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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Boyy, JungHwan is the best tsundere character i think i've found this recent years in kdrama. His character is just perfectly written. He's cold, sarcastic, clever, proud, and loving, all is shown in a very humane way. That's why he seems perfect yet so real.

And what's frustrating me is i think i love Junghwan and Ryu Jun Yeol just equally. This is bad alert cause it's been years since I obsess over korean actor.

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The sleeping moment is a bit underwhelming for me.

I screamed at the preview. I do not want Taek to kiss DS first.

I still believe Junghwan is the husband because unlike TxDS, JHxDS scenes have sexual tension(e.g. the part JH pass DS her towel+bra etc).

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Guest jayx143

I'm like looking at GIF sets on tumblr right now lol. Anxiously anticipating the next episode.

I love how in the episode, each time he refuses her he looks away. It's like he can't bear seeing her face when he disappoints her. Or he has to look away because he's not being honest with himself. Then finally, in the bed scene (hee) ... finally full eye contact. I love it.

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I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but based on the youtube vids and everyone's live-caps.... I must say that I'm falling for JH more and more. 

Even though I am frustrated at the fact that he's avoiding DS for the sake of TK (OH COME ONNNN!!!), I am secretly glad that he did because it really shows that he values his friendship with TK. And of course... the infamous bed scene :wub::wub: (i honestly watched that over and over again)... it really shows that our beloved boy is not just girl crazy, but he sincerely likes... dare say... loves her. He is always at a complete lost when it comes to DS... honestly everytime... DS wins hahaha. But I'm glad that DS is genuinely falling in love with JH. I really can't wait for the flashbacks on how DS fell in love with JH (I also wonder if it was before SW... hmmmmm....). 

They are absolutely the cutest couple ever. 


11 minutes ago, shunklunk said:

Is it wrong if im :wub:hoping deoksun and junghwan holding hands while watching the concert? 

absolutely not, @shunklunk. I'm hoping the same xD

ok. back to paper writing :tears:. haha 

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11 minutes ago, grcevln said:

Boyy, JungHwan is the best tsundere character i think i've found this recent years in kdrama. His character is just perfectly written. He's cold, sarcastic, clever, proud, and loving, all is shown in a very humane way. That's why he seems perfect yet so real.

And what's frustrating me is i think i love Junghwan and Ryu Jun Yeol just equally. This is bad alert cause it's been years since I obsess over korean actor.

Very well said. I've been obsessing over Jung Hwan and Ryu Jun Yeol too ahah! 

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At this point, I could never believe that TK would be the husband. His actions do not show interest in a girl. Yeah, yeah, so TK's dad said that they like to ask the girl a lot for favors. That's not a regular way of showing a girl you like her. That's just another way to irritate the girl. 

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Guest jayx143
11 minutes ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

The sleeping moment is a bit underwhelming for me.

I screamed at the preview. I do not want Taek to kiss DS first.

I still believe Junghwan is the husband because unlike TxDS, JHxDS scenes have sexual tension(e.g. the part JH pass DS her towel+bra etc).


I'm pretty sure he didn't kiss her. I already posted in main thread about it but it looks like he ran into DS after the concert with JH. He's somewhat dressed up / has his bag. Looks like he's coming back from a match (and we know he had a competition that weekend). Anyways, I think what happened was he lost and is leaning into her shoulder for support.

I would be a little (okay this is an understatement) upset too if Taek got the first kiss with her haha. If it was a kiss on the cheek that would be fine for me... but not on the lips! I think the people editing preview seriously pick the best moments to troll us with... and knew we would freak out if we saw Taek leaning and misunderstand it haha.

I hope I'm right. Who knows though. We'll just have to see later tonight :)

And yeahhhh so much sexual tension! When she walked in on JH changing lol... please take it off. No one is stopping you. 

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@juniper_ I agree with every single word you said. I didn't understand a word in that bedroom scene, but the way RJY played it, I could feel the emotions and knew something important was being said by Deok Sun. To me that was her confession. Deok Sun likes Junghwan. She didn't ask Junghwan to the concert, she told him. She admitted (unconsciously) that she wants to go with him. The way it came out and how it came out :wub: Just as "Don't go" was a confirmation of his feels for her. "Let's go" was confirmation of hers for him. 'Don't go on that blind date, I'm here. Stay with me' and 'Let's go on this journey of a relationship, let's go start something more, cross a line together' I love these writers :wub:.  People can stay pressed about him trying to back off (he sucks at it, look that dork waiting for her to come home). Taek is his brother, off course he's going to step back, especially considering all their friends know and are pushing for Taek. To not try and fail to push her away would be breaking the code. Now when they do eventually get together, the squad will be more understanding and supportive of him (they will not feel betrayed or like he did Taek wrong). They would have seen him try to deny his own feelings for the better of them all (put the squad and Taek's happiness above his own) and they'll appreciate it (and also see that his feelings for her are very much real since try as he may he couldn't not be with her). 

As much as it breaks my Deok Sun loving heart to see the tears in her eyes when Junghwan said whatever he said before leaving the room (my poor little pit bull, why do you have such a warm heart) I LOVE THE ANGST :D!!! It makes it the more glorious and shipper heart happy and giddy when they finally do get together. Kiss her Taek and have my little pit bull see it and my heart crack right along with his ;) If I wasn't so sure they endgame, l'ld be sad faced. But, the show done crossed the line of no return eons ago so do your worst, the eventual will make me forget the heartaches of now. The parallels of Deok Sun&Junghwan to that of Sunwoo&Bora had me grinning from ear to ear. I swear our kiss better be 19 times better :) 

I love watching Deok Sun kinda sorta chase Junghwan now. So many scenes that made me giddy. Did y'all see her telling Noeul to scoot over so she could sit next to him like Sunwoo did to get a spot next to Bora? She kept trying to leave Taek's so she could get back to his side (and food) -I see what y'all did there writers and I loved it-. She sat next to him and moved closer as he tries to put a distance between them -I see you again writers- Questioning him about the concert, the waves (they totally used a different scene than the one from the preview), saying something as he left the room that even Bora picked up on :D. Then the preview :wub::wub: she puts her head on his shoulder (wait is Taek there or is Junghwan? As in who got her there and why is the other party along for it? It looks like all 3 are eating at a food stand) and when is the concert? Can they still go? There are so many adorable and telling scenes this episode (the awkward bathroom run ins and changing walk ins . Also, Taek plays baduk while she sleeps while Junghwan stays a little longer than he should and looks at her adoringly. I expected Taek to moon and smile over a sleeping Deok Sun. I was kind of disappointed that he didn't. Does Taek like Deok Sun cause he said it but I haven't seen it) If you are avoiding the episode because of the preview don't. The ship ain't sinking nor are there even holes. Also the episode felt looong but was really good. I loved the 'go stop' kids narration as the parents played, Taek's dad and Jinjoo were adorable, and Junghwan is just a sweet care bear towards his mom. Go watch now if you're avoiding out of worry. 

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Its seems a lot of people are getting stress because of this episode, because of JH backing down and they pitying Taek because of the love triangle.  We already expected that JH will do it, as it is in his character (the reason we love this character) so don't be disappointed.  Pitying Taek is doing his character a disservice, he is not pitiful, How can we pity someone who is still young but already considered famous and successful. He also have a lot of people who treasure him, protect him and respect him.  I'm sure in the real world a lot of people will envy him. Who among us does not experience a heartbreak in this age, this is part of growing up.  And he had not done anything for DS yet and instead it's the other way around so we cannot compare him with Chilbong.  Actually, I pitied DS when she went with Taek to China. Its her first time going to China and she was really excited but it does not look like that she enjoyed it.  But anyway, I understand that her real purpose in going to China was to take care of Taek. 

For me I just decided to just seat back and enjoy the show.  Remember they are just 18 now and this can be considered as one of their first obstacles in their relationship.  Maybe it will take another 10 years before they marry.  And it is a sure thing they are still a lot of angst along the way before they end up together;  If I am going to be stress now and have a strong reaction towards a relationship that really has not started yet,  what will happen to me if I watch this series until the end?  I will probably be sad and it will lessen for me the enjoyment of watching this series.

Or maybe I am not really affected because I am 100% sure now that JH is the husband.  As sure as I am that NJ and  Trash in 94 and SW and YJ in 97 are end game.:D

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Just finished watching ep11 and instead of seeing this episode as a filler as they say, I just loved it!!! Another side of the kim family has been shown and another loving gesture from JH. Really, I feel like the writer's showering RJY the best scenes ever.

Also, during the bed scene, with JH staring at DS, it felt like the world stood still. I was holding my breath watching that, more than the sw-br kiss scene. Haha. Wonder how the writer's gonna make the scene that most people are waiting for. Will we hit 18% in that episode? I can't wait. 

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2 hours ago, honeywell said:

I love the fact that we get another bus scene between DS and JH.  DS with JH's umbrella means another sweet gesture by JH.  

You are me. I know some are happy and some are freaking out by the kiss. All I could see during that bit was "his umbrella" :)) then Rhiana's 'Umbrella' started to play in my head...and now it's an ear worm again. I've wondered since the Oppa/Najeong thread days, is your avi a Sungkyunkwan Scandal drawing? 

47 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:


I will follow your advice.Reading your post helped me to decide to go on.

p.s give my kisses to Mr.SoJiSub .


More than happy to kiss oppa ahjussi for you. I just wish he was in a drama I could actually stand to watch. Try as I may I just can't get into 'Oh My Venus' :( why does he do this to me back to back (yeah I'm one of the few that didn't really enjoy 'Master's Sun' his character was too much like Dok Ko Jin -down to the overreactions and hand gestures- of Greatest Love for me). I will force my way through OMV during winter break. 

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@MrsSoJiSub I love reading your posts lol.  I feel your posts are what I'm thinking yet I can't convey into words.  During the Nareki days, I don't remember using a Sungkyunkwan Scandal icon.  Maybe Gu Family Book?  

Oh My Venus is a bit disappoting.  It took 3 episodes before I could really get into it.  The chemistry is a bit lacking but still okay.  Henry is making it worth it.

Anyways back to R88...because of R88 I'm re-watch ing the movie The Last Emperor.  After seeing the gang watch this movie, it made me want to watch it again.  The scene from E11 where JH is waiting to come back from Taek's was perfectly executed by RJY. All I can think of was the pains of first love angst.  They're 18 so I don't really expect them to fully get together yet.  Maybe we'll get a bit of happy moments but I'm sure there will be more angst to come.

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14 hours ago, wizengamot said:

Yeah, anyway I think it's time for Taek to do things because he had been labeled as Deok Sun's future hubby candidate opposite Jung Hwan and yet from the earlier episodes til the previous ones, every effort was coming from Jung Hwan's side. I guess even though Taek is not the hubby, giving him something to do to prove that he even deserves to be a candidate is okay for me. Cause in all honesty I don't know why people ship him to be her hubby when he's not doing anything. At least tomorrow I'll have a reason to understand the other shippers hahahahaha!!!

Hahahaha, this is what I'm waiting for too.. And please remember at the end , The girl's feeling only that matters.... What have taek done for DS? What? even if he confess right now, will DS accept his feeling? I don't think so....


And please calm down, chill out friends~~~~ I enjoyed the episode so much, I expected the episode will be like this, Junghwan will step back for now. it's between your first love and lil bro you've known and babysitted  for 11 damn years.... Taek's position in JH's heart is just as deep, he is conflicted but eventually we'll have an happy ending. I am so sure that JH is the husband now, see how the episode made, it was only Sung's and Kim's all the time, it's about JH-DS all the time, the angst, the iron-walled behavior, the suffering are just some seasoning for make triangle. when I watched 10 previous episodes I was a bit worried about the husband-game, about whether the writer will crazily put a huge twist to it or not. But after watching this episode, all worries gone, I am sure JH will be the husband. for 11 episode not a single thing make taek worth to be DS's hubby, except the reason that he needs her so much for daily life. and that is not good reason for him to be my miss lovely Duksun's hubby, sorry taek.. 

please please, expect for more episodes like this and understand that they're just 18th years old. First love is always confusing, and first time in his lifetime, he experiences the most complicated one. Junghwan did well to endured so much before he finally gives in to her, and I also admire Ds to not give up for that concert request, she is really brave and cute..

epi 15th they will jump to 1994, so I am expecting 3 more episodes in confusing-love-triangle and I don't like JH to be sad but the angst is needed for the flow....

I also wanna give standing applause for Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri... their scenes, sad, heavy and chilling, but every subtle expression, every gesture, even their voices act as well.... Camera director also did his job so well, angles are perfect, all of theirs scenes just beautifully made, despite the mood they want to portray.

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23 minutes ago, honeywell said:

@MrsSoJiSub I love reading your posts lol.  I feel your posts are what I'm thinking yet I can't convey into words.  During the Nareki days, I don't remember using a Sungkyunkwan Scandal icon.  Maybe Gu Family Book?  

Oh My Venus is a bit disappoting.  It took 3 episodes before I could really get into it.  The chemistry is a bit lacking but still okay.  Henry is making it worth it.

Anyways back to R88...because of R88 I'm re-watch ing the movie The Last Emperor.  After seeing the gang watch this movie, it made me want to watch it again.  The scene from E11 where JH is waiting to come back from Taek's was perfectly executed by RJY. All I can think of was the pains of first love angst.  They're 18 so I don't really expect them to fully get together yet.  Maybe we'll get a bit of happy moments but I'm sure there will be more angst to come.

Sorry to keep going off topic but I adore 'The Last Emperor' I watched it a few years ago (along with Farwell My Concubine') and both are movies I will never forget. I bawled my eyes out. Such tragic fates in both movies. Junghwan is sooo adorable just waiting for her to come home. The worry and anxiety. You could see a thousand reasons of why she's still there running through his mind. One of which being he confessed? she feels the same. is she not back because she's having so much fun with him? My little pit bull *cuddles* Eventhough he brought it onto himself; he's so right when in the present (2015) he tells Deok Sun she's luck to have him. To quote Phoebe, "she's [been] his turtle" :wub:

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Well, today's weather so perfect : gloomy and rain hard (just like JH and me crying hard). But I'm excited for tonight's ep! Yeaay..! Whatever the angst, just bring it on! I already prepare my heart, LOL

ah, talking about turtle..i don't get it when JH talk to SW about that turtle thing. Is that kind a proverb or what? Sorry if someone has already explained that but I don't follow. Thanks!

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If the drama really gets to 18%, I am gonna scream because after 14% last week, I cannot imagine how it could go any higher but it went to 16% this week, maybe 17% the episode tonight. We might even break to 20%, that would be unimaginably fantastic though if it were to be possible.

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