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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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4 hours ago, pauexclusive said:


I enjoyed nature trips while MLSHR was airing.

AND now I can't even look at a TREE without crying!

Yes we must avoid the trees!

This is not a DRILL! I repeat not a drill.


TOmorrow I have to go on business trip to this place that has a lot of trees and horses.

How am I suppose to concentrate when there are horses running around but no Wang So?

:sweatingbullets: day dreaming during meeting? 

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3 hours ago, shiraru said:

Yes, me too, I'm actually happy that IU took Hae Soo's role. I was skeptical at first and thought Moon Geun Yeong or Moon Chae Won would be a better fit, but now I really can't see anyone played Hae Soo better than IU. Moon Geun Yeong is a great actress, she can play comedic role (Marry Me, Mary) and melodramatic role too (Cinderella's Stepsister), but she looked pretty youthful even in her melodramatic mature role in my opinion. Moon Chae Won is also a great actress, but she wouldn't be believable if she played a 16 year old Hae Soo, she looked very mature. Also, there are some rumors that said they weren't even offered for the role of Hae Soo, other actress(es) that were offered were Kang Sora and Hwang Jung Eum, and they too, looked pretty mature for me. I think the one who handled the casting process has had his/her eyes on IU when they cast her, and as much as I doubt the casting at first, I'm thankful for it now~ :D

I'm one of the people who was annoyed by the close ups in this drama on every character, only on the earlier episodes though, up until Eun's birthday party. It was distracting for me, not gonna lie, and I'm sad IU got so much hate for it, when it was not her fault. I don't really want to compare, but Han Hyo Joo in 'W' did a lot of surprised face too, but since they didn't do extreme close ups, it was fine and didn't disrupted anything for me. I truly think IU has acted her best as teenage Hae Soo, but it was the creative decision on the editing part that ruined this. Also, those pretty clothes...they should showcased it more in the drama, they are so pretty in PD Note's pictures!

Oh well, what's done is done, it's useless to complain about things that has happened. Either way, I still love Moon Lovers, I would definitely keep this drama close to my heart. :)

Your post made me think about the flack all the close-up shots got. Of course, I respect your opinion and feelings about them, but I have a different take on them. 

I personally LOVE the close up shots, because I think it directs and emphasizes the focus on the human emotions through the face. A lot can be said without words - actions and body language, including facial expressions, can speak to us. For example, I love that close up shot of IU and JG's face when they were on the horse at the beach. From their expressions, I can read Soo's uneasiness, fear, and feelings of liberation from finally being able to leave the palace, and taking in of the beautiful scenery before her and So's confidence, curiosity, and joy of being beside his love, away from everyone else. Other people may not feel that way, but that's what I saw when I examined their faces. It helps that they're both freakishly beautiful, but all in all, it helps me connect with the characters on an emotional level. Those feelings that they felt, I felt alongside them.

And in the scene where Soo kisses So first, I noticed that So was reflected in her eyes. The same occurred after the time So gave Soo a back hug after returning from his mission and she was hanging up laundry to dry. Those were extremely gorgeous shots of their faces, but they also show the beauty of love the two characters had for each other, their changes and growing feelings, their longings after separation, etc. And the saying, "being reflected in someone's eyes" is quite a romantic saying, don't you think?

With your reference to W, although I enjoyed the drama, I didn't connect with the characters the same way I connected with the characters in MLSHR. Of course, the two dramas are quite different, but I felt that MLSHR emphasized more on human emotions.  What we're all supposed to be feeling right now in regards to MLSHR i.e. love, anger, hate, pain, anxiety, sadness, etc. are EXACTLY what we should be feeling - that's the intent of the drama and a testament to how much we're connected and affected by it. Of course, I can understand that people feel those feelings for different reasons i.e. directing, script, etc., but the idea is the same. We've been so emotionally invested in this drama, that how it starts, progresses, and ends affects us that deeply. That's why like you, I will always hold this drama near and dear to my heart. When I think about this drama, the feelings I felt when I watched the drama comes rushing in. When I hear the OST, my mind automatically drifts to the scenes that accompany the song. Just the other day, I was listening to Love of Haesu and Lee Hi's My Love in my car on the way to school, and suddenly I was transported back to the scene where So back hugged Soo when he returned from his mission and said to her "I missed you". Of all the SoSoo scenes, I love this one the most and I was touched all over again.

Despite all its flaws in storytelling, this drama still gave me feelings of happiness, anger, and sadness. Even now, after it has ended. But mostly importantly, this drama and its characters made me feel human. 

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31 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


TOmorrow I have to go on business trip to this place that has a lot of trees and horses.

How am I suppose to concentrate when there are horses running around but no Wang So?

:sweatingbullets: day dreaming during meeting? 


 Gooluck girl! we'll if I am in your position I'll probably be like this:


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On 11/5/2016 at 9:19 AM, IAmSoulReader said:


Annyeong Chingudeul,


It took me a few days to find the time to write down my version of the ML-SHR final. But I eventually finished and updated it on my asianfanfics account. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. May it help to heal all of your broken hearts.:wub:;)



As you’ve probably noticed I've tagged everyone who liked the posts about my writing below. (I hope I didn't forget anybody! If so, please excuse me! It's quite late over here and I'm just about to go to bed. :huh::sweatingbullets:

Please note that English is not my first language. I hope you still have fun reading! Feedback is always welcome!:lol:

Much love,



Oh my junki! I love it very much! This is what i love to happen! I just finished rewatching ep 20 even though i know i will be heart broken and cry again.  But my heart is  lighter now. I saved your work in notability because every time i feel to watch MLSHR again, i will just read your work all over again to ease my pain. Lol! Tkank you!  
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4 hours ago, NitaA said:


I can only imagine how frustrated the actors and actresses watching their hard work got chopped off here and there to fit in to all these rules and regulation. Especially if the finish product is way different from the actual planned. I wonder if they got notification or they found out the same day an episode was aired. They must think what Richard Simmons is going on???


usually the prod team will know esp director + writer + editor... coz thru my experience, those are the ppl tht will be around during editing process :)

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50 minutes ago, shairli said:


usually the prod team will know esp director + writer + editor... coz thru my experience, those are the ppl tht will be around during editing process :)

The fact that there are TWO versions of this drama has always been asinine to me.

Some important scenes were removed from one version and another version had lengthier or altered scenes. The stupid editing applies to the music as well - why not use the same music all around for the scenes? For example, the part where Soo rejected So's proposal utilized Lee Hi's My Love in the SBS version and the international version used Taeyeon's All With You. To me, Lee Hi's song has always felt sadder than Taeyeon's (it's a song about Soo's feelings towards her love) and I dub it the SoSoo anthem (it's a song about their feelings towards each other), so I felt different emotions because the songs used were different with SBS version hitting it home much harder/sadder than the international version, when both versions were equally sad. Another example is when they used Epik High's Can You Heart My Heart during SoSoo's date in the SBS version, but in the international version, they use I.O.I's I love you, I remember you. In that scene, Epik High's song was edited to emphasize the instrumental, and sounded more like hearts beating - fitting for a date scene with sun glowing and all. You know how you get antsy before a date with someone you really like, and your heart races? And how time (and heart beating) slows down when you're with them? The song pretty much picks up and slows down just like how a person's heart beats when they're with the person they love. I.O.I's songs didn't project that for me, but Epik High's song did. 

However the editing was done, people always felt they were missing things. It's alarmingly stupid. They could have extended the episodes to at least 5 more, and we'd be able to watch everything. 

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8 minutes ago, Umi_ni_Sora said:

However the editing was done, people always felt they were missing things. It's alarmingly stupid. They could have extended the episodes to at least 5 more, and we'd be able to watch everything. 


Ya.. why go thru all those troubles doing 2 sets of editing... 

I feel the same... if only they extend at least to 24 eps?? It could hv been well justified for each character + storyline. We may even accept the open ending wholeheartedly. 

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10 hours ago, ldwon4 said:

I think it's only me that thinks IU's surprised faces were fine... her eyes are generally big and she's also extremely pretty with young looking features so she probably couldn't help herself with the close up shots they took. Maybe it was because they did so many of the shots that it got annoying to viewers...but at the early episodes, Hs was still in the shock of that she TRAVELED BACK 1000 YEARS into the past and anything to her was still surprising.

I tried to make surprised looks in the mirror and as a fellow person with generally big eyes, I could not make my expressions  much better than she could, except not as pretty because I'm not as pretty as her XD. I guess blame the director's tendency to get a lot of close ups of her, which was her being shocked a lot in the first 3 episodes XP But cant help being pretty in every shot since she's an extremelypretty person. XD

I don't think her surprise face is the problem, but her reaction toward some situation is the problem. And when she is scared the reaction is the same as when she is shocked. So sometimes I just confused whether she is surprised or scared.

Anyway for me except her surprise face, the others part of her acting are fine.

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On 11/5/2016 at 7:07 PM, antiherofans said:


Please do make K-version of Dexter with LJG as the serial killer who collect blood sample.

Pretty please???


Or, LJG as young Hannibal Lecter (K-version)


Or, LJG as K-version of Jack the Ripper, young and good looking one?


What is wrong with me? :crazy: why do I want LJG as young, super sexy, super hot serial killer ??

Yes!!!  LJG should act as a villain. Serial killer or rapist. Dexter Korea version will be good too. :thumbsup:

Good looking killer. Looks can be deceiving. 


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im watching IU's lee soon shin right now.. just to perk my mood.. :) after that 50eps, will watch the ep 20 in sub haha or the entire MLSHR.. just bidding time coz im not ready to say goodbye yet.. oh no...
i think my year-end vacation will be filled with dramas of LJG and IU... :)

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33 minutes ago, junejungki said:

Yes!!!  LJG should act as a villain. Serial killer or rapist. Dexter Korea version will be good too. :thumbsup:

Good looking killer. Looks can be deceiving. 


A rapist is a no-no for me, but I do want to see him as a very cruel, smart, and evil villain. I think that role would excite all his other emotional ranges and allow him to push out more of his acting talents.

I would really like for him to have a take on a fleshed out role like So's, but a villain role would make it more fun. The best villains to me are the ones that hurt you because you loved them so much. And even better are the ones that you actually root for, LOL. I had high expectations of Queen Yoo because she was such a BAMF villain in the beginning of MLSHR, but was disappointed when she became a blubbering mess afterwards. So's revenge on his mom was pretty awesome though! Something like that - a villain with a deep and rich background/motive would be awesome. 

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