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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Yea base on this bts I believe that the husband is already known from the start, I also believe that the Stars already have a hint. Even Jhs mom joke that JH should leave DS and go with taek instead. 

And the meeting, ayieeeee

i always ship in real, although I'm emotionally prepared so I ship RJY with hyeri

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Now everyone should prepare for the big party! A wedding class party! Because I noticed Director ShinWonHo even appointed their seats when they were doing group reading (ssangmundong teenagers only) it's not an  unintentionally RyuJunYeol seated in front of Hyeri and Park Bogum seated beside him. 

I wanna throw confetti!! 

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I feel like I'm spazzing/spamming a lot but I have to take some time to give Papa & Mama Sung and Papa & Mama Kim a shoutout! The chemistry between these two couples is unbelievable. I think a big giveaway that JH is 99.99% the husband is the chemistry and compatibility of the in-laws. Of course, that's not always the case irl... BUT in the Replyland... I think it has some weight on who the husband is. I think some of you mentioned that Papa Kim and DS have an awesome (and hilarious) relationship. I remember there's a scene in BTS special where Papa Kim wants DS to be with JB so she can be family (Mama cheetah is totally shipping TK-JH LOL). 

Let's take a look at the (potential) in-laws:

 we already know that they all live in one house...

and the three ahjumma/musketeers's relationship with each other is like amazing. 



and of course the four (soon to be three :P) families' chemistry... amazing. 


But the Sung and Kim parents are especially compatible. I mean they're always over each other's houses (more at the Kim's but still)... they also worry about each other's health (like when Mama Sung had the checkup) or financial situation...


And the three papas are hilarious trio as well. 


Rewatching the episodes made me realize that how amazing everyone's chemistry with each other is. I realized that I was so focused on JH and DS (before), that I missed how amazing the parents are. hahaha please let them be one big happy family. 


anyways, I'll end with this: 


EDIT: sorry for the half post before... I accidentally pressed the save button LOL.

screencaps cr: dramabeans.com

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Correct me if I'm wrong guys, I just get to look some clips from last night's BTS..

from all the bts available (i bet there are a lot), they picked this particular scene:

1. there are so many JunYeol-Hyeri lovey dovey scene shown

2. they always seated facing each other

3. there is also that sad scene BTS where JY hugged PBG

so we can sum it up as PD's clue on who's the main lead, and where the story will go (which we all already believe this many times) right? right?

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@MrsSoJiSub hey, i think you can post that in the main thread. Well, I've never been there actually (for some reason, you know), I might not know whether someone has posted something similar like yours or not, but I think this one is very sincere and not overly biased. You know, it's near the ending of the series, I'm not expecting some opposite shipper to turn and join our ship. It's just that I don't want to see any fan war. And, I'm also a little bit sad and annoyed to see some post ranting about how mainstream Junghwan character is in k drama land, which in fact he is, but he's amazing.

I have this tendency to love every character of a drama when it comes to its end. and that's how it makes me feels like re-watching it all over again with an ease. And this time, I think I don't have to go through to the end of the series to do so, because I've loved every character, I used to feel bitter towards Taek since episode 10, but look at me now, loving him to bits and pieces. 


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OMG just one busy saturday and I had to back read 10 pages (I also peeked during the day, even while shopping and during a birthday:sweatingbullets:). How am I gonna live after this show. On the one hand I really want it to end because I can't focus on studying, on the other hand I can't get enough of this show and this thread and u guys!! I had 2 weeks of X-mas break, which I wanted to spend on studying.. that obviously didn't happen. I come here everyday and know all of you guys by username too haha. Feels like I have got another family here:heart::bawling:.. So even though only 2 weeks are left and it feels already really empty, I think it's more healthy for me to return to real life. This drama has sucked me in really bad. Many firsts for me too:

- It's the first time I became active on a forum!

- First time I read Fanfics because I can't get satisfied and want to see/read more new things. @hailaft WOW it gets better and better!! Really enjoyed it! It's like I can visualize everything just by reading it!! THANK YOU!!

- First time I (tried to) live stream BTS and NG for a drama haha!! 

- I started to post since page 50, before that I was a silent reader, I witnessed being on page 100 and page 200 omg! I am an idol hahaha, in the beginning I had no idea those were leveling up on it's own --> rookie to idol haha (I realized I had an account for soompi since 2011 omg, but never used it!)

Why does it feel like I am saying farewell alreadyyy nooo... HAHA, but from monday on my lessons start again so I can't be here very often, bare with me. 

The BTS were really good, though we didn't get to see the BTS for the scenes we actually wanted to see, still we got to see some new stuff so that will keep me sweet till friday!! 

JB and MO really cracked me up hahahahahahah. They had so many NGs and MO kept bursting out in laughter HAHAHA and SWs NG when he tries to pour some water for BR ahhahahahahaha. 






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I'm done watching the raw of special episode and I wanna cry..... We are starting to be too emotional here specially that we have 4 episode left, although we have a concert coming right? I will miss them, the last part of this bts and the song make me sad. Waaaaaa


on that note, I'm looking forward to JH and DS heavy drama scene, which I wish and hope that there is a drama scene right? I'm very excited to see that scene and please let us see the BTS, because I know, after that scene Hyeri and RJY will hug hhehehhee

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2 hours ago, grcevln said:

@MrsSoJiSub hey, i think you can post that in the main thread. Well, I've never been there actually (for some reason, you know), I might not know whether someone has posted something similar like yours or not, but I think this one is very sincere and not overly biased. You know, it's near the ending of the series, I'm not expecting some opposite shipper to turn and join our ship. It's just that I don't want to see any fan war. And, I'm also a little bit sad and annoyed to see some post ranting about how mainstream Junghwan character is in k drama land, which in fact he is, but he's amazing.

I have this tendency to love every character of a drama when it comes to its end. and that's how it makes me feels like re-watching it all over again with an ease. And this time, I think I don't have to go through to the end of the series to do so, because I've loved every character, I used to feel bitter towards Taek since episode 10, but look at me now, loving him to bits and pieces. 


I posted something similar sometime ago there and nah, not again. I've reached the conclusion that there are certain actors/characters/ships that is more acceptable to fan over on the main thread and certain ones "ain't nobody got time for that". I'm okay with just going with the flow over there so I shall leave my love of Junghwan and our OTP here. Maybe once the final ep has aired I'll just let all my love of the boy and the ship out. For now, I'll continue to comment on general things and leave the gushing love here. 

There is still no preview of anything at all? I am glad to hear my Trash oppa-ya has been confirmed for a cameo. I pray he gets to meet my Bong and especially Junghwan. They need to star the husbands club and some time down the line invite Yoonjae whom Trash met in 97 to 94 cameo. 

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thank you @hailaft for your amazing fanfic!!!! i've been waiting the next part of ur fanfic and you gave us the awesome part!!

Can i have your part 1 and 2 too? as i really want to read it from the start again...thank you thank you thank you!!

i've in the state that i want friday to come fast but i don't want it to come too, and i dont know why......

i just hope that next week episodes we will finally see JH smile, no more holding back, no more broken heart face and pls give JH some good sleep as we already see he always sleep late and after the pocket accident he even didnt get to sleep. :'((((


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