiting for her reply but since she  did not provide an answer he just turned to DR. 15 sec is, 15 seconds is even too much in my world. Meh


I realised that. Within that 15 secs, JH was expecting DS to reply him. Since DS remained silent, you can clearly see that JH almost burst into tears, knowing that he doesn't have a chance with her. To break the awkwardness, he turned to DR and make it look like a joke. 

Eventhough JH was smiling, eyes cannot lie. He was really really hurt. 1000x more hurt than TK when he cancelled the movie date with DS.

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47 minutes ago, leekyuphii said:

yes....thanks for the translation...i know the meaning when watched that scene but this translation makes it clear that i dont false translate what he said in my mind. For me, when watched that whole scenes, from beinning until the end..i thought JH really makes a confession a real and sincere confession..the one that turns it out to be jokes is DR and SW. and when SW talk to DS you got fooled too right?its make me think...yaaaa thats not the point, his line really turn this confession to jokes for me. The point is he makes a confession as DR wish is to hear his confession, and JH just laugh along with them andd dint say anything furthermore. actually if DS dont get fooled she will answer than confession. dumb dumber duo SW and DR really something last night...so dumb

The dumb and dumber, and they called themselves his best friend. *sigh

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