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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 minutes ago, soorani said:

Ah I like it. Could it have been better? Yes. 

If So had appeared would be great 

But people would be complaining that Future!Wang So and Hae Soo didn't have enough screen time

People would complain that  Goryeo!Wang So and Future!Wang So didn't aren't the same person.. and so on and on aka people would complain no matter what they choose to do.

With the little time they have .. maybe this is the best way to ending. 



Still, the songs hinted so much a future together............

gimme a special episode of them in the future SBS like NOW



i thought that ML was suppose to have something like 21 episode. with one special episode.

is that still happening?

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5 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

I thought... we'd get to see them all in the future... 10th and SD, BA, even Jung.... I thought for SURE we'd get WS.

All we get is JiMong?!


My level of WTF is at max capacity right now.


MY THOUGHTS!!! This is so cruel!!!


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I'm wondering if what's happening here is the same as the fans who are watching with LJG.

I'm ready with a sad ending, but this... I'm perplexed by it (maybe after watching it with sub.. I might change my mind.)

*Started with JM and ended with JM hmmmm...

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Just now, ferily said:

Samee.. I'm actually satisfied with this kind of ending.. Although it isn't an happy ending, it's more like a tragic ending. Something about tragic endings just get to me... I admit I teared up along with HS when she found out that WS has been alone all this time

Also, does Go Ha Jin not remember her daughter? I felt like they really lost the thread with the daughter there, which was SO unexpected. 

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its ended ... so this is my two cents

1. i am so pissed ... watching the first 10 minutes ... happy happy WJ with HS ... as he tried to cover their real relationship from the WS's spy ... meh!

2. so my happy moment start on minute 32, i guess they follow the c-MLSHR making ww-9th drank the poison with HS gave the letter CR left for her to him ...

3. then BA ... is that WH's daughter? really? hmmm ....

4. WW-8th, gosh suddenly he got my attention being OLD and SICK .... somehow i got his peace

5. then ... i got pissed again to that WJ ... hidden the daughter of WS ... 

6. now WS really alone, JM also left 

7. eclipse ... the future ... HJ woke up but think all of the 20th episodes just a dream not really figure it out ... then she met JM as tour guide or someone that know really well about goryeo ... along with their conversation HJ start to remember and after saw some paintings ... she got a break down

8. WS alone ... looks so lonely ... 


the ending really OPEN ENDING ... theres no happy ending or sad ending ... ARGH!!!!!!

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Just now, Ainee Etp said:

I am downloading subbed version now and saw a something labelled "special episode". Maybe our answer is there?



I'm pretty sure that's summing up the last 20 eps. Sorry to break your heart there. Oh wait, it's already been broken by the freaking writers. 

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1 minute ago, andy78 said:


At least 13th stayed with 4th in C-Version. This ending sucks. He became a bloody king, didn't get his own daughter and literally had no one he loved around him. 

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Just now, kaoriharang said:


WE HAVE? oh my goodness are you serious?

okay i officially hate the last two episodes.


We get Jimong . Let's do a character study on Jimong shall we?  

What did Jimong do but give half prophecies and not give any important info until after the fact?

It's like saying, I knew it was going to snow yesterday two days later.

He so great he couldn't tell GJ that HS was dying? He didn't read those stars did he?

He may have brought HS to the past on purpose, to then what, screw her life over for an ancient dude.For the greater good?

Then how insanely evil to meet in her own era and force her to remember memories of no use but to further f**** up her mind. What was the point of that?

You have an insane love affair in the past, which was yesterday, had a baby a week ago, and then you're supposed to go on with your life?

Jimong, that ego of yours.

If you are so great, in the first sentence you should've recognized the HS of Goreyo chose not to remember. What an richard simmons.

I officially nominate Jimong as the most hated man of this drama.



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