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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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On 1/4/2016 at 0:10 PM, einYoshiChan said:

anneyong chingu,

about your question did JH give any gift to TK,i don't think JH give anything to him because he knows TK was to busy with baduk competition and in a same time i think JH don't really interested to playing the secret santa games.

 I see.. I just rewatched the episode one more time, now i understand what you mean :)

You know this husband game makes me worried.. Because i really want jh is the endgame lol

I was team chilbong, and i was really disappointed when he was not the husband, because i was really sure that chilbong would be the endgame. But PD has their own story that cant be predicted by the audience. It took a week for me to accept the reality lol. Now i realize that i was too overanalyzed the drama. Overthinking the drama based on my logic, that's why i was too disappointed.

Based on my previous experience, im trying to ignore those overanalyzing theory, and just enjoy the drama. Im so glad that most of team junghwan are like that.. Still hoping (sure) junghwan is the husband. But still can enjoy the discussion without writing a long post bored 'theory'. :) 



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1 minute ago, hafunohane said:

JUST TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR GUYS, @Asma Trimèch IS NOT A TK-DS SHIPPER (never see her in our thread.)

and HI THERE @Asma Trimèch i've got one question for you: ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????? 

Please don't go to any of the shipper's thread to say that the other guy is the husband. Can't you read this thread's tagline? here let me show you :) THANKS AND KBYE. 




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8 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

so i was just back reading and liking posts. hahaha!!! finally i catch up on page 285.


i know that feels bruh hahahah!!! i think the reason why TK shippers think we're being aggressive or superior or narrow minded is because we are not accepting TK as a husband contender and even give him a benefit of the doubt. That we are dead sure JH is the husband. Because them, they are both considering that JH can be the husband even though they ship TK. And my answer for that thinking, since i've proven that TK shippers lurk here and like and comment (and it's not only hafunohane, whom we already know. The other day a TK shipper commented at me, then yesterday a TK shipper like my comment here in the thread, yes in this very thread not the main thread. so i know that they lurk here).

Anyway, if they are reading this, being 100% dead sure that JH is the husband doesn't mean we're being aggressive, that we might wage war if he is not. It is not being narrow minded and not giving TK the benefit of the doubt. The reason we are so sure about JH is because when we watch the series, our deductions lead us here, and for us clues with TK are not strong enough hence it might be a red herrings. 

There can only be one husband and since we see things crystal clear; black and white, no gray area. we choose who we think is the one. Is it wrong?

If the TK shippers ship TK and also thinks there's a possibility that JH might be the husband, then thanks, i think they've probably realize that the clues are strong and can't be ignored but are still clouded by their like for TK. 

if they think we are narrow minded because we only see JH as the husband, and think of themselves as better or broad-minded because they consider TK and JH as possible husband, well, being CERTAIN is never wrong. if we're playing detective, i'd rather be someone who has a final stand than be a lousy detective for being indecisive. 



At this point, most of us have even quit going to the main thread. I was told in an indirect way not to post anything there implying JH is the husband or even that I don't particularly like the SW-BR scenes. I mean no matter how I look at it, this is censorship in one form, something that totalitarian governments do to stifle dissent. How is it that we are being aggressive and narrow-minded? Isn't it the other way round? Desperate Tk-DS shippers making incursions into this thread is what I call aggressive.

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3 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


yes. it is about family and friends. actually when i started this series, i have not visited soompi. i only watch R97 before R88 and skipped R94 so i'm not really familiar about ship wars or anything of that sort. when the series becomes too much for my feels to handle, i thought i need people who will spazz with me so i came to soompi. i thought that i'd be happily spazzing JH and DS on the drama thread, because i ha d this idea that people are shipping them like how YJ was shipped with SW in R97. I was totally blown away that the main thread was actually intensed and that some people did not see JH as the husband and that was one of the biggest WHAT in my life.

then i discovered this thread and yeah i got in too deep. but honestly, when i first watch this, without any previous experience of divided ships, i thought everyone was seeing JH as the husband like how Yoon Jae in R97 is certainly the husband. 


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...same for me.

I totally didn't watch Reply 1994 but I read about all the disputes over the husband because people who had already seen Reply 1997 knew the potential plot. But people were still so invested that I guess one side of the fandom had to come out heartbroken.

I really thought after having two series already that people will know the general gist of the plot by now...tbh if the husband isn't JH...I won't be upset or too shocked...it just means the writer wanted to change things up and didn't want to be predictable.

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1 minute ago, hafunohane said:

JUST TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR GUYS, @Asma Trimèch IS NOT A TK-DS SHIPPER (never see her in our thread.)

and HI THERE @Asma Trimèch i've got one question for you: ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????? 

Please don't go to any of the shipper's thread to say that the other guy is the husband. Can't you read this thread's tagline? here let me show you :) THANKS AND KBYE. 



It's alright. I get her points. She likes JH but she's doubting JH is the husband hahaha.


Here's handsome face Babogum for you, imja.


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13 minutes ago, mojobobo said:

Also, if Taek is the husband and going by chocolate theory she gave it to Taek in his coat, then why on earth would the present husband say he didn't get it?


According to her theory, DS mistakenly put it on TK's jacket, but the truth it was SW jacket. It means SW got the chocolate, rite?

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4 minutes ago, hafunohane said:

JUST TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR GUYS, @Asma Trimèch IS NOT A TK-DS SHIPPER (never see her in our thread.)

and HI THERE @Asma Trimèch i've got one question for you: ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????? 

Please don't go to any of the shipper's thread to say that the other guy is the husband. Can't you read this thread's tagline? here let me show you :) THANKS AND KBYE. 


LOL you cracked me up. I was already write a long rants to address that particular post, but you said it all already. Now I can go back to spazzing work in peace.

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isn't that sunwoo's jacket? the one he wears to school, no? about the chocolate theory, I have one too. this is my delulu theory, don't take it seriously lol.

I always wondering, why is it very easy to put that chocolate in the bag or jacket. unless, someone bag's zipper is broken or he never zip his bag. junghwan and dongrong has the same bag, but different color, meanwhile i always see dongryong bag zipped, but junghwan's bag, the zipper part is kind of folded? (i'm sorry i'm not really good at english) like his bag is not zipped it (you guys know what I mean right?). and sunwoo's bag is always zipped

lol, the reach in my theory :D

Edited by Ra_Yeosa
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Guest wizengamot
1 minute ago, hafunohane said:

JUST TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR GUYS, @Asma Trimèch IS NOT A TK-DS SHIPPER (never see her in our thread.)

and HI THERE @Asma Trimèch i've got one question for you: ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????? 

Please don't go to any of the shipper's thread to say that the other guy is the husband. Can't you read this thread's tagline? here let me show you :) THANKS AND KBYE. 



you will not see her in TK-DS shipper because this is her first time posting (post count and point count). i'm not even sure if she's a real JH-DS shipper or a TK shipper with new account coming here. Maybe i'm still pissed off by the last encounter of TK shipper here in our thread. i'm not saying that all TK shippers are like that, but you see how that TK shipper the other day took our hi and hello and completely misinterpreted us. i'm not sure if our fellow JH-DS shippers lurk at the other ship thread but at least we don't spy there then rant about them at our thread. so that's that. thanks 

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4 minutes ago, hafunohane said:

JUST TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR GUYS, @Asma Trimèch IS NOT A TK-DS SHIPPER (never see her in our thread.)

and HI THERE @Asma Trimèch i've got one question for you: ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????? 

Please don't go to any of the shipper's thread to say that the other guy is the husband. Can't you read this thread's tagline? here let me show you :) THANKS AND KBYE. 


sorry i didn't read that it was for those who believe that junghwan is the husband !! and if u see it was my first post and i got attacked lol !! well since i have my own manners i won't attack them back !! and till an hour ago i was a reader !! i read posts in both threads !! is that wrong ??? and i'm a Junghwan-doksun shipper since the first episode till now !! i just can't believe those people who badmouthed me and called me " a spy " !! i'm not a child to do such childish things !!! i'm just not that much optimistic about junghwan being the end game though it s my wish !!! so for those who misunderstand me  please just be a little bit open minded ! we are not children as far as know !! well i don't care though if u misunderstand me !! i don't regret saying my own opinion or finding someone's else theory appealing !! it was me being open minded with the differences of opinions !! i never thought it would be a war between shippers looool !!! that's ridiculous !!! 

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Until now, I have been all cheerful and in a fun & pervy (of course...JH ) mode...... but I'm gonna put it all straight...... When it comes to the REPLY installments.... I paid more attention to RE'94 for I was involved in the whole "hubby" game... I has just browsed through RE'97..... so, I'm more so of a  major ex-player in this 'shipping' game.... Chilbongie... the guy I had once defended with my teeth gritted in all the episode analysis. Yes.... why.. coz' first of all I DID NOT follow the STORY.... All I wanted then was CB to be the endgame and thus focusing solely on the "clues" and "scene trolling" set by PD- nim. To say, I was delusional... would be quite right..... there were times I knew that Trash was THE ONE... but, I kept denying and over analysed all the trolled parts....like.... how CB picked the little crab meat from NJ's cheek... or how he came on the New Year's eve...or the even the ramyun or the hospital episode.... and all that richard simmons !! In the end .. what I didn't get is to ENJOY the drama... which I REGRET now.... Yes ! I was majorly heartbroken but a FOOL for not enjoying a wonderful drama and then had to recap the entire series (no regret there either )..... SO, when I decided to view REPLY'88.... I went with the story... The fact I fangirl RJY is a complete different thing ! I would have swoon over JH even if he went with BR or had any other part..... HE IS SEXY... no matter if he would have played any damn role.... THE FACT THAT I SHIP JH-DS ....IF BECAUSE I FOLLOWED THE STORY PLOT .... ... Hence, I'm tired of all these theories floating around ...more so in this installment coz' unlike the previous one... we have already seen the adult versions.... and please.... no one can metamorphose that much in terms of personality...coz' mind you even though the current batch kids are teenager they are not toddlers...so pretty much their "base persona" is already been set.....

Phew ! I never write this much here... but had to get this off my chest...:)... Okay now back to drooling over JH...... HAHAHA...

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8 minutes ago, Asma Trimèch said:

sorry i didn't read that it was for those who believe that junghwan is the husband !! and if u see it was my first post and i got attacked lol !! well since i have my own manners i won't attack them back !! and till an hour ago i was a reader !! i read posts in both threads !! is that wrong ??? and i'm a Junghwan-doksun shipper since the first episode till now !! i just can't believe those people who badmouthed me and called me " a spy " !! i'm not a child to do such childish things !!! i'm just not that much optimistic about junghwan being the end game though it s my wish !!! so for those who misunderstand me  please just be a little bit open minded ! we are not children as far as know !! well i don't care though if u misunderstand me !! i don't regret saying my own opinion or finding someone's else theory appealing !! it was me being open minded with the differences of opinions !! i never thought it would be a war between shippers looool !!! that's ridiculous !!! 


Girl, just chill. Take a deep breath, okay? Why don't you read previous pages before you rant about your doubt. We got plenty of proofs that JH is the husband, hundreds of pages of them, in fact.

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@papulichan yes, yes please back to JungHwan's pervert mode again!!! One page full of gloomy thought is enough in this thread. Oh yes, let me tell you how funny it is to think that it's really Sarang  who's joining discussion, ranting, and drooling over JH here (because of all the gifs you make and your prof pic) :w00t:


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@Asma Trimèch Is this your first post in this forum and soompi forum right? How you not knowing tthis is shipper thread? I mean, you join this thread discussion and you write about TK be husband, thats why we think you a spy or something. I mean, you must write that in main thread inside this thread.

I laugh so hard reading all your comment guys, i love you, i was too busy with real life so i cant write a post until now HAHAHAHHAHA.

I am not afraid about theory and theory, since we just have 4 ep left, they must have to finish this love triangle, i am so thrirsy with OTP lovey dovey :wub:

@hailaft as usual, i looooooooooooooove your fanfic :wub:

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32 minutes ago, grcevln said:

Is it safe to say that we, at least, are allowed to be blind and narrow-minded in our own thread? I believe some of use has refrained to post in the main thread because of certain issues. So,  This is our only happy place. Can you please let this be until the end of the series?


gif cr: seolstar tumblr


Lol!!!  That's exactly my face when was i reading a weird post just now...  Thanks god OUR family and friends already being here..  

I don't care about theory anymore, i just want see my junghwan and deoksun smile..  

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6 minutes ago, MrsRyu said:

@Asma Trimèch Is this your first post in this forum and soompi forum right? How you not knowing tthis is shipper thread? I mean, you join this thread discussion and you write about TK be husband, thats why we think you a spy or something. I mean, you must write that in main thread inside this thread.

I laugh so hard reading all your comment guys, i love you, i was too busy with real life so i cant write a post until now HAHAHAHHAHA.

I am not afraid about theory and theory, since we just have 4 ep left, they must have to finish this love triangle, i am so thrirsy with OTP lovey dovey :wub:

it was indeed my first time posting but not being in this forum !! i'm usually a reader !! just i'm gonna stop giving excuses so that u would believe me !! !! i know it's a shipper zone and i'm a junghwan-dukson shipper !!! i sisn't know it s for those who only think that he is indeed the husband !! sorry for that !! but stop attacking me already !! i'm tired of being misunderstood!!

@hailaft as usual, i looooooooooooooove your fanfic :wub:


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@Asma Trimèch

I am 99.9% sure JH is the husband for the following reasons:

1. DS is the only 1 that do the 'Aigoo! Kim Sajang' gag with JH Dad and this setup is there for a reason. To make us think that DS is the perfect daughter-in-law for JH family and she will be happy living there. I thought of a scenario where Taek's Dad is the goofy 1 and I believe it still works if the scriptwriter intended Taek to be the husband.

2. Jungbong - Mi-Ok, why isn't Mi-Ok or any DS friend dating someone from Baduk society but 1 of the strongest husband contender brother? The purpose of this setup is so that there are more ways for the scriptwriter to write DS-JH interactions that does not involve the other 3(Taek, SW, DR).

3. The series spend so much time showing us that JH is upset about the possibility of DSxOther guys.

JH screen time in

Ep13 - Less than 5mins if we include scenes with DS

Ep16 - 74secs~ on him emoing about DSxTaek

Ep5 -   5secs~ focusing on his facial expression that he is jealous of DS taking care of SW

Ep5 - 7secs~ focusing on his facial expression that he is jealous of DR right next to DS (entire scene including DR&DS last for 14secs~)

Ep 5 - 32secs~ on him worrying about DS not back from Study room.


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