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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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8 hours ago, briseis said:

His - The Wolf and The Lamb


“May my life's breath find refuge in your heart, destroyed in your love, may my life depart.”  

Wang So’s and Hae Soo’s ill-fated love story in Goryeo comes full circle as So spurs his horse on, rushing to Hae Soo’s side one last time. While she’s spend the last months of her life waiting for him, just like she had spend the previous years. Even after she left him, her life has been centered around him. Soo might have escaped the Palace, but she could never escape her lover, could never be free of him because they are eternally bound. Her memories of him, her visions of him by her side have kept her alive each day; the thought that she’s carrying his child and the hope that he would one day return to her gave her the strength to survive aeach new day day. The first time she had arrived to Goryeo she wanted to survive only for herself, now she is living for him and their unborn child. In the end, WS truly has been Soo’s lifeline. But he comes too late because without him she couldn’t last even a one whole year, far less ten; because she spent all her lifeforce on giving birth to their daughter - TO PROTECT THIS LITTLE PIECE OF HIM. And so she draws her last breath wearing So’s lotus hairpin, the token of his love that marks her as HIS - HIS lover, HIS friend, HIS queen, HIS partner, HIS equal, HIS wife, the mother of HIS child,… -  and listening to the song that made him realize he loved her what seems like an eternity ago.


“Soo may be dead, but she’s my person.” 

Even after her death Wang So can’t let go of his Soo, his sun that has burned out. He keeps clinging to her ashes, just like he keeps clinging to the memory of her. Theirs was a love doomed from the start, and not only because Soo’s been always living on borrowed time (he kept her alive and protect her all this while) and just like the sun and the moon during the eclipse they could spend only a limited time together. He was the wolf who fell in love with a lamb - a predator who fell in love with a healer. She had woken up in the body of a girl who had a heart condition, later her body went through cruel torture and hard labour which shortened her life span even more. She never belonged to this world to begin with; its air was like a poison which slowly killed her. Wang So, on the other hand, WAS BORN TO RULE THIS WORLD - almost since birth HE’S BEEN TRAINED TO ENDURE, SURVIVE AND DEFEAT HIS ENEMIES. His body and mind is too much resilient to give up.  A POISON IS LITERALLY COURSING IN HIS VEINS, he himself is the deadliest weapon - HE IS SCARRED INSIDE AND OUT BUT THOSE SCARS ARE ONLY A TESTIMONY OF HOW MUCH HE’s SURVIVED, A PROOF THAT WHAT DIDN’T MANAGE TO KILL HIM ONLY MADE HIM STRONGER - AN INVINCIBLE KING THAT COULDN’T BE CONTROLLED BY ANYONE. Because how can you defeat or control a man whose heart and soul died together with the woman he loved?



Thank you @briseis

I love it.... :wub:

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8 hours ago, 30orsomething said:


All the plot/incentive/character mismanagement were articulated by @zi4r so it’s not necessary to mention it here (truth is, with my terrible English and messy writing, I don’t think I can handle this task). I just want to say that, it seems we are suffering from CONSPIRACY THEORY SYNDROME aka THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES MINDSET (I don’t know if there’s really something like this, the words just jumped out of my brain). That’s it, we tended to give more credit to the writer, create more layers of meaning to the characters’ actions and behaviors, give the existing plot another underlying plot under yet another  underlying plot. We can’t stand the thought that there’s nothing there, and all the struggles were baseless, clueless, purposeless. That’s our tragedy.


It’s an overstatement to say many characters are underdeveloped. May I say, they don’t have any developments to begin with (except for Wook), they only had sudden justification of motive and purpose right before getting killed. Let’s me be clearer here:


  •         I regret saying Hae Soo’s role was paving the way for WS to the throne. Truth is, she blocked his way considerably. Did Hae Soo make WS a happier or better king? I don’t think so. See how much he suffered when killing the traitors, getting the nation into shape while dealing with Hae Soo’s tantrums about human right? Later, we got the breaking news that he freed slaves in tribute to Hae Soo. Yay! How did we know Hae Soo inspired WS to do that? Coz Yeon Hwa told us so! There’s little proof that Hae Soo had any influence on his idealism while she was still alive. Everything was told, not shown, so in the end, it’s not persuasive enough, sorry.

And through out the show, we didn’t get to see HS mature. She just grew weaker, paler both physically and mentally. So weak that I expected her to die sooner for she was of no use hovering around mindlessly like that.


  • There’s more but I am too tired now to type. And it’s too long already. All I have to say it I no longer feel heartbroken about this love. For it was never about love from the start. If even the writer didn’t give it a damn, why should I?



WOAH Thanks for the long detailed post ! Sorry to cut your post - I so agree with so many of your views. I couldn't resist to check this thread again for "THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES MINDSET" (so apt!) posts which I have spotted since the start of the drama.

About the writer's challenge : I think the team went in with their eyes open, a bunch of professionals in a highly competitive industry. They knew BBJX's success and they choose to do this so it's a double-edge sword. You can't have your cake and eat it too. OR don't chew what you can't swallow. I have no sympathy for professionals who hide behind excuses instead of focusing to improve their work.

I watched international version ONLY as that's their best effort for the international market and I will enjoy and judge this drama based on that. 

Although I love BBJX novel and C-version, I can honestly say that I watched Scarlet Heart with an open mind without comparing which version or character I like MORE. I said several times before, Scarlet Heart is inspired by BBJX (rather than adapted). 

However, I did look forward to the anchor love story of RX-4th-8th - even if I want to compare, I can't because there is no version in Scarlet Heart. Wook-HS never took off for me. Wook is just a coward who gave up HS because of his family. I dislike this character and I could not understand HS's love and tenderness for him even in ep 19. Without Wook, there is no more love triangle. Only WangSo-HS is left and this pair has very little screen time as they were being swallowed by the plot mess spun by the writer. Wang So was not even given enough airtime to show his deep grief for HS. It was just that one scene when he rode to Jung's home and cried clutching the urn - very unsatisfactory !

The two other romance sub-plot : Eun & wife, Baek Ah & Woo Hee were "wasted", in my opinion as they were written separated from the 3 main leads. Eun's wife and Woo Hee were shown as friends of HS but never reached the depth of "going through thick and thin" kind of good friends. So much time spent on the couple's childhood or family background but did nothing to propel viewers' connection to the character of HS (or 4th or 8th).

My BIGGEST takeaway from this drama is : never take for granted the background work of editing & OST. This was a given to me in the past but since this drama, I appreciate other drama's editing and pacing more.


p/s: Like you, I would have dropped this drama after ep 12 if not because of the community on this thread.

p/s2: I do not understand why the writer thinks it is more important to show Wook's little daughter to hint at Baek Ah's future relationship with her, in ep20 when there are so many things left possible to do for Wang So and Hae Soo (or even JiMong). Lazy writing, as I see it.


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On 10/21/2016 at 4:34 AM, Adnana said:


It's been bugging me how the 2-year time jump in E16 could bring us to autumn 948--seeing that, before the time skip, King Hyeojong had just died, and historically, that happened in October 945.

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The obvious explanation is, we're dealing with additional instances of time compression--weeks/months passing within a single episode, in the blink of transitioning from one particular scene to the next--that are not expressly pointed out. To map this out, I ended up building (or rather, expanding on my previous attempt* at) a drama timeline for my own edification.

*Drama Timeline v.1 (E01-11):

Because I've seen people asking time-related questions again and again on the forum, I'm posting my (updated) findings here as well.

ML Scarlet Heart: Ryeo

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+++Official time markers in the drama, revealed through chyrons:

E03, 21:46 (SBS): Taejo 25th Year (New Year 942)

E12, 13:45 (INT): One year later (Taejo Year 26)

E14, 00:13 (INT): Two years later. Hyejong, second year of reign.

E16, 31:41 (INT): Jeongjong, third year of reign (Year 948)

and dialogues (in E16):

(CR to HS): "It's been two years since he's been here, so you would be happy."

(HS to WS): "There wasn't a day that I wasn't waiting for two years."

+++Reigns of the first 4 Goryeo kings (cr. Wikipedia):

Taejo: July 25, 918 – July 4, 943: 26 years; died: 4 July 943

Hyejong: 943 – 945: 2 years; died: 23 October 945

Jeongjong: 945 – 949: 3 years; died: 13 April 949

Gwangjong: 13 April 949 – 4 July 975; died: 4 July 975

Timeline of events: (v.2: E01-16)

[E01] end of 941 (late autumn/winter 941): Go Ha Jin becomes 16-year-old Hae Soo, in Goryeo

[E02] 12th lunar month 941 (cca. New Year's Eve 941): princes' exorcism rite

[E03] Taejo, 25th Year (New Year 942)

[E06] February/March 942: Lady Hae dies.

spring 942: Hae Soo becomes a Court Lady, and officially starts a romantic relationship with Wang Wook

[E08] summer 942: rain ritual, Wang So decides that Hae Soo will be his

[E10] 9th day of 9th lunar month 942 (cca. October 942): Double Yang Festival, Wang So drinks poison

[E11] autumn 942: Hae Soo is now nearing her 1-year-anniversary after arriving in Goryeo. If she was 16 when she arrived, then she should be 17 yrs. old now.

E12] Taejo, 26th Year: 1-year time jump, from autumn 942 to summer 943. In that time: Hae Soo living as a musuri and Wang So sent away as envoy to Later Jin.

[E13] July 943: Taejo dies, Wang Moo becomes King Hyejong. Hae Soo's breakup with Wang Wook is definitive.

[E14] Hyejong, 2nd Year: 2-year time jump, from summer 943 to autumn 945. Hae Soo, now Damiwon's sanggung, is nearing her 4-year-anniversary in Goryeo and should be 20 yrs. old. Wang So has openly loved Hae Soo for 3+ years.

October 945: after Hae Soo and Wang So became a couple at last, Hyejong dies and Wang Yo becomes King Jeongjong.

[E15-16] ?early 946: Wang Gyu's "rebellion" is crushed, 10th Prince is killed

[E16] Jeongjong, 3rd Year (Year 948): 2-year time jump, from ?early/spring 946 to late summer/autumn 948. Hae Soo is nearing her 7-year-anniversary in Goryeo and should be 23 yrs. old. Wang So has loved Hae Soo unremittingly for 6+ years (since the rain ritual in summer 942), she has openly reciprocated for 3 years (since near the end of Hyejong's reign in autumn 945).

Soo now has cca. 3+ years left in Goryeo (from a total of 10 years--i.e. the number specified by the production team as the time span covered by MLSHR).

[E17] 949... to be continued...



Now that the drama is finish, I want to continue where we left off on the timeline, but I might need some help

E17 Year 949 - Gwangjong became king. He is around 25 yrs old. Hae Su should be 23 yrs. old. 

E18 Year 949/950 the exorcism rite. Gwangjong married Yeonhwa.

E19 Year 950/951 Wook got frame for treason. Jung propose marriage to Hae Su. GJ and HS broke up. HS leaves the palace (knowing that she is pregnant, although she didn't show us any clue at all! )

E20 Year 951-957: 
    951 - Hae Su went to lived with Jung. She gave birth to her baby girl. HS died. She is around 26 yrs. old
    ?   - Won executed for treason
    955 - Gwangjong first son is born.
    957 - GJ meets his daughter for the first time.
    ?   -  Jimong left the palace
    ?    - Wook died.
    ?   -  Gwangjong staying alone at the end

I'm assuming that the little girl is 5 yrs old because she looks like 5 or 6 yrs old. If she was born on the same year Hae Su died, then the girl was born on 951. By the end of episode 20, GJ first son just had a birthday so I'm assuming the boy is 2 yrs old by the time GJ meets his daughter.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by keiko9
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Hmm LJG said on the dinner with the casts long time ago that the drama will be healing and happy. But on the last fanmeeting, he said that the ending would be sad, then retorted that it could either be sad or happy. I can't help but thinking that what he meant by happy was because he knew there would be So-Soo meeting in modern life. But when the last eps was to be aired, he knew that the happy meeting scene was cut off, therefore he said the ending would be sad.

Now I wonder if they're gonna give us that scene. LJG's latest IG post (what is SOON!!???) keeps me hopeful and being hopeful with MLSHR is never, never a good thing. I haven't learnt my lesson for these 2 months, have I? :tears:

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13 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

Let's support this one too. Please like and comment. 


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SOOMPI FAN PROJECT VIDEO... Please like and comment. 





Thank you @akinahana89 for youe hardwork... i've seen the video and it was amazing ... love it:wub:

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20 hours ago, fengari said:

In BH and WS ´s last meeting, BH announces to WS, WW ´s death, and adds that "now, no one left to visit, so I leave". I think that BH visits to WW and maybe to WJ(a visit we didn´t witnessed) were made under WS request: WS asked BH to visit everyone was close to HS and  "record" their memories with her in paintings. This is why we have the painting with the WW-HS promenade in the snow, and Lady Hae death. Also the scene with the HS´s comic bow in front of the king.(sole alive witnesses back then in this scene were WW and his mother).  

So, it was WS who wanted to leave  signs for her that he (and not only him but all the persons she loved and cared for)  remembers. The fact, that he  delivers also memories of her time with WW, shows that he holds no grudge, that he understood, and that he respects her memories . (damn, tears comes as i am writting this

Excellent interpretation!! This is one of the legacy of Wang So, to show that he truly loves Hae Soo no matter what happens. Time nor space can stops and covers the depth of his love for her. Ugh...so sad and tragic. Soo died with the thoughts that So may hated her, her letter says "Do you still not think you don't have my whole heart and resent me?" because they didn't get to meet despite her writing many letters (We know this is an unfortunate misconception). Further, when she returns back to the modern world, she wakes up from a dream, crying. She also didn't know the depth of his love for her. Now, after seeing the paintings and drawings, she knows he still loves her deeply even after 1000 years has passed. But the fact that she finally lay her eyes on his portrait standing alone and lonely...she said sorry out of regret for leaving him alone...It is bittersweet. Beautiful love yet tragic and ironic. 

And I do believe they meet in the modern world, it is not shown clearly but the message is clear, Wang So will find Hae Soo no matter what, in the another world. That is his last words. 

Wow! The lyrics is meaningful and poignant for Wang So's life! Wang So remains lonely ever since he is young till the end of his life in Goryeo. Tragic. But at another life, this will change.  

Kudos to IU! Thanks for the translation! 


Edited by Rose34
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47 minutes ago, valsava said:

Yes @junejungki  Thats what I just read put all of them in one drama will bring in big bucks.. $$$ Ching Ching


I'm curious, I went googling it, 'First Kiss for Sixth Time', Lee Jun Ki, a chaebol and church oppa, ---> Allkpop Lotte Web Drama 



The unbelievably amazing cast is for a new web drama titled, 'First Kiss for the Sixth Time'. It's a web drama produced by the 'Lotte Duty Free Shop', and will likely act as a promotional tool for the brand. Actress Lee Cho Hee, whomyou might recognize as Hwang Jung Eum's friend from drama 'Lucky Romance', has been cast as the female lead.

In 'First Kiss for the Sixth Time', Choi Ji Woo (played by Lee Cho Hee) attempts to pick the perfect partner for her first kiss among 6 different men. Her options are Lee Jong Suk, playing a top star, Ji Chang Wook, a sexy secret agent, Lee Jun Ki, a chaebol and church oppa, Park Hae Jin, a romantic coworker, Kai the adorable younger male friend, and Taecyeon, a naive rich kid.



Nice. Please don't let Kim Kyu Tae direct it. 


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16 hours ago, briseis said:


Me after watching ALL 20 episodes of this “TOUCHING” drama that was supposed to bring me happiness:



Touching drama ? yes indeed... but bring happiness... ?? not sure

i keep to bring back my self consciousness to move on :D 

try to not lurking the forum so often... not to stalking cast's IG... not to re-watch the episode... but I CAN'T !!!!.....


I keep lurking this forum which full of fabulous member and so many shared videos and pictures which make me hard to move on.. keep waiting the great analysis... and i enjoy and really don't mind reading longggggg analysis :wub:.. book mark the fanfic... 

keep listening the Moon Lover OST

keep watching the BTS 

keep watching the video and jump the best scene ... OMG :wub: I think this is the "HAPPINESS"



thank you and love you guys... :wub:



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I found this article funny...  if I was Jisoo I would be embarrassed to show my body too esp seeing the other Prince's...  :D


Ji Soo talks about how he felt having to film topless in 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo'

Actor Ji Soo talked about his recent drama, 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo' and the chemistry among the actors on set. 


During an interview with MBN TV that took place on November 2, the actor was asked to pick the most memorable scene from the drama, and he chose the princes' bathing scene from the first episode. 


Ji Soo explained, "More than anything, the scene where Hae Soo takes a peek at the princes bathing... It was the first time all the princes appear in the drama, and everyone took great care to film that part." 

He added, "I felt pressured about filming shirtless. If I had a great body, I would've felt confident, but that wasn't the case. I wanted to get ready for the nude scene but I couldn't prepare and suddenly the filming day came... I looked at myself in the mirror and my body looked sad. And on the day of the filming, when I saw the other guys, I felt even sadder," while laughing. 


When asked which prince has the best body, Ji Soo responded, "All of them...but if I had to choose one, it's the 9th prince, Yoon Sun Woo. He has a fit body." 

Regarding the chemistry among all the princes, the actor commented, " The princes had a lot of group scenes, and because of that, we took a long time to film. And the longer time we spent together, the closer we became." 



source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/11/ji-soo-talks-about-how-he-felt-having-to-film-topless-in-scarlet-heart-ryeo

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guys i just thought of something, what if she didn't tell wang so about her baby or being pregnant because he would've forced her to abort if he knew she's risking her life and making her body more sick by planning to give birth? and the reason she wouldn't tell after giving birth is also that she doesn't want the baby to live in the palace with palace politics. She probably knows she won't live long and wang so is the king, he's super busy, he doesn't have time to be a dad like wang jung. she will probably be raised by people who don't care about her and he treated horribly by the queen, i think hae soo knew all this. if she's so loving to all the princes and nurtures them, what more for her own child, everything she did was probably to protect her baby and i think wang so understood that when wang jung conveyed hae soos wish saying she died only thinking and worrying for the baby... she's a good mom. 

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9 hours ago, briseis said:

His - The Wolf and The Lamb

“May my life's breath find refuge in your heart, destroyed in your love, may my life depart.”  

Wang So’s and Hae Soo’s ill-fated love story in Goryeo comes full circle as So spurs his horse on, rushing to Hae Soo’s side one last time. While she’s spend the last months of her life waiting for him, just like she had spend the previous years. Even after she left him, her life has been centered around him. Soo might have escaped the Palace, but she could never escape her lover, could never be free of him because they are eternally bound. Her memories of him, her visions of him by her side have kept her alive each day; the thought that she’s carrying his child and the hope that he would one day return to her gave her the strength to survive aeach new day day. The first time she had arrived to Goryeo she wanted to survive only for herself, now she is living for him and their unborn child. In the end, WS truly has been Soo’s lifeline. But he comes too late because without him she couldn’t last even a one whole year, far less ten; because she spent all her lifeforce on giving birth to their daughter - TO PROTECT THIS LITTLE PIECE OF HIM. And so she draws her last breath wearing So’s lotus hairpin, the token of his love that marks her as HIS - HIS lover, HIS friend, HIS queen, HIS partner, HIS equal, HIS wife, the mother of HIS child,… -  and listening to the song that made him realize he loved her what seems like an eternity ago.


“Soo may be dead, but she’s my person.” 

Even after her death Wang So can’t let go of his Soo, his sun that has burned out. He keeps clinging to her ashes, just like he keeps clinging to the memory of her. Theirs was a love doomed from the start, and not only because Soo’s been always living on borrowed time (he kept her alive and protect her all this while) and just like the sun and the moon during the eclipse they could spend only a limited time together. He was the wolf who fell in love with a lamb - a predator who fell in love with a healer. She had woken up in the body of a girl who had a heart condition, later her body went through cruel torture and hard labour which shortened her life span even more. She never belonged to this world to begin with; its air was like a poison which slowly killed her. Wang So, on the other hand, WAS BORN TO RULE THIS WORLD - almost since birth HE’S BEEN TRAINED TO ENDURE, SURVIVE AND DEFEAT HIS ENEMIES. His body and mind is too much resilient to give up.  A POISON IS LITERALLY COURSING IN HIS VEINS, he himself is the deadliest weapon - HE IS SCARRED INSIDE AND OUT BUT THOSE SCARS ARE ONLY A TESTIMONY OF HOW MUCH HE’s SURVIVED, A PROOF THAT WHAT DIDN’T MANAGE TO KILL HIM ONLY MADE HIM STRONGER - AN INVINCIBLE KING THAT COULDN’T BE CONTROLLED BY ANYONE. Because how can you defeat or control a man whose heart and soul died together with the woman he loved?



THIS IS SO WELL SAID!!!  :bawling:

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On 02/11/2016 at 4:25 AM, jma030201 said:

I stopped watching this on episode 17 .... too scared to watch the rest so I went to this forum and found out some spoilers. Maybe I will watch the rest on the weekends. Just too sad for me I guess.

The best episode to stop is Eps 17.  Be strong... you still have to go through it!  Well.. the anxiety of watching the last 2 eps is actually not as bad or sad as I imagine I would be but more to unsatisfactory.  I prepared myself to cried like crazy hysterical woman.. but I didnt.  Just an empty hollow feeling.  Must be the same emptiness & loneliness that KGJ felt...

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