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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Guest wizengamot

i don;t know if this has been posted before... this is the very first JH-DS fanvid i've seen in youtube and had probably played it so many times because it's the only thing back then





that's all guys... see you all tomorrow :D



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Guest wizengamot
4 minutes ago, wasted_youth said:


JH can say nothing and he still looks hot, chingu. 

I don't know if all of you do this too; I always replay his scenes. I just love the way he talks. In case if you make a playlist please share it with me B)




i mean i could compile all his short lines/words and listen to his very own playlist all day hahahaha!!! i already lost count of how many times i've relayed all his one-liners not to mention his other scenes (both with lines or none)

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7 minutes ago, wasted_youth said:

JH can say nothing and he still looks hot, chingu. 

I don't know if all of you do this too; I always replay his scenes. I just love the way he talks. In case if you make a playlist please share it with me B)


1 minute ago, wizengamot said:

i mean i could compile all his short lines/words and listen to his very own playlist all day hahahaha!!! i already lost count of how many times i've relayed all his one-liners not to mention his other scenes (both with lines or none)

Like thousand of times I keep harassing my reply button while watching his scenes XD

Okay, that's very tempting, playlist of his VOICE??!! *die* :wub:

If I can't handle this two weeks without hearing his voice, I'll probably would compile them too XD. 

And yes, if someone has it already, please share :wub:

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@wizengamot Ahh, the scenes from the earlier episodes. When they were actively bickering, when JH started to feel something for DS in the epic alley scene, the Cant Help~ing bus scene, the alcohol bottle scene. I miss all those moments!! :tears: 

@carolinedl caroline Imja, let me give you a big smooch! Thanks for the videos! #savethemrightaway #willconverttomp3 #soicanmakeamessageandalarmringtone

@gogo92 hi chingu!  Come and join us more often, we've lots to talk about here.

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On 12/27/2015 at 9:58 PM, fnkrm said:

I think most TKxDS shippers are PBG fans. They like Taek because of PBG. Yes, PBG is cute, blah, blah, blah. Very typical but I have to agree. PBG is visually attractive to my eyes. But then... realistically looking at Taek's character alone, his constant need to be taken care off annoys me. Yes, I understand that he lost his mum when he was younger - deprived of motherly care and such. But he is 18. 18! Let's be honest, if another unknown actor played Taek instead of PBG, would people still root for Taek? I think not. 

Side note: With people calling RJY ugly and JH's character is coward/sissy, I think they need to get into the real world more. A man like JH is really hard to find. Yes, we feel frustrated seeing him not pursuing DS when he clearly can. He treasure his friendship with Taek more. It takes a lot of courage to do what he did. (Look at Taek, he cried while "giving in" to JH!) And RJY is not ugly. He is hella attractive. I can't help but get attracted to his side profile. 

People kept saying it is sad to see puppy Taek get all heartbroken because he such a baby. What about JH? What about his feelings then? None of his friends knew about his situation. He bottles it up to himself - stressing over things by himself (where it affects him as he cannot solve the math problem for days). JH's tsudere character is not something he is born with. He was overshadowed by his hyung (due to JB's medical condition) where he needs to give in all the time. He doesn't want his mother to worry about him so that's why he don't tell her stuff because he might feel that the news he bought up might not be important. JH is lonely. He kept a lot of secrets to himself. He put up defences of his marshmallow character with his snappy attitude. He doesn't know how to express his feelings with words that's why he "talk" with his actions. 

Hi, i just want to say a few things as a JH-DS shipper with one feet on the Taektanic because Choi Taek is amazing. this is going to be off- topic because i mentioned a whole lotta TK so it's in the spoiler below. 


so far, from my venture in both threads, i can say that at least most of the TK fans in soompi are fans of Taek NOT because he is PBG. the reason why i can safely say that this is the case is because to be fair, i don't think TK is physically more attractive than JH. (look at that bowl haircut! JH has the best bed of hair out of the bunch really imho. in that thread we keep talking about the saving grace that is hair gels as one of the things we look forward to when the time skip happens, lol). and for the first few episodes TK were BARELY EVEN THERE. heck, even some of the inanimate objects in his room got more screen time than him. he wears grandpa- like suit and grandpa glasses when playing baduk. and reading all the posts we barely talk about TK as PBG, at least not until a few days ago because he received the rookie awards etc and we have 12 days to the next episode so we start going off topic.. but most of the time we always call him TK and i believe i can safely say that a lot of us don't know him/ weren't a fan before this series (me included. however after seeing the BTS i'd say that i adore PBG and Hyeri off screen, and I ship JH- DS in the series.) 

I am confident that a lot of us who loves TK will stay on the Taektanic no matter who plays the part. PBG is doing a real great job and i can't think on top of my head of another actor who can nail this role just as well, but i'm sure that if RJY plays TK he'd nail it just fine and we'd still ship TK too (i remember RJY was revealed to be an amateur baduk enthusiast who teaches the other cast members about baduk). We can't blame PBG fans who watch this series and ship TK because he's played by PBG the same way like we can't blame Daisies (Girl's Day fan) who is probably watching the drama only because they watch everything that Hyeri takes part in. after all, it's the staff's decision that PBG get casted as TK. and if it brings more viewers in the form of PBG fans to the drama= the more the merrier for everyone. but that doesn't mean that most of us know/ love PBG before this series. another point to highlight is that the other shipper's thread is not even a month old... it was created after episode 10... so if these people are fans of PBG they would've talked about his role as TK in his artist thread since the news of his role broke out... but they didn't. some fans of TK are actually very, very careful about talking of PBG as the actor himself for fear of going off topic. i named the thread with their real names because i didn't know the rules or the right way to do it. plus we RJY shippers are sometimes doing something similar too. we sometimes share RJY's fantaken pics/ clips here... so i don't think anybody should assume that most TK shippers ship TK because he is played by PBG. and i never come across anyone who says that JH is ugly, at least not in this soompi's shipper thread. HE IS FAR FROM UGLY. TK-DS shippers call the vase/trophy that TK gave DS "the ugly vase" but that's about it, i believe. 

Taektanic fans do not see TK as a baby. they know that he allows himself to be babied in that group since episodes ago. not being able to do certain things while excelling so well at others is actually very realistic of most human beings. all guys are intelligent in different ways. they found out that TK could actually send fruits for JB when he got surgery, took care of his dad's hospital bills, protected DS in the restroom, and made the trip to buy the movie tickets himself. he is more mature inside than most people give him credit for. there is no constant need to be babied, contrary to what you said. he wants to go to China alone when his dad is in the hospital. he can actually protect others. in fact in the beginning he was sorta portrayed as everybody's "servant," bringing them snacks, renting the comic book, buying them ddukbokki. it's the people around him who naturally are protective of him and assumed the role of his caretakers. he did ask DS for coffee and then water in ep11, but that's just one scene and that is just his way of expressing his feelings as mentioned by his dad (that scene serves to mirror the dad- son similarities between them more than anything). we see this role reversed in the recent episodes, where TK can actually took care of others too.

if we want to, we can also point out to the part where JH calls DS ugly in the earlier episodes and classify him as a "baby" when it comes to treating a girl right, or a childish guy at least, but that's also very realistic of tsunderes and teenage guys his age. calling DS ugly, kicking her butt with his knee etc are more "true to character" than anything else/ childish actions. you know, we can justify RJY's actions or the lack thereof and his mannerisms the same way they can actually justify TK's role as the "assumed baby of the OT5." the reason why he is thought of as the baby is because that's what the drama wants for us to believe in the beginning, that TK is a baby. it just takes a little bit of open-mindedness to see that each candidate has their plus points and also flaws. 

about the crying part.. i know TK only got those crying scenes because it's the way his character is written since the "i miss my mom everyday" scene with Sungdaddy in ep 2. TK expresses his sadness through tears and it's always caught on screen. tears don't equal unmanliness in my book. for all we know, JH cried too for JB. both guys cry for real important people and real reasons. in the real world, 18y.o boys can feel things and can cry too. we're worried about JH's bottling up his feelings all the time and similarly, we can also worry about TK who keeps eating up those pills and passing out exhausted. as a dual shipper i'd say both guys had melted my heart through the different ways they cope with their pain of untold feelings. we can't compare who is more heartbroken than who. both guys are hurting. both guys like DS. both guys LOVE each other. that's the most important takeaway. 

when JH tied TK's shoelace, i was seriously reduced to tears because it feels like such a huge slap to the budding fanwars that we shouldn't be pissed at the other hubby candidate's fans at all. we should learn about love and friendship from the boys. i immediately shared in the other thread that we should give the JH shippers a huge hug. in fact, there are a lot of #TaekHwan shippers here and there. the two boys are far from rivals or enemies and no one should put down the other's character in favor of their own bias. in the end, it's just a drama after all. let's overlook the little immature shippers/ commenters (i have just learned to do so myself after i vent here about that particular commenter). i know the lack of progress from both guys are making most of us nervous, so if anything we should just unite and love each other just like JH and TK. 

Edited to add: i didn't mean to personally address this to you but because you mentioned a few points that i want to address with your post. i do notice that others have mentioned about the highlighted matters as well here. i totally agree with @carolinedl that TK is already likable enough as a character that we don't need to attach the PBG label of him. it's not his fault that he has more roles to his record compared to RJY. i mean, RJY's everland CF shows him acting similarly as his role in R1988 and i remember reading people who referred to him as JH when talking about the CF. i think after i spend time in the Taektanic's thread, i realized that both shippers are more alike than most people would think. and for anyone who is annoyed by the "delusional" shippers, just remember to focus on our own ship here and our own reasoning behind why we believe what we believe. let them believe what they want to believe. i mean, TK-DS shippers call themselves the Taektanic anyway, if that helps. 


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@hafunohane wow that is one long post haha. I accept your opinion on this matter with an open mind. And I apologize if we ever offended Taektanic chingudeul. 


@papulichan hahahah that post crack me up the 'ingredients' are all correct! Except that they forgot to add 1 more cup of YEO JIN-GOO and maybe a teaspoon of JISOO?


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@hafunohane Yes, I agree with a lot of what you said.

I think Taek and PBG need to be differentiated, because I believe it is doing injustice to PBG's acting. He is just GREAT as Taek, period. Similarly, RYJ is great as JH. PBG just brings such a loveable side to Taek, he has extremely expressive eyes, it can convery so many emotions. His body language is also great. All this to say that seeing PBG when watching Taek, that's just wrong... in terms of PBG's work as an actor!

Whether we ship Taek and DS and JH and DS, in the end, we are all shippers you know...

Oh and I think some of us are also Taek and JH shippers as well. I think it was @ihate0ni0ns who did a great fan video of them :)

Again, it is so much easier to post one thing on DB, not elaborate. At least here, we can discuss things, change our minds, see the other side. Let's all forget those dummies over there and rejoice in being all together here! :wub:


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On 12/26/2015 at 1:25 PM, ner54 said:

@wissyyyyy I'll never doubt JH's love for DS, don't worry. I've been reading the discussions here to calm myself down. They can't possibly build those JH-DS interactions since the very beginning if it didn't mean anything. And I agree with you, I don't rely on future clues too. They're misleading and people change. Anyway, thank you for the reply. It's exactly what I needed to hear right now :) 


YAAAY. I just reread my post and I was kind of rude. I'm sorry chinguuu <3 

I'm just so annoyed with the direction the writers chose for the triangle sighhh. It has almost ruined my holidays lol.

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HEY GUYS. Just dropping by to say HIIIIIII. *SHIPPER HUGGG*

As for people who lurk here and don't like what's going on in this thread: this is our thread. It's a shipper thread, and this is what happens in shipper threads. I don't even go on the TK/DS thread because I know for a fact that I won't like what's going on there. But it's none of my business. You guys can say whatever you want there because it's your thread. I will silently defend JH in ours. But we don't take a load on Taek's character here. That's what I love about it. Hell, we probably love him as much as TK/DS shippers do. Hehehe. Personally, I think we need a Jung Hwan/Taek thread because they're just too precious.


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6 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Oh my god, did you notice that image behing JH?!


Ah the details!...


Yes I actually went back a couple of episodes to see if that picture was there before but it isn't. lol. Lee Mi Yeon goddess giving Jung Hwan strength to study. (seriously this remains the biggest hint that he's the hubby)

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1 minute ago, wissyyyyy said:


Yes I actually went back a couple of episodes to see if that picture was there before but it isn't. lol. Lee Mi Yeon goddess giving Jung Hwan strength to study. (seriously this remains the biggest hint that he's the hubby)

It totally does! I keep repeating myself that when I doubt...

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Is it LMY? Woaaah that boy sure is a huge huge fan he has her pictures on every corner everywhere he goes. I agree about LMY being one of the two biggest hints. 

I love every small details in this show too. It takes a lot of works and preparations, kudos to the team. I've always have a feeling Shin PD is a particular person. But the cast have a great respect for him so I guess he must be very good at his job. 

I want to post something else but it's 3 am already gulp I'll just do it tomorrow! Gotta go sleep now. To all my Imja here please don't talk until 10 pages I can't back read that much haha. 


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